Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monday, June 24, 2013

japan defeat,and japanese comfort women for US

2011-10-21 10:46:23 | 資料







 1945年8月18日、 RAA は、 東久邇稔彦首相と近衛文麿副総理、 外務大臣重光葵、 内務大臣山崎巌、 大蔵大臣津島寿一らが、 「日本婦女子の純潔が性に飢えた進駐軍兵士らに損なわれる」と心配し、 内務省による占領軍向け性的慰安施設の設置を指令、 この 「進駐軍のための特殊慰安施設を可及的すみやかに整備せよ」 という無電指令が、 内務省警保局長から全国の警察網に伝えられた。 これをうけて同年8月23日、警視庁の高乗保安課長が東京都の料理飲食業組合長宮沢浜次郎と総務部長渡辺政治を招き、「防波堤を作って婦女子を守りたい」 と協力を訴えたことに端を発する。

 この日、 発表された警視庁の方針と計画の中に、 「できれば、 公娼・私娼・芸妓・酌婦、 料亭・旅館・ホテル・ダンスホールなどを一ヵ所にあつめて、 総合的な大歓楽街をつくってもらいたい」 とあり、 この時点でダンスホールのような娯楽施設と公娼や私娼といった売春施設の差異が明確に考えられておらず、 これらの存在を別個に切り離そうという警視庁の意向が弱いものであったことが窺える。
 こうして同年8月26日に政府出資の事業資金3300万円で進駐軍特殊慰安施設の運営団体として RAA が警視庁に設立認可の申請をし、 2日後の8月28日、 22名の理事全員が皇居前広場で宣誓式を行った。 RAA に対する接客とダンスホールの許可は第八軍軍用娯楽施設課長ウイルソン大佐が与えている。




(RAA=Recreation and Amusement Assoiation)を設立。



この慰安婦たちの大半は、焼けたり潰れたりした工場で働いていた、農村出身のうら若き女工たちだった。 この、敗戦直後に慰安婦として働かざるをえなかった農村出身のうら若き女工たちの経験は悲劇ではないのか???





War Guilt Information Program 





1) SCAP〓連合国最高司令官(司令部)に対する批判

2) 極東軍事裁判批判

3) SCAPが憲法を起草した事に対する批判。

4) 検閲制度への言及

5) 合衆国に対する批判

6) ソ連に対する批判

7) 英国に対する批判

8) 朝鮮人に対する批判

9) 中国に対する批判












































2007年6月  第二次世界大戦中の従軍慰安婦問題をめぐり、日本政府を追及する決議案が米下院外交委員会で採択された。慰安婦制度は日本政府による強制売春だったと判定し、事実と歴史的責任を認めて謝罪するよう促している。






Palisades Park ‘comfort women’ memorial saluted by Japanese-American congressman BY MONSY ALVARADO

Palisades Park ‘comfort women’ memorial saluted by Japanese-American congressman


Rep. Michael Honda, of California, places flowers at the Comfort Women Memorial in Palisades Park, with a crush of press, well-wishers from the Korean-American community, and local politicians, including Rep. William Pascrell, center, watching.
PALISADES PARK — Michael Honda, a U.S. representative from California of Japanese descent, on Friday placed a bouquet on a stone memorial to women sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Army during years including World War II, and then again urged the Japanese government to formally apologize to victims.

It was Honda who had introduced a resolution that passed in the House in 2007 that called for Japan’s apology to the women, known by the name “comfort women” and for the history to be taught to new generations in the Asian country.

“It is fitting that Japan start to recognize their responsibility to become part of the human rights movement,’’ said Honda, at a press conference at the Palisades Park library. “They took away almost 200,000 young ladies’ lives — girls, wives, sisters, aunts and mothers, and all of their lives just ruined. So today, that responsibility, that acknowledgement must be done today, because today we have a global movement surrounding the idea that we should not have any violence toward women.”

The Office of the Consulate General of Japan in New York on Friday e-mailed the same statement it issued days before Bergen County dedicated its own monument to the women in Hackensack in March. The statement says that the Japanese government has apologized for its actions in the past, that it set up a women’s fund that distributed money to benefit former comfort women and that it will work toward preventing future offenses against women.

In 1993, the Japanese government acknowledged the role of its military in setting up brothels, and a declaration known as the “Kono Statement” offered an apology. But many, including the surviving comfort women, didn’t accept the statement because it was issued by a Cabinet secretary, not by Parliament.

Lawmakers in New Jersey also are moving forward with their own comfort-women measure, which calls upon the Japanese government to accept historical responsibility for the sexual enslavement and educate future generations about the crimes.

On Monday, the bill, sponsored by Bergen County Assembly Democrats Gordon Johnson and Connie Wagner, and state Sen. Loretta Weinberg, was released by the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee; and it now awaits approval by the full Senate. A vote is scheduled for June 20, said Weinberg, who was in Palisades Park on Friday for Honda’s visit.

“Its an acknowledgment of the horrors that they went through,” said Weinberg.

The resolution commemorates and supports comfort women in their fight for proper acknowledgement for their suffering in military “comfort stations.”

“Some of these women were sold to ‘comfort stations’ as minors, others were deceptively recruited with the promise of employment and financial security, and still others were forcibly kidnapped and sent to ‘work’ for soldiers stationed throughout the Japanese occupied territories,” Johnson said in a statement. “Although many have long since passed, they still deserve the dignity of having these crimes acknowledged by their perpetrators with the hope that it will never be repeated again.”

- See more at:

The majority of comfort women were of Korean or Chinese descent. But women from Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia and the Netherlands also were interned in military comfort stations run directly by the Imperial Japanese military or by private agents working for the military from 1932 to 1945.

Palisades Park dedicated its stone — the first in the United States to honor the women — in 2010, and since then, besides the one in Hackensack, another has been erected in New York, and plans for similar monuments are underway in Fort Lee, Texas and Michigan.

The tributes have led “right-wing” Japanese activists and their supporters to object to their existence. Opponents of the memorials say that the women were not enslaved by the military, but instead were paid prostitutes. Last year, members of the Japanese Parliament visited Palisades Park and asked borough officials to remove the stone because they said it contained “historical inaccuracies.”

Honda, who had been sent to an internment camp in the United States during World War II because of his Japanese ancestry, said he learned of the comfort women in the mid-1990’s and that he doesn’t want history to be forgotten.

During his visit, he was accompanied by Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., D-Paterson. Pascrell, a co-sponsor of the House resolution that passed in 2007, called the memorial in Palisades Park a “universal symbol.” He said that last year, he had heard some surviving comfort women speak about what they had been through, and he described their accounts as “heart wrenching.”

“It can’t be ignored, it can’t be forgotten, it must live in our own lives and mean something to us,” he said. “By being mindful of the comfort women suffering, we strengthen our own commitment to human rights around the world.”

The visit was organized by the Korean American Civic Empowerment, a group with offices in Hackensack.


- See more at:

although,his family name is like japanese, but Mike Honda has a doubt that his is not a japanese birth,because his parents were not japanese....he is very mystery person....

Comfort women' comment raises concerns about Japanese nationalism By Diana Magnay, CNN

'Comfort women' comment raises concerns about Japanese nationalism
By Diana Magnay, CNN
May 29, 2013 -- Updated 1059 GMT (1859 HKT)

'Comfort women' comments cause outrage
Japan government distances itself from Osaka mayor's controversial comments
Government reverts to Kono statement, which apologizes for comfort women
Political scientist: PM Abe's convictions are "nationalistic"
Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- The Japanese government was quick to distance itself from Toru Hashimoto, mayor of Osaka, after his comments on the apparent necessity of "comfort women" caused an international storm.
Many of his political allies also did the same. The Your party, a center-right political party, which had proposed a tie-up with Hashimoto's Japan Restoration Party ahead of this July's Upper House elections decided against it. The public via opinion polls decried his comments as inappropriate.
Hashimoto's political star very suddenly lost its shine.
He claims his remarks were misconstrued by the media. But his attempt to clear his name at Tokyo's Foreign Press Club on Monday did little to allay his critics. Rather than apologize for the offense caused, he said in a pre-released statement: "It is not a fair attitude to blame only Japan, as if the violation of human rights of women by soldiers were a problem unique to the Japanese soldiers."
Mayor: 'Comfort women' were necessary 2012: Ignoring Japan's comfort women Can 'womenomics' save Japan?
In the question-and-answer session afterwards, Hashimoto gave another telling insight: "Most Japanese historians agree there were no historical facts that Japan as a nation committed abduction or trafficking of those women in a systematic manner."
This is a similar line to that taken in a 2007 Cabinet resolution which declared there was no evidence to prove women were coerced into prostitution by the military -- a resolution drawn up during Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's first term in office.
The argument runs contrary to the testimonies of hundreds of former comfort women.
These days, the government has reverted back to the Kono statement of 1993, which offers a full apology on behalf of the Japanese nation to all former comfort women. Despite this, Koichi Nakano, a political scientist at Tokyo's Sophia University says there is a smoke-and-mirrors element to the government's public relations campaign.
"Shinzo Abe's convictions are very nationalistic," Nakano said. "He wants to turn a new page, he wants to be proud of Japan and he also wants to put an end as he calls it to the post-war regime. He's basically a negationist -- that Japan did nothing particularly wrong. And he's been repeating that, backtracking each time he gets strong criticisms."
For now the prime minister's focus is on improving the Japanese economy. Here, he has the public behind him with over 60% approval ratings. In its latest front cover, The Economist depicts Abe as Superman. The blurb for the article reads: "Shinzo Abe has a vision of a prosperous and patriotic Japan. The economics looks better than the nationalism."
If he wins the support of the Upper House in July's elections, he could feel empowered to enact the more nationalist agenda, spelt out in his campaign platform including revising the constitution to give the country's self-defense forces the status of a regular army. Some political analysts in Japan say it could extend to reintroducing the notion of patriotism in school textbooks and revising the narrative of imperial Japanese aggression.
But Nakano says Abe will also face considerable pushback.
"I think there'll be a tug of war between those who want to reveal their true selves and get back to a revisionist nationalist agenda and those trying to bring Abe back from that direction and persuade him to stay focused on the economy and that would include the American government as well as some more moderate members of the conservative camp."
The United States is certainly watching. In a May report called "Japan-US relations: Issues for Congress," the Congressional Research Service wrote: "Comments and actions on controversial historical issues by Prime Minister Abe and his cabinet have raised concern that Tokyo could upset regional relations in ways that hurt U.S. interests."
In April, Cabinet members and a huge delegation of politicians visited the Yasukuni shrine, a controversial site, to pay their respects to Japan's war dead. A number of war criminals also have their names on its roster. Each visit by Japanese leaders serves to upset South Korea and China who see the shrine as a symbol of Japan's imperial aggression.
Abe did not go, though he did send an offering. In August, the opportunity will present itself again on the commemoration of the end of World War II. Abe has not responded to questions on whether he'll visit the shrine or not. There are many who in the interests of regional security hope that he does not.

guolin • a month ago
Why Japanese are so sick? No appologise for what they've done, murderer, raper, they take these anti-humanism as their hero.
A strange nation.
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shinjukuboy guolin • a month ago
Japan apologized many times. Look on U-TUBE for videos of apologies and old Japanese soldiers going to China to directly apologize to Chinese people they victimized. The problem is we apologize and want to be friends, but nobody accepts apology no matter what. We should become friends first, then apologize. That would be better.
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Michelle shinjukuboy • a month ago
Well than Shinjukuboy, if Japan is really sorry about what they did to us Chinese and Koreans in the past than why do Japan still call them(comfort women) paid prostitutes? Why did your country build a shrine to worship war criminals who have committed such crimes? Why do prime ministers and government officials visit the shrine to worship the criminals who they have no relation's to what so ever? What if the Germans build a shrine for Hitler? For us Asians it's a slap in the face. There is a reason as to why Japan is known to be two faced in Asia. They pretend to be sincere but their actions gives away their lies. If Japan is really sorry than their actions should follow as well.
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shinjukuboy Michelle • a month ago
Really, we did not build a shrine to worship war criminals. People won't take you seriously if you say something like that. McArthur intended to destroy Yasukuni Shrine after the war and make a dog racing track (really! it's true). But the representative of the Catholic Pope in Japan says all countries have the right to remember their war dead, so the shrine was not destroyed. After the war criminals were enshrined there, no Emperor has gone there, and it is his shrine. That is what is important. Not some stupid politicians. Also, you should visit Germany. There are Neo-Nazis busy trying to rebuild Hitler's Reich. Just to and see. Well, we gave so much to China: money, education, technology transfer, and apologies. What more do you want?
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celegans shinjukuboy • a month ago
I lived in Japan for a year as an exchange student in high school. I really enjoyed Japan and have many Japanese friends, its a nice place. However, I do believe there is a very serious inability to understand what exactly happened during Japan's wartime years in China and Korea. The Japanese history curriculum barely touches on the horrible atrocities that were committed by Japanese soldiers. Through talks with my friends, it became clear that nearly all of them failed to grasp why there is so much anti-Japanese sentiment in Asia.
You are saying that Japan has apologized and paid money, and you are right. They have, but the main problem is that the Japanese themselves don't understand or know about the warcrimes. Abe said that he wants to revise the apologies because its hard to define "aggression." This is extremely offensive. Its very easy to define "aggression" if you include rape and genocide of innocent civilians.
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Rikson Hakugen celegans • a month ago
the problem is government. i expect Mr.Abe's policy against economy but feel aggressive about historical problem.
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celegans Rikson Hakugen • a month ago
Yeah, his economics seem alright. But I think his attitude about wartime history and nationalism is dangerous. Nationalism is a risky philosophy to have...that applies everywhere. Its ok to love your country but one should be human first and Japanese, American, French or whatever second.
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Rikson Hakugen celegans • a month ago
today i watched Mr.Abe's interview and he said about historical problem that Japanese government inherit about story of Murayama '' On the occasion of 50th anniversary of the war's end''. it's good but i think he needs to tell about it to the world again.
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Starfox Rikson Hakugen • 25 days ago
Prime Minister Murayama is remnants of Comintern and he is a communist.

