Friday, April 6, 2012

CHA-NO-YU The Japanese Tea Ceremony by A.L.SADLER

Let's study together!

The Japanese Tea Ceremony

In 1933, when A. L. Sadler's imposing book on the Japanese tea ceremony first appeared, there was no other work on the subject in English that even remotely approached it in comprehensiveness or detail.

1933年サドラー博士、日本の茶の湯についての感銘的な本は出版されま した。それは英語で書かれた物としては、これまでに無く広範囲で詳細です。

In 1962, when it made its second appearance after being out of print for several decades, there was still no challenge to its position.


Having attained something of the stature of a classic among studies of Japanese esthetics, it has remained one of the most sought-after of books in this field.


It is therefor both a pleasure and a privilege to make it available once again in a complete and unabridged paperback reprint of the 1962 edition.

その意味で第二版が完全にしかも省略無しに再出版されたことは、一つの慶 びと恩恵に値するでしょう。

For those of the Occident who have discovered the fascination of Japanese cultural life, as wellas for those who have yet to be initiated into this engaging world, there are many routes of approach.

この本は日本の文化に興味のある人々を初め、そうでない人達をも含めて 有益だった事は明白です。日本の文化を知る上で多くの方法があるでしょう。

But there is none, perhaps, so likely to reveral the essence of the Japanese spirit as the cha-no-yu, the tea cult of Japan.


"Indeed," Professor Sadler says of it, "cha-no-yu may be considered an epitome of Japanese civilization."


And certainly none of Japan's esthetic pastimes is more closely associated with her arts and crafts than this time-hinored ceremony of drinking tea.

単にお茶を飲む儀式又は遊戯と言うことではなく、芸術や工芸に対しても より緊密な造詣をもっているとなのです。

For well over four centuries there has existed in Japan a very definite point of view or way of life associated with the cha-no-yu.

茶の湯は四世紀以上にわたり、日本の指針もしくは道として明確に存在して 来ました。

The ceremony, Professor Sadler nots, might well be described as a household sacrament of esthetics, economics, and etiquette.

サドラー博士は、美術書又は経済書として、礼儀作法の解説書として実に 詳細に記録しています。

It has been and still is practiced by a large number of the most cultivated people in the land and in all ranks of society.

茶道はこの島国の中で、あらゆる社会階層の人々中からの修練者の人達に よって研鑚され続けられています。

Its devotees include statesmen, soldiers, artists, and men of business, as well as artisans and ordinary people.


Its influence has penetrated deeply into the details of the everyday life of the community and has had an important role in forming tastes and habits.

茶の湯の流行は、地域社会の毎日の生活の細部へいたるまで浸透して、 味覚形成や習慣に対しても一つの重要な役割を果たしました。

Originally a monastic custom tntroduced by Buddhists returning from study in China, it has been forhgotten in the land of its origin, but it survives in Japan as an artistic discipline that became, in the words of Professor Sadler, "the control of everyday affairs, the making of a dwelling and living in it according to the dicta of the most eminent Masters."

当初、この禁欲的習慣は中国大陸へ仏教の勉強へ行った僧達によって紹介され ました。それはこの島の風土習慣の中にあっては忘れられていましたが、一つ の芸術的な価値基準として生き残りました。サドラー博士の言葉によれば 「それはもっとも高名な茶人と称される人達の権威的断定として毎日の生活 の指針、建築物とそこに住む事の方法が示す」と有ります。

This disciplined estheticism, as expressed in architecture, garden design, flower arrangement, pottery, painting, and other arts intimately related with the cha-no-yu, forms the focus of attention in the first part of the book.

この修練の美の思想は、建築、庭園、いけ花、陶芸、絵画、その他芸術と 茶の湯との密接な関係をしめしています。この本の一番目の注目の要点として、 載せられています。

The second part, entitled "Tea Masters," presents a series of stories illustrating the tea experiences of representative men of all types during the Muromachi, Momoyama, and Tokugawa periods.

二番目として、室町時代、桃山時代、徳川時代、それぞれの代表的な茶人達の 姿やその後の流派や歴史上の系列を示しています。

The book is abundantly illustrated with drawings of tea-ceremony furniture and utensils, tearoom architecture and garden design, floor and ground plans, and numerous other features of the cha-no-yu.

お茶道具類を始め、茶室建築様式、庭のデザイン、床や庭木にいたるまで 多数の茶の湯の特色を示すものをイラストとして載せて有ります。

A number of photographic plates picture famous tea bowls, teahouses, and gardens.



For the last four hundred years there has existed in Japan a very definite point of view or way of life associated with the ceremonial drinking of tea.

日本において400年もの間、お茶と言う形式的飲食が人々の生活や概念の中の 極めて明確な点として存在をして来ました。

It is called Cha-no-yu, literally Hot Water for Tea, or Chado, the Way of Tea, and those who follow it are known as Chajin or Tea-men.

それを茶の湯と呼びます。Hot Water for Tea又は茶道、茶の道、とも言います。 茶人と称される人達によって継承をされて来ました。

It might be described as a household sacrament of esthetics, economics and etiquette.

それは多分、神聖で美しい日常生活と言う言い方で説明出来ると思います。 そして、日々の営みや礼儀とも置き換えられるかもしれません。

It has been and still is practised by a very large number of the most cultivated people in the land, by statesmen, soldiers, artists and men of business, as well as by artizans and ordinary people.

現在まで継承され、そして現在もこの島の多くの人々によって稽古が行われて います。特権階級、軍人、芸術家や企業家を始め、職人やごく普通の人々まで も嗜まれています。

And so its influence has penetrated deeply into the details of the everyday life of the community and has taken a large part in forming ots tastes and habits.

この茶の湯の流行は、社会生活の隅々まで浸透して味覚や習慣の形式までも 影響を与えました。

It is little known outside the country because nothing much has been written about it by Europeans with the exception of short desdriptions by Kaempfer and Brinkley and some pictures of Tea gardens in the works of Morse and Conder.

この事は、Kaempfer and Brinkleyの紹介程度の記述とMorse and Conderの茶室の 庭の写真以外、ヨーロッパではあまり知られていませんでした。

But the importance of its contribution to the civilization of the country would hardly be gathered from these writings.

他文化圏を理解する上での重要な資料としてはこれらは十分に役立ちはしまし たが、、、。

By far the best description of its spirit is the short essay of Okakura Kakuzo entitled 'The Book of Tea,' a composition of great charm of style very suitable to the elegance of hte subject, but rather stimulating interest in 'Teaism,' the word he coined to describe it, than giving a detailed account of it.

ここに岡倉天心と言う人が著した「茶の本」という書物を紹介したいと思 います。茶の湯の持つ詳細な計算美よりも、むしろ精神性に重点を置いた、 優美でしかも刺激的な言葉の数々にきっと魅了される事でしょう。

Therefore this book may be considered as an attempt to supply further information from Japanese sources for those whose curiosity and interest Okakura has aroused.

岡倉氏によって、日本人のより深いところの文化性や根源的特性を、一つの 試みを持って我々へ紹介してくれたのかもしれません。

Cha-no-yu does not owe so much as might at first appear to China and India, for, as usual in such cases, the national spirit of Japan soon asserted itself, so that what was at first an imported taste became in the course of time so completely naturalized and transformed that it now seems perhaps the most Japanese of all institutions.

茶の湯は常に国民特有の精神の中で育まれ、けして中国やインドの模倣では ないと思います。多くの日本人の慣例や制度が物語るように、より完全に自 然な状態で変化しながら経過をしたのでしょう。

China only supplied the stand and utensils imported with the tea and the method of grinding and infusing it, and these things still survive, associated with and almost hidden by their purely Japanese surroundings and adjuncts, and yet also quite consciously distinct from them, and as such used on occasions of special ceremony or when otherwise considered fitting.

中国はお茶の点てかたや道具類を日本へもたらしました。 時にそれは秘伝と称され一部の者のみによって行われたり、又一部はまったく 違ったものとなり、また特別な儀式として使用されたりもしましが。 その基本的やり方は現在でも変わっていません。

But the Chaseki or Tea-room and its special garden or Roji are entirely Japanese, partly inspired though they may be by ancient India through the Buddhist Sutras.

しかし茶を飲む所、すなわち、茶席やその庭や路地は一部仏教経典をとうして 古代インドの影響を色濃く残す所は見られますが、日本独特のものです。

Indeed Cha-no-yu may by considered an epitome of Japanese civilization, for it is a well-blended mixture of elements drawn from the two most ancient cultures of the East eclectically acquired by extremaly able and critical minds capable of discerning exactly how they could best use it for the convenience and aducation of their people.

とにかく、茶の湯は日本文化の縮図と言えます、それは混在した二つの古代 東洋文化から非常に有能に批判的精神に充ち、取捨選択されました。 その識別能力は、茶の文化を日常化し人々の教育に利用した事にも証明されて います。

And very completely were the Tea Masters justified of their creation, for it has kept the national taste more sensitive and healthy and potent than that of perhaps any other country, and this I submit is now being demostrated by what is called,'Modernism' in the art, architecture and interior decoration of Europe.

