Monday, August 8, 2011

Japan-Korea Friendship Year 2005 日韓友情年2005

The adults do the row and is stepping on the national flag of another country.
This is an appearance of 'Japan-South Korea friendship year'.


Japan-Korea Friendship Year 2005 日韓友情年2005

Korea is really anti-Japan?

2005 was a milestone year for 60 years, while the both governments established the so-called "Japan-Korea Friendship Year".

from the Japanese side paid huge efforts to press forward cultural exchanges between the two countries.what like as affording special benefits to korea to exempt entry visa during Aichi Expo,whom against seemed not accept as allies without japan,forward to continue visa waiver after Expo,and occurred korean wave artificially in media.

although Takeshima is absolutory congenital territory from historically,even on international law or international recognition,japan backed off that to suggest sharing the fishing ground  because of just friendly.yet korea occupied by force it,claimed dominium bad shot to japan.

right from the start,japan had tried to built friend ship like as "Love your neighbor country" traditionally.when South Korea was on the edge of bankruptcy,no longer could not return from domestic and foreign debt alone, japan covered several times.multiply and take over the debts and insolvency,Korean currency crisis going to economic collapse,japan throw big money that as highest amount as a nation (twice as U.S.) with a pop.

Japan is rare country in the world such as try to build friendship with South Korea before friendship year. But ...


2005年は、戦後60年の節目の年であり、同時に両国政府が定めた いわゆる『日韓友好年』である。 日本側は、日本以外には友好国として認めてもらえない韓国を相手に 愛知万博期間中の韓国人の入国ビザを免除したり、万博終了後の ビザ免除の継続を検討したり、韓流ブームを人工的に起こしてみたり、 両国の文化交流を推し進めるべく多大な努力を払ってきた。 竹島は、歴史的にも、国際法上も、国際的な認知も、完全に日本固有の 領土だというのに武力占拠してお門違いの領有を主張する韓国を相手に 日本は「漁場の共同利用」を持ちかけるなどの譲歩もした。 そもそも日本は昔から「隣国を愛せよ」とばかりの友好路線だったため、 韓国が国内の借金や外国からの借金を返せなくなって破産しかければ 肩代わりし、韓国が通貨危機で経済破綻しかければ単独国家としては 世界最高額(アメリカの2倍)をポンと出したりもしていた。  日本は、友好年以前から元より世界でも珍しい親韓の国なのである。だが……

Moreover, if you play soccer

…… It is this impolite welcome.

On photograph, it seems to be "Down heavy root(※安重根An JyunGun)" to murder Hirofumi Ito (There is not a previous notice without acquiring the service
uniform in non-war district of station in the foreign country like plain clothes and either Ito who is not the serviceman is shot dead) by a mean method. (* Describe it later in detail. )

It is a low degree of this people degree, and hostility to Japan by an international war of soccer.

By the way, this unfair terrorist is enshrined to "Down heavy root memorial" as a hero in South Korea.

Grave "Revealing loyalty academy (※顕忠院Hyontun'won)" of soldiers who had killed similarly raping Vietnamese people became "National, revealing loyalty academy". In addition, the government important person and the people like the president etc. visit the national cemetery making it until National Holiday "Revealing loyalty day (June 6)",
and a commemorative ceremony and various events are held.
It is an appearance in the home country of the South Korean to whom this frequently criticizes Yasukuni.
"Know" their contradicted behavior will become a help in the globalized society ..
Japanese.. correspondence of the adult , saying that "It is not ribaldry by
interference in manners of another country".






 ※ Don’t keep Japanese

※ Don’t keep Japanese

Image of Seogwipo City Rachilsgorlpzang of South Korea Jeju island.
(Seogwipo = union news 2005.3.18)

(西帰浦=連合ニュース 2005.3.18)

- Similar article'Japanese, dog, and off-limits'
(This is an article that the college professor in South Korea wrote in the newspaper of South Korea named Central Daily News. )

★類似記事 『 日本人と犬、立ち入り禁止 』

The Japanese might be refused in South Korea as seen on though there is little thing from which the Japanese certain payment is refused entrance good and quietly in foreign countries as for manners.

The South Korean is refused oppositely in every country in the world. In the difference from the Japanese, the reason why the South Korean is refused is "There are a lot of criminals" or "The attitude
unrelated and irreverently is taken. "

For instance, San Tei(※鄭 讃容Chong Chan'yon. Professor of You university)It drinks and in the book, it is about South Korean's attitude in foreign countries that he experienced such a description.

マナーも良く静かで金払いも確かな日本人が海外で入場を断られることは ほとんど無いのだが、上でみたように韓国では日本人が断られることがある。 逆に韓国人は世界各国で断られている。 日本人と違うのは、韓国人が拒否される理由が「犯罪者が多いから」 または「見当違いな不遜な態度を取るから」であることだ。

たとえば鄭 讃容(チョン・チャンヨン。漢陽大学教授)の著書に、 彼が体験した海外での韓国人の態度についてこのような記述がある。

The face reddens as for being when recalling it when executives of the big enterprise that came to Germany by the business trip are guided. As for the no smoking here when entering the convenience store, neither throwing away the cigarette on the floor nor seeing the skyscraper or goodness, and few "Be not fairly poor", etc. , saying that "It is very inconvenient" or the attitude unrelated and irreverently was done even though concealed. (omission)

出張でドイツに来た大企業の幹部たちを案内したときのことを思い出すと、 いまでも顔が赤くなる。コンビニエンスストアに入ったとき、ここは禁煙だというと、 床にタバコを投げ捨てて「先進国だというのに、なんて不便なんだ」といい、 高層ビルが少ないのを見て「ずいぶん貧しいんだな」などと、見当違いの 不遜な態度を隠そうともしなかったのである。(中略)

It writes, and South Korean's party of tourists is accepted and "The South Korean ..consideration.. has Nega by Too" in Korean is a reality it not is in a lot of hotels. a lot of duty free shops of a famous sightseeing spot of Europe

San Tei 'Never study English' P97 Sammarc publication.


鄭 讃容 『英語は絶対、勉強するな!』P97 サンマーク出版

Moreover, the Sherpa union (those who guide it about an Everest climbing mountain) in Nepal is officially declaring, 'Will not guide it about the South Korean climbing mountain guest in the future'. In the reason, the South Korean is "Hit it soon by a trifling thing. "

また、ネパールのシェルパ組合(エベレスト登山の案内人)は 『今後、韓国人登山客の道案内はしない』と公式に表明している。 その理由は韓国人は「ささいなことですぐ殴るから」である。

All over the world, and it is South Korean and Chinese that refuses the Japanese.


references 【参考】

- Recognition and the badness are ..Japanese.. .."Best tourist" Britain Co...France.

【 cooperation on the 23rd in London 】The Japanese was done in the result of the survey that British major Travel Agent of the online reservation specialty announced on the 23rd and "The best tourist in the world" and "Recognition" were done. It is said that it was evaluated that "It seems to have been done in an orderly manner

as polite" etc. were the overall. The PA communication told it.

(omission)In the investigation, about 15,000 people such as hoteliers in Europe are objects. The Japanese is judged, "Stillness" besides being able to evaluate it even by "Attitude and action", and is top in the synthesis. American and Swiss's order now. It continued with the French, the Indian, Chinese, and the Russian in the worst ranking.

Kyodo News Service(May 23, 2007)



(中略) 調査は、欧州のホテル経営者ら約1万5000人が対象。


South Korea begins to rage by taking advantage of the anti-Japanese demonstration in China. A chicken not guilty either and the dog are killed, the severed head that drips blood is displayed, and the corpse is displayed to the road. It seems to be up to a sense like a certain kind of "Festival" as for the difference of the culture though is till then.

It fusses over only by pure disgust affection for South Korea while the government agitates as China is strategic and it ..Japan.. is made to dislike. China is Cashico ..cunning.. ..saying.. . at the government level though it is a low quality in a private level in similar.

Of course, there is a South Korean who doesn't do such an extreme action either. It is as follows in the questionnaire of a certain television program.




 1.South Korean
Upper right: China, South Korea of the anti-Japan demonstration, and the popularity degree to a Japanese product :

Number of Japanese visitors: 2,243,070 people(fiscal year 2004)

Q.What is it thought of Japan?
Favor 12%
Dislike 86%
Neither of the two 2%(..preparing.. Coco)

Number of Japanese Company advancement in South Korea 7722 companies
(examination by 2003 Korean Traders' Association)

1 i had japanese products before,but not used them since Takeshima (* 独島Dokdo) problem.
2 I do not want to buy it now though a Japanese product has been bought.
3 I want you to repulse it to China more instead of South Korea.

1 It doesn't become business because 99% is made in Japan in the camera.

2 I hate.

3 There is a Takeshima problem, too and I am hated because it invaded our country.

4 There might not be disliked reason as long as there is no history issue.

"Apologize for 100 times not obstinate any further. "

1 I feels sick. I’m unpleasant.
The Seoul citizens ・・・
Upper right: "Legitimate making colonialization" and the South Korea government repulse it hard. The boycott has occurred, too.

2.I feels sick! I feels sick because it is obstinate!
The Seoul citizens ・・・
On the left: South Korea media criticize examination of school textbooks "
Takeshima" together.

It is said, the sixth scene and 'It wants you to repulse it to China more instead of South Korea'. It is an anti-day salvation by faith. A general South Korean might be these kind of things.

The ninth scene. Saying that the South Korean was invaded lacks the knowledge of the history.

To begin with, a Japanese army doesn't have the invaded advantage such as Korea where the resource doesn't exist at all either. Because it was attacked by Korea that was the passage because of the stop of it of China's (discernment) invasion when marching, the majority of the truth it and the damage are the one by "Scorched-earth strategy
(Brothers are killed only to cut the replenishment line of a Japanese army and food is burnt)" of Korean people. resisted it

By the way, 'Pattern that Korean people killed Korean people it was because of Japan' will be repeated many times like this afterwards.

For instance, 'Hodo federation event' etc. It is an event that the South Korea government massacred an antigovernment South Korean it is of Korean War. The victim is called 300,000 people. After the war, Japan will have slaughtered those victims.

The South Korean is quite different though might compare relations between Japan and South Korea to "Poland to Germany". When it was a crime by the Pole, "Pogrom in the Yedovabne village" that had been called the representative of violence by Nazis for years confessed voluntarily to tell the truth in Poland. It is different from South
Korea where all the responsibilities are pressed against Japan.

Moreover, "Cruellest on history of Japan event to be invaded" "Genko" in which Korean people invaded Japan oppositely is hardly being written in the textbook of
South Korea why.

- What is Genko?
Event that Allied Forces in origin (Mongolia at that time) and Koma invaded Japan (Northern Kyushu) extending over two times.
South Korea (Koma) had been attempting the Japan invasion for as many as 300 years before Hideyoshi's Korea sending troops ago though it failed in 2 degrees and invasions. By the way, as a reason on an anti-day in the textbook of South Korea , saying that "Hideyoshi invaded Korea, and it plundered and slaughtered it" though it insisted on the lie, for Hideyoshi, it is the one by "Scorched-earth strategy" done so that the statesmen in South Korea may cut off Hideyoshi's replenishment line (local procurement) that the town in South Korea is destroyed only by fighting with the serviceman when South Korea's passing on the road as shown in the China expedition, food is burnt, and the people were killed.









2度とも侵略に失敗しているが、韓国(高麗)は秀吉の朝鮮出兵以前の300年も前に 日本侵略を企てていたことになる。
ちなみに韓国の教科書では反日の理由として「秀吉が朝鮮を侵略し、略奪・虐殺した」と 嘘の主張をしているが、秀吉は中国遠征の通り道で韓国を通る時に軍人と戦っただけで、 韓国の街が破壊されたり食料が燃やされたり国民を殺されたりしたのは、韓国の為政者が 秀吉の補給線(現地調達)を断つために行った「焦土作戦」によるものである。

■ Misunderstanding of Japanese
The spirit must understand the difference from foundation to the Japanese and the South Korean even if externals look like.

As for the event that occurred in 2005 that the Japan-South Korea friendship year, the reaction of South Korea is comprehensible.