"story of Murayama" denies Japan's rearmament,and The U.S. Forces in Asia and the burden of the U.S. Government are increased.

It's "story of Murayama" to break a free nation alliance,The plan of communist China.

The U.S. Government needs to demand the Japanese government and Prime Minister Abe to cancel "Story of Murayama".
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Rikson Hakugen Starfox • 25 days ago
that's one of the opinion.
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Jason Berg celegans • 22 days ago
Japanese nationalism was only brought up recently because of provocation from s.korea and china
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
It is alright as far as he only loves Japanese.
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Starfox Rikson Hakugen • a month ago
the problem is Korean Fantasy and Propaganda of communist China.
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Jack Bauar Starfox • a month ago
it's big problem.
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
Hey man, that is top classified. Our textbooks suggest our war time soldiers were engaged in very noble mission to rescuer Asian countries from western colonialism. Comfort women are prostitutes.
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jasonberg celegans • 24 days ago
So if the Japanese people really understand what happened and are taught about the possibly fictional warcrimes they should be forgiven? Because S.Korea and China ask for compensation and payment for their sufferings in money rather than words in the most part.
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soymin celegans • 24 days ago
Abe did not say that he wants to revise the apologies.

He said that "aggression" have not defined yet in scientific researches.
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Albeckles shinjukuboy • a month ago
Just like China gave them to you before you betrayed them, remember ? China was until late qing dynasty the center of Asia. Were you buying their "cooperation" by your " help" like Phillipines and Indonesia?
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Michael Craig shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
In hindsight, MacArthur should have burned it down!!
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Starfox Michelle • a month ago
It is an easy answer.

old Korean was a prostitute,it's a fact.

Yasukuni shrine is a building of the same idea as Arlington burial in the U.S.
The prime minister and an administration official show respect to those who fought and died for the country.
It's common sense.

A poor joke,Yasukuni shrine was built in 1868 for the war dead of the "Meiji Restoration".They are ancient times farther than WWII.

The troublesome country which makes noise by the absurd claim,It's Asia and only two countries are communist China and Korea.

A slaughter is continued RAI-DAI-HAN, a Uighur, Tibet, Tiananmen, Falun Gong, and still now.

The alliance of the U.S. and Japan must oppose the "axis of evil" of communist China and Korea.
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Kevin Starfox • a month ago
Ministry of Defense will reward you 50 yen for your good effort here.
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celegans Starfox • a month ago
Oh yeah Mcloud? A fact huh? How do you prove this "fact" since you're a little East Asian history buff? The comfort women are a well documented fact, and you make a mockery of their pain and suffering by offering us such silly opinions.
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Starfox celegans • a month ago
Comfort women are prostitutes and the statement slip of salaries remains still now.
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celegans Starfox • a month ago
Its easy to sit on your fat butt behind your computer making jokes about others suffering. If it was your mother that was raped in front of you then given "employment" in the Japanese army I'm sure your tone would be slightly different
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soymin celegans • 24 days ago
Most of Women who are called comfort woman became prostitutes of your own free will and were paid a large amount of money. Their salary was much higher than that of
ordinary soldiers. but some of them were deceived by private company and became prostitutes.
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Ershole Urine Starfox • a month ago
They are prostitutes, our mayor and noble PM told us.
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jasonberg celegans • 24 days ago
The argument of Comfort women is whether they were taking forcefully by the Japanese military or not, and there is no evidence besides a couple of "witnesses" verbally accusing that there was a Japanese military operation dedicated to abducting Korean women for sex.

In reality the comfort women was a job and was paid for sex.
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Riks Michelle • 8 days ago
Japan has bad history like others, but they have significantly changed.. we should more concentrating on REAL TIME issue such as Islamic Apartheid Shariah countries which until TODAY discriminate people base on gender and religion, Sharia is LEGAL:
1. For 60 years old mad man to have sex with 9 years old girl.
2. require 2 woman to be equal with one man, in court.
3. Man can have 4 wives and unlimited concubine.
4. apostasy will be killed.

This is Official State Cleric Announcement for LEGALIZING 6 years old child SEX with 60 years old man under Shariah:

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Nancy Michelle • 10 days ago
Hi, just wanted to say I'm sorry, seems it's quite bothering, and annoying what some Japanese Netouyo has done to you, or what some stupid Mayor remarked lately.
It's almost always our coming when you people have got mad, regarding to our atitude, I'm a tiny Japanese citizen, who's worrying about what Japanese Netouyo concerns with, or our un-prepared politicians are going to do.
Hopefully, you're less bothered by these guys, or not giving up entire relationship between us.
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Kevin shinjukuboy • a month ago
The problem is your government. In the war, Japanese had committed most evil crimes under the sunlight. Killing babies in mother's arm, raping mothers and daughters in front of their family made their children watch and burned them all after raping was done.
After war Japanese government did nothing to educate the country about what they did in the war, instead, they were destroying evidence, whitewash history books and tell their kids what they did was honorable and died heroically for the country.
Some Japanese individual are good and conscientious, those old soldiers felt guilty,and they couldn't live as a normal human with the crime they committed, so they went to China to apologize, and people in China forgave and showed same amount of respect to them, but your government and a large amount of population knows what they did, and still trying to convince themselves they did nothing wrong by all means. This is what really sicked the rest of the world.
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陳宣 Kevin • 21 days ago
In fact the Japanese during the war and did not commit any crime, remember that State crimes must be the supreme commander of the military or national leaders ordered.

And you do not have any allegations of physical evidence can be used as evidence.

As a conscience I would say that the people of Taiwan, Chinese people like to use falsified evidence to preach hatred of Japan, to meet their distorted self-esteem.

But you are not a lot of Japanese soldiers are not in the place they claim they want to apologize?

They are but an apology to the Chinese communist government with their dog joint performance of a farce; their words can be used as valid testimony?

As a Taiwanese American jurists I can not agree with the Chinese people and the Chinese government raised the national dog of Japan allegations.
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jasonberg Kevin • 24 days ago
Most countries at war rape and burn babies in their mothers arms. I don't think there is a large population of people in Japan that believes that there were no acts war crimes. Japan has compensated for the war crimes committed during WWII and have been ever since. This topic usually comes up whenever S.Korea wants to rip some money off of the Japanese government, and its really not about apologies or some other noble cause.
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jkla104 shinjukuboy • a month ago
What good are all the apologies when the government constantly refutes the claim? Where's the remorse for killing tens of millions of people? If Japan really wants to move on, then the government and the whole nation needs to be more sincere.
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jasonberg jkla104 • 24 days ago
I wonder how to show "Sincerity", since Japan has already paid for their crimes in WWII
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germanhumor shinjukuboy • a month ago
They never apologized officially and never to anything specific. It's like when your brother punches you in the gut and your mom smacks and tells him to say he's sorry. Was he sincere? that's how the Koreas and China feel and these comments from their high ranking politicians just fuel the deep seeded resentment.
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Guest shinjukuboy • a month ago
If my father murdered your father, raped your mother, would you become my friend first, then ask for my apology later? Japan is really a weird country.
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SPI Guest • a month ago
Imagine, your great-grandfather murdered my great-grandfather and your grandfather apologized to my grandfather many times, your father apologized to my father many times, then I claim YOU more apology.
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Kevin SPI • a month ago
If you apologized so many times, then why your prime minister and many other politician come out again and again claim your great-grandfather did nothing wrong, or enshrine you war criminal great-grandfathers as heroes of the nation? or even describing mass murdering and raping as a honorable act?
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SPI Kevin • a month ago
In the fact, Abe did deny nothing.
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Ershole Urine Kevin • a month ago
Our PM Abe ate his words. He said he never said it...he is only claiming there is no evidence...of course, not in our textbooks.
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jasonberg SPI • 24 days ago
In that logic we would have to live our lives apologizing to each other until we die. How many people do you think all Americans have to apologize to? How many would the Chinese and Koreans have to say they are sorry?
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SPI jasonberg • 23 days ago
For example, bombing in the real world can NOT be restricted. If the house next door to yours are bombed, yours may collapse. If your house does not collapse, the windows may break, and pierce you.
So for example, Americans should apologize to the victims who are the neighbors of terrorist bombed by American forces.
Chinese should apologize to domestic people who were conquered, Tibetan, Uyghurs, etc, and to foreign people, for example, Americans and Koreans in Korean War which was North Korean and Chinese invasion.
Korean should apologize to Vietnamese.
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shinjukuboy Guest • a month ago
Then why did China take so much money from Japan (or don't Chinese know about this)? Mao and Chou Enlai accepted Japanese apologies and took the money (Chou was partly Japanese educated), and Deng also took Japanese money. They would not do that if they did not accept apologies as sincere. Chinese were given free education in Japan (they were my classmates, and still good friends).
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Kevin shinjukuboy • a month ago
Those were called loan, not compensation. Loan means borrow, which means China has to pay back the loan one day. And a sincere apology is another totally different thing.
Just compare yourself to what Germany did for apology and remorse, you will know your differences, it's not a rocket science.
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shinjukuboy Kevin • a month ago
Kevin, most of the money was ODA = free, no payback. Please check the facts. Of course there were also loans requested by Chinese government (= Deng).
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Starfox Kevin • a month ago
Japan and a treaty were concluded and cash and technology were received from Japan.

If a treaty is canceled and Japan is asked for apology & compensation, it's the talk after returning 50 trillion yen and 40 billion dollars to Japan.
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jasonberg Kevin • 24 days ago
China borrows a lot of money from Japan, but that is different from the payments made to China for the sufferings caused by the Japan
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Rikson Hakugen shinjukuboy • a month ago
waste of time, they can just believe their government and mass media said.
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Guest Rikson Hakugen • a month ago
Son of rapists, please go back rest in your rat hole.
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Ershole Urine Guest • a month ago
Don't say we are rapists. Per Hashimoto, our evidences indicate comfort women are necessary to put soldiers in discipline. Trust our government, ok?
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Rikson Hakugen Guest • a month ago
i return to ur word for u.
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Starfox shinjukuboy • a month ago
An apology is not needed.
Communist China and South Korea will try destruction of a Japan-U.S. alliance.
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shinjukuboy Starfox • a month ago
China has already started. I think that is what the island dispute is really about. China is actually indirectly challenging the US.
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Starfox shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
>China is actually indirectly challenging the US.


Communist China performed the Okinawa independent demonstration (U.S. Forces withdrawal demand demonstration) using Korean.

A demonstration is not a Japanese.

"A breakthrough of Farst Iland Line" is the ambition of communist China.

Korean is a hand of communist China.
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陳宣 shinjukuboy • 21 days ago
Chinese people in countries like China are not lackeys to apologize but to deprive the Japanese's rise.

This is with the Chinese people in Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou's lackeys Chinese Kuomintang and the same.
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rick 582u shinjukuboy • 5 days ago
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shinjukuboy rick 582u • 5 days ago
Chinese like you make everyone afraid of Chinese. Most Chinese I've met have culture. Too bad.
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SPI guolin • a month ago
This is one-sided story.
China and Korea irritated Japanese for many years.
They raised Japanese nationalism.
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Michelle SPI • a month ago
Korea, China, Taiwan, and other countries who were abused by Japanese soldiers tells the same stories. These countries all share the same views of Japan. How can this be one sided when Japan is the only country who wont admit to their past crimes?
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SPI Michelle • a month ago
I think Japanese are sorry for Asian people.
But they are not sorry for their past which is exaggerated and distorted in Chinese and Korean education.
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kathyalten SPI • a month ago
And nonexistent in Japanese education.
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SPI kathyalten • a month ago
Certainly there aren't "every events" during WWII in Japanese Elementary and Junior high Education.
But Japanese teenagers know that Japan invaded Asia, and they are sorry for Asian people.
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celegans SPI • a month ago
Right, but what they don't know is that the Japanese committed horrible war crimes against these people, it was much worse than just an invasion. It is there war crimes that the Japanese seem to not know about or want to admit to. I think Japanese are nice people and I feel bad that they are disliked so much by the Chinese and Koreans, but I understand. There needs to be much more education in Japan about the crimes, not just the invasion. Germany has set a good example for this.
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SPI celegans • a month ago
Yes, there were horrible events during the war.
Japanese should know much more.
But Chinese and Korean should know much more about Japan after war and reduce extremely much pages about WWII in textbook.
There is a misunderstanding caused by Chinese and Korean image of Japan 70 years ago.
Japanse, Korean, and Chinese should read THE CONSTITUTION OF JAPAN.
"We, the Japanese people, desire peace for all time and are deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human relationship, and we have determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have the right to live in peace, free from fear and want.
We believe that no nation is responsible to itself alone, but that laws of political morality are universal; and that obedience to such laws is incumbent upon all nations who would sustain their own sovereignty and justify their sovereign relationship with other nations.
We, the Japanese people, pledge our national honor to accomplish these high ideals and purposes with all our resources."
see more
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Starfox SPI • 25 days ago
The Korean old prostitute "Kim Botton" came to Japan.
She said to newspaper Okinawa Times of Japan.

"I was a comfort woman of IJA from 1940 to 1948,
It was taken to Malaysia and Indonesia by IJA's jeep and a helicopter."

1940 The Pacific War has not started.
1948 An Imperial Japan army does not exist.
IJA did not have jeep and a helicopter.