それを成し得たのはまさに茶人の創意によるもので、他の国々にくらべ国民的 嗜好として統一し、より感性豊かに、健康的に、精力的に守られてきました。 それは正に、ヨーロッパの芸術の世界、建築や装飾においてのモダニズムを思 わせます。

This movement may be called Modern only in Europe, for it appears to a great extent to be, where it is not influenced by machinery of some kind, a copying of the national outlook and taste of Japan in these spheres, for though it may only lately have dawned on continental artists and decorators that a house is a machine to live in and from which all superfluous and irritating ornaments should be banished, the contact between this part of Europe and Japan has been too close of late to allow of the discovery being entirely an independent one.

ヨーロッパにおいてモダンと呼ばれました。それは一つの広域なものとして 定義されました。そして、幾つかの社会階層の中の仕組みには国民感覚の影響 や日本風味は浸透しませんでした。 しかし、ヨーロッパ全体の芸術家やいらいらする程の装飾や余分な物を排除し、 家は一つの機能であると主張する建築家達によって広まってきました。 このヨーロッパと日本の関係が、独立した一つの関係として緊密に関係を深め ていったのです。

The necessity for strict economy in life and the lack of means for ostentation which post-war conditions have brought about,combined with the impulse to simplicity inspired by militarism, may supply the reason for the departure from previous traditional standards.

生活における厳格な経済の必要性と緊縮的な価値観は、戦後もたらされました。 軍隊による倹約規律の奨励とつながり、以前よりの伝統的な価値からの決別へ と進んでいったのです。

These conditions were also responsible for a similar feeling in Japan of the sixteenth century, for this too was the end of an epoch of exhausting civil wars.

これらの状況は16世紀の日本と非常に類位しました。すなわち凄惨な戦争 終結時期と酷似しているのです。

To this extent simplicity in both East and West may spring from the same cause,but there is so much in the details of this Modernism that is indentical with what has long been characteristic of Japanese idiosyncrasy that it might not unsuitably be described as the Rikyu style,for Sen Rikyu perhaps did more than any other artist to stimulate and standardize that sort of architecture and interior decoration or lack of it,and to expound the creed on which it is based, as may be seen by a perusal of the things taht he said and occupied his life in doing.

西と東との簡素嗜好はこのような同様のケースだったと思われます。 そして、沢山の品々にモダミズムの影響が見られ、日本の長い歴史の特異性 の形であるく凹凸が有る利休スタイルと説明出来るかも知れません。 千利休はおそらく、建築物や装飾品の芸術家の中で他に例を見ないほど、この 分野へ刺激を与えたことは間違い有りません。 それは基本であるところの本質を現し、吟味しつくしたことが読み取れます。 なぜなら、彼の成し得た仕事や言動、生き方そのものが現しています。

To those who claim that this feeling is more ancient in Europe and might better be termed Attic, seeing that it has been so concisely stated in the famous claim of Pericles that his countryman 'loved beauty with economy and culture without softness, there may be pointed out the strange truth that Japan has preserved this spirit up to the present time though without a trace of influence from Greece except for a few details in the Horyji, the folds of the Buddha's garments and possibly the word for wine, whereas,in spite of the continuous and persistent teaching of the Greek texts in our schools for centuries and an assiduous aping of the Parthenon and Hellenic statuary in our mounments,we are only just begining to realize what it means.

それはむしろ古代ヨーロッパやギリシャに近いのではと言う意見もあります。 アテネの政治家であるペリクリスの言葉にとても近いものが見られます。 「厳格な文化経済の賛美」 日本が法隆寺の幾つかの物を除いての話ですが、ギリシャの文化に影響されず に独特の文化を保持してきたことを指摘できると思います。 それは、仏教徒の教会や多分その教えかもしれませんが、我々と違い 実際に、ギリシャの影響の持続と継続についての学校での授業にもかかわらず、 そしてパルテノン宮殿を始めギリシャ建築の精巧な模写にもかかわらずです。 私たちはその意味するところを正に認識しはじめています。

Similar economic and geographical conditions, the same lack of other-worldly sentiment and a cult not very unlike, are no doubt the causes of what Japan and Greece had in common.

社会環境と地理的環境の近さは、他の地域との接触の少なさや禁欲的精神を 生みます。それらは確かに日本とギリシャの共通のケースです。

Had Greece been an island ruled by the Spartans and decoreted by the Athenians there would have been an even greater likeness.

ギリシャは島国でそのスパルタン達によって形作られ、又アテネの民によって 装飾されたと言っていいでしょう。それらは共に一つの共通点をもってきまし た。

What has not been sufficiently emphasized is that the men of Athens, like the Japanese, were most distinguished by waht they had the sense to omit, and it would be well if the modern designer would keep some the admonitions of Rikyu and his followers in mind, that they may be saved from those tendencies that already begin to show as a result of that attempted originality of the commonplace mind, to discourage which the Tea Masters always needed all their powers of restraint.

アテネの民も日本の民も共に共通するセンスを持っていましたが、あまり強調 はされませんでした。もし、西洋のモダンデザイナー達がアテネの精神、 すなわち、利休や弟子達の精神や戒律のようなものを守っていたとしたら、 また違った方向へ行ったかもしれません。日本において、その一般的な精神の 傾向はすでに一つの結果として守られました。茶人達が彼らの抑制の力を常に 使い、思いとどまらせる為にです。

Through the teaching of Sen Rikyu it was that Teaism, from being a diversion of the wealthy and of retird people, came to be a point of view and a way of life.


It became the control of everyday affairs, the making of a dwelling and living in it according to the dicta of the most eminent Masters.

それは日常のコントロールであって、茶の湯を極めた人の権威的断定の模倣や 教えに従うものである。

It is therefor a kind of ancestor worship, for these men are the esthetic ancestors of the nation, and their traditions have been handed down by their various disciples and schools to this day and still alive and vigorous.

それは一つには先祖崇拝であると言えます。この国の駿美な祖先達、その伝統は さまざまな弟子達や学校で今日まで受け継がれて来ました。活発に活動的に。

Under these schools the country was organized under Teaism as it as under autocracy and bureaucracy, and the result has been successful enongh, for life is principally composed of the details that the Tea masters have studied and arranged and refined and if harmony and etiquette are lacking in the mail that is taken three times a day, and in entering and leaving the room, and making up the fire and so on, there is not much likelihood of their being found elsewhere.

学校教育についても茶の精神の名の下に、すなわち独裁政治や官僚政治のもと に組織されました。そして充分な成果を上げたと言っていいです。 そして生活すべてにおいても、茶人達が学んだ事や工夫し洗練してきた詳細 なところまでに及びます。もし三度の食事に調和と礼儀作法がなかったら、 部屋の入退室火のつけかたまでも、他の方法で発見した見込みのものは ほとんど無いと言っていいです。

What Teaism has done for Japan may be seen from the contrast in other lands where any such disciplined estheticsim is unknown.

日本で行われてきた、いわゆる、茶道の精神と言うのは多分他の国と対比 することは難しいと思う。なぜなら、鍛練の美意識と言うのはけして 見られない。

Lack of taste and balance in decoration, a confused ostentation and want of any system of etiquete permeating all classes of society have been and still are very noticeable in the West and in America, and practically all visitors to Japan seem to be struck by the strange rhenomenon that good manners are as natural to the peasant and workman as to the leisured classes.

無風味、装飾のバランス、一つの混合させた虚飾、すべての社会階級に 浸透した礼儀の強要は、行われそして今も続いています。そしてそれは 西洋社会やアメリカ社会も顕著に同様です。一般的に日本を訪ねる人は 皆、異様な現象に出くわします。有閑階級を始め農夫や労働者にいたる までの自然な礼儀正しさに。

No doubt this is partly due ti the antiquity of the civilization and its experience in the best way to live, since we find the same thing to some extent in the more ancient countries of Europe, but equally at least it would seem that direct teaching in taste and etiquette is responsible.

まちがいなく、これは古代文化よりの経験から得た道すじです。私たちは、 それをヨーロッパのさまざまな文明より発見をしてきましたが、日本のこの 文化はあくまでも直接的な礼儀作法の強制なのです。

And of couse the teaching was not the less effective in a society where a breach of manners might put life or limb in jeopardy.

そしてもちろん、その教えは社会生活のマナーの違反や危険の手足から 身を守ための物として衰える事はありませんでした。

At any rate Japan has held, apparently, that if you wish ethics and politeness to be understood, you should teach these things and not a system of theology of a more or less hypothetical kind, or the ways of people whose enthuscasm often led them to forget the consideration due to thier neighbours.

あらゆる階層において、外見上は、日本はそれを受け継いできました。 もし美しく優雅な生活を理解したいと願うならば、あなたはこれらの事を人 に教えなければなりません。熱狂的のあまり隣人に対し宗教かい入するような 事ではいけませんが、、、。

It must not be forgotten that Confucius some 500 years B.C. gave the golden rule in its nagative form in such a way that even Show could not take ofjection to it.