[All sentence translation]

The voice of "Die more" and "Damnation" comes out in the bulletin board of South Korea where the victim in Niigata is whipped.
The Niigata Nakagoshi earthquake is reported as front-page news by South Korea, and the appearance of the stricken area is told in detail every day afterwards.
Networkers in "Cyberheaven" South Korea were bulletin boards after the first report and the hoop and this including writing were content that anti-Japanese feelings bare is terrific.
「Die more. They are 12 typhoons and earthquakes this time. Nature was angry due to past mistakes of guys. The dying people were regrettably angry to you. 」「Damnation has descended. Most unfair race and Choppali in the world (how to call to despise pig's foot = Japanese)」
Bato was turned to Yasukuni Shrine with the Prime Minister Koizumi.
「There are neither reflection nor a word of the apology for a past mistake of Asia, is not a little sum of amends in Ianhu, and it is an arrogant, saucy fellows it is an economic power in the second place in the world. This is because Koizumi and cabinet ministers visit Yasukuni. The heaven descends this and damnation has finally descended getting angry. 」"The Japanese cannot also sympathize manning because large majority supported Koizumi" and "Only the Koizumi1 person only has to die" It is not a person alone who is not such a mind of course.
「The people in Japan, please smell one's oats. To there is no big any further damage. 」"It is poor that a lot of children got wounded, too. "
Masaft rescue(- After the earthquake, a careful rescue was done for several hours by the rescue team. This appearance was relaid to a Japanese inside. However, only Mr. Masaft was able to return alive among families. )When is concerned, it "May survive" and "Let's pray so that mother and the child having been died may sleep restfully" Japanese?There are a lot of South Koreans who want to tie to "Past" every time there in South Korea. However, will such an awful writing be a problem only of the networker in South Korea?

Race who says to victim, "Die more".
By the way, the South Korean was overjoyed at the similar death of the Japanese at "Train accident" that occurred in Japan in 2005.

It is a humble national character that wants to cover eyes "It is damnation" finding the first report in the newspaper at the Great Hanshin Earthquake etc. and becomes it.

Even if others are seen to suffer though it is thought, "Helping when I am embarrassed is natural" due to the disaster etc. , the South Korean think nothing when other people embarrassed.

Even if it is helped, South Korea betrays it soon. The country betrayed by South Korea exists all over the world also excluding Japan though it describes later.

When it eats the dog, meat is regarded the South Korean though it becomes a by talk a little as delicious dish in "It is made to suffer as much as possible and kill".
The part of "Root" of such Mental is difficult and it is difficult for the Japanese to understand though it writes easily because the gastronomic culture of
another country should not be this and that said.

On the other hand, in China in South Korea that was suzerain, location of culture thought to be "The power of the other party who kills and ate is made my thing". This food humanities making '喫人 (Chiren)' continued until the 19th century, and it eats the embryo still in the country.

ちなみに2005年日本で起きた“列車事故”の時も 韓国人は同様に日本人が死んだことに大喜びした。

피재자에 「더욱 죽어라」라고 말하는 민족.
덧붙이자면 2005년 일본에서 일어난 “열차사고”의 때도 한국인은 동일하게 일본인이 죽은 것에 매우 기뻐했다.
한신 대지진의 때등, 신문의 첫 소식의 표제가 「천벌이다! 」이었다라고 말하는 똑바로 볼 수 없고 싶어지는 것 같은 천한 국민성이다.
한국인은 재해등으로 「자신이 곤란을 겪었을 때에 돕게 하는 것은 당연」이라고 생각하고 있는 주제에, 남이 고생하고 있는 것을 보아도 (아뭏든)뭐라고 생각하지 않는다.
한국은 도와도 바로 배신한다. 후술하지만, 한국에 배신당한 나라는 일본이외에도 온세계에 존재한다.
조금 여담이 되지만, 한국인은 개를 먹을 때에 「될 수 있는한 괴롭게 해서 죽인다」 것으로 고기가 맛있어지는,이라고 여겨지고 있다. 타국의 식(食)문화를 이것 저것 말해 서는 안되므로 간단히 쓰지만, 이러한 【멘타리티】의 “뿌리”의 부분이 일본인에게는 이해가 어려운 것이다.
한편, 한국의 종주국이었던 중국에는 「죽여서 먹은 상대의 힘을 자신의 물건에 할 수 있다」라고 생각하는 문화가 있다. 이 『喫사람(【지렌】)』이라고 하는 식인문화는 19세기까지 계속되고 있었던 것이며, 지금도 시골에서는 태아를 먹는 곳이 있거나 한다.

【 bytalk reference 】Inunecoshoc of South Korea



- There is a shocking image and inspect the person with a bad heart carefully, please. - Summary from 'ANIMAL ISSUES' of URL on "South Korea animal rescue group" as follows.

2.6 million dogs and a lot of cats are killed in South Korea every year and it is assumed for food. It makes to the stuff squeezing while lived in a metallic, small basket, it is transported, and the neck is hung while lived, it beats with the pipe and the hammer, and time is killed on purpose putting it. Moreover, the roasting fur might be peeled off by fire

while living.

So that meat becomes soft large animal's suffering flavorful in South Korea it does so why, and it is believed, "Become the source of man's energy" in addition. It is a superstition made known to seeing that the Inunic industry cooks naturally though the grounds are assumed to be "One with the adrenaline collected in the organization when suffering".

There is even what is similarly killed the cat, and is boiled while lived. By the way, it is advertised, "It is effective against rheumatism and neuralgia" for the cat.

There is "Guard" of the secret maintenance specialty to avoid making noise because dogs and cats are seen by the foreigner now though it was possible to take a picture because the photograph on this site is several years ago.

Moreover, the South Korean calls oneself "People who love dogs and cats in the most in the world" and doesn't hesitate though has the culture to eat dogs and cats by a cruel way to kill.

【 bytalk reference 】Embryo food of China

- There is no shocking image and do not inspect one with a bad heart, please.

※以下は上のURL「韓国動物保護団体」の『ANIMAL ISSUES』より要約。

毎年韓国では260万頭の犬と多くの猫が殺され食用とされている。 金属製の小さな籠に生きたままぎゅうぎゅう詰めにして運搬され、 生きたまま首を吊り、パイプやハンマーで叩き、わざと時間をかけて殺す。 また、生きながらに火であぶり毛皮をはがすこともある。

なぜそうするかというと、韓国では動物の苦しみが大きいほど肉が香り高く 柔らかくなり、さらに“男性の精力の源になる”と信じられているため。 その根拠は「苦しむ際に組織にたまるアドレナリンによるもの」とされているが、 当然これは犬肉業界がたくみに広めた迷信である。

猫も同様に殺され、生きたまま煮られることすらある。ちなみに猫の場合は“リューマチや神経痛に効果がある”と宣伝している。 このサイトの写真は数年前だったので撮影できたが、現在は外国人に 犬肉を見られて騒がれるのを避けるために秘密保持専門の“番人”がいる。

また、韓国人は残酷な殺し方で犬猫を食べる文化を持つにも関わらず、 自らのことを「世界一犬猫を愛する国民」と自称して憚らない。

【여담참고】한국의 개고양이식(食)
※ shocking한 이미지가 있어서 심장이 나쁜 사람은 주의해서 열람해 주십시오.
※이하는 위의 URL 「한국 동물보호 단체」의 『ANIMAL ISSUES』보다 요약.

매년 한국에서는 260만마리의 개와 많은 고양이가 죽음을 당해 식용으로 여겨지고 있다. 금속제의 작은 바구니에 산 채 꽉꽉 채우기로 해서 운반되어, 산 채 목을 달고, 파이프나 햄머(hammer)로 두드리고, 일부러 시간을 들여서 죽인다. 또, 살면서 닮아 불로 구워 모피를 벗길 것도 있다.

왜 그렇게 할 것인가라고 하면, 한국에서는 동물의 괴로움이 클 만큼 고기가 향기 짙게 부드러워져, 더욱 “남성의 정력의 근원이 된다”이라고 믿을 수 있기 때문에. 그 근거는 「괴로워할 때에 조직에 참는 아드레날린에 의한 것」으로 여겨지고 있지만, 당연 이것은 개고기업계가 교묘하게 널리 퍼뜨린 미신적이다.

 고양이도 동일하게 죽음을 당하고, 산 채 삶을 수 있는 것조차 있다. 덧붙이자면 고양이의 경우는 “류마티즘이나 신경통에 효과가 있다”이라고 선전하고 있다. 이 사이트의 사진은 몇 년전이었으므로 촬영할 수 있었지만, 현재는 외국인에게 개고기를 보여져서 떠들어대지는 것을 피하기 위해서 비밀보유 전문의 “파수꾼”이 있다.

또, 한국인은 잔혹한 죽이기쪽으로 개고양이를 먹는 문화를 가지는 것에도 관계 없이, 자기의 것을 「세계 한마리의 개 고양이를 사랑하는 국민」이라고 자칭해서 꺼리기지 않는다.

【여담참고】중국의 태아식(食)



When they regenerate as follows, I cannot help praying to be born excluding China and South Korea if dog, cat, and embryo's corpses are seen on the above-mentioned site though it hesitates to refer "Their gastronomic cultures" because Japan is not harmful.

It might be a spirit of the China transmission that the South Korean hysterically shouts, "It kills and it eats Choppari (How to call Japanese badlly)" well in the anti-Japanese demonstration etc. culture..level..story..on purpose..suffer..have..kill..part..aim..would like.
Anyway, it remembers and I would like only "The sense is different" with us.
(By the way, Chinese's cruelty is not such extent, and omit it here. )

Thus, the appearance of the South Korean who happily sees externals where people except me suffer can be seen also in a peculiar "Proverb" to South Korea.
"It is an attraction that others' cows runs about trying to escape. "
"There is no gentleman in others' houses who doesn't see a fire. "
"Dog's belly is kicked to the anger diverting to the mother-in-law. "
"Beat the dog that fell in the drink with the stick. "
And so on.

Only "Egocentric proverb", and each one is very immorality and content in Japanese sense of values that can be taken

The proverb is a basic education inculcated in the childhood by parents and the teacher. Such culture and race's foundation posture appointing and dismissing in a trifling point even if it conceals it.
South Korea is beating down 'Sumatra coast earthquake contribution money' to 1/10 recently.









일본에 실해는 없으므로 “그들의 식(食)문화”에 대해서 언급하는 것은 꺼리겨지는 것이지만, 상기의 사이트에서 개나 고양이나 태아의 사체를 보아버리면, 그들이 다음에 다시 태어날 때는, 중국이나 한국이외에 태어나는 것을 기원하지 않고는 있을 수 없다.

자주(잘) 한국인이 반일 데모등으로 「【좃파리】(일본인)을 죽여서 먹는다! 」이라고 히스테릭하게 외치고 있는 것은, 어쩌면 중국 전래의 정신성일지도 모른다.

여기에서는 “굶주려도 없는데도 개고양이를 먹는다”이라고 하는 식(食)문화 수준의 이야기가 아니고, 「일부러 괴롭게 해서 죽인다」라고 하는 부분이 착안해 주셨으면 싶다.

어쨌던, 일본인과는 「감각이 틀린다」라고 하는 것만은 기억해 두어 주셨으면 싶다. (덧붙이자면 중국인의 잔학성은 이런 정도가 아닌 것이지만, 여기에서는 생략한다)

이렇게, 자신이외가 괴로워하는 님을 즐겁게 보는 한국인의 모습은, 한국 특유의 「격언」 안(속)에도 볼 수 있는다.

「남의 소가 여기저기 도망쳐 다니는 것은 볼거리다. 」
「타다른 사람의 집의 화재구경을 하지 않는 군자는 없다. 」
「시어머니에의 화가 나 헷갈림에 개의 배를 찬다. 」
「강에 떨어진 개는, 막대로 두드려라. 」

하나하나가 대단히 「자신본위한 격언」만으로, 일본인의 가치관에서는 부도덕과도 없어지는 내용이다. 격언이라고 하는 것은 어릴 때부터 부모나 교사에게 철저히 가르쳐지는 기초교양. 그러한 문화와 민족의 근본자세는 숨기려고 한들 하찮은 곳에서 보일듯 말듯해버리는 것이다.

한국은, 최근 『수마트라(Sumatra) 앞바다지진의연금』을 10분의 1에 깎고 있다.

When Japan decided the support of 500 million dollars of the world's largest scale, rescue money was promised to be raised the price to 50 million dollars suddenly by the rivalry and the looking honor to Japan though the South Korea government settled on rescue money of five million dollars (small amount that did not correspond to the economic magnitude) once. The people who suffered in Sumatra were pleased with this very much, too.

After all, South Korea did not pay the amount of money though it was …….