Japanese people roared with laughter.
"Korean,A more skillful lie can be told."
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celegans SPI • a month ago
Nice words, but it doesn't change your past history, which the average Japanese does not know enough about and rightfully apologize for.
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SPI celegans • 25 days ago
And Korean and Chinese can't change the history, too.
They think Japanese never apologized.
They think almost all comfort women were abducted and killed.
They think 200,000 girls were abducted and killed... These were not true.
So, some Japanese who want to make good relationship with China and Korea think that Korean and Chinese historical view must be revised, and this Japanese movements are thought as revision of Japanese history by Chinese and Korean people.
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Starfox SPI • 25 days ago
Historical forgery is the habit of Chinese and Koreans.
Whenever they change a Dynasty, they have forged history.

"As for soccer, South Korea is the origin."
"As for pizza, in South Korea, origin Marco-Polo stole pizza."

The Emperor governed Japan in 2600 years over, and it has become independent.
It's not necessary to rewrite history.
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celegans SPI • 25 days ago
The number is uncertain and ranges from 30,000 (Japanese scholars) to 400,000 (Chinese) In my opinion, even if its 30,000, the Japanese owe it to these women and their own people an acknowledgement and apology (without any revisionist claims or justifications). Disgusting.
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SPI celegans • 25 days ago
Sorry, I didn't write clearly.
They think 200,000 girls were abducted and forced to become comfort women and killed... These were not true.
Japanese government apologized for comfort women and apologized for some illegal case.
But many Korean think this is not enough for 200,000 girls abducted and killed.
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Ershole Urine SPI • a month ago
This is post war constitution right? Never read this? Why is PM Abe behaves differently? So is mayor Hashimoto. I am confused.
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
What do you mean? Our textbooks do not show ugly Japanese invasion, no comfort women. So there is no evidence. Our PM Abe also claimed there is no evidence. He even suggested the grand Tokyo judgement imposed to our War Time government was done by western, not by our own court. Don't mess up history, will you.
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celegans Ershole Urine • a month ago
....right.. hence my point....?
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Ershole Urine SPI • a month ago
You Baka, talk with Abe's office first before you post, will you? We need to be consistent, otherwise, we can not glorify our past. That is our mission.
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Ershole Urine SPI • a month ago
What do you mean? Our textbooks do not show the invasion? Why should we be sorry? Even our PM Abe said we need a better definition to "invasion". Since it is not in our textbooks, so naturally, there is no evidence. Understand? Baka!
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mineta SPI • a month ago
hey can someone or something nouk these united states and brits out of the map plzz ... cuz we are tired of speaking english please ...
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mineta mineta • a month ago
in fact japan will never get their honor back until they nook back the united states eye for an eye ...thats how the world learn not to take off an eye
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Starfox Michelle • a month ago
It's a good question.

Imperial Japan possessed Taiwan(50y) for a long time from Korea(36y).

But there is no talk of war crimes in Taiwan.

Because they are the propagandas of communist China and Korea.
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celegans Starfox • a month ago
South Korea, which is not communist at all, is extremely angry at Japan.
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Starfox celegans • a month ago
The South Korean President is visiting communist China.
Currency Swap Agreement of Yuan and a won is concluded,Korea went over to the communist China side.
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
Our PM also visited Veitnam, don't tell me Japan is now a communist state....
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jasonberg Michelle • 24 days ago
I dont think Taiwan holds the same grudge as the rest of China and Korea
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Kevin SPI • a month ago
"China and Korea irritated Japanese for many years"?
Maybe that's because Japanese killed and raped so many millions of Chinese and Koreans in first place, Duh...?
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SPI Kevin • a month ago
They are using the historical issue for recent non-historical negotiation.
They claim Japanese concession every time.
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Kevin SPI • a month ago
That's because Japanese government never cleaned themselves on historical issues.
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SPI Kevin • a month ago
At least, Japanese government apologized "many times".
And Korean and Chinese government accepted many times.
So, the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea and Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China were signed.
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Kevin SPI • a month ago
Just compare yourself to what German did for apology and remorse, you will know your differences.
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SPI Kevin • a month ago
German apology is not enough for Greece.
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Ershole Urine SPI • a month ago
We did apologize, but then several PM took action to rewrite history so that we are educated to the way we see our past. We even openly said that there were no does it work?
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Starfox Kevin • a month ago
The necessity does not exist.
Japan is an independent country.
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David L. SPI • a month ago
China irritated Japan like a girl refused to be raped by a criminal. Look to the history please. Every time when China met Japan, it was becasue Japan wanted to invade China. Otherwise, China didn't even bother to talk to Japan, not to mention irritation. Japan was always left alone sitting on its Island thinking about how to be a great nation.
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SPI David L. • a month ago
I used "for many years" as "for decades"
Today, China is invading other countries.
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Bluex guolin • a month ago
Make no mistake, its the older generation and the government that you should blame, not the people themselves.
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Ershole Urine Bluex • a month ago
Don't blame our mayor please. Hashimoto, Ishihara and Abe are perfect noble people. I trust them. They set good role model to our countrymen, and we know our soldiers did nothing wrong as there are no evidences, like the comfort women, rape of Nanking?
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Jason Berg Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
I dont know if Hashimoto, Ishihara and Abe are noble people in general,
but when it comes to the topic of comfort women they are taking the
right stance. Again, the comfort women during WWII were paid
prostitutes. Its sad that there are prostitutes, but it was fair
trade. If the Korean women back then didnt want to do it they didnt
have to.
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Starfox guolin • a month ago
It is Old prostitute Koreans' lie and the propaganda by communist China.

Rape is the culture of Korean,"Yoko tale Story[Take no mori tooku]
(U.S. social-studies history textbook)"

A slaughter and race extinction are the every day of communist China.Tiananmen(天安門), Falun Gong(法輪功), a Uighur, Tibet.
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Vector Solomon guolin • 25 days ago
a strange nation that usa and other country except korea and china that got invade in ww2 don't mind or don't fuss with this issue much?

or because after ww2 ( japan is main contributor and inverter (after USA) to country that japan invade in ww2 in asia?...(but not much from korea )

or because both far right wing politician in china and korea use this issue to play they own game for power?

speak about sorry china never apology that they help north korea invade south at all. (and still protect north korea to this day)

not under stand korea too? how can they consider "old wound from far long past" impotent then "current threat from north" ?
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Jason Berg Vector Solomon • 22 days ago
well the s.koreans will never forgive japan until the day the last victim is dead, or so they say.

this topic is way out of hand now and so much lies are flying around. somebody has to come out with the truth with hard evidence instead of just words and fake witness accusations
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Riks guolin • 8 days ago
Japan has bad history like others, but they have significantly changed.. we should more concentrating on REAL TIME issue such as Islamic Apartheid Shariah country which until TODAY discriminate people base on gender and religion, Sharia is LEGAL:
1. For 60 years old mad man to have sex with 9 years old girl.
2. require 2 woman to be equal with one man, in court.
3. Man can have 4 wives and unlimited concubine.
4. apostasy will be killed.

This is Official State Cleric Announcement for LEGALIZING 6 years old child SEX with 60 years old man under Shariah:

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germanhumor guolin • a month ago
It's their culture and it's not sick. It's understandable when you look at how their culture is based on honor. Japanese actions during WW2 were shameful and I believe Japanese people felt embarrassed by it all. And most people handle embarrassment by covering it up and deflecting it. Tell me about the native americans again?
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celegans germanhumor • a month ago
Assuming youre German, I'm surprised to hear that from you. Whether or not they are embarrassed doesn't justify anything and they should be held accountable to acknowledge what happened. Bringing up America's own sins also doesn't change anything they did. I respect Germany's ownership of their atrocities and encourage the Japanese to look at their own in the same light..
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
German is German, we are Japanese. No matter how hard you try, we only look at what we have in our hand. Our text books show us nothing, so there is no evidence to anything wrong doing by our war time government. If you insist, challenge our PM Abe.
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celegans Ershole Urine • a month ago
thats enough poopy flinging from you today
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SamuraIsoda celegans • a month ago
He is fine. He is teasing our politicians .
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Ershole Urine germanhumor • a month ago
We have not covered anything. PM Abe, the mayor and Ishihara all claimed there are no evidence on comfort women as well as the rape of Nanking. They are not in our textbooks too. Pls have the right history attitude.
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Jason Berg Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
there were no evidence of forced prostitution or rape conducted by the japanese military.
i believe that it is naive to think that there were no cases of rape during war, but those are committed by low end criminal minded soldiers.
if the koreans want japan to pay for rape committed during the war they have no point to go after the government, it was caused by individuals who should be punished in regular court of law.
pretty much the koreans want an excuse to prosecute japan and get money, which probably wont be distributed amongst the so called "victims" like the last time japan gave away free cash to s.korea
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Jack Bauar • a month ago
''Lai dai han''
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KC • a month ago
China, Korea & all the countries affected by Japan imperial past deeds should stand together & boycott their products to teach them a lesson in humility.
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Starfox KC • a month ago
You should boycott the product of South Korea betrayed to the communist China and communism side.

The South Korean economy is just before a breakdown.
The lie of an obtaining-cash sake.
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Jason Berg KC • 22 days ago
unrealistic and ultimately a useless tactic
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wayne • a month ago
If they keep glorifying their history like this, we may see a new generation of Japanese imperial soldiers in near future. Some people may claim that Japanese have apologised many times in the past. But what kind of a SINCERE apology it is when each time you keep denying your wrongdoings right after you apologise to someone.
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Chen Gao • a month ago
Japan had many good generals but no good marshal so they won many battles but lost the war, Japan has many good enterprisers but no good politician so Japan is a rich nation not a strong nation.
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Rikson Hakugen Chen Gao • a month ago
i agree. need a good politician.
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Ershole Urine • a month ago
What's wrong with you guys? We raped, then apology, and said openly we hate rapist. What's wrong with that? Let's move on. Don't worry about those women, they are very old, not many of them live and will soon pass away, then they will soon be forgotten, then no evidence. They will be just one piece of fading memory like how their sick sisters were left to die during WW2 and eventually disposed like tools. Got it?
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Mave Rick • a month ago
Korea receives compensation in 1965.
This problem is settled legally at least.

See " Agreement on the Settlement of Problems Concerning Property and Claims and on Economic Co-operation between Japan and the Republic of Korea. "
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Mave Rick Mave Rick • a month ago
In addition Japan makes an effort for the solution to problem from the humanitarian standpoint.
See " the Asian Women's Fund ".
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Cyllene Mave Rick • 25 days ago
And that was great, until a new political regime came into power and began backtracking with its political rhetoric. Now the women that were abducted or recruited as health care workers and then raped and thrown into brothels are called "prostitutes" again. Its a huge step backwards, and the women are too old to be silenced by "tradition". It's a new world, one in which women can stand up and say "I am not defined by my rape" and a hoard of enlightened people all over the world will stand behind them.

As long as the Japanese government refuses to make nice with these women, to hold their hands and cry with them and understand their loss and pain, the issue wont go away. Most are in their eighties now and staring death in the eye, its not about money, its about respect.
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rick 582u Mave Rick • 5 days ago
die of aids you waste of space
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Vector Solomon • 25 days ago
in all country that got invade by japan .

only korea and china that mind what japan did half century ago....but other rare to see come to said anything ....

is that strange?
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
「THE FAKE OF NANKING - 1」(English )

You Tube title

I want you to see this and to have a question in recognition of history.
Please verify by yourself once.
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World peace • a month ago
Apologies must be sincere but is totally lacking in Japan. The reason why we need to know history is to make sure we won't commit the same mistakes again. For Japan, she didn't even want to face it. She forced innocent women to be sex slaves but Japan called it "comfort women"! Maybe Japan feel more comfortable with this term.. Anyway, the mayor of Osaka did apologised but to the wrong country
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jengis • a month ago
Japan current mood is very similar to German after world war 1 (yes 1 not 2). At that time, German lost the war, but feel angry and shame and blame others. German at that time still think they can conquer Europe and even the world. That kind of mood gave rise to Adolf Hitler and Nazi.

Japan current mood will give rise to Japan version of Hitler, and they will attack US first to chase the US military base out of Okinawa, This time it probably will not attack China or Russia, because these 2 are nuclear power and can raise more men than Japan can. But it will attack Philippine, then Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua and then Australia.
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celegans jengis • a month ago
Japan would be able to roll over the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and especially Australia with ease
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陳宣 celegans • 25 days ago
China's existence is threatened the world, the United States a lot of people can not see why the old?

Especially the Democrats "Panda faction"
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Starfox jengis • a month ago
The alliance of Japan, the U.S.,Taiwan, India, ASEAN, and Russia will oppose "the axis of evil" of Communist China and Korea.
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Ershole Urine Starfox • a month ago
Hang on, the state dept just criticized our Hashimoto as disgusting and offensive. congress committee report just slashed Abe as the source for instability to the region. How come we got critics from US, if we are truly ally to each others?
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Are you Japanese or Shina monkey?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Your Japanese father just pull you out of your mom's juicy box when she only pregnanted 3 months? No wonder you have difficulty to present yourself? Lol
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陳宣 jengis • a month ago
Japan, on the occasion when the situation is not the same with the German first Japanese lost the war, not because it will be so negative, but denied some of Japan's unusual historical perspective, this view called "masochistic view of history."

While China and its adherents (including the United States, Taiwan, Korea, pro-China) agreed that this view of history will be limited to Japan for the Indochina Peninsula and Northeast Asia's influence, China is Asia's Nazi, I hope someone can do in these behaviors are driven by their need for Japan to apologize CNN
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Your English is so bad, you really have logical problem to present yourself.
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Kasady • a month ago
another article sponsored by chinese gov. and the manipulated sheep in the comment section unleashing their frustration because their lives suck
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inWater • a month ago
I have heard that more and more young students in Japan don't know the history and relationship between China, Korea and Taiwan in World War II, and often feel confused or strange when surrounding country ask Japan to apologize 'sincerely'.