けして紀元前500年前の孔子の教えを忘れてはいけません。Showも 異論をはさまなかった言葉なのです。

For he said that all his doctrine could be summed up in the one ideograph Shu, consideration or sympathy.


And it was strong and centralized administration of the Tokugawa Shoguns that made the esthetic control of the Empire possible and easy.

そしてそれは徳川幕府の強靭な中央統治体制の構築に寄与しました。 皇帝による美しい統率体制を実現したと言えます。

Japanise historians obserbve in commenting on the culture of the Tokugawa period as distinct from those that preceded it, that in this era it was not the monoply of any special caste, noble or priest or soldier, but was diffused through all classes both in town and country.

日本の歴史研究家達は、貴族や僧侶、軍人達の様な特別な階級が先行して 徳川文化を作ったのではないかと分析しています。 しかし、茶の湯は町や村のすべての階層に流布していました。

For more than two hundred and fifty years the land was without war, foreign entanglement or serious misfortune, and so, prosperous under a strong government, it had leisure and moderate means to devote to the quest of the most interesting way to live.

215年以上もの間、この島には戦争もなく、外国との関わり合いや重大な 災害もなく、強力な政治体制の下で繁栄をしました。その事は、娯楽や穏健 な文化発展を意味して、生きていく上での最も良い道の探求に時間を捧げら れたと言えます。

Even without being oble to read any of the large mass of literature of the Edoperiod, Europeans can see this in the profuse illustrations of the manners and customs in books and prints of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

江戸時代の多くの文献を読む事をしなくても、ヨーロッパでは17、18世紀 の多くの出版物や本の中でその文化や礼儀を見る事は出来るでしょう。

Without the severe and restraind taste of those whose standard was that of Cha - no - yu these popular masterpieces might have been somewhat different.

その簡潔や抑制の精神が、基本は茶の湯であると言う事、一般的なものに その事が無いので、その違いはあるかもしれません。

If Teaism had only tought people that any display is vulgar and undesirable it would have been justified, for this is no easy thing to instil in to any nation, since man is acquisitive by nature and inclined to heard and show off, so that the most troublesome problems in the social and political spheres proceed from these egoistic qualities.

もし茶の精神が、いくつかの誇示は低俗で望まないと思う人々にのみ教え られたとしたら、その正当性は証明されたかもしれません。 全国民階層に教え込む事がけして容易なことではありませんでした。 それまでの茶の湯をした男性達は、自然に好み、向上心を持ち蓄積してき ました。がしかし、その最もその社会や優雅な社会階層の中における 難題は、いくつかの自己中心的資質を持ち続けているのです。

Here its Buddhist basis is evident, for the main theme of Buddhist is the repudiation of the ego.


An institution that made simplicity and restraint fashionable and at the same time kept itself accessible to all classes, providing a ground on which all could meet on terms of equality, thus combining the advantage of a muhammedan maosque and cricket-field, and some may add, also, those of a Free masons' Ladge and a Ouaker meeting-house, was well qualified to temper the disruptive forces of society.

簡潔に、しかも美しい抑制で有るきまり事は、総ての階層によって保たれて 、影響し合っています。同等に総ての層に供給されて、ヒンズー教の モスクやクリケット競技場、フリーメーソンのLoge and Ouaker meeting-house の様に。それらは社会秩序の崩壊を和らげるのに的確に機能しました。

And how much it come to represent the standard of the ordinary man is suggested by the common expressin "Mucha", or 'It isn't Tea' used in Japan in almost the same way as we are accustomed to declare, 'It isn't cricket.'

そして、大変多くの場合、「無茶」だとか「それは茶ではない」と言う表現で 普通の人々に対して使われています。 我々が「クリケットでは無い]と習慣で言うのと同様にです。

And in this connexion it is very apparent from the various anecdotes of the great Japanese generals that they regarded their battles as won in the Tea-room both literally and figuratively, for not only was it a fiest-rate training place for the disciplined mind and resourceful observation so needed in a startegist, but it was also a very convenient spot for a quiet discussion of the plans of a campaign.

その中において、日本の武将の戦における逸話や比喩的な話をしたり 記述の場としても、茶室は利用されました。 そして、将校達の戦闘の前に行う訓練や修練の場として、戦いの 計画を話し合う、謀議の場としても利用されたのです。

Art, says Sir W, R, Lethaby, in From and Civilization, is service and labour, and all admit that these are fine things, but practical demonstration is not so common.

From and Civilizationの中でSir W, R, Lethabyは言っています。 芸術は提供と苦労して創り出され、それを認める事であり、それらは 素晴らしいことであると。しかし、ここで言うところの修練の美意識 は極めて特殊です。

If the common domestic duty of serving meal is shown to be not inferior to any other act by the highest class of people performing it with their own hands quite naturally and without affectation, it is not likely tobe regarded as humilliating ; and the custom of going into domestic service for a few years befor marriage to learn etiquette, which is usual in Japan, is as much part of the spirit of Teaism as is the wearing by his majesty the Emperor of the insignia of the lowest as well as the highest class of the Imperial orders.

もし、その家庭内において食事を出すと言う行為が、手作りであったり 気取らずに行われることがけして、上流社会において、 屈辱的行為ではありません。日本においては、花嫁修業の一つとされ、 茶の湯の精神の重要な部分でも有ります。同様に、天皇たる記章ともされ 、全国民への訓令でもあります。

Tokugawa Japan was organized entierly on a basis of labour and service.


One rank served that about it, and all ranks served the elders in the family and their ancestors who are their seniors in the history of the nation.

一つの階層は主君に対し忠誠を誓い、そしてすべての階層は家族の長老者や 先祖に対して礼を尽くしました。特に武士社会においてそれは顕著でした。

So it is not remarkable that Teaism should often be described as only another version of Loyalty and Filial Piety.

そして、茶の精神は忠義や親孝行とは違う次元として説明をすることは、 けして出来ないのです。

It is something like an artistic presentation of these sentiments.


And since Teaism was the art of making a house as well as living in it, the Tea master was the architect in many cases.

茶の湯は家屋とそこに住む芸術であったと言えるでしょう、そして茶人は そのすべての階層のなかの建築家であったのです。

There was not exactly such a profesion in these days, for temples and mantions were designed by Buddhist manks and craftsmen and built, like the house of the rest of the papulation, by artizans, much as they were in earlier days in Europe.

この説は正しいかどうかは判りません。寺院や住居は仏教家によってデザイン され、工芸家によって作られました。居住空間の様な場所は職人達が作りました。 初期のヨーロッパの様に。

Chogen Shonin and Eisai Zenji in the Kamakura age, for instance, introduced Sung architectur to Japan, and built and designed temples, much as Herbert de Losinga, Alan of Walsingham and Hugh of Lincoln did in England, and later on in the 16th century we find Mokushoku Shonin, the monk of Koya, appointde to design Hideyoshi's many palaces and temples, though Hideyoshi, himself a Tea master and amateur architect, played no small part in this himself.

鎌倉時代、東大寺大仏殿再建の勧進職である重源上人と栄西禅師は、例えば 中国の宗より建築様式をもって来ました。寺院の様式等がそれです。 Herbert de Losinga, Alan of Walsingham and Hugh of Lincolnがイギリス において記しています。 そして後、16世紀、高野山のMokushokuShoninにも見られます様に、彼は 秀吉に依頼され多くの建築物を建てました。秀吉は茶人であり、素人の建築 家である事が彼自身の多くの部分を占めています。


The views of the Tea master as esthetic advisor were naturally very infulential in their effect on the design of both house and garden, especially the latter, Kobori Enshu, to whom many such works are attributed, was the most notable example of an artist, architect, decorator and connoisseur who was a prohessional Tea master and ennoble and salaried as such, though Honami Ko-etsu, who was an amateur of Tea, was perhaps more versatile.

共通の美的感性を伝えた所の茶人達は、その家屋や庭を見れば判ります。 特に、小掘遠州やその後の茶人達は共通の属性が有りました。 芸術家としての側面を持ち、建築、装飾品は天才的であり、高度な専門家 でも有りました。茶人は貴族に列し又はそれと同等で、本阿弥光悦などが 良い例です。彼は茶は素人でしたが、多芸多才な芸術家で有りました。

It may be of served that Chinese styles of architecture have affected the ordinary Japanese dwelling very little, if at all, for this has always preserved the ancient way of building of a much simpler order that we see exemplified in the Shinto shrines of Ise, undoubtfied in the Imperial Palace of earlier times before the residence of the sovereign was modelled on that of the T'ang Emperor.

