Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the lies of comfort women 従軍慰安婦の嘘

Comfort Woman is a story that Asahi Shimbun in Japan made.
There is no Japan up to bringing Comfort Woman compulsorily.

They sold one's Prostitute because of the trader's named IMI SHOUKAIJIYO (Imai introduction place) recruitment.
This is material that the South Korea government submitted as evidence.
They cannot read the Chinese character.

The South Korea government submitted it is a newspaper in 1944.
It is being written "Comfort women recruitment.The salary of the moon is 300 yen. Money can be borrowed up to 3000 yen. ".
Their incomes were more than Japan 'servicemen.
Comfort women was a prostitute.
They came at the will of myself.

Comfort Women Recruitment Ads Exist. 
This picture was on official Korean comfort women web site.

매일신보 October 27, 1944 on Maeil Sinbo (Seoul Sinmun) newspaper
"Military" comfort women an urgent recruitment
Destination: Unit 00, comfort station
Age: must be 18 to 30 years old.robust women
Term of recruitment;  October 27 to November 8
Departure: about Novemver 10
Treatment: Apply within
Availability limited ; several dozen

contact address ; Keijo city 195
Korean hostelry 2645
(Mr. Heo 허)

"Keijo Daily" (dated 26 July 1944) "Comfort Women Wanted ASAP"
age; Over 17 years age to 23 years
workplace;  ○○ behind unit,the comfort station
Pay: 300 yen or more per a month, (can be advanced on salary till 3000 yen )
Interview; AM8:00 to PM10:00
Imai job agency


一、行き先   ○○部隊慰安所
一、募集日  十月二十七日  十一月八日
一、開催日   十一月十日頃
一、待遇 本人面談
一、募集人員  数十名
京城         町一九五
光 二六四五

年齢 一七歳以上
勤先 後方○○ 慰安
月収 三〇〇円以上 (前借三〇〇〇円迄可)
午後八時より午後一〇時迄本人 談

行先 ○○部隊慰安所
応募資格 年齢18歳以上30歳以内身体強健女性
募集期日 10月27日より11月8日
契約及待遇 本人面接後即時決定
募集人員 数十名
希望者 左記場所に至急問議の事
京城府鍾路区○園町195 朝鮮旅館内光○2645 (許氏)

年齢 17歳以上23歳まで
勤め先 後方○○隊慰安部
月収 300円以上(前借3000円まで可)

『매일 신보』 (1944년10월27일자) 「군위안부 급모집」행선지 00부대위안소 응모 자격연령 18세이상 30세이내 신체강건여성모집 기일 10월27일보다 11월8일 계약及대우 본인면접후 즉시 결정 모집인원 몇십명희망자좌기장소에 시급하게 문議교토성부 종로구(鍾路區) 0소노초(園町) 195조선 여관내 빛 02645(아래씨)

『교토성일보』 (1944년7월26일자) 「위안부 시급하게 모집」연령 17세이상 23세까지 근무처후방 00대 위안부 월수 300엔이상 (전차 3000엔까지 가능)

In 1916, Japanese Governor-General of Korea enforced that "prohibited convention of Shogi(Geisha) prostitutes in lent room of restraints. (Headquarters Ordinance No. IV )", and established that over 17 years old to become a (Kisaeng) prostitute conditions.

starting salary of a constable was 45 yen at the age, converting into current rate, earning monthly 300 yen is valued as over 1330,000 yen ($17,040) that is premium income comparable to the salaries of the military brass.



1916년, 조선 총독부는 「임대방창기금지 규칙(총감부 령 제4호)」을 시행하고, 창기가 친숙해지는 연령조건을 17나이이상이라고 하고 있었다.

순경의 첫 월급이 45엔이었던 시대, 월수 300엔이라고 하는 것은 현재의 가치에 환산하면 월수 133만엔이상의 높은 급료이며, 군의 고급장교의 급여에 필적한다.


on the recruitment advertising for Comfort women are written income over 300 yen per monthly.
Based on the current starting salary for college graduates (200,000yen $2600), converted as 800,000 yen,$10000(8,000,000 won) .

it is very expensive.
At the time, even if a hard man can not be earn like such a big money.
Women factory workers earned about 20-50 yen.
Also no education women started working in Soul spinning company, till getting  skillful they couldn't earn 20 yen.

"Guaranteed minimum is 300 yen."
everyone can realize clearly that the work is unusual when looking the big amount.
also required  assumed cohesive amount urgently, such as for loan of family,with the subjoinder was written that paid up 3000 yen  (about 800 million yen,$100000). It was no doubt quite highly paid.

Incidentally time, army general salary was 550 yen.





"As the war expanded and the military increased in manpower, the Japanese Military required more comfort women. Here, Japan sought to resolve the comfort women deficiency by mobilizing women from their colonies. According to Aso Tetsuo, a former wartime military medical officer of Japan, most all comfort women at Shanghai Comfort Station as witnessed in December 1938 were Koreans.
Imperialist Japan sought to mobilize regular women broadly as comfort women. One of the justification was that the general Korean women were free of venereal diseases. This shows how well the imperialist Japan sought to exploit the Korean women in their planing for the comfort women policy and implementation of this plan."

(mochi) what???????? how stupid....

(mochi thinking) the victims on the picture are not korean. its korean propaganda.

hi,the issue of "so-called comfort women"...their painful story are shocked us, we must apologized the old ladies. but you and korean don't care that you insult both japanese and korean women dad-burned. japan and korea were poor countries against white colonial US or EU. hearing carefully their story, the women couldn't go to elementary school, japanese farmer daughter were same.

but Yi Yong-Su went to Kisaeng courtsan school in Pyonyang, her parents had debited from their relations to pay the course fee. her families were successive third class kisaeng..i have not never any disrespect intended. but its fact,the system of korean curst has many problem.

they should claim to korean people who looked down the forced working women to live in sexual market. don't you know that the fact in today many divorced korean women must work in sexual market to grow up their children. they have taken up human conscience malenginly, they lower down both japanese and korean women.

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