My teacher said her classmate came from the university of Tokyo about two or three decades ago, even don't know relation between Taiwan and Japan. (Taiwan was one of important colony of Japan from 1895 to 1945. )

And that's the way Japan government face the history.

If that's all true, comparing to Germany, I can't really see Japan's sincerity to deal with transitional justice.
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Starfox inWater • a month ago
It's out of the question.

Japan possessed Taiwan and Korea as "Japan Mainland"(not colony).

Taiwan is 50 years and Korea is 36 years, Imperial Japan treated equally.
Taiwan is very Japan and an intimate country,Korea is opposite.

Area where Imperial Japan progressed by WWII,Countries made independent of the Europe colony,They are Japan and intimate countries altogether.
Communist China and South Korea are excluded.
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MoogleStiltzkin • a month ago
i have nothing against japan being nationalistic, exception being when it comes with negative aspects like not feeling that japanese aggression in ww2 of raping, killing, occupying other countries was wrong ..... or they may change their history to reflect a false one.

if they don't learn from their mistake, their bound to repeat it again, because hei, they don't think what they did was bad ....

obviously not all japanese are as immoral as that, but it's worrisome when parties under people like abe with this hidden agenda are in power.
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kerpru • 25 days ago
Someone likes to talk about dogmatic history. "Correct history" carries a political connotation. Accurate definition of words is needed. Such a difficult probrem should not discussed based on conjecture or inaccuiate allegation. Only facts and evidences can be our common language.
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陳宣 kerpru • 24 days ago
But here's Chinese supporters but with or altered. Distorted. Fake evidence to accuse a decent country.

This correct?

I also want to ask, if you do not organize prostitutes and let the lonely beast forces soldiers like Shina violence against women so as to really better?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
Expression problem? Want to blame? Blame your mom and the creature only knows mreemree mreemree!
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kerpru 陳宣 • 24 days ago
I know. One thing, I just say, you did your parents proud.
I hope sensible person realizes who lies.
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陳宣 kerpru • 24 days ago
I can only say that the usual moral standards can not be used to identify wartime standards.

Such people will have to show he does not understand the cruelty of war and state.
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D_evil • a month ago
The Japanese are war criminals. Never forget this.
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David L. D_evil • a month ago
No, your comment is not right. I am not a Japanese. Even during WW2 not all Japanese are criminals. Some dissenting Japanese at that time were suppressed. However, we now see that the Japanese political circle is full of right wing politicians who are thinking of bringing back the old Great Imperial Japan and to recover the territories lost in WW2. Some of these politicians are grandson of war criminals (convicted or not), including the current Prime Minister Abe. They want to restore the good name of their ancestors and to fulfill their dreams. The world and the Japanese citizens need to keep an eye on these aggresive nationalists. Given the chance they would destroy Japan and Asia once more.
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Michelle David L. • a month ago
I agree, not all Japanese people were criminals. It's the government that's at fault. They are doing such a sh8tty job building relations with their neighboring countries.
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real_personn D_evil • a month ago
There is no country that does not have war criminals... plain and simple war is he l l.
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Starfox D_evil • a month ago
It's a Korean fantasy. lol
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Elin Bev • a month ago
It doesn't even matter how many times they apologize. Sincerity is what counts the most which seems to be lacking on their part.
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NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
This report has not conveyed the exact intention of Hashimoto.
It is not fair. It is a bad report.
The world makes him the bad fellow purposely.

「Statement by Toru Hashimoto」

Please be sure to search this title and to check Asahi Shimbun Web page.
This Web page has a report of his exact intention.

「Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Hashimoto Toru」

You Tube title

Please be sure to see.
After seeing all press conference
I want you to decide whether to criticize.
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
The report which released from his office after the press conference was indeed with modification to the content he talked during the conference, such modification had taken into consideration to massive condemns from the world. I can say, he changed his position after realized the reality. Secondly, in earlier claim, he suggested comfort women were indeed prostitutes, and he no evidences of direct engagement from Japanese government. He did not made effort to correct his views on this...does it imply he continue to believe all 200000 or most most comfort women were indeed prostitutes? With this release, did he change his position that Japanese government did involve in the sex slavery system to satisfy her need for satisfying soldiers' sexual needs? This is not specifically spelled out in this press release, hence there may be ambiguity to what he really means or implying, like how Abe have done in his term in office 2007, he casted doubt to previous PM, or Kono's apology letter.

I read his press release, it is of interesting.

An other interesting report which slams Japanese government The Japanese government should "refute attempts to deny the facts by the government authorities and public figures and to re-traumatize the victims through such repeated denials,” the report of the U.N. Committee against Torture said."

UN did not issue report of such lightly, Imperialism does steering Japan politics to change and there is pattern that people can observe.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
Comfort women also had the prostitute and Japanese comfort women who volunteered for many themselves.
South Korean's broker also had many comfort women sold to parents.
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 22 days ago
That exactly what the world can observe through seeing how Japanese politicians behaved in the past. He has not really addressed on his claim that the 200000 comfort women were prostitutes and also he did not spell out specific that WAR time Japanese government were engaged. The world is not stupid honestly, he is only playing with words like lawyer does all the time.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
Neither Japanese nor the Japanese government is interested in imperialism.
It is the number with which the number of the comfort women of 200,000 people was also exaggerated.
There were much real prostitute and Japanese in comfort women.
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Ershole Urine Ershole Urine • 23 days ago
Also note that his remarks "“Anyone can understand that the comfort women system was necessary,” and, “There is no evidence to prove that the Japanese government forcibly took the women (to frontline brothels).” carries a lot of weight as you can see people defending him, does believe Wartime government plays no part in it, and they do believe most most were indeed prostitutes. His remarks were crystal clear to its real meaning and I don't think there is misunderstand.

His press release is only an attempt to correct his position.
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Ershole Urine Ershole Urine • 23 days ago
Read this blog in NY Times titled " A rising star's self-destruction" which gives account to Hashimoto's change of course to rescue himself from the political free fall, interesting, harsh and right to point that Hashimoto is facing.
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p556741944 • 25 days ago
Recent Japanese nationalism is only reflection of anti-Japan activities of China ans S Korea.
Activists of those countries often say Japan should behave like Germany, but it is difficult to be always gentle to constant complainers like them.
It is sad that a promising politician is lost by such a silly matter.
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NOBU1000 p556741944 • 25 days ago
Too long anti-Japanese activity of China and South Korea
Japanese people have surpassed the limit of patience.
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disqus_l6Q2eVdEHV NOBU1000 • 24 days ago
What makes you think anyone gives a crap about Japan's patience? I just hope I'm still around when the day comes that Japan's women are forced to become "comfort women" and watch their entire family murdered in front of their eyes just as Japan has done to many countries in the past. By the way, I've seen Japan's history books, all full of lies and fabricated accounts of actual events. And i agree, the anti-Japanese activity in China and SK have gone on way longer than needed. Should've booted them out the country years ago.
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NOBU1000 disqus_l6Q2eVdEHV • 24 days ago
I am a Japanese.
A hometown is Hiroshima.
The United States is not apologizing once.
However, I do not have a grudge against the United States!
Japan has also done a large amount of economic assistance for which he continued apologizing for 60 years after the war, however China and South Korea still carry out an apology demand.
The country of other Asia does not do an apology demand.
Do you think that its recognition of history is right?
Don't you suspect your recognition of history once?
It is not absolute in the knowledge acquired with the book.
Apology compensation was carried out with the Asia fund at comfort women.
However, South Korean comfort women did not receive the Asia fund.
However, an apology demand is carried out.
Japanese people are tired with this repetition.
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Cyllene NOBU1000 • 24 days ago
Do you understand why Hiroshima occurred? You can equally ask those Japanese grandfathers who were officials during the war for an apology. They led Japan to such tragedy because of their blind allegiance to insanity and greed.
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NOBU1000 Cyllene • 24 days ago
Atomic bombing is a tragedy of war which is a sake.
The old Japanese was a samurai.
It is not blind loyalty.
A foreigner is impossible for an understanding.
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Cyllene NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
Maybe, because to me it seems you are romanticizing men who simply wanted more power/wealth/land at the expense of enslaving and exterminating the local population. Perhaps the Allied Forces understood the "samurai" mentality, and that's why they felt they had no choice but to drop the bomb to induce a surrender.
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NOBU1000 Cyllene • 23 days ago
The Allied Forces cannot understand a samurai.
Because the Allied Forces cannot understand
The lie of a Chinese and South Koreans will be believed.
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Too long the jappy government have lied too. Look at your textbook, don't you feel shame? Son, history is fact based, can't be rewritten to suit your taste..
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
a Chinese textbook -- the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Square Incident -- it is written?
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
The Japanese textbook is not writing the lie.
the Nanjing Massacre, comfort women, Unit 731, and Bataan death march -- all are written
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 24 days ago
How many textbooks with the above? In full? Or partial? What percentage of all textbooks approved? Very small? Most schools are using approved versions which are with totally distorted views. You take a look and I welcome your comment.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 24 days ago
The Japanese government told what kind of lie?
Please let me know.
Where is your country?
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
You have not answer my question : to what percentage of Japan government approved textbooks would include all the above-mentioned things that you have just mentioned? 5, 10%? Or less?

Or should we say, the government purposely removed those history so that the younger generations are not aware of the ugly things that the war time government had done?

Is Nanjing Massacre mentioned? 300,000 civilians, including man, women, boys and girls were killed. Was it mentioned? The answer is yes, but only extremely small number of textbooks still keep this part of history.

The whitewash of history started previous PM around 2003. Subsequently, many Politicians, including Hashimoto, Ishihara, PM Abe, stated to say no evidences...never happened....etc, PM Abe even attempted to correct the apology made made by previous PM...

You call it sincere apology?

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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 23 days ago
What is your country?
Unless it answers, it does not reply to your question.
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
You should response direct to my questions before speculating my motive. Your answer will link to why you are responding with distorted answers which hopes to divert attention.

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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 23 days ago
I am asking a question previously.
It is natural that you reply to my question previously.
Where is your country?
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
After you respond, I tell you where I am from.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
am asking a question previously.
It is natural that you reply to my question previously.
Where is your country?
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 21 days ago
Follow the sequence, see who asked the question first? Answer my question, then I will respond.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 21 days ago
Answer my question, then I will respond.
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陳宣 • a month ago
Comfort women there any understanding of the people can know that they are not prostitutes army sex slaves.

As a Taiwanese American and Taiwanese, I support the Japanese government's argument.

The Chinese Government and other allegations are politically motivated acts
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • a month ago
Excellent, eventually we find someone really with sense of justice. We make sure a place will be reserved for you at the Shrine. I like you, tell everyone that you agree there is no such evidence for rape of Nanking, as Abe and the mayor claimed that there were simply no evidence. Also, you forget about the complaints from Korean too. Is it also politically motivated acts? You are such a great Japanese alliance. You should simply forget your Taiwanese origin, joined us with Li Deng Hui. Be a true Japanese, like his brotha who fought for us bravely to relieve Asian Countries from western colonialism.

Remember our mission that have yet to be fulfilled.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • a month ago
If the opposition and expose the lies that the Japanese, I can only say Chinaman interest group is a group of its scum.

Because you do not want to debate the state of facts.

Shina declared with the Nanjing massacre does not exist.

Because Shina evidence presented proved to be altered.

Do battle war zone in order to protect civilians, the Japanese way of using prostitutes is correct.

South Korea's situation I do not know, but it is certain that in Taiwan, those who become prostitutes are "voluntary guarantee" in Taiwan is very clear because in Taiwan for political gain Shina lackeys defamation actions taken.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • a month ago
Wow, you need to re-organize your thought process as it completely dis-organized.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • a month ago
I personally dislike the war but I support the use of means of warfare extinction Shinaman
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • a month ago
Need to restructure people are slaves like you disgusting Shina
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • a month ago
Have difficulty to follow your English. Your writing is so bad. Did you receive education here?
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • a month ago
Perhaps my bad grammar, but your logic confusion
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • a month ago
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • a month ago

Neque fiduciam excitos
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
English or Japanese please.
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SamuraIsoda 陳宣 • a month ago
I think enough bad politicians in Japan. People with your thinking is dangerous in Japan. Pls don't come, you are not welcomed.
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陳宣 SamuraIsoda • a month ago
I think enough bad politicians in Japan. People with your thinking is dangerous in Japan. Pls don't come, you are not welcomed.

Who are you?

Shinaman or panda pie?

What kind of people you represent?

Americans still Shinaman or in the Shinaman-American?
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SamuraIsoda 陳宣 • a month ago
Go back to your mother's freakingfuckinghole in Taiwan. You do not deserve staying in this country.
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陳宣 SamuraIsoda • a month ago
Go back to your mother's freakingfuckinghole in Taiwan. You do not deserve staying in this country.

I am sorry for my country to accept me, I would like to go back to Taiwan, but when I went back, there will be no Chinaman in Taiwan

Shina may not exist on Earth.

Who will you interfere with my fate?

If you tell the truth against Shina is a mistake, I am willing to expose the lies Shina deepened my mistake

And I am more than happy to wear you are the true face of this disgusting lie race.