Japan stuck to an agreement after half a year, 500 million dollars that were a lot of moneys for Japan were paid, and the full amount was paid tightly. South Korea that lifted up Cane decided to reduce "Amount of the schedule" to 6.1 million dollars and ..payment.. to run away in rivalry with Japan no payment and 50 million dollars only for 2.95 million dollars. It became too good though a big thing was said.

South Korea doesn't understand whether to be going to pay the amount of the schedule in the future in the world though it is a rich leading country either. It is necessary to defend "Promised for myself" not to say it was possible to pay at a Japanese level though it seemed not to be had a mind to put out only about 1/100 of Japan even if paying.

Do not you think, "And, the life of tens of thousands of people can be saved"?disappear even a little by this world and Gipnnal today.




한국 정부는 1번은 500만달러 (경제규모에 걸맞지 않은 소액)의 구원 돈을 책정했지만, 일본이 세계 최대규모의 5억달러의 지원을 결정하면, 돌연 일본에의 대항 의식과 허영에서 구원 돈을 5000만달러에 가격 인상하는 것을 약속했다. 이것에는 수마트라(Sumatra)에서 고생하고 있는 사람들도 크게 기뻐한 것일 것이다. <. >……이지만, 한국은 결국 그 금액을 지불하지 않았다.

반년후, 일본은 약속을 지키고, 일본에 있어서도 거금인 5억달러를 빈틈없이 전액 지불했다. 일본에 대항해서 의捐돈을 낚아 올린 한국은 불과 295만달러밖에 정리하지 않고, 게다가 5000만달러이었던 지불 「예정액」도 610만달러에 감액해서 도망치기로 했다. 큰소리 쳤지만 아까워진 것이다.

한국은 세계에서도 손꼽아 헤아림이 풍부한 나라이지만, 앞으로도 예정액을 지불할 것인가 아닌가 모른다. 지불했다고 한들 일본의 100분의 1정도밖에 내는 기는 없는 것 같지만, 일본같은 정도에 지불할 수 없을 때까지도, 「스스로 약속한 것」은 지켜야 한다.

「그래서, 몇만사람의 생명을 구할 수 있다」라고는 생각하지 않는 것일까?

When extensive because of the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake struck goes out South Koreans were overjoyed at a Japanese a large amount of death in the Japan-South

Korea Internet automatic operation translation bulletin board 'Never' when the letter of the encouragement of fund-raising and children was sent all over the world as Mongolia etc. and such a conversation was done.

South Korea: The feast is done now. Monkey without Ekitai either dies and : fortunately.
South Korea: South Korea is festival atmosphere now.
South Korea: All Yamato people like the under etc. who did are roast meat pupupu.
South Korea: I frankly think that it is an example of understanding how much Ca Monkey construct this time. Monkey that constructs Ca are capital punishment all
South Korea: It would be greatly appreciated of unnecessary Japanese' ..this world.. dying. South Korea: It is South Korea must be natural that Monkey died: All Yamato people like the under etc. who did are the people how many and South Korea of Dai empty blessing it.. people country cheers South Korea ..whether died..: The one whose Japanese are this time and the unnecessary one ..Japanese.. : to this world. I think that understand by it.

South Korea: A lot of these that were are joyous ..people who were pleased with the Japanese roast meat festival only today.. South Korea: Why did such an accident happen in Nagasaki?It is a symptom that the second nuclear bomb is tried. ...cry.. ~ glad to think of the day Japanese www South Korea: Did 60 passengers also apply South Korea-seasoning that would become roast meat in the future?
South Korea: All bad things are done and the sky : this world to Monkey that is Dorob. The umpire is taken down.
South Korea: It is said that there is whether he or she is grilled beef party of 60 moral duties today no South Korea-those who die. Excrement . .
South Korea: Roast meat is Yamato people's like garbage ..suitability..
South Korea: Kobe University earthquake 6400 roast meat show pupupu
South Korea: It is contribution ..Yamato people.. South Korea in the human race that the island nation helminth helminth dies: 60 roast meat moral duties are South Korea in a Yamato country that is the hotbed of illegal rot where the work cracks: Axis. It is a train accident in dirty Nagasaki. It is ~ ..sounding.. as for an easy wind.
Really, only a dirty thing always happens in the dirty city.
South Korea: It is frank and the previous thing on Yamato people's characteristics this time. South Korea in which it often died: Yamato people like the under etc. who did
The meaning was to have transmitted by analogizing though the translation fell into disorder because it was an automatic translation by the machine and there was an unknown part, too.

県中越地震で甚大な被災が出た時は、モンゴルなど世界中から募金や、子供たちからの励ましの手紙が送られて来ていたころ、日韓インターネット自動翻訳掲示板『ネイバー』で韓国人たちが 日本人の大量死に大喜びしてこんな会話をしていた。

韓 : 今宴をしています. 益体もない Monkeyは死んで幸い
韓 : 韓国は今祭り雰囲気です.
韓 : 下等した倭人たちは皆焼肉  pupupu
韓 : 率直に今回のことは Monkeyらがいくら欠陷工事をするのか
分かる例だと思います. 欠陷工事する Monkeyはすべて死刑
韓 : 此の世に必要ない日本人たちが死んで幸いです.
韓 : Monkeyらが死んだことは当たり前のはずです
韓 : 下等した倭人たちは皆何人や死んだのか空の祝福だ 大韓民国万歳
韓 : 日本人たちは今回のことで日本人たちが此の世に必要ないのがかったらと思います
韓 : 今日に限って日本人焼肉祭りを喜ぶ人々が多い これは喜ばしいこと
韓 : どうしてこのような事故が長崎で起きたことでしょうか?
日本人たちはその日を憶えて嬉しくて泣き叫んでください~ www
韓 : 乗客 60人はこれから焼肉になります 韓 - 味付けもつけたか?
韓 : あらゆる悪いことをして此の世をドロブである Monkeyに空が審判を下してくれます
韓 : 今日は 60名分の焼肉パーティーですか 韓 - 死亡者がいないと言います. くそ..
韓 : 焼肉はごみみたいな倭人たちのあつらえ向きです
韓 : 神戸 大地震  6400匹焼肉 show   pupupu
韓 : 倭人は島国寄生虫 寄生虫が死ぬことは人類に貢献
韓 : 不正腐敗の温床である倭国で焼肉 60名分が作われました
韓 : 軸! 汚い長崎で列車事故! 風楽を鳴らしなさい~
果たして, 汚い都市にはいつも汚い事だけ起こりますね.
韓 : 率直に今回のことは倭人たちの特性の上当たり前の事です.よく死にました
韓 : 今日は下等した倭人たちが少しでも此の世で消えてギプンナル


니가타현(新潟縣) 나카고시(中越) 지진으로 막대한 피재가 나왔을 때는, 몽골등 온세계에서 모금이나, 어린이들로부터의 격려의 편지가 보내져 오고 있었을 때, 일한 인터넷 자동번역 게시판 『【네이바】』에서 한국인들이 일본인의 대량죽음에 매우 기뻐해서 이런 회화를 하고 있었다.

한:지금 연회를 하고 있습니다. 이익체도 없는 Monkey는 죽어서 운이 좋아
한:한국은 지금축제 분위기입니다.
한:하등 밑 왜인들은 모두 불고기 pupupu
한: 솔직하게 이번은 Monkey들이 아무리 결陷공사를 하는 것인가
아는 예라고 생각합니다. 결陷공사하는 Monkey는 모두 사형
한:이세상에 필요없는 일본인들이 죽어서 다행입니다.
한: Monkey들이 죽은 것은 당연할 것입니다
한:하등 밑 왜인들은 모두 몇명이나 죽은 것일지 하늘의 축복だ대한민국 만세
한:일본인들은 이번으로 일본인들이 이세상에 필요없는 것이 기르면 하고 생각합니다
한: 오늘따라 일본인불고기축제를 기뻐하는 사람들이 많은 이것은 기쁜 일
한: 어째서 이러한 사고가 나가사키(長崎)로 일어난 것일까요?
그것은 제2차 핵폭탄을 맞는 조짐입니다
일본인들은 그 날을 기억해서 기뻐서 울부짖어 가는 촌스러운 ∼ www
한:승객 60명은 이제부터 불고기가 되는 한-맛을 냄도 켰는가?
한: 모든 나쁜 것을 해서 이세상을 도 로브인 Monkey에 하늘이
심판을 내려 줍니다
한:오늘은 60명분의 불고기 파티입니까 한-사망자가 없다라고 말합니다. 똥 ..
한:불고기는 쓰레기인 것 같은 왜인들이 안성마춤입니다
한:고베(神戶) 대지진 6400마리 불고기 show pupupu
한:왜인은 섬나라기생충기생충이 죽는 것은 인류에게 공헌
한:부정부패의 온상인 와(倭)국에서 불고기 60명분이 작 갈라졌습니다
한:축! 더러운 나가사키(長崎)로 열차사고! 바람즐거움을 울리세요 ∼
과연, 더러운 도시에는 언제나 더러운 것만 일어나네요.
한: 솔직하게 이번은 왜인들의 특성 위당연입니다. 자주(잘) 죽었습니다
한:오늘은 하등 밑 왜인들이 조금이라도 이세상에서 사라져서 【기푼나루】

기계에 의한 자동번역이므로, 이유(번역)이 흐트러져서 영문을 모른 부분도 있지만, 유추하는 것으로 의미는 전해진 것일 것이다.

The person who has such thought starts some trouble. It is frequent. Neither the homicide, injury nor the rape case that aims at the Japanese are endless also by South Korea. It is because the police in South Korea do not investigate straight when understanding that the victim is Japanese either.
When a Japanese woman rapes, is done by South Korean's group, and it runs into it in the police in South Korea while crying, the policeman :.

"South Korean's ancestor is a thing in the emperor age on the day that is smaller than the received disgrace. "

The story of having laughed is heard saying.

Moreover, happening frequently besides the rape is an assault and injury. There was unjustly also the painful incident by a man of an unfamiliar South Korean ..several years ago.. being attacked a Japanese and large Hiromu Takishima (six years old) of this school kindergarten division by "Ax (ax)" at a Japanese school in Seoul ..sustaining severe injuries...

The criminal at that time described like this.
It is .."Hmm… Child was wounded ..But he is Japanese, isn’t it? "

South Korean's 'Contempt seeing' to Japanese is such the one. The Japanese who travels around South Korea must not forget never.

「日帝時代に韓国人の先祖が受けた屈辱よりも小さな事だ。」 などと言って笑ったという話も耳にする。
数年前も、ソウルの日本人学校で同校幼稚部の日本人・滝島大夢君(6才)が 見ず知らずの韓国人の男に「斧(おの)」で襲われて重傷を負うという理不尽で痛ましい事件もあった。



By the way, in the sentence the article photograph of the Niigata Nakagoshi earthquake above
"There is no word of reflection for a past mistake of Asia, and the comfort woman doesn't make amends for one sentence. "
I would like you to pay attention though it is. This is a complete mistake though there is still a person whom the Japanese also is misunderstanding.
It has apologized first many times up to now. It is "The Prime Minister apology" that is in the form of the height that can do it in the nation named Japan.
The South Korea government is not only telling this to the people.
To tell the truth, even Japan-Korea Basic Relations Treaty was unpublished in the people until recently in South Korea.

「アジアの過去の過ちに対して反省の一言もなく、  慰安婦には一文の補償もなく、」 




【2005/08/08 South Korea 】The document related to the agreement of Japan-South Korea is opened to the public on the 24th. However, the part in contradiction to the national interest is excluded.

- It opens it to the public on the South Korea-Japan agreement document and 24.

【 union on the 8th in Seoul 】The government decided the document related to the agreement of South Korea-Japan to plan to do August 15 back and forth and to open
it to the public to be opened to the public on the 24th. The person related to the government clarified it on the eighth. The examination work to 156 related documents ends, and work of making to the microfilm for a general opening to the public is proceeded now.

A related document goes up to 161, and 156 that excludes five open to the public in January, 2005 among these all is open to the public this time. As for the open to the public document, it goes up to page 35,000, and even only the summary book exceeds page 1500. However, a judged very part was excluded from the object of opening to the public when remarkably in the national interest among documents and contradicting.

Opening to the public and being done by one respondent (It is seen if it hopes to see in a word) hope for none of inspection because it nobody knows the existence of the agreement now. This is a trick that formalizes opening to the public.

It doesn't change with this substantially now if the South Korea government is serious and it is had a mind to restore relations between Japan and South Korea though Japan-Korea Basic Relations Treaty is sure to have to be put on the textbook ..not open to the public...

