Saturday, November 12, 2011

Japan didn't take a severe ruling
Top of Korean10lies
Will Japanese continue bearing Korean distorting the history?

The Korean government claims:
>"The Japanese annexation policies delayed the modernization of Korea for 50 years."

The fallacy of this claim is evident from the two pictures shown below.
Korea settles even the fact that Japan modernized Korea with a absurd word.

On the contrary, Koreans consider they had contributed to Japanese development.
How do you think about "Japanese annexation ruling of the Korean Peninsula"?

Japan saved Koreans from starvation and their internal disturbances.
Dramatic Before-After Comparison! ! ! !
Korea 100 years ago was at the level of Japan 1400 years ago.

Before the Japanese ruling (top)During the Japanese ruling (bottom)

Frequently, Koreans insist "cruel unjust ruling that Japan did does not watch a human history similar instance.
Japan had committed all kinds of exploitation".  However, it is a fact that Korea after Korea-Japan Annexation became very rich economically culturally. The accusations made by Koreans are in contradiction by the indisputable fact that the population of Korea increased from 13,130,000 in 1910 to 25,530,000 in 1942.
This fact alone serves as a sufficient counterexample capable of debunking all the anti-Japan claims fabricated by these Korean anti-Japan activists.

Korean population became double for 32 years. If they had been exploited, does population increase?
I nominate the British Irish ruling for an example. Irish population of 8,200,000 in 1841 decreased to 4,440,000
because of the U.K. in 1911. (local person are abused in most colony cases, and population decreases sharply)

In addition, as for Koreans total income of one person, 58 yen of 1910 double with 119 yen in 1938.
Furthermore, in Korea, one fact became clear by a study, domestic production and income recorded about 4% high growth rates yearly since they were put under the control of Japan.

Although education was as good as nothing before the Korea-Japan Annexation (1910), Japan introduced a modern education system and made 5,213 elementary schools, and rated up Korean school enrollment ratio to 61% (1944). Japanese spread the Hangul Alphabet which Koreans threw away.
Japan laid 3,847km railroads which there were not in Korea. They did 590,000,000 planting to bald mountains. Dirty hygiene environments were improved, and meal feeling was stable, and population increased to 2 times from 13,130,000 people to 25,120,000 people. Korea accomplished modern industries rapidly by maintenance of infrastructure such as educations, railroads, factories, electricity, money system (before Japanese ruling, Korean had used barter). Even an economic aspect accomplishes leaps, and they became it without unjust politics rule. But they insist "the cruel colonial policies that do not watch a human history similar instance" !

Korean often insists like followings.

"Japan annexed Korea illegally forcibly", "the name was taken compulsorily (Soshi-kaimei)", "the Hangul alphabet was taken", "Koreans were compulsorily taken to Japan."

However, these claims are completely lies that most were exaggerated exaggeratedly. However, they say exploitation, exploitation, exploitation... Korea has no resources, no cultures, no economic which we can exploit, or it was a most poor country in the world.

The source of information:

Following pictures are not inserted even one in the Korean text book.
Furthermore, they are written "Japanese ripped off Korea drastically", "they didn't help Korean modernization at all".

Before Japanese rule, Seoul (Korean capital) south big gate.
sanitation was very bad, most cities are slum.

Seoul Panorama

Seoul east big gate street

Koreans do the wash in the dirty river

So many people are homeless


Seoul's Korean man (Hair dressing )

Korean lady
*Woman who had a baby boy were forced to show their chest. (Unfortunately fuck Japan forbade this good custom)

newest car

(giveaway) Too beautified Korean textbook

the South big gate. (I lost my words)

Reference: Edo (Tokyo) Japan.  This photograph taken by Briton Felix Beato in 1863.

↓1910 After Korea-Japan Annexation (韓日併合)

It's natural they were good relation as Japan was requested to annexation

It looks like fun. It's secret Koreans did so many crimes with put on airs as they were win-war nation in the postwar-Japan.

They were Japanese to use exertion for Koreans a long time ago.

The early days Seoul of Japanese ruling.
First, Japanese told Koreans how to place train.

Seoul's broadway with equipped electric cable and street lamp completely

Pyongyang (current North Korean capital)

They established modern buildings one after another

Seoul panorama:
I have never heard the story that the modern cities emerged suddenly from wilderness within only 35 years or so.
There should have been efforts and pains which wore down the body of the Japanese there.

Chiyoujiya department store opened in 1937. At the same time, Mitukoshi, Hirata, Washin department stores forged ahead on Seoul. They had competed with reflecting Japanese new trend.

Seoul's south big gate in 1936. Left is commerce bank, and center: city railway became twin.

Seoul downtown, Honmachi 2-Chome shopping arcade. It's always crowded until street lumps went off in night.
It equivalents Tokyo Ginza.

Ota kindergarten

Keijo higher elementary school

Lady high school

Ranan public girls high school

Keijo imperial university preliminary course (Today, Seoul university)

Chosen (Chosen is a Japanese name of Korea) bank

Pyongyang city begun operation city trains. Fares are uniformly 5 sen (sen was Japanese money unit at that time).

Pyongyang's evening

new development industrial city: Kounan.
Chosen Nitrogen Fertilizer, Japan Magnesium, Chosen Mining, and so on embarked on Korea.

The biggest waterpower plant in the world: Suihou dam.
Output was the second biggest in the world. It covered electricity for China and Korea.

Koreans and Japanese enjoy skiing.
It's miracle for Koreans to enjoy skiing in the worst cruel ruling times that we can't see before history.

Keijo (Japanese name of Seoul at that time) Jinja (Japanese sacred gateway of divine) festival with Koreans

Sports meeting

Skating Games

In 1940, Chosen hotel's sunroom in Seoul. Left beautiful lady is a dancer Che Yonhi (Korean).

Korea don't admit to have been Chinese subject state,
and beautify before annexation Korea as they were "east ideal nation".
Now Korea insist "the peaceful Korea was invaded by savage Japanese. And they closed ways to modernization". 
I think it's impossible for Japanese to share history recognition with Koreans.

information [ Changes in Korea ]

Average life span                                       26 years old → 42 years old
The number of the junior high school students          32.7 times
adoption rate of electric lamp                              178.6 times
reforested area                                                 54.2 times
forestry production output                           2.57 times
rice production output                               2.58 times
The length of railroads                            60 times (about 6,000km)
industrials production output (1914~1937)      6.57 times

The number of the public schools           52 times
1910: Less than 100
1944: 5213

population                                   2 times
1910: 13,128,780(0) (beginning of the annexation)
1915: 15,957,630(+)
1920: 16,916,078(+)
1925: 18,543,326(+)
1930: 19,685,587(+)
1935: 21,248,864(+)
1940: 22,954,563(+)
1944: 25,120,174(+) (evening of the annexation)

1 comment:

  1. just because you showed progress on your colonies doesn't exempted your people for causing so much atrocities on the natives of the colonies. Japanese people always have superiority issues & give half-hearted apologies even in modern scandals. But not to worry as Japanese people are going extinct soon due to low birth phenomena. Maybe this is karma for all the atrocities your people had done in the past.