You have such a disgusting racial camouflage, they do not deserve moral point of view Shinaman called humans.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Samura is right! You go back to your mom juicy box. Wet and evil deep inside. Suit you best.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
If you will only say this, I can only say may the Lord have mercy on your soul

Remember Nanjing Incident Chinese government has yet to come up with irrefutable scientific evidence
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
If you will only say this, I can only say may the Lord have mercy on your soul
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
May you rest in peace..
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
May the Lord you leave this hell racial injustice, by the endless suffering.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I can only say that the evil Lord have mercy on your soul
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Why Samura is so angry about you. Nothing wrong to love Hashimoto even though he is being condemned by critics from all over. By the way, who do you represent? I got mixed up whether you are Taiwanese or Japanese?
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
On behalf of the conscience and truth.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Interesting, that is something new on you! Lie again? Catch you! Lol
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
You can do your evidence?

Or do you want to lose your right of abode in the United States?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Alright....let me think. I will lose the right of abode in the US. Sound like a good deal...are you trying to bride me? You little svcker...I pick fvckingYOU.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Suppose you are outside the USA did not Kansai, anyway, you can also think about the future with the European Union to the United States District of
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NOBU1000 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Thank you
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陳宣 NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Do not thank me, I just have a conscience.

I hate Shina trick
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Derrick Lee 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Let me guess you are all in for Taiwan Independence, am I right? Sorry if I'm wrong but if I am right , I got to say sometimes I feel the Taiwanese Americans who live in America shouldn't be saying anything about whats going on in Taiwan. I'm Taiwanese American as well and I actually served in Taiwan's army, plus my parents are still in Taiwan. I have a lot to lose if Taiwan and China don't get along, therefore I don't support Taiwan to be Independent. I did before but I just don't see the point now. I think there are a lot of Taiwanese Americans who live and work in the states really shouldn't be saying anything about the state of Taiwan because they have nothing to lose or gain when it comes to Taiwan situation. They shout for Taiwan independence but they don't really understand the consequence for the Taiwanese that actually live in Taiwan if it were to claim independent. Not just losing in a war if an all out war breaks out but also the economy would suffer. What is there to gain by being independent? I actually think theres a lot more to gain. China is also not a true communist country anymore. Taiwan can gain a lot by joining up, obviously there will be some bad things that come with it but there's more positives. Also obvious is its not good for the states however Taiwan needs to worry about itself. If Taiwan were to join it needs to build a identity to stay relevant to China, such as being the silicon valley of China. Then it can help and prosper with China. I see China as our brothers.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
It should be corrected. "Don't thank me, I am just a borne natural liar.

I betray my family, my friends and my country".

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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I did not betray my family, I did not betray justice, at least I would not like you to use lies to build your personality.

Compared to the family with the motherland, and I care about is true.

Moreover, I let everyone know that the Taiwanese evil Chinaman with different
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
If you will only say this, I can only say may the Lord have mercy on your soul

I did not betray my family, I did not betray justice, at least I would not like you to use lies to build your personality.

Compared to the family with the motherland, and I care about is true.

Moreover, I let everyone know that the Taiwanese evil Shinaman with different
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Don't be nervous when we hit the nail. I know how hurt it is being discovered as traitor to friends, family and the country. Unfortunately you frequently do all the above for profiting. Sad life for the rest of your life.
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Starfox • a month ago
"'Comfort women' comment raises concerns about Japanese nationalism"
Prostitute. It's right.

Mayor Hashimoto is a Japan-U.S. alliance assertor and a Japanese rearmament assertor.

Okinawa independent demonstration (U.S. Armed Forces in Japan withdrawal demand demonstration) ,They are subversive activities of communist China and Korean which aim at the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa.

South Korea was betrayed to the communist China side.

Communist media will try Japan's rearmament and destruction of a Japan-U.S. alliance to a false report and propaganda.
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shinjukuboy • a month ago
Don't worry too much. The only reason the nationalist Abe got elected is because the previous administration was so bad. Hashimoto is just the first nationalist politician to blow up and burn. His career is over. Everyone is embarrassed by him. I expect the others like Ishihara to do the same. Ishihara already exploded and was forced out of the position of mayor of Tokyo.
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Toshiaki Haginoya • 23 days ago
Koreans are trying to defame Japan with the fabricated story of the Comfort Women. Comfort women existed, but they were well-paid prostitutes.
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Ershole Urine Toshiaki Haginoya • 23 days ago
Non sense. That's why UN heavily criticized your politicians.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 22 days ago
Neither Japanese nor the Japanese government is interested in imperialism.
It is the number with which the number of the comfort women of 200,000 people was also exaggerated.
There were much real prostitute and Japanese in comfort women.
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陳宣 Toshiaki Haginoya • 22 days ago
The be true, this is not just in Korea, Japan, are behind many discredit the Chinese government's shadow and direct intervention.

I see this situation in Taiwan is not a long serious.

Taiwan is the Chinese government on the Taiwan led their dog "Chinese Nationalist Party"
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kerpru Toshiaki Haginoya • 21 days ago
Relating to Korean comfort woman, there seems to be the non-payment cases. And, it's my understanding that the goverment of Korea has responsibility on the compensation for them as a crollary to the treaty between Korea and Japan. I think the gov of Korea should define the problem, and when it becomes clear, the gov of Japan do act in a proper way. These countries are always fighting. What a unproductive debate.
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blueocean1 Toshiaki Haginoya • 22 days ago
Toshiaki: well paid? Wow, your really in denial! Maybe they were well paid with STDs
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
「The Fake of Nanking Massacre-1~6Dead Bodies(English & Japanese)」

You Tube title

I want you to see this and to have a question in recognition of history.
Please verify by yourself once.
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陳宣 NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Nanjing Massacre does not exist it is absolute.

Because in the two weeks after the battle, to do battle in Nanjing Population is higher than the pre-war population.

It is impossible to deny the evidence.

Who also admitted shooting the movie is called China and the U.S. intelligence agencies fake.

And the U.S. State Department there is also a military attache to the U.S. Embassy in Nanjing complaint is about the Chinese military disguise facts available.

It also can not deny the evidence
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
What about all the Japanese veterans who admitted to it when interviewed for Matsuoka's documentary "Torn Memories of Nanjing"? Those men were actually there. Isn't their word more reliable than propaganda pictures?
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
Tell me the Navy stationed in the Pacific sea soldiers how to get to China Nanjing?

The same may be done in northeast China and Russia will go to war Nanjing Kwantung how to?
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
I'd answer your questions if I knew what you heck you were asking. Are you using an online translation app?

Regardless, my point was that even if some specific facts of the battle were in question, Japanese soldiers themselves say that the army leadership told them to rape, burn, etc. the city.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
I admit that English is not my native language and idiom, so I'm very serious in order to avoid committing errors, and can generally express my statement, I had to use the translation program.

My point is, the statement must be true on the battlefield or he did not qualify as a witness, saying he could not as a testimony.

China called Japan's participation in the fighting soldiers themselves say, there is a problem is that they can not be recorded in accordance with troops involved in the fighting troops.

Current evidence shows that most of the participants in the so-called military services and is the Navy sailors, and even people belonging to the Japanese Naval Air Force, this way, people can not believe that they will participate in the inland battle.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Anyone understand hat this guy is murmuring? I need a secret agency Service to decode animal speech.

By the way, instead of admit your English is not your native language, you should simply admit you are insane and silly.
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Ershole Urine Cyllene • 25 days ago
Anyone understand what is this !diot guy murmuring? I need a secret agent service to decode animal speech.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Exactly, the nanjing massacre never existed. That's exactly PM Abe's position. We have such great leader, even though there are evidence clearly prove it. Even though Abe's view is isolated by many governments.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
If you will only say this, I can only say may the Lord have mercy on your soul

Remember Nanjing Incident Chinese government has yet to come up with irrefutable scientific evidence
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Don't expect you can make a living with only skill to lie. Nanjing massacre didn't exist? Hah, you are a disgrace to your family. Go eat some poop.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Nanjing Incident does not exist.

This is the war on international law and criminal identification and sociodemographic conclusion
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Said the donkey hybrid liar.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Please produce evidence
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Look at the mirror....LOL
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NOBU1000 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Taiwan love ^^
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陳宣 NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
I just dislike liars
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You have such a good skill lying, did you learn it in Taiwan or you were a product of our education system in Japan. We need people of your kind to save Hashimoto. Hashimoto will pay poops for your service, as that's what you deserve, and you can pretend very happy to receive those poops as gold since you are desperate to join our country.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Thank you please come up with evidence
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Evidence, evidence, evidence....sigh. Hopeless liar.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
You can not put forward a logical argument as well qualified to say that someone is a liar?
I believe I was wrong necessarily keep pig not as creatures to be evidence.?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
So far you have difficulty to express want talk about logic? LOL
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I'm sorry I can not lie, I have a scientific argument or legal fact.

Shina is your real liar to liar.

My country is not Japan, but the service in Europe.

A French-speaking countries in Europe is the euro to pay me not gold, if you think I'm lying, why can not we debate and draw conclusions?

You must use personal attacks to discredit or to meet your inferiority nationalism?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Oh com'on. You are such a good damn Taiwanese liar. The only trouble is, when you lie, your nose grow. Oh stay at euro? Must be difficult for getting unemployment benefit. Go get a job. Be a contributing member to the community.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I do not understand this do not want to waste public debate, there are allegations of any qualification I am a liar?

I do not know you think I'm wrong, why can not you come with me to the event to make the debate?

I have a job why should I waste of social resources to receive social assistance payments?

Theoretically you can not refute me, you're afraid to make a debate with me


Unless you know what you believe is a lie, it was unable to confront reality.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
The world love you too, because you talk like our mayor Hashimoto. The trouble is he is distrusted by the world. He is dumped basically. No body trusted him now.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
The world love you too, because you talk like our mayor Hashimoto. The trouble is he is distrusted by the world. He is dumped basically. No body trusted him now.

Japan's postwar political figures, I do not like Hashimoto Ryutaro, I would be more like Koizumi Jun'ichirō and Koike Yuriko
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You love 東條英機。he is your hero.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I'm sorry I did not appreciate Tōjō Hideki

I also believe that the world champion 毛澤東 butcher is your idol
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Who care about 毛澤東?you may, as he killed the
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Derrick Lee NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
I'm not watching the video because I've read enough from both Western and Asian sources to know that Rape of Nanking did happen. Also China and South Korea are both not close allies, you think both of them got together and made up lies about what went on? People ask why the Chinese and Korean can't get over what happened it WWI It's statements and videos like this that make even the current generation of Chinese still angry and disgusted.
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Cyllene Derrick Lee • 25 days ago
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
This report has not conveyed the exact intention of Hashimoto.
It is not fair. It is a bad report.
The world makes him the bad fellow purposely.

「Statement by Toru Hashimoto」

Please be sure to search this title and to check Asahi Shimbun Web page.
This Web page has a report of his exact intention.

「Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Hashimoto Toru」

You Tube title

I want everybody to certainly see.
It will be good, if a full press conference is seen and he is criti
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Jason Berg • 22 days ago
Its become way to confusing what the Korean's want from Japan. Is it an apology? money? both? In order to clear up this problem between the countries mentioned is for Korea to admit that a lot of what they say were made up fictional stories and focus on facts. There will be no further apologies from the Japanese people (but maybe politicians will apologize just to get Korea off their backs).
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陳宣 Jason Berg • 22 days ago
Masterminds of the Korean peninsula but that is not in Shina

If you carefully review the requirements for comfort women to apologize to view those who demand an apology is closely related to Shina Kansai.

As Taiwan has traitors and stooges Shina Ma Ying-jeou said the

Treason Attorney Wang Qingfeng puppet president.

Ge Yuqin. Yangjia Yun Li Ao.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 21 days ago
It is not translation problem. You have logical problem to present yourself, scumbag!
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陳宣 • 25 days ago
To Shinaman:

If you do not want to accept the rational discussion.

I believe your diatribe and personal attacks, but shows you how imbecile Shina is the kind of country, but is kind of how you Shinaman inferior race.

Do not understand.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
This report has not conveyed the exact intention of Hashimoto.
It is not fair. It is a bad report.
The world makes him the bad fellow purposely.

「Statement by Toru Hashimoto」

Please be sure to search this title and to check Asahi Shimbun Web page.
This Web page has a report of his exact intention.

「Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan Hashimoto Toru」

You Tube title

I want everybody to certainly see.
It will be good, if a full press conference is seen and he is criti
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
No need to debate further. His political career is done. Within days, he will resign as city mayor. He will go for election again but he will be defeated heavily. He is just part of modern nationalist Japan drama, some one rush to join, some one is expelled. There is a price to pay if you lie.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Although he is struck by media
It is loved very much by Japanese people in fact!
Did you look at all press conferences?
Hashimoto is right.
Media broadcast no all press conferences intentionally.
Because he is right!
If it broadcasts, you have to face the bad history of your own country squarely!
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Watch out how things develop...he is basically abandoned, domestically and internationally. He even have to cancel his trip to New York and San Francisco, cost no one wants to be associated with imperialism guy like him, who also have disgusting historic view of Japan past.
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
His Japanese is also not interested in imperialism!
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NOBU1000 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
He does not resign!
The resignation meeting was rejected today!
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Ershole Urine NOBU1000 • 23 days ago
Alright, he won this round, not being dismissed, but it will cost Japan tons of mounting doubts if Japanese truly reflect sincerely to the bad things her government had committed during WW2.