日本人の生活様式は中国の影響を受けたとは思います、が、伊勢神宮の例に 見られますように建築様式はとても簡素に守られています。 間違い無く、初期の皇帝の建築様式は中国唐の影響を受けていましたが、 その後は独特の様式を歩みました。

This Chinese flavor was most evident in the mansions of the Court Nobles of Kyoto, where as the military aristocracy preferred the more Japanese sinple thatched house, more in accordance with their principles of frugality self-discipline and restraint.

この中国嗜好は京都の建物や庭を見れば判ります。とくに上流の武士 階級は”かやぶき”の簡素な家屋を好みます。削ぎ落としの原理や調和 をより好み、抑制と鍛練の場としたのです。

But it was under the rule of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, with Rikyu as his esthetic advisor, that there was worked out a blending of the two styles for ordinary dwellings, the finest examples of which are the residence called Hi- un-kaku which was part of the Taiko's mantion of Juraku, and that exquisite building the Daigo Sambo-in, designed with its gardens by Hideyoshi himself.

そして、それは、豊臣秀吉と言う支配の下にあったのです。千利休 は秀吉の茶の湯のアドバイザーとして位置しています。 最も洗練されていますのは、秀吉の住居である聚楽第の飛雲閣、そしても う一つは醍醐三宝院を彼は自ら設計しました。

It was to the military class and their liking for Zen Buddhism that the Japanese house owes the type of room called Sho-in so characteristic of it since the era of Higashiyama.

この影響は武士達の嗜好に見られます。彼らの好きな禅宗的な家屋 、東山文化よりの書院造がその例です。

This arrangement of the reception room with Tokonoma or alcove and window beside it was introduced by the Zenmonks for greater convenience in their studies.

造りの特徴は、床の間と呼ばれる小部屋、その横に窓があり禅の寺院を 連想させます。彼らが学問や修業をする為の場所なのです。

The builings of a Zen temple differ from those of the other sects, being more for residence and meditation and less for ceremony and show.

他の仏教宗派と禅院との違いは、瞑想と居住とがより一体となって、儀式 性がより少ない事が上げられます。

Whether the Japanese house would have developed differently if there had been no Tea masters it is not easy to say, but at any rate in all things that pertained to the house and everyday life and behaviour their principles of restraint and simplicity as exemplified in the Tearoom and its Roji usually acted as a corrective to any tendencies to extravagance and ostentation originality on the part of common place people whose only object was to obtain a little advertisment.

とにかく、日本の家屋は茶人達、彼らがいなければまた違ったものと なったと言って過言ではありません。あらゆるところで、家、日常の行動 にいたるまで、茶室や露地の例のごとく抑制と簡素の原理原則が貫かれ ています。収集の嗜好もしかりです、独特の価値基準にともなう稀少 な物を手にいれる所の贅沢性やそれに対する誇示があります。

Though there were times when the way of Tea became luxurious itself.

よって、相反する所の茶道が贅沢な物になるところの機会が在った事は 確かなのです。

Since the Japanese house is and has long been a standardized one, it is easy to design and comparatively economical to build.

日本の家屋はずーっと統一したデザインでした。簡素にコンパクトに 経済的な作りです。

The rooms are multipls of one unit, the mat of six feet by three, the space between two pillars being the length of the mat, and the width of the sliding door the half of this, three feet.

部屋は多様に使えるように一区画ごとに区切られ、畳(約1.8m×約0.9m) がしかれています。二本の柱の間はその畳の長さで、障子と言うドアは ちょうど半分の幅になり、約90cmです。

The length of the building is described in 'ken' of six feet.


The house is therefore fitted to the mats and this standardization began when the floors, which were originally, before the Ashikaga period, of bare wood with a mat here and there, came to be competely matted over.

家屋は、とにかく、畳が基準に作られています。大広間もしかりです、 足利時代頃より確立したと思われますが、畳を囲う横木等も、競合的 に畳の外側に配置されています。

The house is arrenged so that it can be worked in the most effective manner both for ordinary convenience and the reception of guests, and particularly so that it fits in harmoniously with the plan of the garden, which should be first considered. There is no concealment of construction or unnecessary ornament.

家屋はお客が来た時のもてなしや日常を生活するためのものとしてとても 有効に作られています。そして最も等質すべきは、庭の景観との一体感 を考えて作られているのが素晴らしい。 建造物の隠れている所や不必要は装飾が一切ないのです。

Nor is this standardization confined to the house, but extends to the clothing of the occupants, for just as the building is assembled of materials of fixed dimensions and labour thereby saved, so kimonos are made from bolts of stuff of unvarying length and breadth, and their shape is practically uniform so that it is within the power of everyone to make their own clothes, and they are normally put together by the women of the family.

これは家屋に限られたことではありません。その占有者自身の服装にも 言えるのです。例えば家屋の建築材料等は一定の寸法になっていて、仕事の やり方も同一に守られていますが、服である着物も布の一巻の長さ幅が一定 不変で決まっています。体格もまさに訓練された統一性を持ち、それは布によって 内側にしばりつけたような、通常はその家族の女性によって守られています。

Hence it is not easy for any commercial combine to dictate to the population what kind of costume it shall wear for the next six months.

それゆえに、半年を同じかっこうで過ごすようなことになり、服の組み合わせ を変えるのはそう簡単ではないのです。

And yet, though there is this uniformity of pattern in both house and costume, there is also an infinite variety of detail and discriminating European critics both in previous centuries and now is that the Jananise house and garden are beautiful and harmonious, and the costume pleasing and dignified and well suited to set off the wearer, of whatever age or figure, to the best advantage.

そして、多分まだ、家や服装の同族的な統一形式は有り、又、単調を避ける 為の細部への無限の多種多様な工夫は続いています。前世紀ヨーロッパにおける 評論家達は、明白に区別をしていました。そして現在、日本の家屋と庭との 素晴らしい調和を認め、服装の高尚さや着用者の年齢や姿を引き立たせる 為に最も優れた方法であると認めているのです。

A group of Japanese in thier own costume is more pleasent and restful to the eye than one of Europeans, though in the latter case individuals may look well enough if the fashion happens to suit thier style.

日本人のある一つのグループの服装はヨーロッパ人の目から見て、より快適に 落ち着いた感じを与えます。そして、その一部が個人の後の服装に少なからず 影響を与えたと言えると思います。

It is a special artistic mercy in Japan that only children and young people are permitted by convention to wear bright colours, and since few houses are without them they supply the occasional touch of colore that varies the quietness of the monotoned interior.

子供や若者達だけが、集まり等で輝く色をまとう事が許されています。 これは一つの特別かつ芸術的な慈悲と言えます。彼らがいなくなってから 、モノトーンの家具調度の雰囲気がかもし出るのです。

Doesn't it require the development of a more delicate sence of values to convince Western women that they look better against the back ground of a self-coloured room like the flower in the Chaseki?

西洋の女性の感覚を、この様な繊細な感性の中へ構築することをあなたは 要求しますか?茶席の佗寂のまったく逆の世界へ、、、、。

Now this comparatively universal good taste in life could hardly have come about without an organization education in what was to be considered admirable and what eliminate, and it was the Tea Master who in the main had charge of this, the best kind of education, perhapes, because it could be imparted and practised in the home under the ordinary conditions of life.

現在、国際的にかなり評価されたこの生き方の嗜好は、通常の組織化された 教育機関なしに発展をしてきたのです。これは感嘆すべきであり、その事は 茶人を中心に負ったことがとても重要です。最も良い教育とは、多分、日常 生活の中から与えられるものかもしれません。

Okakura calls it 'moral geomatry' in that it puts man in his proper place in the universe, giving him the Zen outlook according to which one must get outside oneself and regard life as a spectator, finding plenty there in to make merry over.

岡倉天心はそれを「モラルの幾何学」と呼び、宇宙の中の個に置き、 すなわち禅に向かいます。個人を自身の外側へ置いて、一人の観察者と見なし 、そこに悟りの境地を発見するのです。

The more resourceful the mind the less does one need outside stimulus to enjoyment.

無へ近づくことへのこのより機知に富んだ精神は、外側よりの活力となる 刺激を必要として、安らぎとなるのです。

' How supernatulal and how miraculous! I draw water I carry brushwood'. said the Zen monk, and so the most ordinary thing in life, the preparation of the fire and taking a simple meal and drinking tea, was chosen as the best way of inculcating good manners and that economy of movement lately re-discovered by psychologists.

なんと超自然、なんと奇跡!私は水をくみ上げ薪を運ぶ。禅宗ではこう教えます。 日常が最も大切な修業であることを、火をおこし簡素な食事を頂きそして茶を 飲む。その中に最良のマナーを見出しそして行いが最も経済的で優れている、 後になって心理学者は再発見をします。

When we consider how ridiculuos is a considerable part of modern education, which teaches what a large propotion of the taught neither wish to learn or will ever get an opportunity of practising, while naglecting the simple apprecations that make life, we can perhaps perceive how much this natural way of the cler-sighted practical and sane outlook on life that they have undoubtedly came to possess.