Moreover, it is , saying that "The part in contradiction to the national interest is excluded". Not fair though it is not certain which part to have concealed from people's eyes is needless to say.



【ソウル8日聯合】政府は8月15日を前後して公開する方針だった韓日協定 関連文書について、24日に公開することを決めた。政府関係者が8日に明らかにした。 現在、関連文書156件に対する検討作業が終わり、一般公開に向けたマイクロ フィルム化作業が進められている。
関連文書は161件に上り、このうち2005年1月に公開された5件を除いた 156件すべてが今回公開される。公開される文書は3万5000ページに 上り、要約本だけでも1500ページを超える。ただ、文書のうち、国益に 著しく反すると判断されるごく一部については公開対象から除かれた。

現在は一応公開されている(つまり見たいと希望すれば見られる)が、 国民のほとんどがその条約の存在を知らないので誰も閲覧を希望しない。 これは公開を形式化するトリックである。
韓国政府が本気で日韓関係を修復する気があるのなら 教科書に日韓基本条約を載せなければならないはずなのに、 これでは実質的には今も公開されてないのと変わらないのである。

For instance, Article 2 of Japan-Korea Basic Relations Treaty is a very important as follows content.
【 relation various agreements, Japan-South Korea claims of Japan-Korea Basic
Relations Treaty, and economic cooperation agreements 】
Article 2
1 Both contracting states confirm the complete, including one provided for by Article (a) 4 of the peace treaty with the Japanese country signed in San Francisco City on September 8,'1,951 final solution of the problem concerning the claim between both contracting states and the people's (The corporation is included) property, right, profit, both contracting states, and the people and becoming.
It doesn't run to the South Korean though it should be able to be understood that it is erroneous findings of fact that they still say, "The Japanese doesn't apologize and not be compensating" etc. if this is read.
Even if it knows the truth, it is "Do not admit. "(* Describe it later in detail. )

Moreover, it makes amends to the comfort woman. Naturally, this has been solved, too 



1 両締約国は,両締約国及びその国民(法人を含む。)の財産,   権利及び利益並びに両締約国及びその国民の間の請求権に関する問題が,   千九百五十一年九月八日にサン・フランシスコ市で署名された日本国との   平和条約第四条(a)に規定されたものを含めて,   完全かつ最終的に解決されたこととなることを確認する。 

これを読めば彼らが未だに「日本人は謝罪も賠償もしていない」などと言っているのは 事実誤認であることが理解できるはずなのだが、韓国人には通じない。 



It has paid it off bringing the full amount together according to the hope responding to offering to want to receive the full amount as the South Korea government brings amends of the nation together with the individual though Japan proposed the individual compensation. In addition, because South Korea rapaciously had collectively demanded the amount of North Korea, it also paid the full amount.
Moreover, it is neither the amount of money barrel nor a level of enough.
A lot in the civil war without permission the South Korea government ..only use completely... do not receive it by the people(By the way, South Korea exhausted the amount of North Korea. )

Japan-Korea Basic Relations Treaty..relation..agreement..claim..economic cooperation..agreement..Japan..aid given gratis..for a fee..additionally..private'Correspond over two trillion yen' is helped when making it to the present price. (1.5 times South Korea national budget at that time)At that time, "Japan where it was poor Do" worked out enormous amount of this amends while reviving.
Moreover, war reparations are not only those. At the Japan-Korea Basic Relations Treaty conclusion though the Japanese doesn't refer so much either
'All the properties and claims in Korea that had had it before Japan is defeated are given. '
It makes amends for the plus α.
In this, the world are all and is "It is terrible. " as for the example
For instance, when Guinea becomes independent of France It is said, 'France did not leave it in Guinea by one measurement map'. …… This is usual.
In short, normally
'The thing that France made by money of France is ..thing.. natural of France' because of 'It is a thing of the suzerain though what is done though the race of ..ownership thing of suzerain.. rule becomes independent' it it is nature, if they want to independent seriously, do over again is natural from 0 in us all. Independence is "Necessary choices of a
normally considerable resolution and effort. "
However, Japan is wholly giving Korea the property of Japan that kept investing an enormous property by Japan such as 'Educational institution such as the schools' and 'Court' , 'Drainage', 'Park', 'Hospital', 'Police station', 'Road', 'Farmland', and 'Railway' …… that are overseas assets of Japan and constructs and maintaining it.
In short, the equipment for cultural life is share of a country it and like giving it.
(By the way, the hydroelectric power plant that Japan still constructed in the annexation age is operating in North Korea. )
Fixed "The friend who was same Japanese was betrayed" at once the defeat of Japan returned the palm and started plunder and the assault from the Japanese . Korean people such cordial amends. After the war, the scale of this plunder continued greatly long. The damage of Japan is extensive. Korean people's criminal character might be due to the gene from the great antiquity.
Therefore, what given to South Korea cannot do for two trillion yen often said in general.
After all, GHQ will have put 16 trillion yen (the nation ..budget.. ten years or more of South Korea at that time) very much estimating about six billion $ when having calculated it provisionally at that time by prices lowest unifying "Compensation + equipment + plunder" from the government and the individual now.
The favor of the amount of money, equipment, and the technology as can said this abnormality is received.
It can be said only that South Korea is mistaking a national scale if it is said that compensation is still insufficient even by this.

日本側は個人補償を提案したが、韓国政府が個人と国家の補償をまとめて 全額受け取りたいと申し出たのを受け、その希望通りに全額まとめて完済済みなのである。 


国民が受け取らずに韓国政府が勝手に内戦で使い切っただけで、 多すぎるほどなのである。(ちなみに北朝鮮の分も韓国が使い果たした) 

「日韓基本条約の関係諸協定、日韓請求権並びに経済協力協定」第一条で 日本は、無償援助1080億円(3億$)、有償720億円(2億$)、 その他民間借款で3億$もの大金を拠出している。 現在価格にすると『2兆円相当』の援助。(当時の韓国国家予算の1.5倍) 当時は復興中で「ド貧乏だった日本」がこの巨額の補償を捻出したのだ。 



本気で独立する気なら自分たちで全てをゼロからやり直さなければならない のが当たり前である。 独立というのは「本来なら相当な覚悟と努力の必要な選択肢」なのである。 

しかし日本は、日本の海外資産だった『学校などの教育機関』『裁判所』 『上下水道』『公園』『病院』『警察署』『道路』『農地』『鉄道』……などなど、 日本が莫大な資産を投じて建設・整備し続けていた日本の財産をまるごと 朝鮮に与えているのである。 

このような手厚い補償を行ったにも関わらず、朝鮮人は日本の敗戦が 確定した途端に「同じ日本人だった友を裏切り」手のひらを返して 日本人から略奪と暴行を始めたのである。 この略奪の規模は大きく、戦後も長く続いた。日本側の被害は甚大である。 朝鮮人の犯罪者気質は大昔からの遺伝子によるものかもしれない。 


結局、政府と個人からの“賠償+設備+略奪”を併せてGHQが試算したところ 当時の約60億$、現在価格で最低に見積もって なんと16兆円(当時の韓国の国家予算10年分以上)を置いてきたことになる。 
この異常ともいえるほどの金額と設備と技術の恩恵を受けて これでもまだ賠償が足りないと言うのであれば韓国は国家規模を見誤っているとしかいえない。 


By "Conclusion of a treaty by the mutual agreement of apology + two countries of compensation + head of state of a super-exception" though it must be "Solved it morality and legally completely"
"The South Korea government was not informing the people of the sincerity that Japan showed" straightening and South Korea「Japan never apologizes and doesn't pay as much as one sentence. I’m angry. 」
It was recognition quite different from the fact, and it became a situation "Only a national level emotional problem (+ misunderstanding) remains ....".
And, the South Korea government :. "Our lies are unpleasant in Bale though it thinks the public sentiment to be to be want a solution slowly. "
It keeps .... telling a lie.
What selection did the South Korea government .... in the issue do?
The street knows by news etc.
As an easy means to win South Korea people's support and money at the same time
"It tries to make Japan do the apology and compensation again and to consent in the people. "



「韓国政府が、日本のみせた誠意を国民に知らせていなかった」ため、韓国の世論としては、「日本は一度も謝罪してないし一文も払ってない! 腹が立つ!」




It is emotional and not amusing in the problem 60 years ago though " Emotional problem" is the one that "Time" is necessary for the fundamental solution by all means if it normally thinks about the exchange between the apology, enormous amount of compensation, and the two countries even if arranged.
For instance, it is easy to be few the Japanese who tries to pursue the responsibility of the atomic bomb 60 years ago to the saucer United States now, and to think neither reviving of Taiwan, Indonesia, and Singapore the past nor the responsibility claims compensation again.
However, because the government had stopped weathering of feelings in South Korea until recently for South Korea, the problem is not yet solved. There is even a
feeling amplified unjustly to the extent that the child and the young person are acquiring "Image that Japan is absolutely evil" by the fiction (* Describe it later) in about 60 years.
(* Whether the South Korea government is doing these kind of things of "Why" is transferred to the next page. )
Though China and South Korea are quite the same for this respect. The anti-Japanese sentiment from which they are made in the deliberations can be called the politics use the maximum failure of Japanese diplomacy of 60 years.

「感情的問題」というのは根本的な解決にどうしても「時間」が必要なものだが、 本来なら謝罪と巨額の賠償、両国間の交流を考えれば60年前の問題には 感情的な整理ができていてもおかしくない。 
たとえば、今さらアメリカに60年前の原爆の責任を追求しようとする 日本人は少ないし、台湾やインドネシアやシンガポールが過去を蒸し返して 責任やら賠償をもう一度請求するようなことは考えにくい。 
だが、韓国の場合、最近まで政府が韓国内の感情の風化を止めていたので、 いまだに問題が解決していないのである。むしろ子供や若者がフィクション(※後述する) によって「日本が絶対悪であるというイメージ」を身につけている分、 60年間で理不尽なほどに増幅された感すらあるのだ。 

この点に関して、中国と韓国は全く同じなのだが、 それらの作為的に作られた反日感情を政治利用されてしまっていることが 日本外交60年の最大の失敗だといえる。 

It is likely to tend to be misunderstood very much for the comfort woman another one. In it, the comfort woman in there was no army where the comfort woman doesn't exist anywhere all over the world but Japan is a professional prostitute who contracts to the army.
At that time, there was a licensed prostitution system, and the managed prostitution admitted by the law existed lawfully.
【 German army 】
Compelling the comfort place of a martial operating directly was installed, and the comfort woman requisitioned a local woman in occupied territories in the brothel that not were though the army managed the brothel. It was to the comfort place for the prisoner in the gulag. Amends to women are not done at all.
【 U.S.Army 】
Occupation forces ordered to Japanese Government, and set up the prostitution facilities.
【 old Soviet army 】
It was made to abduct the Jew woman and the Pole woman, to make to the comfort woman compulsorily, and to serve without salary. Amends to women are not done at all.
【 Chinese army 】
The one that was abducted both national Tougn and the inside by the army when confused about repatriation according to the defeat in a Japanese woman in the continent, and made a comfort woman came out one after another. Amends to women are not done at all.
【 South Korea army 】
The women sent to front-line was left in Korean War and when participating in installing (Lawyer Kenichi Takagi who supported the South Korean comfort woman also agreed to this fact) and the Vietnam war, a large amount of mixed blood was left in the locale. Moreover, the South Korea government is still offering the comfort woman who is called "Hiroshi" to stationing the U.S. military. Amends to women are not done at all.
【 Japanese army 】
Because the comfort woman's composition had been contracted to a local whoremaster (prostitute's manager) by '2 Korea 5 Japanese Chinese people 2 and 1 additionally', the compulsion taking etc. were unnecessary. Management takes charge of the local trader and the supervisor by the army, and is a high pay. (Full general..salary..age..
comfort woman..monthly salary.1350 yen)The army surgeon takes charge of the health care for the venereal disease prevention of payment and the soldier and the comfort woman. The compensation for the exception ends completely, too.
(It is Coscashico most that it puts it here about the U.S.Army. )In "Comfort woman" the same as it is seeing and the translated occupation, contents are different things.
In short, trying the conviction of South Korea of "Comfort woman in China and South Korea" and "Comfort woman in Japan" as the same system is problems.
The management system is quite different as understood, and the method of processing is also different after the war if the quotations above are compared. It will be able to be said that this is a point not let to be deceived.
それは慰安婦のいない軍など世界中どこにも無かったということと、 日本における慰安婦とは軍と契約したプロの売春婦であることである。 