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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Though the anti-day, China and South Korea are counting on money of Japan.
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陳宣 NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
By Shina also did not want to return a large number of debt owed ​​to Japan, Taiwan, attempted embezzlement of funds
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Go after them, bring them to court if they don't pay...stupid. Don't ask me to produce evidence pls.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I have proof I is not afraid to court
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Yes, bring them to court, by all mean. By the way, who is the plaintiff ? You? LOL
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Though the anti-day, China and South Korea are counting on Japanese gold.
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JanetChang • 25 days ago
Toru has been elected man of the year by the U.S. military.
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Ershole Urine JanetChang • 25 days ago
He almost made it to the PM, if he has another five years. Should have 陳宣 joined his camp earlier, so that it would take that long for people to see who he really is deep inside. It is painful for him climbed so high, and now he is basically abandoned. Abe will be distant himself from Hashimoto , reality.
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Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Where is 陳宣?I just learn from Hashimoto's office. They do have full record who he actually is. 陳宣always thought he had a Japanese soldier father when his father invaded other country. In fact, it wasn't the case, her mom played with a donkey, rejecting the big soldier. That's why 陳宣looks what it looks like now. Big long nose long ear, have difficulty to murmurmur...presenting himself, never mind, he is interested to join Hashimoto, the mayor is kind enough to take him.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Sorry for my father from Taiwan, my mother came from a Jewish family in Taiwan.

If you think, you can not fact-based debate let others convince so using slander to discredit the way to attack someone else's family, I can only say that Chinese people is still a liar and rubbish.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Sorry, you should have been told earlier. Anyway, it's time you should really know who you are. Just look through the mirror, then you understand. We still hold the bed sheet since that night. It is full of donkey sperms...we should pass it back to you. It is your secret, your legacy, Your future son. Go mreemree with Hashimoto. He will take good care of you.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I can only say that you are not in fact act as a basis for discussion will only make people think you slander

Because you do not debate.

You are done with invective discredit

It makes me feel regret and pity for you.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Sorry debate what? Debate with people who are ethnic extremist and biased? Give me a break. You are hopeless. Your dad is right. He should have killed the donkey that night.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Really debate with you made ​​me believe that one thing is the "Chinese do not deserve human rights," because you are a liar like scum
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Oh, speechless when you are no longer be able to put facts forward? Your race is really a shame. You lie, but apparently with very bad skill. Your nose grow when you lie, don't you know that...liar.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I think my father put it right, Chinese people are disgusting shameless liar and barbarians

You do not know how to discuss and cite evidence that once rational discussion you can not win, you will only "slander"
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Your real father is a donkey. Why don't you go to debate with your race, people of your kind...liar.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Your real father is a donkey. Why don't you go to debate with your race, people of your kind ... liar.

Why do you accuse my father is a liar?

I hope you made ​​your statement with facts and evidence.

Otherwise, I will appoint a lawyer to propose necessary for you to tell.

My ethnicity is Taiwanese, Taiwanese in World War II with Shina is hostile, I did not maintain my race?

Taiwanese now with Shina is hostile, I do not worry about my race?

Similarly it is a warning that you accused me of being a liar in illegal same time, I want you to raise the necessary evidence, otherwise I will appoint counsel for the United States federal government for you to make the necessary legal proceedings

The United States maintains the freedom of speech, but accusations of liar must have the necessary evidence, or you broke the law, if you are student or work visa, you will be expelled.

Understand it?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You are a kid...donkey hybrid key = DHK. LMao.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Please do. I am scare....very threatened. Get Hashimoto to help you. He is by profession a lawyer, good at helping liar. Listen scum bag, you have been manipulating and humiliating ethnic rather than on subject. With that, we don't need to be mercy with donkey son like you. Enjoy your sue me, where ever. I am frighten to death. Mercy mercy mercy please.
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shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
Also, even though many people here say strong anti-Japan words, I always have a great time when I go to China for work or vacation. I am alwayss treated well because most Chinese don't care about these things and because they distinguish hating "Japan" from individual Japanese people. I have many Chinese friends who were my classmates at university.
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blueocean1 shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
It's not anti-Japanese, it's about a lying government & lying politicians! Japan is not the only place with that problem.
Abe & Hashimoto are bad and Dangerous for Japan's image, (to say the least) instead of staying focused on the Fukushima and all the victims from the earthquake. These two are fanning flames with China, South Korea, Taiwan, and even Russia over little islands and national pride.
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Ershole Urine blueocean1 • 25 days ago
Our government never lies. Hashimoto and Abe never lies. I swear in the name of 陳宣's children, whole family lives, Hashimoto and Abe are very noble person, that they never tell lie. Their view point on nanjing massacre is true, that those terrible, crime against humanity never exists. Our men was hanged Incorrectly during WW2. We should have 陳宣 borne earlier, he might have been able to testify in front of McArthur to save our troop's lives.
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陳宣 • 25 days ago
Comfort women is a legacy of the war, my question is

What do you think comfort women sex slaves are not prostitutes but that trouble you tell me your definition of sex slaves identified.

If prostitutes existence is wrong. Then I ask, so sex-starved soldiers to be taken against ordinary women raped is correct?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Very good logics. Wasn't it the same logic Hashimoto has been using? Still condemn by the world? By US government? By major media? Too bad, is that all you can present? Does't help, son. You may involve your mom to start researching again. The best way to start, perhaps you should question how you came to earth, you may be the offspring of one of comfort women. Since you are so important, having our blood, and willing to give up your Taiwanese blood, Hashimoto will give you the passport and a place at the shrine.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Because there are three kinds of people who condemn
China's lackeys or friends.
There were particular political purpose or prejudice.
The fact that people do not know.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
There are three kind of people love lying and eat poops :

Your family inclusive the donkey
Your race
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
You can do your evidence?

Or do you want to lose your right of abode in the United States?

You a second election.

If you count up, you will not be able to enter the EU area or the United States, please do not take your rights kidding.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
Use my right of abode in US, can't enter EU?

I can report that you are in third level of mental disorder. He is concluded useless and he is now a burden to his family, and also to the society. Not sure if Hashimoto wants to take you now.

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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
I am the scholar of international law...boar blar blar. I say this with conscience and truth, LOL
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cliffintokyo • a month ago
non-Japanese get no justice in Japan be they criminals or victims, the entire legal system is broken, racist, jingoist. I worked on scores of cases over the years and was victimized myself. cliff in tokyo
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Danny Bravo • a month ago
this is means of a changing bad character of japanese,,, you cant improve your economics without the command of black hole not your talent ,,increasing of glowing of economy is a medicine for the disease of 1 ethnics,,treatment to change the character,,,,,glowing of your economics its not means you have a talent,,,,,wrong,,, that is because of gravity or god,,,,you need to research god is not a machine
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pet1234 • 25 days ago
He would probably get along well with Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones. The three kings of revisionist history.
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NOBU1000 pet1234 • 25 days ago
Hashimoto is not a history correction person.
Furthermore, it is not the right, either.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
The Fake of Nanking Massacre-1~6Dead Bodies(English & Japanese)

You Tube title

I want you to see this and to have a question in recognition of history.
Please verify by yourself once.
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陳宣 NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Nanjing Massacre does not exist it is absolute.

Because in the two weeks after the battle, to do battle in Nanjing Population is higher than the pre-war population.

It is impossible to deny the evidence.

Who also admitted shooting the movie is called China and the U.S. intelligence agencies fake.

And the U.S. State Department there is also a military attache to the U.S. Embassy in Nanjing complaint is about the Chinese military disguise facts available.

It also can not deny the evidence

This is the best race Shina is a liar Case
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Let me see, you just swear in the name of you family, your son, that you are not lying again? Do that again, I won't give you sweet. Son.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I think my father put it right, Chinese people are disgusting shameless liar and barbarians

You do not know how to discuss and cite evidence that once rational discussion you can not win, you will only "slander"
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Your father is a donkey.
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陳宣 • 25 days ago
Chinese people in Japan because of China Qiu things distorted nationalism caused.

Because Chinese people arrogant to think that he is the world center of the country, they can not accept the Japanese branch war by the Japanese defeat.

So they hate the Japanese.

Japan in World War II when it, because China's violation of international conventions multiple times, harm the interests of the Japanese base in Japan to protest invalid, and China to allow its citizens hurt Japanese citizens and embassy personnel and the Japanese garrison provoke a war for robbery, and then the illegal bombing Embassy of Japan with the civilian residential areas, leading to loss of Japan's dovish faction soldiers to suppress extremist forces, I ask this is wrong in Japan or China's illegal actions led to the Japanese war in China.

World War II, the Japanese war zone in order to protect civilians from harassment, and so from their colonial district, called comfort women was recruited prostitutes war zone protection of women, I ask this is wrong?

Those are really the comfort women sex slaves?

Or a prostitute?

So those who say that the comfort women are sex slaves and discord law, I ask you to let the Chinese Kuomintang army items shameless Eighth Route Army and the Chinese Communist Party, like four raped women, of women as sex slaves, this is the correct and legal too?
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Aren't the testimonies of the surviving women enough proof that they weren't prostitutes? And how do you define "prostitute"? During the war, the Japanese army defined it as any female appropriated into "comfort service." Since most of those girls were teenagers, I doubt they were given the luxury of a detailed job description before they were tossed into a brothel and raped.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
Paid by the military to provide sexual services.

Taiwan, Japan, statist government actually has enough written information can confirm that most of them have voluntarily books.

Japan's control of Taiwan's most important is education so China claims have cheated does not exist, and China with its proposed witness statement can not polygraph.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Exactly, this guy has breakthrough whilst researches from governments including US, historians, universities, scholars, war time reports, documentaries, testimonies from the 95 years old soldiers are all fabricated. I think his new evidences if accepted can save Hashimoto.the question is, how to slip that in unnoticed, so that would think it has been there for long time and it is from credible source. Anyway 陳宣 will figure out, he is so good being a professional liar.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
There are actually many American scholars and historians still believe that the Chinese government and Chinese scholars lie.

The same can not contain many Chinese scholars believe that the figures presented language Chinese government and the Chinese government statement saying many of them including the Chinese government altered lie.

Every year I participate in China's Nanjing Incident seminar held in Nanjing, although I am Taiwanese but I did based on the identity of European scholars attended.

Similarly I am also a liar accused Japan of Chinese history scholar at the Tokyo International Tribunal tactics advisor.

If you can not agree with the Chinese government created by the "junk" is a lie, and I would say that Chinese people are liars national standard, but the government road from the capital of the people are liars.

, Because you go on a distorted nationalism slander you move a hostile country, which is not associated with morally permissible.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Tell me how nanjing is like? Which years did you engage? Be specific if you are a respectable scholar? Otherwise, we just conclude you are a liar to jappy government standard. Liar!

Tell me also, conclusion out of those conferences...names please, and who were the participants that you were working with? what were the conclusions. I bet you can't tell. You are such a liar, that you are a disgrace to your family and your country.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I have no obligation to publicly my identity in this, if you really understood and studied in depth Nanjing Incident, and from 1998 began to participate in an event held in Nanjing Nanjing seminar, you can know my true identity.

I can tell you very clearly, in order to avoid some are reluctant to support the Chinese government and the Chinese government Chinese scholars suffered persecution and maintenance of your academic freedom, I also refused to provide those who deny the Nanjing Massacre scholar name.

I am not a shame, my state and government as well to my family for the glory.

Instead, you Chinaman is a disgrace to humanity.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
See, I said early, you can't really give specifics to place time year...for those conferences. You are just nobody but liar. Fact based? Evidences? Give me a break. Liar.

Didn't I hear someone just keep saying facts...evidence...LOL

You are just a disgrace to your family, your race and your country.
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Putting money in the hands of a teenaged rape victim who has been shipped to a foreign country and stripped of her self worth does not make her a prostitute. It makes her a sex slave. This is a fundamental difference that naysayers don't seem to want to dive into. Sure, there were some prostitutes who followed the military for money. But there simply weren't enough to meet demand. So girls just like Jan Ruff O'Herne were either kidnapped or tricked into service.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
I hope you can do the analysis of the law of induction for the Japanese government is fully involved.

I mean totally believe in science and jurisprudence allegations.

1 Do you have evidence that these cases are fraud or willful requested the Japanese government authorized execution?

(2) Consent of the victim has signed a peace treaty stout and conditions, and is responsible for having the capacity to check the status of summer, I ask you without sex slaves is correct?

3 Currently in Taiwan, as well as survivors of the evidence indicates are not subjected to fraud, said a polygraph, we must question its veracity?
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Still not sure what you are saying. But if you are calling the Taiwanese grandmothers liars ... well that is just sick. How can any rape victim "prove" that she wasn't asking for it? In this case, can't we use some common sense?
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
wasn't asking for it? In this case, can't we use some common sense?

First, the victim must be able to make real time with a series of allegations.

Come statement must meet the logic of facts.

Official documents must file with the relevant social context to make cross comparison, the

Claims must meet the basic logic of the historical background.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
Common sense? Donkey only acted with basic instinct...common sense is too hard for you. Stupid.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 24 days ago
If you do not say something in addition to verbal abuse outside the logic of discussion, I hope you can shut up.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
Abuse on you is acceptable as you abuse others. Fvckyourmothersucker!
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
First, the victim must be able to make real time with a series of allegations.

Come statement must meet the logic of facts.

Official documents must file with the relevant social context to make cross comparison, the

Claims must meet the basic logic of the historical background.
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Who are you claiming did not do this? From every account I've read, the stories match with historical evidence. Even Yoshiaki's research found evidence of correspondence between military leadership that comfort women were needed to relieve the soldiers on the front lines, specific records of discussions after Nanking detailing local Chinese people's sense of horror at the rapes and how it damaged the Japanese's ability to easily take over.

The evidence is there, you're just not looking for it.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
I've read in addition, I also went tested.
First of Nanjing did not rape the baby boom, so China is without scientific basis.
Similarly, after the incident in Nanjing, the female population does not meet the serious changes killing (demographic raped and killed in the female population will cause massive deaths higher than normal mortality rate of 3%) and the birth rate are normal (rape baby boomer birth rate will There are up to 10% of exaggerating growth), so your argument is not logical.
So it can be very clear identification, the Nanjing Incident is China unilaterally altered lie.