私たちが近代教育を考慮する時、その一部分がいかに馬鹿げているかを 考えなければなりません。その一部分とは、習おうとする意志や練習を する機会が両者ともおおざっぱな外形のみを教えていることです。 簡素に生きることの大切さを教える事を怠ってきた今、私たちは日本人の 教育が間違い無く、人生の正しい指針を修練的に一点のくもりもなく教えて きたのだと言うことを認識出来ると思います。

If they appear to anyone who lives among them as distinctly lacking in that sentimentalism that is the cause of so much inconvinience to us, though also a source of amusement to many, the extra-logical common-sence of Zen can supply a reason, and it is through the teaching of Teaism that Zen became diffused among the ordinary people.

もし、とても不自由であるところの基本状況が感傷的に明瞭な喜びとしている と、ある人に見えるとしたら、多分、それは大変な驚きとなるでしょう。 それは、禅の特別な理論の精神構造によるものなのです。この精神は茶の湯 を通して一般の人々の中へ流布して行ったのです。

Belief in or obsession with a future life seem no very good foundation for order or fastidiousness in this one, according to Zen, and it is instructive to read Father Frois's description, in his History of Japan, of Nobunaga, that very enthusiastic Teaist as' one who with Zenshu did not belive in the immortality of the soul or in reward or punishment in the hereafter, but who was very clear-mind and no holder of any kind of superstition, and at the same time exceedingly cleanly, courteous and orderly in his way of living'. To very few in contemporary Europe would the latter part of this sentence apply.

信じることや先の人生にとりつかれることは、指針にはとても良くない基礎に 見えます。また、とても気難しい感じです。 禅宗では教訓的に書かれています。 Father Froisの日本の歴史と言う書物の説明によれば、信長は 熱狂的な茶人であり、禅にはくみせず、魂の不滅や報い、来世の罪など まったく気にせず迷信など無視していました。同時に非常に聡明に礼儀正しさ を兼ね備え、生き方も指揮的でした。 後、一時期のヨーロッパにおいて同じような一行を見ることが出来ます。

Sir W. Fergusson, writing in 1891, considers that in the Far East there is hardly anything that can be called architecture, just as there is 'no poety, properly so called, and no literature worthy of the name'. Ideas as to what constitute architecture have changed since then, but there may be same truth in this part of the statement though not in the sense this authority meant. It may be that the best architecture is no architecture, just as the best colour scheme is no colour scheme. The house and garden build and laid out together simply for use and satisfaction ought to be the exact expression of the way of life of the inmates without any ostentation or affectation.

Sir W.Fergsson が1891年に著したFar Eeastの中に建築術と呼ぶ ことの出来る一つの確証みたいなものが有ります。 ”詩ではなく しかしきちんとしていて 文学ではないが その名は尊敬に 値する”。 建築を構成する考え方はこの時から変りました。そして多分、この建物の 幾つかの部分の真実みたいなものが、その同様な意味において権威とは 違うかもしれません。 おそらく、最良の建築は建築ではなく、同様に最良の色彩設計は色彩設計 では無い。 家や庭は使う為に簡素に作り、満足とは虚飾や気取りがなくそこに住む人の 生き方みたいなものの的確な表現となるべきであると。

This is what the Japanese house is, to a greater extent perhaps than that of any other country, when all classes of people are considered.


And this because it had to be, for the Tokugawa laws forbade all classes to have dwellings and furniture any more elaborate than their position and thease laws were the product of an official world educated in Cha-no-yu, for much of the detailed legislation was the work of the third Shogun Iemitu, an enthusiastic Tea master himself and pupil of Kobori Enshu, whose infuluence in matters of taste was then supreme.

そうなった理由は、徳川体制における身分によっての住居や家具までもの規制によります。 大名から農夫にいたるまで念入りに決められました。これは茶の湯における正式な教育 の生産物と言えるかもしれません。細部の立法は三代将軍言家光によって確立され、彼自身 熱心な茶人であり小堀遠州の教え子だったのです。かれらのテイストはその最高のものでした。

And Enshu knew how to use The Way of Tea to beggar the rich as well as Rikyu had known how to employ it to comfort the poor.

そして、遠州は利休と同様に茶道がその富を謳歌するのではなく、むしろ好んで質素に暮らすこと に使うのだ、っと知っていたのです。

And these Japanese house that so accurately express the ways of their builders are not very much unlike the simple types of Tudor and Georgian days in our own countrt.

日本の家屋はそれを正確に表現していて、建築家達はその簡素を好んで作りました。我々の文化 、チューダ様式やジョージ王朝の様に。

These are constructive and efficient and fit on their sites naturally without making themselves conspicuous, and their plainness is relived by perhaps one decorative feature that is quite in place, such as a door, chimney or window.

そこには彼らの意思無しに、建設的、能率的な場所として自然にフィットしています。その質素性は 多分、戸や煙突または窓の特色がそのすべてを和らげているのだと思います。

These moderate sized residences are far more attractive and in better taste for a human being to live in that the immense mantions built almost entirely for display, up to whose grandeur no one ought to have been able to stand the strain of living for long.

これらの和を基調とした建物は、人が住む上で巨大な建築物やその装飾のたぐいからは よりかけ離れているでしょう。壮大な物は長く住み続ける為には何一つ役立たなかった かもしれません。

Of course there were some such buildings in Japan too, but they were for ceremonial, that is occasional use or else they were political architecture intnded to impoverrish the feudal lords who were granted the honour of constructing them, that their purses might remain too lean for them to be a manace to the Shogun's government.

もちろん日本のいくつかの建物も同様です。しかしそれは儀式用で時々しか使用されません、又 公共物として封建制度の君主による政治的色彩が強いのです。それぞれの君主の財力を削ぐために 将軍家が脅し作らせ、忠誠を誓わせる目的なのです。

Actually the great noble preferred to live in a number of simple wooden buildings scattered round a fine garden, and the light nature of these made it easy to vary the monotory of things by shifting them at any time.

実際に高貴な貴族は、すばらしい庭に囲まれたシンプルな木造の家に住むほうが良いでしょう。 そしてそのすばらしい自然がモノトーンの世界を作り、そのようなところに住むことがいつの時代も 最良なのです。

This may be seen in the surviving feudal residences at Hikone, Kanazawa, Okayame, and Kagoshima, formerly occupied by the Daimyos of these places.

多分、彦根、金沢、岡山、鹿児島など昔の大名達の首領地のように封建時代の住居跡を見ると 判ります。

There is nothing pompous or consciously impressive about them.


It is evident that this quality of the Japanese residence is not entirely due to the Tea Masters, for the mansion built round and into a garden antedates them and was know in Fujiwara days as the Shinden Style, probably originating in the idea of the Vihara or gardens, monastery of Indian Buddhism, but it is the influence of the Chajin that has made both garden and house what they have come to be in detail.

日本の建築家屋が茶人達によってすべて創られたのでは無いと言うのは明白です。庭やその周りに 作られた家は、寝殿造として藤原氏の時代が先行したのは良く知られるところですが、多分インド仏教 やヒハラの影響が基本にあったのだと創造出来ます。その様式を発展させ庭や家屋を自分たちの嗜好 に合わせていったのが茶人ではないかと思います。もちろんその細部にいたるまでのこだわりです。

One of the most unpleasant features of our own interiors has been the attempted imitation in the living room of the ordinary house of the salon of the mansion, without considering that decoration which may be tolerable and even diverting when seen for an hour one a week , is, or ought to be, intolerable when fefore the eues every day.

我々のインテリア造作の一番まずいところの一つとして上げられるのは、一般家庭におけるリビング ルームの企画的模倣と言うか、テーマ無しの装飾ではないでしょうか。 毎日の生活にすぐ飽きてしまい、一週間に一度の頻度で一時間以上を費やし、模様替えをしてしまう こと、ま、その為の用なのですが、、、。

In restaurants and inns in Japan striking details and eccentric decorations are often seen which nobady would think of having in a private house.

日本の食堂や旅館において、心を打つ細心さや奇妙な飾りを、私たちは見ることが出来ます。 そのことは、はだれでも普通は個人宅での様子の様に思うのです。

Cha-no-yu emphasizes the enlighting value of the need for economy so that it is more stimulating to be poor than rich, for it the welthy man merely acts as such he is only a dull study in the obvious.

茶の湯は物質的に裕福であることよりも、貧素であるということの有効性を啓発し強調しています。 お金を持っている人が、ただ単にお金があるだけで、品性の無い事への軽蔑であることは明白です。

Moreover he is likely to love his sense of propotions, which is the sense of humour, and to forget that man is, ofter all, only a forhad radish between five and six feet long.

さらに、彼はそのい幾つかのユーモアのセンスに自己陶酔しているのかもしれません。 自分を変身させるために、とにかく、5,6feetもある大根を切ったごとくです。

The well-known incident of Hideyoshi's quik change from talking the part of principal figure in the stately ceremony of welcoming the Korean enuoys to strolling in on the same scene as a spectatore nursing his baby in ordinary dress is probably an exercese in this discrimination as is also his famous garden-party in a melon plantation at which the gardenes was host, and all the great nobles and generals masquraded as itineranttradesmen, mendicant priests and beggars, and he himself played the part of a melon-howher.