売春宿を軍が管理したが、売春宿のない占領地では、軍直営の慰安所を設け、 慰安婦は現地の女性を強制徴用した。強制収容所の囚人用の慰安所まであった。 女性達への補償は全くされていない。 

ユダヤ人女性やポーランド人女性を拉致し、強制的に慰安婦にして無給で 働かせていた。女性達への補償は全くされていない。 

大陸にいた日本女性の中には、敗戦に伴う引き揚げ時の混乱の際、 国民党軍や中共軍に拉致され、慰安婦にされるものが続出した。 女性達への補償は全くされていない。 

朝鮮戦争でも従軍慰安婦を設け(この事実は、韓国人慰安婦を支援する 高木健一弁護士も承知している)、ベトナム戦争に参加した際には、 現地に大量の混血児を残した。また韓国政府は、現在でも駐留米軍に、 「洋郎」と呼ばれる慰安婦を提供している。 女性達への補償は全くされていない。 

慰安婦の構成は『日本人5・中国人2・朝鮮人2・その他1』で、 現地の女衒(娼婦の管理者)と契約したため強制連行など必要なかった。 経営は地元業者、監督を軍が担当し、高い給料(陸軍大将の月給が 110円の時代に慰安婦の月収は150円~1350円)を支払い、 兵士と慰安婦の性病予防のため健康管理を軍医が担当。 破格の賠償も完全に済んでいる。 


要するに、韓国が「中国や韓国の慰安婦」と「日本の慰安婦」を 同じ制度だと思い込もうとしているということが問題なのである。 

To tell the truth, it can be said, "There was even no compensated necessity" more as a fundamental matter. When you say these kind of things
"Do you take a defiant attitude?"
There might be thinking. It is not so.
The suzerain that paid a claim when the colony first becomes independent in Western nations doesn't exist to tell the truth anywhere though it is likely to be surprised.
As for making it to the colony in the war, not paying to tell the truth is international common sense, and paying is more abnormal in a law at that time because it was completely lawful.
Even Germany of the fact and the defeated country is not paying anything to the colony. On the contrary, Germany is making it pay ransom to Austria that annexed it after the war. It has been demanded from Indonesia for the Netherlands etc. to claim six billion $ oppositely at the independence of Indonesia, to maintain the land property such as farms that Dutch has owned in Indonesia, and to pay off the cost costs to develop the Sumatra oilfield. Other Western nations were also similar, and demanding was general oppositely ..whether to do anything.. in an independent colony. independent expense
In that case, even that "China that assumes Catsage to be an occupation" of money is not demanded from Britain though Hong Kong is restored to China by Britain in 1999 if a new example is enumerated in the memory either.
In a word, Japan : because it did not know an international custom. The suzerain is an abnormal country that paid to the ransom why, and should really recognize on "It was made to become independent by effort" as the exception in the exception.
By the way, they do not request Japan by saucer how many now, and do not do the unbecoming anti-day act because they understand 'Such a thing' by the natural understanding of people in Southeast Asia where independence was won for myself too much.
Actually, Japan proposes amends to the comfort woman to Indonesia and it has been refused.
Lawyer Kenichi Takagi of Japan Federation of Bar Associations et al. visit Indonesia in 1993, and : to the local paper. 「It came from Japan for amends. A former comfort woman wants you to present yourself. 」It put on the advertisement of content.
However, the criticism comes one after another from this Indonesian people, and, in addition, "To tell the truth, it is Korean people's whoremonger that recruited the comfort woman" comes to light to the act of Japan Federation of Bar Associations because of the Indonesian comfort woman's testimony.
Seno social Minister burnt the event and announced the following statement to Japanese (communist party, Asahi newspaper, and Japan Federation of Bar Associations) who had applied it.
1.An Indonesian government has not demanded amends of this problem. 
2.However, it doesn't pass to the former comfort woman individual, and it uses it for woman's welfare and health business though it gets because Japanese Government (Prime Minister Murayama) wants to apologize to a former comfort woman and to pay money. 
3.The compensation problem with Japan has been concluded by the agreement in 1958.
The Jamal ant chairman's evaluation was the following in this.
「It is ridiculous. It is exaggerative. Was there one comfort woman a soldier (Japanese soldiers in Indonesia were about 20,000 people)?A good point in Indonesia is not projected why. It is not useful for the friendship of such a program and the two countries. We have the history and pride unlike South Korea and China of the Japan abuse
It doesn't demand from the Netherlands that ruled our country for 360 years , saying that 'It gives money' either. ("Indonesia times" Jamal ant chairman)」
History and pride.
Money is not demanded.
This is a difference of the people degree.
However, South Korea only of making Japan become independent without doing anything for myself by relying cannot understand even such common sense and is thought to be only "Anyway, Japan must pay money". "Why" (* Whether it became particular is transferred to the next paragraph. )


驚くかもしれないが、まず、西洋諸国で植民地が独立した時に 賠償金を支払った宗主国など実はどこにも存在しない。 
戦争で植民地にすることは当時の法律で完全に合法だったので、 実は払わないのが国際的な常識で、払う方が異常なのだ。 
オランダなどはインドネシアの独立の時に逆に60億$を請求し、 オランダ人がインドネシアに所有してきた農場などの土地財産は保全すること、 スマトラ油田を開発するのにかかった費用は弁済することなどをインドネシアに 要求してきた。その他の西洋諸国も同様で、独立した植民地には何もしないか 逆に独立費を要求するのが一般的だったのである。 
記憶に新しい例を挙げれば、香港は1999年にイギリスから中国に返還されたが、 その際、あの「カツアゲを生業とする中国」でさえイギリスには金銭の要求などしていないのだ。 
つまり日本は国際的な慣例を知らなかったせいで、 宗主国側が「努力して独立させてあげた」上に、なぜか賠償金まで支払った異常な国であり、 本当に例外中の例外だと認識しなければならない。 
ちなみに『そんなこと』は自分たちで独立を勝ち取った東南アジアの人達には 当然分かりすぎるほど分かっているから、彼らは日本に対して今さら何も求めないし、 みっともない反日行為などしないのである。 


日弁連の高木健一弁護士らは1993年にインドネシアを訪れ、地元紙に 「補償のために日本からやってきた。元慰安婦は名乗り出て欲しい」という 内容の広告を出した。 
しかし日弁連の行為は当のインドネシア人から批判が相次ぎ、 さらにインドネシア慰安婦の証言で、 

スエノ社会大臣は事件を焚きつけた日本人達(共産党・朝日新聞・日弁連ら)に対して 次の声明を発表した。

「ばかばかしい。針小棒大である。一人の兵隊に一人の慰安婦(インドネシアに居た日本兵は約2万人だった)がいたというのか。どうしてインドネシアのよいところを映さない。こんな番組、両国の友好に何の役にも立たない。我々には、日本罵倒体質の韓国や中国と違って歴史とプライドがある。『お金をくれ』などとは、360年間、わが国を支配したオランダに  だって要求しない。(「インドネシア・タイムス」ジャマル・アリ会長)」


しかし自分たちでは何もせずに日本に頼り切りで独立させて貰っただけの 韓国は、そんな常識すら理解できずに「とにかく日本は金を払え」としか 考えられないのだ。(※“なぜ”そのようになったかは次項に譲る) 

As for the people degree, the tune of the South Korean band is terrible.
I ..memory.. think that it is new that the one "Korean boom" enlivened Japan a little even ahead though it is already old now. The drama is …… though doesn't reach say, and there was even a person who has not called the South Korea music 'K-POP' easily.
It is a lyric of a song 'fuck zapan' of the musician of South Korea as follows.
South Korean and I(I am Japanese. )
It is, and you and all (Irab ※I love you) Alrob(※I love you) remarks are different. Even Alrob.
 (Irab)Is it, and is it a handicapped person?
Cannot you pronounce?(yes)Is it you, and is it really a handicapped person?(yes)
Originally, is your country a handicapped person?(yes)Quick killing Choppari
fellow ..peel.. ..ー butterfly is.. Sen gin elder brother.. Japps. Elder
defeated country..beautiful..Agashi..foot..ahead..hundreds of..queue up..wait..
wait..wait..handicapped person..handicapped person..handicapped person..
handicapped schlong is small and ..eating.. Ore is 100
settlements. We suzerains. Do I make to you who was the suzerain uncivilized of
Japan and remember?They memorizes (Do you memorize it?) or are seven Catana . . .
The treasure in seven Catana fronts and imperial grant goods that I did. .... Z
Jap. It is ..nucleus.. ..bomb.. Hiroshima bomb completely. Nagasaki
bomb. Tokyo bomb. Japan bomb. Bonn. Bonn. Bonn.
Piercing ! nuclearlyPiercing ! nuclearlyUrination is taught without
can use.
Is it good ..eating this urination already ..the glass food food
(height).. (height)..?It is good. ..goodness.. handicapped persons of
Mecha are furnaces as soon as ..epilepsy (epilepsy)... Japanese
Fucking nation Japanese Fucking nation such as barbarous Jap and
It is a feature of the violent language of South Korea that there are not only the indecency but also a lot of discrimination terms.
It is amazed or it is lyrics got indignant, and, perhaps, for woman(※A middle-aged woman in Japan had the fashion of having raised heat to the South Korea
movie and the TV drama that was called "韓流South Korea style". )  that runs after Yon and turns even if you see this if the Japanese has a healthy usual sense
"It is ! also in South Korea ..not coming.. ..some heartless people... ""It is a prejudice with a cruel choice of small number of vulgar people purposely and quotation. "
It decides and it puts it if the opposite Japanese side narrow-mindedness.
However, Woman have a regrettable fact.
It sells, and 'South Korea’s hits chart the first place. ' to selling though this tune is independent music
(* After all, it is 1st place though became famous at 2nd place. )
The country where such a tune is made and it sells in large quantities is soon in the other side about the sea.
(Of course, the tune of an anti-day is omitted here only though is possible to come. )
【 lyrics annotation 】
By the way, "Ignorance of the South Korean" described later has been condensed in this lyrics.
It is not exposed to radiation (* the explanation omission), and the suzerain never
exists in history in Japan, and Japan is former suzerain in South Korea in the opposite
in Tokyo (Though it made an air raid) like lyrics. (* Describe it later. )100
settlements and South Korea were another races to begin with, and it was subjected by 100
settlements by putting out the prince in Japan to the hostage. It is in South Korea that
it is only South Korea (* Describe it later), it is South Korean (* the following
reference) that the man machine is statistically smallest in the world also in the world
in there are a lot of people where reaching about 70 percent of the people has the
mental disease, and it is in Japan (* the following reference) that the beautiful woman
is more, and has the culture that eats excreta in Japan without in the woman. (* the
following reference)
・Anti-day singer
・In size international comparison and 15 countries of the man machine,
South Korea is does the low rank, and is the 8th place in Japan ttp:// shtml ttp://
・In South Korea「Only ugliness : the woman in Japan. The South Korea woman has a lot of beautiful women. 」It is said.
"Many of Japanese women seem and faces are plainer than South Korea women, and this seems a kind of the endemic of Japan mostly in the woman who has bad teeth at time. " (1990 written by Singh Pyon 'Ground in Japan and climate in Japan'. )
However, professor's at Seoul National University research results were to our regret opposite in the South Korean. As a result of the investigation, a lot of beautiful women have been proven to the Japanese.
By the way, it is a female image of Japan to feel Korean for the South Korea man for the body, to have a guilty feeling in South Korea, and to run after the South Korea man in lewdness, and being drawn by the stance "A popular man is painful" is a fixed form in the South Korea man in a lot of anti-day of South Korea novel.
The South Korea man is actually convinced that the superiority complex is tasted, it is mistaken for the fact, and a Japanese woman also hopes for sex with us at time because he sees such a novel and the drama, and there is a thing that starts to rape though 2/3 of the Japan-South Korea international marriages is 'Japanese man and South Korea woman'. (In the Korean boom, many of a lot of victims are Japanese women in Asia in the number of South Koreans of rape criminals before the Korean boom in the meaning though it is dangerous. )
・30~50% of 'Horseshit'/South Korean man eats the horseshit by the early ejaculation as the private treatment.
・Human feces pickle dish of 'Hontac and Hon'ofe'/Ei
It soaks to strong manure accumulation or it puts and it is fermented to the mountain of human feces stinkier because it eats the cutting body of Ei that the ammonia odor is strong. Dainty of South Korea that pulls out Shulstoremming of Sweden and is called ..good in the world.. food ..stinking... - When it encompasses together and it eats the Kimchi, it is said, "Samap". 
・Amusement of Korea that applies it licking 'Cso'/person's excrement ..the taste and whose excrement be it.. 
ttp://www.moroo. com/uzokusou/nikki/106.html 
・'Countryman Cawa'/person's excrement. Countryman Cawamiz was assumed to be a febrifuge. 
・Inunic of for food that eats 'Tonke'/human feces and raises it. 
・'Tonsl (feces sake)'
Shochu that is put in bamboo cylinder and soaked to Tayoritsbo. It is
assumed it is effective in the treatment of syphilis.
The hygienic concept is greatly quite different as understood seeing
some of the above-mentioned link from the Japanese of a beautiful
favor though it becomes the bytalk of the bytalk.
It becomes in food, and as a result, there are a lot of insanitary one, and it
becomes a problem in Japan that imported it.
Because the link is tentatively described, it would like it referring
to the news of South Korea seen from respect "Hygiene" though the
explanation of details is omitted here.
The cockroach goes out of the pizza of Pizza Hut.
ttp:// of 
bread that maggot (surname) goes out and is vomited from ", the material that can be done with the 
 raw garbage is a chaozu and arrests inside Ka making the salted fish guts from the 
ttp:// garbage in detail.
 that goes out of vegetable juice that rotted mode
=LOD&office_id=052&article_id=0000028125 shellfish bought in convenience storeThe A bladder worm is discovered in the brain eating the idx=104184 South Korea direct import Kimchi. The ascaris egg is detected.
Food with ttp:// insecticide with lead with sulfuric acid with agricultural chemicals with powder of iron with carcinogen. The coloring fish also.
Please do not eat in the glass for the ttp:// urine test.
It is ttp:// in the material of "Bdetige" from the ttp:// pathogenic virus and tap water as for the leftover of ttp:// the U.S. military. The food poisoning bacterium is detected from sv=jnews&src=soci&cont=soci0&aid=20010712200853400 1000 won note The ttp:// vending machine is insanitary. hall..vegetable..juice..bacillus..meat and poultry..a large amount of..antibiotic..detection.
Bacillus detection from ttp:// cold noodle soup and ice cream Ttp:// Harmful industrial charcoal is mixed with powder ttp:// cold noodle of the red pepper that colors beautifully with an industrial artificial color that the ttp:// carcinogen that makes the soup of the instant noodle from html invalid Kimchi enters.
Various Mushitamago is detected from the ttp:// Kimchi.
The salted fish guts that becomes the raw material of the Kimchi by the abolition drum of harmful ttp:// is preserved.
ttp:// There is a possibility ttp://, and 12% of the targetkey2=7120501&_right_popular=R2 Seoul city high school is a heaven down and a symptom of food poisoning in about 90 high school students of the food-poisoning outbreak.
It is recommendation sentence ttp:// in 25% ttp:// doctor association and incompatible people of "It is necessary ..tap water.. to boil and to drink" of the drunk water outside ttp:// Sv=jnews&src=soci&cont=soci0&aid=20010712200853400 super-bacteria and domestic infection are suspected attacks in "Day of Ro" keeping from prosecution ttp:// "Botulinus syndrome" or the family who ate the canned tuna as for the cake distributor of cutting at a serious ttp:// date Ttp:// About the food of ttp:// Asia where "Insect from among a fried chicken" and the guest with whom it got angry scatter feces