Similarly survivors of the Nanjing Incident, there is no basis for a polygraph test passed, and in Tokyo's Higashi-Nakano monasticism Professor of cases, to sue those who have lied response, so I did not go looking for it but for all the scientific evidence have shown He is a lie is a hoax.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
The evidence is there, you're just not looking for it.

I've read in addition, I also went tested.

First of Nanjing did not rape the baby boom, so China is without scientific basis.

Similarly, after the incident in Nanjing, the female population does not meet the serious changes killing (demographic raped and killed in the female population will cause massive deaths higher than normal mortality rate of 3%) and the birth rate are normal (rape baby boomer birth rate will there are up to 10% of exaggerating growth), so your argument is not logical.

So it can be very clear identification, the Nanjing Incident is China unilaterally altered lie.

Similarly survivors of the Nanjing Incident, there is no basis for a polygraph test passed, and in Tokyo's Higashi-Nakano monasticism Professor of cases, to sue those who have lied response, so I did not go looking for it but for all the scientific evidence have shown he is a lie is a hoax.
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 24 days ago
When did we switch from the comfort women issue to Nanjing? There's nothing similar about the two. One was a consolidated slaughter, the other a systematic appropriation that occurred over several years. As far as the population impacts, I honestly have no idea, but you are the last source I'd trust for reliable data for sure.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
You question my "comfort women = assist the civilian population suffered soldiers raped women to avoid saying.

Really did not?

And I refute the Nanjing Incident through to defend my view there is nothing improper about?

In fact, during the war the population structure can be very clear view out of this area there is no illegal army.

From you to now have not refute me, I can make sure that you do not have the data sheet.

Because the Government has still not said China during the Nanjing Incident population data.
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 23 days ago
Explain then, if Nanjing did not occur, then why did the Japanese army make such an effort to appropriate sex slaves and set up sex stations near the front lines. This was clearly done because the Japanese military leadership thought it would lesson the amounts of rapes that occurred during battle.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
You are such an answering machine, which repeats itself every time when some one hit the button. Pathetic.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
The evidence is there, you're just not looking for it.

I've read in addition, I also went tested.

First of Nanjing did not rape the baby boom, so China is without scientific basis.

Similarly, after the incident in Nanjing, the female population does not meet the serious changes killing (demographic raped and killed in the female population will cause massive deaths higher than normal mortality rate of 3%) and the birth rate are normal (rape baby boomer birth rate will there are up to 10% of exaggerating growth), so your argument is not logical.

So it can be very clear identification, the Nanjing Incident is China unilaterally altered lie.

Similarly survivors of the Nanjing Incident, there is no basis for a polygraph test passed, and in Tokyo's Higashi-Nakano monasticism Professor of cases, to sue those who have lied response, so I did not go looking for it but for all the scientific evidence have shown he is a lie is a hoax.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
Oh very miss you point, since you carry donkey gene, so it proves the massacre never exists. I agree with you, why people don't look for facts?

LOL, your logic is so funny and's a good start for the day.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
I contend that there is no reason Nanjing Incident

1 From the war demographic components:

From the previous massacre case can be found after the massacre there will be two reduced population base

a. male population is older than 3 years of its male population.

b. total population.

Japan as an attack target will be done Nanjing basic survey population (two months) investigation concluded that the total resident population of Nanjing about 30 million to 32 million floating population 10,006 thousand (the Chinese government did not reliable demographic data it is not a "this number is also used in the International Tribunal for the Far East the number").

After two weeks of the war, Japan began issuing called (good card) the security identifier (payment standard is based on over 12 years old 52 years old male-dominated) in accordance with the Japanese military records, issuing a total of 358,949 people in (this figures are used in the International Tribunal for the Far East population figures, the International Tribunal for the Far East is also a witness (Nanjing International Security Committee) and adopted basis.

If there Holocaust, why the number of the population will be more than the original?

This is only a possibility that there is no so-called Holocaust, and also contains escape Chinese army.

2 Criminal Identification scientific part:

Japanese troops used bullets specifications are as follows

8× 2.2mm. 7.7 × 58mm. 6.5x50mm. 6.5mm × 50SR.

But China listed the victims died in the Nanjing Incident large bullet holes in the body are 7.92 x 57 mm so that the murderer is not very clear but the Japanese military police ROC 10th regiment equipped with the Maschinengewehr 34.

Nanjing Massacre really exist?

How do you solutions are?
see more
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
You acted like an answering
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 24 days ago

Cause this type of response is your answering machine caused.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
LOL. Time to shut down the answering machine now. Really stupid useless donkey. Get a job. Will you.
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Ershole Urine Cyllene • 24 days ago
He is a sick person without logic at all. Forget about debating with him. Completely waste of time. He is just a racist. His argument is simple, since victims are Chinese, in his term shinaman, they deserved it. No need to go through the reasoning with a donkey hybrid like it.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
I remember if you did ask if there was video taping the intercourse too. You smart @ss!
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陳宣 Cyllene • 25 days ago
Nanjing Massacre does not exist, I was based on scientific criminal identification. History. Demographics of international law to obtain a comprehensive conclusion.

This is like any politician saying nothing, it is a scientific fact that conclusions obtained.

Comfort women coming event, you did not come up with a line with the facts available reporting.

The same may be identified by science and criminal law can not get any confirmed.

I have at three different time points comfort women cross their argument asked by severe changes, but by the time there. Different experiences, all of them are not the same a polygraph

I ask this situation really factual basis

Similarly claiming to be survivors of the Nanjing Incident can not pass the polygraph, which is a clear indication of

Their argument is altered.

If you want to refute me, please raise a science or scientific logic version or assumptions.
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Cyllene 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Though I can't really understand your exact points (because the language is disjointed) I'm getting that you argue that because the women weren't given polygraphs that their testimony is bogus? That's ridiculous. The comfort women saga is not a black and white one. There were different types of women dragged into it and each had a different story. Some made good money from the army (mostly those served in southeast Asia) and some endured near torture (mostly those served in China). You can't base a description of the system on one story, but you can recreate the scenarios of how the girls ended up being comfort women, and it isn't pretty. In the end, the Japanese army was the money source, the girls were acquired just like food and other supplies.

Yoshimi Yoshiaki's book does a really good job of tying in Japanese military documents and other correspondence that survived the purge. If you haven't, you should check out his book.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
2 Criminal Identification scientific part:

Japanese troops used bullets specifications are as follows

8× 2.2mm. 7.7 × 58mm. 6.5x50mm. 6.5mm × 50SR.

But China listed the victims died in the Nanjing Incident large bullet holes in the body are 7.92 x 57 mm so that the murderer is not very clear but the Japanese military police ROC 10th regiment equipped with the Maschinengewehr 34.

Nanjing Massacre really exist?
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陳宣 Cyllene • 24 days ago
I contend that there is no reason Nanjing Incident

1 From the war demographic components:

From the previous massacre case can be found after the massacre there will be two reduced population base

a. male population is older than 3 years of its male population.

b. total population.

Japan as an attack target will be done Nanjing basic survey population (two months) investigation concluded that the total resident population of Nanjing about 30 million to 32 million floating population 10,006 thousand (the Chinese government did not reliable demographic data it is not a "this number is also used in the International Tribunal for the Far East the number").

After two weeks of the war, Japan began issuing called (good card) the security identifier (payment standard is based on over 12 years old 52 years old male-dominated) in accordance with the Japanese military records, issuing a total of 358,949 people in (this figures are used in the International Tribunal for the Far East population figures, the International Tribunal for the Far East is also a witness (Nanjing International Security Committee) and adopted basis.

If there Holocaust, why the number of the population will be more than the original?

This is only a possibility that there is no so-called Holocaust, and also contains escape Chinese army.

How do you solutions are?
see more
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
You are hopeless.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 24 days ago
I speak for you poor sad
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You are so amusing and pathetic. This is not a forum to examine your fabricated material, go debate with real experts at government, university, usual, you are just a miserable liar.
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陳宣 Cyllene • 22 days ago
Prostitution = sex workers

During the war, the Japanese sex workers like my definition, prevention can not relieve the sexual needs of the war zone rape women sex workers.

I would also like to know, in the late 1800s - early 1900s, teenagers become sex workers is legal.

And on the realities of the Chinese in the early 19th century to 20 prostitutes can not even be called a lot of young people most are just children, but this is the usual non-war period, I believe in condemnation of Japan, China was only need a thorough be viewed.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You definitely need to join Abe's camp. Bring along your mom too. You have most trusted view to save Hashimoto and Abe. Great job. The world trust you and our humble noble mayor Hashimoto.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
About the Japan-Korea Relationship

The Japan-Korea relationship has recently gone through some difficult times. Underlying the difficulty are the issue of comfort women and the territorial dispute over the Takeshima Islands. Ideally, Japan and South Korea should be important partners in East Asia, as they share the same values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. I believe that a closer relationship based on greater trust between Japan and South Korea would contribute to the stability and prosperity of not only East Asia but also the world.

One of the points of tension is that concerning wartime comfort women. Some former comfort women in Korea are currently demanding state compensation from the Japanese government.

However, the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea and the Agreement on the Settlement of Problems Concerning Property and Claims and on Economic Co-operation between Japan and the Republic of Korea, both signed in 1965, have officially and decisively resolved any issues of claims arising from the war, including the right of individual persons to claim compensation. Japan has also performed its moral responsibility with the establishment of the Asian Women's Fund, and it paid atonement money to former comfort women even after the resolution of the legal contention with the treaties.

The international community has welcomed the Asian Women's Fund. A report to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations welcomed Japan's moral responsibility project of the Asian Women's Fund. Mary Robinson, the second United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, gave the Fund a favorable evaluation. Unfortunately, however, some former comfort women have refused to accept the atonement money from the Asian Women's Fund.

Japan has given significant importance to the Treaty on Basic Relations and the Agreement on the Settlement, both of which made final resolution of any legal contention in 1965, and Japan also sincerely faces, reflects on, and apologizes for its own wartime wrongdoings with feelings of deep remorse.

The whole situation poses a rending dilemma for us: how to make such a compensation that former comfort women would accept as our sincere remorse and apology, while also maintaining the integrity of the legal bilateral agreements between Japan and Korea.

The Korean government has recently claimed that interpretive disputes over the individual right of compensation for former comfort women in the Agreement on the Settlement still remain. I hope that the Republic of Korea, as a state governed by the rule of law, recognizes the legal importance of the above-mentioned agreements. If the Republic of Korea still believes that there exist interpretive contentions in the agreements, I think that only the International Court of Justice can resolve them.

One can hope that the same legal/rule-of-law stance is also observed in the resolution of the territorial dispute over the Takeshima Islands.

I firmly believe that neither hatred nor anger can resolve the problems between Japan and Korea. I firmly believe in the importance of legal solution at the International Court of Justice, which arena would allow both sides to maintain rational and legal argument while both maintain both respect for each other and deep sympathy to former comfort women.

I wish to express sincerely my willingness to devote myself to the true improvement of the Japan-Korea relationship through the rule of law.


Toru Hashimoto

see more
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
For the national security of Japan, the Japan-U.S. Alliance is the most important asset, and I am truly grateful to contributions made by the United States Forces Japan.

However, in Okinawa, where many U.S. military bases are located, a small number of U.S. soldiers have repeatedly committed serious crimes, including sexual crimes, against Japanese women and children. Every time a crime has occurred, the U.S. Forces have advocated maintaining and tightening official discipline and have promised to the Japanese people that they would take measures to stop such crimes from occurring again. Nevertheless, these crimes have not stopped. The same pattern has been repeating itself.

I emphasize the importance of the Japan-U.S. Alliance and greatly appreciate the U.S. Forces' contribution to Japan. Nonetheless, the anger of the Okinawan people, whose human rights have continued to be violated, has reached its boiling point. I have a strong wish to request that the U.S.A. face the present situation of Okinawa's suffering from crimes committed by U.S. soldiers, and take necessary measures to alleviate the problem.

It is a big issue that incidents of sexual violence have frequently happened without effective control within the U.S. military forces worldwide. It has been reported that President Obama has shown a good deal of concern over the forces' frequent reports of military misconduct and has instructed the commanders to thoroughly tighten their official discipline, as measures taken so far have had no immediate effect.

With all the above-mentioned situations, I felt a strong sense of crisis and said to the U.S. commander that the use of "the legally accepted adult entertainment industry in Japan" should be considered as one of all the possible measures. Even if there is no measure with an immediate effect, the current state of Okinawa should not be neglected. From my strong sense of crisis, I strongly hope that the U.S. army will use all possible measures to bring a heartless minority of soldiers under control. When expressing this strong hope, I used the phrase "the legally accepted adult entertainment industry in Japan." When this phrase was translated into English, it led to the false report that I recommended prostitution--which is illegal under Japanese law. Furthermore, my remark was misunderstood to mean that something legally acceptable is also morally acceptable. Although the adult entertainment industry is legally accepted, it can insult the dignity of women. In that case, of course, some measures should be taken to prevent such insults.

However, I understand that my remark could be construed as an insult to the U.S. Forces and to the American people, and therefore was inappropriate. I retract this remark and express an apology. In conclusion, I retract my inappropriate remarks to the U.S. Army and the American people and sincerely apologize to them. I wish that my apologies to them will be accepted and that Japan and the United States of America continue to consolidate their relationship of alliance in full trust.

My real intention was to further enhance the security relationship between Japan and the United States, which most U.S. soldiers' sincere hard work has consolidated, and to humbly and respectfully ask the U.S. Forces to prevent crimes committed by a mere handful of U.S. soldiers. My strong sense of crisis led to the use of this inappropriate expression.