ここに秀吉のよく知られている逸話があります。朝鮮使節団の歓迎の変わり身の早さでしょう。 彼の子供を抱きかかえながらその式は行われ、服装なども変わっていました。 また、彼の園での宴会、大名や特権階級の人々の集まりの中で仮装して楽しみました。托鉢僧や こじきの格好をしたり、彼自身も農園主の格好でユーモアを表現しました。

It may seen a little affected for the noble to mimic the ways of the fhisherman or hermit, but it is only viewing existence from a different angle, just as the house is arranged to look on variours aspects of the garden from different rooms.

このことは、単に貴族達が漁師や仙人の真似をしているようにみえます、が。しかしそれは、 一方面の見方でしかないのです。発想として、その同一の庭園を各部屋から見た時、 それぞれさまざまなな景色に見えるように設計されていることに、その日本の感性があります。

Things being as they are, few can spend their life sitting under a tree thinking themslves into the universal like Budda, but they can keep as near the trees as passible and reflect that they are themselves only just such another phase of nature.


So to have a detached cell at the end of the garden where you can play the hermit for a while when you feel inclined, as Japanese do when they indulge in Cha-no-yu, is a very refreshing cahnge, and unlike a private oratory is not associated with any particular sect or doguma.

一つの分離した貝殻を得るために、あなたが自分の意志で仙人の格好をその庭先でしたいとき、日本人は茶の湯を行うのです。 それは気分転換であり、特定のドグマや宗派ではなくどこにも属さない個人の礼拝堂の如くなのです。
Order of the Ceremony


(1)Bring in sepssretsly(a)Water-jar;(b)Tea-bowl,Tea-spoon and Tea-caddy;(c)Slop-bowl and hot-water ladle.




(3)Take napkin from girdle and put it in the slop-bowl. Remove the lid from the Kettle and place it on the Lid-rest.


(4)Take one ladleful of water from Kettle and put it into the Tea-bowl.


(5)Wash Tea-whisk and replace Ladle on top of Kettle.


(6)Empty Teabowl.


(7)Wipe Tea-bowl with Swab.


(8)Put Swap on lid of kettle.


(9)Take up Tea-spoon and Tea-caddy.


(10)Put lid of Tea-caddy in front of Water-jar.


(11) Take up two spoonfuls of Tea and put into Tea-bowl.


(12)Put lid on Tea-caddy and place in front of water-jar with spoon on top.


(13) Remove lid from Water-jar and place beside it.


(14) Put a ladleful of hot water into Tea-bowl, replacing ladle on Kettle.


(15) Whisk Tea and replace Tea-whisk to right of Tea-caddy.


(16) Take Tea-bowl in left hand and present with right hand. Bow.


(17) Replace napkin in girdle.


(18) Take another ladleful of hot water and put in returned Tea-bowl.


(19) Replace ladle on Kettle.


(20) Empty hot water into Slop-bowl.


(21) Take up swap and wipe Tea-bowl.


(22) Replace Tea-bowl and put swab on top of Kettle-lid. (Repeat from (11) if required.)


(23) Take a ladleful of cold water from Water-jar.


(24) Put cold water into Tea-bowl and wash Tea-whisk.


(25) Empty cold water into Tea-bowl .


(26) Put swab into Tea-bowl with whisk on it and replace in position.


(27) Take napkin and wipe Tea-spoon and put this also on top of Tea-bowl.


(28) Put Tea-caddy by side of Tea-bowl.


(29) Refold napkin and replace in girdle.


(30) Take up ladle and put cold water into kettle.


(31) Change ladle to left hand. Take Kettle-lid in right and replace it.


(32) Put ladle on rest.


(33) Replace lid on Water-jar.


(34) Take ladle and lid-rest in right hand and Slop-bowl in left and withdraw.


(35) Return and take Tea-caddy in right hand and Tea-bowl in left and withdraw.


(36) Return and take Water-jar in both hands and withdraw.


(37) Come back to door of Tea-room and bow to guests from threshold.


Cha-no-yu should be performed in complete silence.


But there are the Three Sounds of Tea.


The first is the clink of the lid on the Kettle.


The second is the tap of the Tea-bowl on the mat.


And the third is the clink of the Tea-spoon on the Tea-bowl.


It is hardly possible to describe the proper way of handling each utensils, Every movement is exactly prescribed, but must be seen for its inevitability to be appreciated.



`It is difficult', says Tokutomi in his great work, The History of the Japanese people in Modern Times, `to understand the momoyama age without of a knowledge of Cha-no yu.

これはとても難解です。トクトミ氏の「The History of the Japanise people in modern times」では茶の湯の知識無しに桃山時代を理解することはできないと言っています。

It was not only the amusement of the noble, but almost a nedessity of life for the ruling class of this time.


It was used as a pious device to win over mens mind.


And of those who handled the Enpire by means of it Hideyoshi is the most prominent example.


Nobunaga too had an almost uncontrollable enthusiasm for Tea, and he sprang upon a Teabowl or Kettle like a lion on a hare.


Just where Cha-no-yu ceased to be an amusement and became a pratical affair is a little difficult to determine, and it is this difficulty that makes it the more interesting.


And since Toyotomi had to go back to the Momoyama Age in order to explain the phenomena of modern Japan, some knowlage of Cha-no-yu is euidently necessary to an understanding of the development of the nation, its ideas and its taste.


It may seen strange, therefore , that so little has been said about it in European works dealine with the civilization of Japan.


This may partly be accounted for by the fact that very much historical matter now available in Japanese has been publishied or reprinted comparatively recently.


This explains probably why even Murdoch's volume dealing with the3 age of Hideyoshi does not so much as mention Sen Rikyu, which is like writing of Nero and omtting Petronius or of eighteenth century English society without Beau Mash, though Rikyu had greeter influence on his country than either of these.

この解釈は多分、Murdoch氏が書物によってふれられた秀吉と利休の関係によるものだと思います。NeroやPetronius、18世紀の英国 Beau Mashの様に利休はこの国に多大な影響を与えました。

It is true that Murdoch does not profess to deal with Japanese culture to any extent, but a very prominent part was played in polities and economics by the great Tea master and his seven disciples, some of whom, curiously enough, were Christians, as well as by the great merchant esthetes, Shimai Soshitsu and Kamiya Sotan from whose diaraes as well as those of the nobles, much of our knowledge of the time is derived.

Mordoch氏があらゆる他の地域の文化よりの影響を受けたと言い切っているのは正しいかもしれません。しかし、政治や経済の分野において偉大な茶人たちや利休の七人の弟子たちの行動は際立っています。 きわめて充分に、彼らはクリスチャンでありました。そして美の信望者であるSHIMAI SOSHITUやKAMIYA SOTANなどは日本における貴族であり同じといってよいでしょう。古い日記などがその知識を導き出してくれます。

There is a short note in Dening's life of Hideyoshi dealing with Cha-no-yu, but as this was written twenty years ago it was hardly possible to realize its inportance.


He concludes his account by the surmise that 'the Tea cult is not likely to survive long in the go-ahead Japan of to-day'.


Certainly Japan is not less go-ahead now, but Cha-no-yu, like No and similar institutions, continues to floarish more vigorously than ever.


*There is a fortnightly magazine called Miyabi no Tomo or The Friend of Elegance', treating of everything of interest to those who like Cha-no-yu, published in connexion with the house of Sen.


Should it cease to do so the soul of Japan will have departed from her, and that is hardly thimkable.


Such evidently is the view of Japanese critics of to-day.


For the rest, since the average English writer on Japanese civilization or art has not the knowlege of the language possessed by Brinkley, Dening or Murdoch, or in fact any knowlege of it at all, his neglect of the subject is natural.


In England the two Beaux, Nash and Brummel, are in certain aspects the nearest approch to a Japanese tea master, though their interests were more limited, and on the ethical side they fell rather short.


They seem most comparable to such an one as Furuta Oribe, who was particulaly a specialist and connoisseur, and whose defects of character brought about a collision with Tokugawa Ieyasu which caused his destruction.


Brummel's severe taste in clothes might have received the approval of the Japanese esthete, while one can imagine even Rikyu walking the streets of Bath with satisfection.


There is a distinct similarityin the aims of Nash and Rikyu too, if the former is regarded as having done a unique service to society by providing and supervising a place where the various classes could meet in decorous intercourse, drinking with some ceremony too a bitter liquid.


But thses men were isolated phenomena and left no school.


There was no family system to hand down their taste and adapt it and relate it to the life of the people.


For they were arbiters of fashion for the upper classes only, and the defect of confining the sense of fitness to the few is that when any change in society throws up plutocrats from the people these will have no conceptions but those of banality and ostentation.