今はもう古いが、少し前まで「韓流ブーム」というものが日本を賑わせていたのは 記憶に新しいと思う。ドラマは言うに及ばず、韓国音楽を『K-POP』と呼んで ありがたがる者までいたのだが……。 

以下は韓国ミュージシャンの『fuck zapan』という曲の訳詞である。 

世界で倭奴の書かれたチョッパリビッチ、チョッパリビッチ おい、敗戦国(ハイ) 
ジャパニーズガール達、ホントに不味いねー 貰っても食えない繕った出来損ない 
ダーティーコリアンプッシー達も、お前達は食わない! チンポが小さくて食わないよ 
未開だったお前らにしてあげたこと覚えてるか? 記憶してるか(記憶してるか?) 
御使して 挨拶しな(ハイ)前で跪け(ハイ) 

ジャパンbomb! ボン!ボン!ボン.... 
コップ食え(ハイ) もうこの小便も食え(ハイ) 良いのか! 
Fucking nation Japanese Fucking nation(繰り返し) 


普通の健常な感覚を持つ日本人なら呆れるか憤慨するような歌詞なのだが、 ヨン様を追い掛け回していたようなオバサマの場合、恐らくこれを見ても、 


この曲はインディーズではあるが売れに売れて、 『韓国ヒットチャート1位』になっているのだ。 (※2位の時点で有名になったが、結局1位になっている) 
















余談の余談になってしまうが、上記のリンクのいくつかをみてわかる通り 綺麗好きの日本人とは衛生観念が大きくかけ離れている。 

ここでは詳細の説明を省略するが、一応リンクを記載しておくので 「衛生」という面からみる韓国のニュースを参考にして頂きたい。 

賞味期限切れの菓子販売業者を摘発 「ぺぺロの日」控え 
「ボツリヌス症」か ツナ缶食べた一家に発病疑惑 

Did you understand South Korea somehow slowly for the country of the occurrence of "It is not sure to happen in Japan"?

Then, let's return the talk to "Anti-day".
In a recent topic, the nuclear issue with North Korea seems to be considered in south Korea (South Korea). However,
Q How do you do if the United States attacks North Korea?
A. I will fight Japan. 
Upper right: Urgent coverage. Threat of North Korea. The reaction of South Korea?
The Seoul citizens ・・・
With Japan why.
It is unknown when coming here. It thinks about "Anything twines round Japan by force" in South Korea like this.
The exaggeration anything really twines nothing with Japan though it might be unexpected for the Japanese. The newspaper of South Korea doesn't have the day
when the character of "Japan" is not recorded either. (It is not exaggeration and record really every day. )
As for the foreign enemy including the United States, the view of the same all fails to understand though it is not cared that two Koreas have consideration "
Same Korean race" again in sunshine policy (It is "Policy that starts not conflicting with North Korea by South Korea and coexisting. " if it says easily) as shown in the photograph above as Japan.
Japan and South Korea will become the wars so by the look of things in the not-so-distant future.

韓国は「日本で起こりえないこと」が起きる国ということは、 そろそろなんとなくご理解頂けただろうか。 




太陽政策(簡単にいえば「韓国が北朝鮮と対立せずに共存しようとする政策」)で、 南北朝鮮が“同じ朝鮮民族”という意識を再び持つこと自体は構わないのだが、 上の写真のようにアメリカを含む外敵は全て日本と同一という見方は理解に苦しむ。 

What does the United States do without the agreement of the South Korea government if North Korea is attacked?

47.6% that helps North Korea
It is attack 21.2% as for Japan.
It is support 31.2% as for the United States.
The child in South Korea draws on
It is said that it will be a picture exhibited to "Wall of the subway".

The picture that the child draws is a mirror that projects "Education of the country". It seems to do the education that seems to be apparently familiar to fight with Japan in South Korea.
No matter friendship even is very expressed or how the geography is nearJapan that renounced war is 'Quite different country. 'Do not forget this.

Children in South Korea seem to want to do Japan to sea of flames. 
Oh dear, there is not impossibility in the country where the adult says these kind of things either.
The nuclear weapon should drive it to Japan making it.

As for Japan, I want you to sink in the sea when honestly saying.
The expression of the woman in the photograph below might tell everything.

It seems to be figure where a man with the topknot of rising-sun flag Hatimaki is being made Bocoboco(※Imitation sound in Japan of hitting) by cool guy. Whether it is a child who receives what education and grew up is understood very well.
It is Korean people's national characteristic. ' Urinara Manse thought (Korean race supremacy principle + another race contempt thought)' is due to a thorough education from in the childhood.
Korean people has original common sense without grounds assumed to be 'My race (South Korea race) is excellent in the most in the world in potential' for a long time. (← this is the most important point for talking about South Korea. )
Moreover, when it is the all trifling one ..low-level.. excluding a Korean race it at the same time, it is done another race contempt thought.
It will be thought, "There is no cause we on sides because excellent my race in potential became such a situation but there are all causes in the fault on the other party side" facing the failure and the defeat because this is in the base of the idea.
It is not so in the Japanese though it is "..listening.. story like the joke". It is really serious and "This" is a base of their ideas.
Only this part seems a part that the foreigner, especially the Japanese understands least.

Figure where Japan is deserted because the United States and France follow South Korea. The one that countries other than Japan were considered is unusual in the picture of the child in South Korea.

However, only South Korea's that decreased the strategic value by the conclusion of the U.S.-Soviet cold war seeming to be deserted from the world is actually a current state.

When Prime Minister Koizumi said, "Very if South Korea also puts it in G7 might" in the summit, having burst out laughing as "Nice joke" is famous true.

South Korea is economically by grudge ODA that is the obligation of the advanced country, fail to pay the contribution of the United Nations, reduce disaster Cane, and exist under IMF watch now unstable. Naturally, wonderful international contributions have not been done because it is busy in the home country.

The amount of nonpayment of the international organization contribution of South Korea is 81 million dollars.
South Korea is the third enemy country (rice and public opinion poll) in the United States





いくら友好を謳っても、どんなに地理が近くても、 戦争を放棄した日本とは『全く違う国』なのである。これを忘れてはならない。 



『ウリナラマンセー思想(朝鮮民族至上主義+他民族蔑視思想)』は 幼い頃からの徹底的な教育によるものである。 
朝鮮人は昔から『我が民族(韓民族)は潜在的に世界一優れている!』とする 根拠のない独自の常識を持ってる。(←これは韓国を語る上で最も重要なポイントである) 

また、それは同時に朝鮮民族以外は全て取るに足りない 低レベルなものだとする他民族蔑視思想でもある。 
これが考え方のベースにあるので、失敗や敗北に直面しても「潜在的に 優れた我が民族がこのような状況になったのだから、我々側に原因はなく、 相手側の不手際に全ての原因がある」と考えることになるのである。 
日本人には「まるで冗談のように聴こえる話」だが、そうではない。 本当に本気で“これ”が彼らの考え方のベースになっている。 


アメリカとフランスが韓国について行って、日本が見捨てられる図。 韓国の子供の絵の中では日本以外の国を意識したものは珍しい。
しかし実際は米ソ冷戦の終結により戦略的価値が低下した韓国こそが 世界から見捨てられそうなのが現状である。

小泉首相がサミットの席上で「韓国もG7に入れてはどうだろう」と言ったところ 「ナイスジョーク」として爆笑されたのは有名な事実。
韓国は先進国の義務であるODAを出し惜しみし、国連の分担金を滞納し、 災害義捐金も減額し、現在もIMF監視下にあるほど経済的に不安定。 自国内で手一杯なので当然たいした国際貢献もしてきていない。

By the way, there is such an article about the relation to the United States, too.
■ U.S. FPIF report "President Bush doesn't trust the leader in South Korea and not like it. "

【 Washington 】President of South Korea Roh Moo-hyun (Roh Moo Hyun) is last week. 「President Bush is terrible and likes me. For me, it met President Bush five times, and this time is the 6th. 」It has boasted with the flushing face. (omission)

However, column ( of this site tells the fact "Roh Moo-hyun is a leader of the ally nation that Bush doesn't want to meet", and it has been reported, "Roh Moo-hyun who visits Washington as many as three times is a leader who receives the entertainment of D class level". 'the foreign policy Inn focus' (FPIF) that is an international problem special think tank in the United States after this article appears「President Bush is different from the remark of the president of liking me,
and there is no trust for leaders in South Korea, and President Bush's favorability is low. The South Korea-U.S. relation originates the squeak noise. 」The research report is announced and it catches the interest.

In the title 'Apple (Bush) and the orange (Roh Moo-hyun)', this report that John Fefar (John Feffer) Codirecta of the FPIF laboratory had made expressed the situation in which U.S. South Korea did not run with the leader of the two countries who was reliance and not talked. The report was analyzed, "The low degree of personal good feeling of the leader of the two countries darkened the difference of a political culture with a different South Korea-U.S. the two countries further, and the relation between the South Korea-U.S. two countries changed into the situation of the alliance worst-ever of 50 years".