In the area of human rights, the U.S.A. is one of the most conscientious nations. Human rights are among those values accepted throughout the world as universal. In order for human rights of the Okinawan people to be respected in the same way as those of American people are respected, I sincerely hope that the U.S. Forces will start taking effective measures in earnest to stop crimes in Okinawa from continuing.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Today, in the twenty-first century, the dignity and human rights of women have been established as a sacred part of the universal values that nations in the world share. It is one of the greatest achievements of progress made by human beings. In the real world, however, the violation of the dignity of women by soldiers has yet to be eradicated. I hope to aim for a future world where the human rights of women will be more respected. Nevertheless, we must face the past and present in order to talk about the future. Japan and other nations in the world must face the violation of the human rights of women by their soldiers. All the nations and peoples in the world should cooperate with one another, be determined to prevent themselves from committing similar offenses again, and engage themselves in protecting the dignity of women at risk in the world's hot spots of military conflict and in building that future world where the human rights of women are respected.

Japan must face, and thoroughly reflect upon, its past offenses. Any justification of the offenses will not be tolerated. Based on this foundation, I expect other nations in the world to face the issue of the sexual violations in the past wars as their own issue. In April this year, the G8 Foreign Ministers in London agreed upon the "Declaration on Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict." Based on this accomplishment, I expect that the G8 Summit to be held in this June in Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, the UK, will become an important occasion where the leaders of G8 will examine how soldiers from nations in the world, including the former Japanese soldiers, have used women for sexual purposes, face and reflect upon the past offenses with humility, solve today's problems in partnership with one another, and aim for the ideal future.

With regard to my remark in the discussion with the U.S. commander in Okinawa

There was a news report that, while visiting a U.S. military base in Okinawa, I recommended to the U.S. commander there that he make use of the adult entertainment industry to prevent U.S. soldiers from committing sexual crimes. That was not what I meant. My real intention was to prevent a mere handful of U.S. soldiers from committing crimes and strengthen the Japan-U.S. Alliance and the relations of trust between the two nations. In attempting to act on my strong commitment to solving the problem in Okinawa stemming from crimes committed by a minority of U.S. soldiers, I made an inappropriate remark. I will elaborate my real intention as follows.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
Against this historical background, I stated that "the armed forces of nations in the world" seemed to have needed women "during the past wars". Then it was wrongly reported that I myself thought it as necessary for armed forces to use women and that "I" tolerated it.

It is a hard historical fact that soldiers of some nations of the world have used women for sexual purposes in wars. From the viewpoint of respecting the human rights of women, it does not make much difference whether the suffering women are licensed or unlicensed prostitutes and whether or not the armed forces are organizationally involved in the violation of the dignity of the women. The use of women for sexual purposes itself is a violation of their dignity. It also goes without saying that rape of local citizens by soldiers in occupied territories and hot spots of military conflict are intolerable atrocities.

Please do not misunderstand, and think that I intend to relativize or justify the issue of comfort women for former Japanese soldiers. Such justification has never been my intention. Whatever soldiers of other nations did will not affect the fact that the violation of the dignity of women by the former Japanese soldiers was intolerable.

What I really meant in my remarks was that it would be harmful, not only to Japan but also to the world, if Japan's violation of the dignity of women by soldiers were reported and analyzed as an isolated and unique case, and if such reports came to be treated as common knowledge throughout the world. It would suppress the truth that the violation of the dignity of women by soldiers not only existed in the past but also has yet to be eradicated in today's world. Based on the premise that Japan must remorsefully face its past offenses and must never justify the offenses, I intended to argue that other nations in the world must not attempt to conclude the matter by blaming only Japan and by associating Japan alone with the simple phrase of "sex slaves" or "sex slavery."

If only Japan is blamed, because of the widely held view that the state authority of Japan was intentionally involved in the abduction and trafficking of women, I will have to inform you that this view is incorrect.

While expecting sensible nations to voice the issue of the violation of the dignity of women by soldiers, I believe that there is no reason for inhibiting Japanese people from doing the same. Because the Japanese people are in a position to face the deplorable past of the use of comfort women by the former Japanese soldiers, to express deep remorse and to state their apology, they are obliged to combat the existing issue of the violation of the dignity of women by soldiers, and to do so in partnership with all the nations which also have their past and/or present offenses.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
What I really meant by my remarks on so-called "comfort women"

I am totally in agreement that the use of "comfort women" by Japanese soldiers before and during the World War 2 was an inexcusable act that violated the dignity and human rights of the women in which large numbers of Korean and Japanese were included. I am totally aware that their great pain and deep hurt were beyond description.

I also strongly believe that Japan must reflect upon its past offenses with humility and express a heartfelt apology and regret to those women who suffered from the wartime atrocities as comfort women. Our nation must be determined to stop this kind of tragedy from occurring again.

I have never condoned the use of comfort women. I place the greatest importance on the dignity and human rights of women as an essential part of the universal values in today's world. It is extremely regrettable that only the cut-off parts of my remarks have been reported worldwide and that these reports have resulted in misunderstood meanings of the remarks, which are utterly contrary to what I actually intended.

We must express our deep remorse at the violation of the human rights of these women by the Japanese soldiers in the past, and make our apology to the women. What I intended to convey in my remarks was that a not-insignificant number of other nations should also sincerely face the fact that their soldiers violated the human rights of women. It is not a fair attitude to blame only Japan, as if the violation of human rights of women by soldiers were a problem unique to the Japanese soldiers. This kind of attitude shelves the past offenses that are the very things we must face worldwide if we are truly to aim for a better world where the human rights of women are fully respected. Sexual violation in wartime was not an issue unique to the former Japanese army. The issue existed in the armed forces of the U.S.A., the UK, France, Germany and the former Soviet Union among others during World War 2. It also existed in the armed forces of the Republic of Korea during the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
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NOBU1000 • 25 days ago
「Statement by Toru Hashimoto」

Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimioto issues a statement ahead of his press conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo.

* * *
Ideals and values on which I stand:

Today, I want to start by talking about my basic ideals as a politician and my values as a human being.

Nothing is more regrettable than a series of media reports on my remarks with regard to the issue of so-called "comfort women." These reports have created an image of me, both as a politician and as a human being, which is totally contrary to my real ideals and values. This has happened because only a portion of each of my remarks has been reported, cut off from the whole context.

I attach the utmost importance to the universal values of human rights, freedom, equality and democracy, whose universality human beings have come to accept in the twenty-first century. As a constitutionalist, I also believe that the essential purpose of a nation's constitution is to bind government powers with the rule of law and to secure freedom and rights of the people. Without such legal limitations imposed by the constitution, the government powers could become arbitrary and harmful to the people.

My administrative actions, first as Governor of Osaka Prefecture and then as Mayor of Osaka City, have been based on these ideals and values. The views on political issues that I have expressed in my career so far, including my view of the Japanese constitution, testify to my commitment to the ideals and values. I am determined to continue to embody these ideals and values in my political actions and statements.

As my ideals and values clearly include respect for the dignity of women as an essential element of human rights, I find it extremely deplorable that news reports have continued to assume the contrary interpretation of my remarks and to depict me as holding women in contempt. Without doubt, I am committed to the dignity of women.
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drooman • a month ago
The USA should take notice...Japan has employed central bank stimulus for decades while it's economic relevance shrivels to zero in the world. Instead of paying attention to bank system crimes that destroy the country, the public and the media obsess over who's having "improper" consensual sex....sound familar?
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Michael Craig • 25 days ago
I like Japan, but if Abe messes up the "Peace Constitution" [i]we[/i] gave him, Congress should imposes sanctions!!
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NOBU1000 Michael Craig • 25 days ago
The constitution is changed for defense of its own country.

What is bad?
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陳宣 Michael Craig • 25 days ago
I ask that in addition to China and their dependents dog who wants sanctions Japan?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Dogs? You are a donkey hybrid....want evidence?
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
All genes are known to understand race Chinaman habitual habit hybrids, so they have no blood at all
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I would like to ask you this first addition of pure lineage Shina pig?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
You are a pig? How does it work? Started with donkey, now further mixed with pig. You have to elaborate...
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Klara Cat • a month ago
CNN = Chinese Nationalistic News.
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Ershole Urine Klara Cat • a month ago
What happen? How do we lost influence in CNN? If you put the blame on Hashimoto, I focuk you.
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celegans Ershole Urine • a month ago
lol don't focuk anybody please
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
I will be gentle, then apology. Ok?
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celegans Ershole Urine • a month ago
Just like your grandfather.
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Ershole Urine celegans • a month ago
No, they don't apologize, as there is no evidence.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
Use the money to buy it is a habitual behavior Shina
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陳宣 Klara Cat • a month ago
Feel the same
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陳宣 • 25 days ago
I admit that I was stupid, because I want to race without a moral apology.

I admit that I am naive, because I necessarily like a liar racial reason and logic.

I admit I lost my logic, because I believe that a robber race directors by law.

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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 24 days ago
You are right that you are stupid .

You are right that you are naive,

You are right that you cannot use logic.

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陳宣 • 25 days ago
If on the international law of war crimes, the Chinese Government had violated the treaty, the people hurt him indulge country nationals and Japanese civilians massacred by the army, China is not the murderer is the original World War II

As a scholar of international law and the political parties, I think China is the most the country has been indicted for war crimes and ethnic.

Do not distort the facts and legal issues, the Japanese in World War II crimes, up refers to Pearl Bay events, while China is deliberately provoke a war battlefield was the culprit in Asia.

The same was told in this Shinaman, I am Taiwanese, I'm not a Shinaman is to explore the History of Law, you want to debate welcome, but please do not abuse,

Shina with my Kansai only we are Asian, your nationalism will only display your offensive and shameless
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
We definitely need you assisting Hashimoto to put facts together. You r view will be solidly presented by Hashimoto like he attempted in the international press conference. I am so glad to see your willingly given up your nationality to join us, join Hashimoto and Abe, in particular they are on the way out. You are such a credible person.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I never give up any of my nationality.

I can only say the same thing with scientific fact, nationalism is not within my considerations.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
No need to explain. We all understand. You are desperate to be a jappy don't you. You have great job to lie so far. We have reserved you a place at the shrine.
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陳宣 Ershole Urine • 25 days ago
I can not understand why I like to Shina different positions were identified with China into Japan?
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Can you make your point more specific, as we really have difficult to hear donkey mreemree
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NOBU1000 • 20 days ago
「Guantanamo & Comfort Women [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama]」(English )

「GEISHA, TONY BLAIR & COMFORT WOMEN [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama]」(English )

「Pearl Harbor, Morning Bread & JFK [Yujiro 谷山雄二朗 Taniyama]」(English )

「THE FAKE OF NANKING - 1 」(English )

「The Fake of Nanking Massacre-1~6Dead Bodies(English & Japanese)」

You Tube title

Please think that it was deceived and see this movie once.

The check from various angles is required for history.
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陳宣 • 20 days ago
If the Japanese really kill pigs Shina

I would say that the Japanese did not put sin completely destroy this evil race

Let this disgusting organisms persist to the present.
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caveman2022 • 23 days ago
It always amazes me that, since the end of WWII, not enough attention has been paid to the unbelievable suffering and crimes of the Philippine people during its occupation by Japan. Rape, forced servitude and extermination were commonly practiced by the Japanese. Although Gen. Douglas MacArthur had a special place in his heart for Filipinos, it is interesting that he was appointed to oversee and rebuild Japan with no thought of meaningful reparations or the rebuilding of the Philippines. Manila was once known as "the Pearl of the Orient" before the war and since the war it has largely floundered in poverty and crime. Both the US and Japan used the islands as a strategic piece of the puzzle from a military standpoint. Neither Japan, for its deplorable actions, nor the US, for the sacrifice and loyalty of the Philippine people, have contributed anything but token assistance to that country.
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shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
About "war crimes": both US and Japan are quiet about war crimes. Remember that US can't allow discussion of war crimes in Japan because US did same to Japan as Japan did to China, and what the US did may also be seen as war crime. Japan cannot go against the boss. McArthur even prohibited discussion of the war during occupation.
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陳宣 shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
If on the international law of war crimes, the Chinese Government had violated the treaty, the people hurt him indulge country nationals and Japanese civilians massacred by the army, China is not the murderer is the original World War II

As a scholar of international law and the political parties, I think China is the most the country has been indicted for war crimes and ethnic.
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Ershole Urine 陳宣 • 25 days ago
Exactly, 陳宣being a scholar of international law, we must trust this guy. He will save us. Our credibility is falling because of Hashimoto and Abe, 陳宣being a scholar will help reversing that. Hurrah.
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blueocean1 shinjukuboy • 25 days ago
Two wrongs don't make a right! No matter how you try to justify, just because other countries deny their history it doesn't make it ok
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Danny Bravo • a month ago
if japan have a bad intention to the planet like your story on world war 11 ,have a bad attiude,, your economy will collapse,,,but if your intention are good or continue to research a machine to help to cure the humanity,,, your economcs also continue to glowing and this is non stop,,,like the other country with limitation or closed like the china,,,because the intention is to invade the planet ,,by using of many powerful weapon,,,, now the poverty is arrived and never turn back again,,,,,this is real not only invention,, all the country without god will remove,, at the end of great final judgement,,,and this is now,,!!!!
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Starfox Danny Bravo • a month ago −
In the dawn when the time softened frenzy and prejudice,
In moreover, the dawn when reason stripped off the mask from the falsehood,
While the goddess of justice maintains the balance at a balance just that time,
Many of past rewards and penalties, It will be required that the place should be changed.