Durning and sunce the end of the Tokugawa period this acquisition of wealth by the masses went on too, and it is owing to the spirit of Cha-no-yu and the existence of the Tea Master and the Flower Master and their stsnderds that the result has not been worse.


Wherevere these teachers exist, and there is no town, however small, that does not hold at least one of them, there oil is being quietly poured on the fire of pure Japanese taste, and though superficially there may seem to be a large injection of European influence of the commercial type, more mature consideration will show that this is not anything like so great or widespread as it might be.


As Lafcadio Hearn pointed out some considerable time ago, such a city as Kobe, which has grown up entirely since, and as the result of, trade with Europe, is yet entirely Japanese.

Lafcadio Hearnは以前いくつかの興味深い指摘をしています。神戸においてまったく同様の事柄を発見しました。その結果としても日本人はヨーロッパ貿易をとうしてもまったく日本人に変わりはないと。

And now that the taste of Europe has come under the influence of these principles in architecture and decoration which are so strangely identical with those of the Japanese esthete, foreign buildings and furniture in Japan will not be so incongruous as they have been hitherto.


Since the destruction of the central part of Tokyo there has been an opportunity which its citizens have taken, of reconstructing it in this 'Modern' style, for little traditional work is to be seen in the new buildings, and here one can see Japanese feeling interpreted in steel and concrete instead of wood.


So far this is mostly confined to commercial and public buildings and structures, and it does not look as though the home would be much affected for some time come.


But if it is, it may remain as Japanese in spirit as ever, the material merely becoming fire-proof.


Since the matted floor is comparatively modern a return to a wooden one with some sort of low chair or divan would only be a return to the style of Kamakura days.


So principles retrace their steps, as in machinery the reciprocating engine gives way to the turbine.


We may agree that in many ways the Japanese preference for wood as a material for building is justified, for apart from its more interesting texture and restfulness, even the frail Tea-rooms of the sixteenth century have survived unimpaired, while the massive timbers of the great temples, gates and mansions have weathered the centuries as effectively as the stone buildings of Europe, though permanence was not to the same extent thier object, since restoration in the same style was always easy.


And the buildings that have survived have not suffered from the doctrinaire restorer whose hand has done so much damage in Europe, owing to the freedom from conflicting architectural styles, due apparently to the greater emphasis on function.


`Never make anything of metals that can be made of wood or earthneware because you think you can make mony by it. Only make of metal what cannot be made of anything else, ` said Akishino Yohei, and it is a fair summary of Japanese culture.

「木造や陶磁器が出来きて金属を作ることをしないのをあなたはそれでお金を作れるからと考えるでしょう。金属だけを作るのは他に何も出来ないからです。」Akishino Yoheiは言いました。こらは日本の文化の公正な概要です。

It has been a wooden and non-commercial one on the whole.


And yet no people have surpassed or perhaps equalled the Japanese in the metalwork they undertook.


The Samurai carried sword of matchless forging and temper, but apart from the essential parts of his pipe and purse he had nothing else of metal about him.


He seldom carried money on his person, and his house, which needed no nails only boasted a few bronze flower vases and sometimes a water-basin of the same material, though these were as likely to be of wood or stone.


His waife`s hairpins and the kitchen kneiife were the only other metal objects.


With so little of this material of commerce and militaism the world of art was hardly the worse, and daily life scarcely in convenienced.


Modern communication, said, especially after dinner, to faster international friendship, depends on metal, but so do the battleship and submarine.


A better case might be made out for the cricket bat and tennis racket as instruments of the amity of peoples, or that admirable institution the cask, which Japan, by the way, makes with bamboo bamks instead of iron, thus greatly improuing its appearance.


In connection with present-day feeling, Brinkley`s driticism of Japanese eclecticism in pottery, written some two decades ago, is rather singificant.


He write : `From the catalogue of objects of vertu offered by China and Korea, her implicitly trusted preceptors is so many matters, Japan made a strikingly narrow choice.


Instead of taking for porcelain utensils the liquid dawn reds, the ripe grape purples, the five-coloured agg- shells, or any of the glowing monochromes and half-tome enamels of the Chinese ceramist, she confined herself to the ivory whites, delicate celadons, comparatively inornate specimens of flne sous couuerte, and blue full-bodied, roughly applied over-glass enamels such as characterized, the later eras of the ming dynezty.


It has astonished many students of Japanese manners and customs to find that the objects which Europe and America search for today in the markets of China with eager appreciation are scarcely represented at all in the collections of Japanese virtuosi made at an epoch when such masterpieces were abundantly produced within easy reach of their doors.

熱烈な指示のもと、今日のヨーロッパやアメリカにおける中国市場においての日本人の好みや文化が、この焼物の志向に凝縮されていると指摘されています。 これらはその代表的なものです、日本の巨匠といわれる人たちが作った作品の収集品は、この時代、すなわち傑作の数々は彼らのこの心の中から多くが作り出されたのです。

The explanation is to be found in the conservatism of the Tea clubs.


But, he adds, 'the Japanese adopted to a certain extent the standard set by the Chinese themselves.


For a Chinese art critic of the sixteenth century, one Hsiang, compiled a set of illustrations of eighty chefs d'oeuvre approved by the art critic of the day, of which fifty were celadons.'

16世紀の中国芸術批評家、西安において80のChefs D'oeuvreと言うイラストを編集し整えました。その内の60は承認されているのです。

Now it is these celadons and ivory whites that are sought by Europe and America, and that our present-day potters of France, Germany and England are striving very earnesty to imitate.


As taste improve the rather childish love of polychrome is disappearing, and there is a closer approximmation to the preference for quiet monochrome and sparse unemphatic designs that has always been the rule in Japan.


And it should be observed that the reason why such a system of esthetics could be made to penetrate so deeply into society was because the government of Japan has always been of the oligarchic and bureaucratic type, and the average man has had no opportunity of interfering.


The ordinary man in any country is lacking in the self-restraint and mantal energy that make the effective ruler or artist, and is naturally inclined to prefer the art and architecture that require no thought to appreciate and the manners that call for the least exertion.


What he likes is something to flatter his vanity and stimulate his emotions.


Only by severe pressure imposed from above can he be brought to appreciate anything but the highly coloured and obvious, and beauty seems to be a by-product of Spartan qualities.


Sen Rikyu was not by birth a menber of the military class he came from a trading community, but men of outstanding ability and energy have always been able to win a place among the rulers.


However, the process of rising was not made easy for them, and, much was elsewhere, the Buddist priesthood was probably the best ladder.


Since Italy, whether by accident or design, is now under exactly the same system of government as was Japan in the days of the Shogunate, and her administration is not dependent on the votes of the average citizen, with a similar inheritance of great art in the past there should be a hopeful outlook towards making more beautiful again the every-day life of her people.


Of those endowed with the Cha-no-yu spirit in our own time and country, the late Ernest Gimson will occur to many, for his furniture and buildings have all that simplicitiy and fitness that the Japanese masters prize so hightly.

茶の湯の精神が国や生きている事へ寄与し、Ernest Gimsonが後に多くを思い付きました。シンプルで健全的な家具や建物はまさに日本の茶人たちの高層な精神のおかげてあると。

If one looks, for instance, at the small house designed by him and carried out by another architect acting as builder (a very fine thing to do), illustrated in Small Cuntry Houses of Today, this is very evident, and its distinction for these qualities marks it out as rarely satiswfying among the many other works in the same volumes by some of the foremost names in the world of architecture.

もし一側面を見たときに、たとえば、彼によってデザインされた小さな家と他の建築者が作りだしたものと(一つの素晴らしい仕事として)、Small Cuntry Houses of Todayの絵は非常に明白です。その有名な質はそれを導き出します、他の仕事に比べて明らかに優れていると。世界の名だたる建築物にひけをとることはありません。

And in glancing through such a set of representative examples of exterior and interior designs, it seems evident that the fashonable artist is not improve by commissions for large and expensive and necessarily ostentations creations.


Dulness and dreariness are so much more apparent in big things than small, and the small house is more likely to be free from them than the mansion.



Another, very much alive this time, of the same school is evidently Mr. Clough Williams Ellis, whose writings as well as his designs possess in full measure the same insight into the essential of fit and fair living in the world as it is.

他に、活発に、学校で行われているとMr Clough Williams Ellisが書いています。それは世界共通の公平であてはまる要素の洞察力として、その考えは書かれています。

It is hardly probable that he has studied the ways of the Japanese Chajin, and it is therefore the more interesting to see that he has produced an exact western edition of the Chaseki villa in the small week-end cottage designed for his own use of just the nearest material that lay to hand, even allowing the trees to remain and enter into it.


Contrast this with the laboured imitation Japanese garden, usually further spolit by a Chinese summer-house equally conscious of itself, that is occasionally to be seen in extensive grounds, and there is indeed a 'difference of clouds and mud.'


The problems worked out by the Tea Masters as to how best to move and place the utensils and so on are the same as have just begun to be considered in America lately, for in the Architectural Record(N.Y.) of March 1930 is a study by a lady efficiency engineer, with accompanying plans, of how to act and the best positions to take up in a kitchen to perform the ceremony of making a cake, a thing naturally of daily occurrence in millions of homes there and elsewhere.