This report was pointed out, "After the summit of South Korea-U.S. opened in Washington in November, 2005, neither Bush nor Roh Moo-hyun had exchanged a sincere conversation that was able to believe ..a big problem like the North Korea missile launch problem, FTA, and the strategy right problem of the war, etc. was between the two countries..", too. The research team : through the report. 「President Bush is exchanging it with leaders in all parts of the world. Neither a Tony Blair British prime minister, a Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi nor Russia President Vladimir Putin et al. understand whether to get along with the leader of South Korea why though
personally like. 」It solved and the doubt was applied. (the rest is omitted)

Source: US inside world(2006/08/24 Koreans)ttp://



【ワシントン】盧武鉉(ノ・ムヒョン)韓国大統領が先週「ブッシュ大統領は、 私がすごく好きだ。私はブッシュ大統領と5回会ったし、今回が6番目だ」と 上気した顔で誇った事がある。(中略)
しかし、当サイトのコラム(は「盧武鉉はブッシュが 会いたがらない友邦国家のリーダー」という事実を伝え、「3回もワシントンを 訪問する盧武鉉はD級水準のもてなしを受けるリーダー」と報じた事がある。 この記事が出た後、アメリカの国際問題専門シンクタンクである‘フォーリン・ ポリシー・イン・フォーカス’(FPIF)が「ブッシュ大統領は私が好きだという 盧大統領の発言とは異なり、ブッシュ大統領は韓国のリーダーたちに対して 信頼がなく、好感度が低い。韓米関係はきしみ音を発している」という研究 報告書を発表して興味をひいている。
FPIF研究所のジョン・フェファー(John Feffer)コディレクタが作成したこの報告書は信頼感がなくて対話にならない両国リーダーと米韓の通じない 状況を‘アップル(ブッシュ) とオレンジ(盧武鉉)’というタイトルで表現した。 報告書は「両国リーダーの個人的な好感の低さが韓米両国の異なる政治文化の差を さらに暗くしており、韓米両国関係は50年の同盟史上最悪の状況に変わった」 と分析した。
この報告書はまた「北朝鮮ミサイル打ち上げ問題、FTA、戦時作戦権問題など 大きな問題が両国の間にあるというのに、2005年11月ワシントンで開かれた 韓米首脳会談以後、ブッシュと盧武鉉は信じられる真摯な対話を交わしたことが ない」と指摘した。研究チームは報告書を通じて「ブッシュ大統領は全世界の リーダーたちと交流をしている。トニー・ブレア英国総理、小泉純一郎日本総理、 ウラジミール・プーチンロシア大統領らは個人的に好きなのになぜ韓国リーダーとうまが合わないのか分からない」と疑問をつけた。(後略)

ソース:US inside world (2006/08/24 韓国語)

■Who excessively corresponded to the missile in the north?South north Soro is isolated in the world.

At the conference of the secretary related to the security treaty opened on the 19th, President Roh Moo-hyun : for the North Korea missile measures. 「A part of movement to produce a needless tension and the confrontation phase is added in the problem solving and not added the excessive correspondence more than an actual situation. Especially, it is a part that should be compared with the standpoint where we were left and noted. 」It described.

Moreover, the president described, "It was important in above all to analyze the essence of the situation calmly now, to advance sharing recognition between related countries, and to do the approach method for the fundamental solution in Cou".

Judging from this remark, the president seems to worry about excessive correspondence to the North Korea missile launching. However, the South Korea government is foolish for excessive, and even neither correspondence nor a callable action are done at all. After all, the international societies except South Korea are to mean doing for excessive.

However, what on earth do you indicate and do it assume that it is excessive correspondence?Let's be to have checked the situation responding to the missile of North Korea where the Prime Minister in Japan puts the territory of the home country in the range being launched early morning is excessive to correspond.

By common consentHowever, the statement to which the diplomacy part of the Republic of Korea spokesman also supports the document has been put out to the U.N. Resolution. Let's be because the diplomacy part cannot guess the president intention, and put out such a statement.

The president described that it was necessary to share recognition for the North Korea missile problem between related countries. However, the recognition sharing between related countries goes well by search out the example by the North Korea missile problem if North Korea is excluded with South Korea difficult. It is only South Korea and North Korea to do recognition that divides one person Cawa of the missile problem now. The Chinese president is declaring the will of supporting this resolution even
to China in North Korea that is "Brother country" again in support of the U.N. Security Council resolution.

The president remark upsets the fact to the opposite. The cause that has become a stray child in the world is excluded South Korea in northeast Asia, and exists in coming consistently by the temporizing looking on though South Korea is the first person concerned of the North Korea missile launching now. As a result, only North Korea and the south and the north to shout "My race" in other words have been isolated with South Korea in the world.

Nevertheless, the president is assuming that excessive correspondence in the world is a problem. There is no way other than will prolongThe missile of North Korea is a space satellite, and it clings to hope of wanting it, and there is no Republic of Korea with the pariah nation of isolating helpless except becoming it positive when it is actually a space satellite. the view biased ..the insistence..

Source: Korean daily report 2006/07/20

When doing, danger Mi : the missile of North Korea to the president in South Korea all over the world. There is details that show the opinion that it might be a launching of not the missile but the space satellite and brew the cause discussion.


19日に開かれた安保関係長官会議において、盧武鉉大統領は北朝鮮ミサイル対策に関し、「実際の状況以上に過剰に対応したり、不必要な緊張と対決 局面を作り出す一部の動きは問題解決にプラスにならない。特にわれわれが 置かれた立場に照らして留意すべき部分だ」と述べた。
また、盧大統領は「現在は状況の本質を冷静に分析し、関連国の間で認識の共有を進め、根本的な解決のためのアプローチ方法を講究するのが何よりも 重要だ」とも述べた。
この発言からすると、大統領は北朝鮮ミサイル発射に対する過剰な対応を心配しているようだ。だが、韓国政府は過剰対応はおろか、対応と呼ぶことの できる行動すら一切していない。結局、韓国を除いた国際社会が過剰対応 しているという意味だ。

しかし、一体何を指して過剰対応だとしているのだろうか。日本の首相が 自国の領土を射程に収める北朝鮮のミサイルが発射されたのを受け、 早朝から状況を点検したのが過剰対応だというのであろうか。
そうでないならば、国連安保理が北朝鮮のミサイル発射を糾弾する決議案を 満場一致で採択したのが過剰対応だというのだろうか。だが、国連決議に 対しては大韓民国外交部スポークスマンも決議案を支持する声明を出している。 外交部は大統領の意図を推し量れず、そのような声明を出したというのであろうか。
大統領は北朝鮮ミサイル問題に対し、関係国の間で認識を共有しなければ ならないと述べた。だが、北朝鮮ミサイル問題は韓国と北朝鮮を除けば、 類例を捜し出すのが難しいほど関係国間の認識共有がうまくいっている。 現在、ミサイル問題について独りよがりな変わった認識をしているのは 韓国と北朝鮮だけだ。北朝鮮の「兄弟国」である中国さえも国連安保理決議案に 賛成し、中国主席はこの決議案を支持するという意志を再度表明している。
大統領の発言は事実を正反対にひっくり返すものだ。現在、韓国が北東アジアで のけ者にされ、世界の迷子になってしまった原因は、韓国が北朝鮮ミサイル 発射の第一の当事者であるにもかかわらず、拱手傍観で一貫してきたことにある。 その結果、韓国と北朝鮮、言い換えれば「わが民族同士」を叫ぶ南と北だけが 世界で孤立してしまったのだ。
それにもかかわらず、大統領は世界の過剰対応が問題だとしている。このような 大韓民国の孤立状態は長期化するほかないだろう。北朝鮮のミサイルが人工衛星で あってほしいという希望にすがり、実際に人工衛星だと言い張る偏った見方を 正さなければ、大韓民国は孤立無援ののけ者国家となるほかはない。
ソース:朝鮮日報 2006/07/20


- Thing weekly magazine

President Roh Moo-hyun (Roh Moo Hyun) isolated South Korea from North Korea in the international society, turned from the United States, Japan, and North Korea to, and the latest title of current weekly magazine of the most useless ally and the United States in the United States and 'Standard weekly' reported South Korea.

This weekly magazine that was American neo-conservative's (neoconservative) representation paper was told, "Not only the ally of the United States and Japan but also the president was deserted by General Secretary Kim Jong Il in the discussion process of the North Korea missile launch punishment resolution of U.N. Security Council by the
thing that South Korea is thoroughly excluded" through the contribution sentence by researcher I Son'yun in the Harvard University South Korea study laboratory.

In this weekly magazine, it is assumed, "There can be a reason disregarded as much as Ot that goes out of North Korea for the United States for Ot heard from a selfish ally and South Korea". It was insisted, "Historians would record for the United States to experience the war against terrorism, and for President George W. Bush in the United States to have endured the endurance mind to most useless in the situation in which the nuclear weapon diffusion obstruction campaign was done allied, presidential South Korea for five years having it".

Source: NAVER/Segye Times 2006/08/11(Korean)ttp://


韓国は国際社会で北朝鮮よりも孤立し、盧武鉉(ノ・ムヒョン)大統領は アメリカ、日本、北朝鮮からもそっぽを向かれ、韓国はアメリカの一番役に 立たない同盟国とアメリカの時事週刊誌、『ウィークリースタンダード』の 最新号が報道した。 アメリカネオコン(新保守主義者)の代弁紙であるこの週刊誌は、ハーバード 大学韓国学研究所のイ・ソンユン研究員の寄稿文を通じ、「国連安全保障 理事会の北朝鮮ミサイル打ち上げ制裁決議案の論議過程において、 韓国が徹底的に排除された事で盧大統領はアメリカと日本の友邦だけでなく、 金正日総書記からも見放された」と伝えた。
この週刊誌では、「わがままな同盟国・韓国から聞こえる騷音に対し、 アメリカは北朝鮮から出る騷音と同じように無視する理由があり得る」とし、 「歴史家達はアメリカがテロとの戦争を経験し、核兵器拡散阻止キャンペーンを している状況で一番役に立たない同盟国・盧大統領の韓国に対し、アメリカの ジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領が5年間忍耐心を持って我慢したと記録するだろう」 と主張した。

ソース:NAVER/世界日報 2006/08/11(韓国語)

It is not a story at a government level alone. As for "Civilian's behavior", South Korea is famous worldwide.
There were a lot of South Korean crimes, it was chosen, 'The first place of the race ..wanting banishment..' in Argentina, and was called, it was 'Race who was
not able to coexist' in Mexico because it disregarded a local law, and the mass communication in Thailand warned of 'It was in South Korea ..going absolutely..'
and the danger over over and over, and traded people a too cruel, .."Government".. unprecedented of be appealed in the Philippines shame was exposed.
(It had been putting out of Philipino authorities in the Filipino woman to 'South Korean precaution order' recently. )
It is not only Philippines government o authorities that draw the South Korean's sex crime attention. The American Ministry of Foreign Affairs also has
put out 'Only South Korea is warned the rape in countries all over the world' on October 29, 1999.
Also in Japan, 1st place and 2nd place of crimes by foreigners in Japan are Chinese and South Koreans when 16 years in a row. (prepared by the Japan Police Agency )
However, good-natured Japan tries still to recite the Japan-South Korea friendship, to exempt from South Korean's visa permanently on March 1, 2006, to pile up the Korean boom of starting disappear, and to set it up.
Japanese women were raped Chinese and the South Korean the most…..
The ratio of foreigners to the overall population of Japan is about 1% though it becomes a bytalk. On the other hand, it increases to about 7% or more in the ratio limited to the prison and the prison.
In a word, the inside is 'Seven people are foreigner sooner or later when meeting 100 criminals in the prison and the prison. ' in the country 'It walks and when it meets 100 people, one person is a foreigner sooner or later' than the outside of the wall if …… this that ratio is high is imaged easily and it paraphrases it
It is about 34%, and South Korea and Korean people are about 29% in the foreigner ratio in the prison and prison. Chinese
By the way, 40% or more is South Korea and Korean people in the ratio of foreigners who settle down in Japan. (2003)


アルゼンチンでは韓国人犯罪が多すぎて『追放したい民族1位』に選ばれ、 メキシコでは現地の法律を無視することから『共存できない民族』と呼ばれ、 タイのマスコミは『韓国には絶対に行くな』と、その危険性を再三に渡り警告し、 フィリピンでは人身売買が酷すぎて“政府に”訴えられるという前代未聞の恥を晒した。 (最近フィリピン人女性にフィリピン当局が『韓国人警戒令』まで出していた)
アメリカ外務省も1999年10月29日には、 『世界中の国々で韓国に対してのみレイプ警告』を出している。
日本でも、日本国内の外国人犯罪の1位と2位は16年連続で 中国人と韓国人である。(警察庁調べ)
だが、それでもお人よしな日本は日韓友好を唱え、2006年3月1日から 韓国人のビザを恒久的に免除し、消えかけの韓流ブームを盛りたてようとしている。




【 reference 】

- "Crime white paper" announcement of South Korea. The South Korean crime and Japan in foreign countries are the highest.

