Sunday, November 20, 2011

Elizabeth Keith in korea

Elizabeth Keith

Two Korean Children
A Wonsan Scholar and his disciples
Elizabeth Keith, (1887-1956 )가 그린 조선과 조선인

Buddha's Birthday, Korean boy in holiday dress

A Temple Kitchen, Diamond Mts. Korea

Young Koreans

New Year's Shopping, Seoul

Nine Dragon Fall, Diamond Mts. Korea (금강산)

The Scholar, Korea

Gentle in Ceremonial Dress, Elizabeth Keith, c. 1920.
Gouache; paper; 13.25” H x 16” W. Gift of Dr. & Mrs. Aziz A. Khan.
Returning from the Funeral. Korea

Little Pavilion. Coal Hill.

The Good Earth ("Ming Temple - The Good Earth - Peking")

Wayside Bridge, Peking
 Lama Temple, Peking

East Gate, Pyeng Yang, Korea (In snow)

Bridge. Soochow

Night Scene, Peking

Pewter Shop, Soochow

Wonsan, Korea

Lama Priest, Peking

East Gate. Seoul

Ying Lin Monastery

spring in Soochow
 Night Scene in Peking   

Bridge at Soochow



Ainu Man

Doshisha Girl

The Daibutsu, Kamakura

Elizabeth Keith, Shigiyama in 'Hagamoro' 1936

Elizabeth Keith, Kamakura, Summer Reflections, 1922

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