茶人達によって作り出された道具建の妙は最近のアメリカでも注目されはじめています。例えば1930年三月号のArchitectural Recordは技術者の立場から論じています。伴奏の概念、ケーキを作る手順のもっとも最良の道具ポジションの方法など、どこの家庭での日常の自然な方法論です。

If it be true, as Mr. Curle observes, that 'at any given moment in Australia a thousand Irish publicans are drawing beer,' it is no less so that where this is not permitted or has become for economic reasons increasingly rare, these manipulations of the kitchen are likely to assume a correspondingly important part in life.

もし、Mr、Curleが指摘するところの「オーストラリアのIrishはいかなる場合においてもビールを注ぐことはない」という言葉は、承諾されないこともしくは経済的理由でますます珍しくなっているが。 これらのキッチンでの小細工は仮定的にきわめて近い類似点として重要な部分です。

And by taking thought in this particular case and by a suitable arrangement of the room and furniture, the movements necessary for making this cake are reduced from fifty of an unimporoved lay-out to twenty-four in an improved one.


These adaptations correspond to that part of the Tea ceremony that concerns the arrangment of the hearth and Mizuya, and positon of the utensils, and only omit consideration of the most efficint and satisfying way of halding and handling the various implements and utensils so as to avoid fatigue and brekage.


These efficiency movements in America started in the sphere of industry are known as Taylorization or simplified practice, and now appear to be spreading to domestic life in the order of importance presumedly , while in Japan they started in the everyday life of the Zen monastery and them spread to the homes of the people and also almost simultaneously to militarism, for this economy of effort is very noticeable in Japanese fencing which has too drawn its inspiration from Zen thought, and even more so in its accompaniment Jujitsu, or the art of overcoming an opponent with the least exertion.

アメリカにおけるこれらの効率重視の動きは工業的背景があると思います。Taylorization と呼ばれたり、またシンプルプラクティスと呼ばれたりもしています。そして今、その動きが家庭へと広がりを見せています。日本では禅の修道場からスタートしました、のち、軍国主義化により広まっていったのです。代表的な成果としては、剣術がその成果を上げています。これはまさに禅の考え方を踏襲しているにほかありません。最小の力で敵をたおす、柔術という芸術へと発展していきました。

This was in substance introduced by a Chinese about the middle of the seventeeth century, but owes its development and organization emtirely to Japan.


The connection between these rather different types of movement comes out in the statement of one master that `the main object of Cha-no-yu is to brace and invigorate both mind and body. (lit. the abdominal) When one makes Tea, unless the muscles and diaphragm are held tense, all natural rhythm will be lost and all that will result will be mere conscious imitation.

そのお互いの違ったタイプの動きの関係が一人の茶人によって陳述され、導きだされています。 「茶の湯の本来の姿は、精神と肉体において身を引きしめ元気を出させる働きがあります。茶を飲む時、筋肉と横隔膜は緊張し、自然韻律がとりのぞかれ、成果は単なる意識的なイミテーションとなります」

If some enthusiats in Japan speak of Chado as a religion and declare that thier civilozation may be called a Tea civilization, it may is a Christian one, since it look as though their everyday life has been as much influenced by the teachings of the Chajin as has ours by those of the Church Fathers.


It may seem to some not to go far enough, but it makes life less monotonous and people less dependent on that rather doubtfl factoe their fell-mmen, as well as being a great comfort to the declining days of many.


And there is nothing in it to conflit with the reason of the normally intelligent.


But if at church they would give us some ale

And a pleasant fire our souls to regale,

wd'd sing and we'd pray all the livelong day

Nor ever wish from the church to stray.





Blake's picture suggests something like the atmosphere of the Tea-room, and as he is more admired in Japan than most English writers it must be for his Zen sentiments.


Parhaps if any life is ever restored to churches and chapels it will be along these lines.


The first part of this work, consisting of the details of the ceremony and of the construction of the Tea-room and Roji and of the utensils, may appear ary and trivial to many.


Compared with what might have been given they are not very full, and would be hardly sufficient for anyone, should there be such, who might wish to learn Cha-no-yu, though they might be of some assistance.


But they may be of interest to students of architecture, anthropology and social customs.


The second part consists a series of stories illustrating the Tea experiences of representative men of all types during the Muromachi, Momoyama and Tokugawa periods fromthe days of Ashikaga Yoshimasa to those of Ii Kamon-No-Kami.

二番目に一致するところ、室町時代の代表的な茶の湯を体験した人たちの歴史なりを見ると。 桃山時代、徳川時代をふくめ、KamonoーNoーKami足利義正よりの系統が見られます。

They throw light on aspects of these periods not treated in any European works dealing with the time, and may make more familiar some distinguished personalities famous enough in thier own country, but so far strangly little known outside it.


For these I am largely indebted to the excellent collection in the Chawa Bidan of Kumato Sojuro, which I have supplemented and collated from other sources such as the Koji Ruien, the Hankanpuden and Matsudaira Fumaiden.

Kumato SojuroのChawabidanのその一流のコレクションは大変参考になります。補足や照合、KojiruienやHakampuden,Matsudaira Fumaiden、へと発展していったのです。

Though these stories are not without value to the historian it is chiefly as descriptions of manners and customs that they are given here, and it does not follow that the motives they suggest and the fact they present are always accurate statements, for the discourses of Tea master might be more concerned with the estheically satisfying than the real.


But at times they undoubtedly do give a clue as when, for example, the meeting of Ieyasu and Hosokawa Tadaoki in the Tea room is recalled, a connexion that made the victory of the former at the critical bottle of Sekigahara less of an uncertainly than is often supposed.


Not the least diverting of these anecdotes are those about comparatively unknown people like Shibayama Motoaki, Doi Toyotaka and Akishino Yohei.

Shibayama Motoaki、Doi Toyotaka そしてAkishino Yoheiなどの人物の話はまさにそのはなしなのです。あまり知られてはいませんが、ちょっとした逸話として残っています。

Such characters exist in all countries and ages, but in Tokugawa Japan one feels that conditions would be exceptionally favourable to them.


They were of the company of the poet Basho, who was so pre-eminent in the expression of the impermanence of things and fellowsheps with nature.


For that matter one cannot sufficeintry admire the resource with which the weather and the seasons are used to give variety to the entertainment by Chajin.


Snow, rain, moon, dawn, mid-day, heat and winter cold all equally supply sensations to the adapt, who still contrives to extract as much enjoyment from them as did Kamo No Chomei in his hut on Toyama hill.

すなわち、富山の丘に建つ庵、Kamo No Chomeiの、雪、雨、月、曙、夜、暑さや冬の寒さ、すべての出来事をつなぎあわせ、より素晴らしい感性を抽出し工夫した事です。

In conclusion I wish to express my sincere thanks to Sen Tantansai for his kindness in allowing me to see his Tea-rooms and to reproduce his portrait, and to Professer A. R. Radcliffe Brown for reading throgh some of my MSS.

結びにあたって、Sen Tantansai氏の一角ならないご好意に心より感謝したい。茶室を拝見したり所蔵の文献を見せていただいたりしました。そして、A.R.RadcliffeーBrown教授のわたしのMSSを読んでいただいた上での貴重なアドバイスにも感謝の意を称します。

I am also greatly indebted to Mr. A. Morgan Young for his scholarly assistance in reading the proofs and making several valuable suggestions, as well as to miss M. E. Lake for making the index.

また、Mr A Mogan Young氏の学術的な助言、証明、いくつかの貴重な提案やM E Lake女氏の題目の提供にも心より感謝いたします。

The book has also bad the advantage of the skilled supervision of Mr. H. J. Griffiths.

Mr H J Griffiths氏の出版においてのご助力においても心から感謝いたします。


Sydney:October 1933

A. L. SADLER, M.A., was Professor of Oriental Studies at the University of Sydney from 1922 to 1948, at which time fe became emeritus professor.

サドラー博士、1922年から1948年までUniversity of Sydneyで東洋研究の教授を勤め、名誉教授となる。

He also aerved as Professor of Japanese at the Royal Military College of Australia.

また、Royal Military College of AustraliaにてProfessor of Japaneseを兼務。

Among his numerous published works, in addition to the present volumu, are The Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1936), A Short History of Japanese Architecture (1941), Three Military Classics of Chine(1944), A Short History of Japan (1946), and a number of translations from Japanese literature.

ものな著書、The Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1936), A Short History of Japanese Architecture (1941), Three Military Classics of Chine(1944), A Short History of Japan (1946),等。翻訳も手がける。

His The Ten Foot Square Hut and Tales of the Heike (1928) has recently appeared in a reprint version of the same type as the present volume.

彼のThe Ten Foot Square Hut and Tales of the Heike (1928)は最近まで再版。

From the time of his retirement until his death in 1971, he made his home in England.


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