It is a sudden increase South Korean crime in "Crime white paper" Japan in South Korea.

・It enters from the beginning a country by the crime purpose.

90% is said occupying the violation and the whole foreigner ..violation.. pickpocket of the South Korean pickpocket in Japan. Material that proved this was announced in South Korea recently. "06 crime white paper" that the academy of the training of legal affairs of South Korea had issued was pointed out that South Korean's theft and burglar crime in Japan had increased rapidly on the fourth. The crime by the South Korean analyzes material that a Japanese region is the highest in foreign countries. (city news department and Toshio Tei)

・It is the increasing crimes by foreigners also in South Korea.

South Koreans who committed the crime in foreign countries in 05 are 3079 people
according to "Crime white paper". 1243 people account for 40 percent or more of the whole among these due to the crime in Japan. Especially, it steals in Japan, and the South Korean who commits robbery swells to five times or more with 286 people compared with the previous year (53 people). What there in the background with a lot of crimes of
the South Korean by you in Japan?

Three Risou professors of the legal affairs training academy are looking, "It is because
the person who enters into Japan from the beginning by the crime purpose has increased".
The most remarkable in the South Korean crime is existence of "South Korean arms
pickpocket group". Internal conditions of South Korea twine. It had that was a management
strengthening, and that the rumor "Work is also easy if going to Japan" spread between the
violation of part ..cornering.. ..the pickpocket...

Up to now, it has been thought that a become a hit and away type that flees to foreign countries at once is a main current when finishing a task in Japan. The person in Japan related to the police speaks recently, "There is a bold group that piles up the
crime until the amount of the target is provided, and it is achieved, too". The group that enters illegally a country again even if arrested once and deported and piles up the crime is confirmed.

Japan seems to be a very attractive because of there are geographically once a
lot of amounts of money around in the vicinity, too a work place in the South
Korean pickpocket violation. (the rest is omitted)

Union daily report(2007/03/14)

【 relation 】Union daily report(2007/02/15)
There are a lot of pickpockets of the crime by the visit to Japan South Korean. 92.2%
ttp:// ..ratio of the South Korean
whom ..the all foreigners' pickpocket.. ..violation.. occupies../




Criticized South Korea severely, "Country like human rights 3 etc.", and furthermore the South Korean's systematic sex crime and infant buying and selling had become problems for years how many, and Uncle Sam told the watch strengthening directly to 'Arms diversion goods technology of no permission' that accounted for 28% of total exports of South Korea also in Cambodia, Brazil, and Russia.


■韓国の「犯罪白書」発表 ~海外での韓国人犯罪、日本が最も高い 

韓国の「犯罪白書」  日本で激増韓国人犯罪 


これを裏付ける資料が最近韓国で発表された。4日、韓国の法務研修院が発行した 「06犯罪白書」は、日本での韓国人の窃盗や強盗犯罪が急激に増えていると指摘した。 資料は、韓国人による犯罪が、海外で日本地域が最も高いと分析している。(社会部・鄭敏雄) 


「犯罪白書」によると、05年に海外で罪を犯した韓国人は3079人。このうち1243人が日本での犯行で、全体の4割以上を占める。中でも、日本で窃盗、強盗を働いた韓国人は、 286人と、前年(53人)に比べ、5倍以上に膨らんでいる。 日本で韓国人の犯罪が多い背景には何があるのか。 
法務研修院の李相三教授は、「最初から犯行目的で日本に入国する者が増えているからだ」 と見ている。韓国人犯罪で最も顕著なのが「韓国人武装スリ団」の存在だ。韓国の国内事情が絡んでいる。取り締まり強化で、追いつめられた一部のスリ犯の間で「日本に行けば稼ぎも楽だ」という噂が広まっていたというのだ。 









カンボジア、ブラジル、ロシアでも韓国人の組織的な性犯罪や幼児売買が 何年も前から問題になってるし、 アメリカ政府は、韓国を“人権3等国”と酷評するのに加え、 

また、韓国は経済協力開発機構(OECD)加盟国で初めての 『自由言論弾圧監視対象国』に指定されていた。(2001-2004年)国際新聞編集者協会までもが韓国の言論弾圧に気付いているのである。 

Moreover, South Korea was specified for first 'Country for the free speech suppression watch' in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) signatory. (2001-2004 years)The suppression of free speech in the country of ..International Press Institute.. is noticed.
As for becoming of South Korea non-permanent member, Japan insists, 'Let's go by carrying about Asian each country because it refrains from candidacy as much as possible', and is obtaining the agreement of another country all of only one time because the frequency elected non-permanent member is a lot of in the past. (And, it was the Philippines last time. )
It fails because Prime Minister Schroeder in Germany did not betray Japan though President Roh Moo-hyun in South Korea that visited Germany did clear Japan-Germany revolt construction to obstruct it with the permanent member in Japan on April 13, 2005.
Roh Moo-hyun was dissatisfied or holding the interview that purposely criticizes the history of Japan to reporters on the 14th the next day when it met Schroeder. Nazis and the comparison and making to relativity, etc. of Japan are absolutely rejected for facing a barrage of questions, and a German Jew central conference from German reporters ..opposite.. , saying that "So much why" ..whether persist in the past.. if not permitted though flashed makeshift dealings ..keeping the criticism of Japan.. , saying that "Support it with the permanent member in Germany". It was able to be amazed also at the executive of Germany South Korea Giren only because of the Japan
criticism with Unzari by leaving an international, urgent problem like the cancellation of the shipbuilding friction that was it EU and a Korean, longtime pending problem and the nuclear armament obstruction etc. of North Korea.
【 reference 】South Korea is a rape and a rape heaven.
South Korea is rape incidence Asian No.1.
The United States and Canadian diplomacy part"In Korea, the crime rate is the worst level. "
The homicide is generated in South Korea and the rape is generated four times
two times every day on the second.
Homicide, sex crime of South Korea, and twice Japan
15% of serviceman"It experiences and exist about the assault. "ttp://
School children in South Korea rape in "Mentally deficient peperson's girl" group.
In the sixth grade of elementary school sisters in the village the mental
disease are habitually assaulted for several years in South Korea.
The South Korean in one's thirties man and the first grade of elementary
school that assaults sexual are thrown out from the bridge and dropped.
Five men who have sexual intercourse with minority's girl are
41 high school students in South Korea are gang rapes as for junior high
school student's sisters for one year.
The staff at Sonatsar and the hotel in winter rapes Japanese hotel guest's Caneuba.
Warning to Sonatsar in winter
South Korea style fan 
 that shakes in interstice of ideal and "The Japanese refuses" and "Apologize for 100 times" realities.
Do you go to South Korea to rape and to be done?
"The sex crime against the foreigner prevails in South Korea. " It is warning ..Canadian Embassy.. 
The American Department of State is asking the rape of South Korea making a
passage for attention (Only South Korea : in the world) 
【 reference 】South Korea is a heaven of the traffic in people of prostitution and the child.
One person in 25 South Korean women is a prostitute.
Prostitution accounts for 5% of gross domestic product in South Korea.
43% of the prostitute has done prostitution in South Korea since time in one's teens.
There are 500,000 girl prostitutes in South Korea.
South Korea is a child human-right violation nation. "South Korea is a most in the world infant exporting country of the place. " 
South Korea that allows character slave and traffic in people
South Korea that compels prostitution
【 reference 】Others
Ghostly assault to "Hands and feet are cut if resisting it in South Korea" foreign worker.
"People with visual and hearing disabilities who lose their way" to the slave. It is forced labor in my shop for 25 years.
Intense racial discrimination of South Korea. "The slave, the thief, and the case of infectious disease is treated" does the black.
One person in four South Koreans is an ex-convict. Home country people's criminal backgrounds are blotted out in the nation and it deceives.
Prostitution female 84%"It was assaulted and it was threatened. "
American private school"There are a lot of problem children in the international student of South Korea. "
Politician in Mexico"The South Korean is Mafia. "
It ..sexual harassment.. experiences from the man brother the majority of the South Korea woman 
ttp:// sno=22269
It is disliked from the world also on the net and the South Korean disregards it in foreign countries chat South Korean whom the friend cannot do.
South Korean professional golf player's manners are bad. 100 for the past three years complaints are South Korean all player 
ttp:// _____ustour__000.shtml
The South Korea enterprise is ttp:// disliked by the worker in all parts of the world.
Lack of common sense of South Korean who is China going to study abroad
"Drunken driving prohibition poster" of Hangul appears in Britain. The South Korean's law-abiding consideration is low.
Only Nobel prize that South Korea had obtained was bought by lobbying and an illegal remittance 
ttp:// html ttp://
EU criticizes. "South Korea is the world's largest forgery exporting country.
It increases rapidly to the South Korean and 270,000 of the illegal residence inside in foreign countries.
They are 28,000 people every eight months of the South Korean and three years banished from the foreign country.
韓国が非常任理事国になったのは過去にたった一回のみなのに対し、 日本は非常任理事国に選出される回数が多いので、 『立候補をなるべく控えるからアジア各国持ち回りでいこう』と主張し、 他国の賛同を得てる。(それで前回はフィリピンだった) 

2005年の4月13日、ドイツを訪問した韓国の盧武鉉大統領は 日本の常任理事国入りを阻止するための明らかな日独離反工作を行ったが、 ドイツのシュレーダー首相が日本を裏切らなかったために失敗している。 
盧武鉉は不満だったのかシュレーダーと会った翌日の14日、 わざわざ記者団に対し日本の歴史を批判する会見を行っている。 日本を批判する一方で「ドイツの常任理事国入りは支持する」と姑息な取引を ちらつかせたが、逆にドイツ報道陣から「何故、そこまで過去に固執するのか」と 質問攻めに会い、独ユダヤ人中央協議会にはナチスと日本の比較・相対化など 絶対に許されないと突っぱねられ、独韓議連の幹部にも、EUと韓国との 長年の懸案である造船摩擦の解消や、北朝鮮の核武装阻止という国際的な 緊急課題を差し置いて日本批判ばかりでウンザリ、と呆れられた。 

【参考】 韓国は、レイプ・強姦天国 













「日本人はお断り」「100倍謝罪しろ」 理想と現実の狭間で揺れる韓流ファン 




【参考】 韓国は、売春・児童の人身売買の天国 








【参考】 その他 









ネット上でも世界から嫌われ友達ができない韓国人 海外chatで韓国人は無視 








In the place of United Nations Congress though such an international evaluation has been received 
"Adopt Hangul for the official language of the United Nations. " 
It insists and the laughed story is off-the-beaten-path true.

Will a right picture be Takeshima?
They seriously believe that Takeshima is Tokto in the South Korea territory.
Of course, children will not know the Japanese is being killed by the South Korean around Takeshima on International Law as for international acknowledgment though it will not know it to be a Japanese territory either.
 The ship that exceeded 300 was attacked, seized by South Korea, some fishermens were murdered, and 4000 people were detained for 13 years around Takeshima.
To return the hostage, Japanese Government could not help accepting the condition "Korean people in Japan criminal's release and hostage's lives are substituted" like the terrorist's giving it.
The appeal to rewrite a Japanese territory and Takeshima that exists in the map of each country by using half government-run, cyber diplomatic envoys VANK strengthening arms without responding to it because it is clear that South Korea is defeated because of the trial in the South Korea territory and Tokto is made to be done though Japanese Government proposes, and brought a case the conclusion in International Court of Justice for Takeshima.
Moreover, construction to disregard ethics of making children change the description of the government-designated textbook to "The South Korea owning of Takeshima makes the conviction that there is validity" straightening in South Korea is done at the same time.

The South Korea government political uses an overseas international student
Moreover, the South Korean : from the contradicted national character. It is not known 'Japan sea dog' that is the natural monument of Japan in which it lives in Takeshima is on the verge of the edge of extinction because of the South Korean to Japan though it is known by doing "Demonstration that opposes the whale fishing of Japan South
Korea though whales is voluntarily hunted why" because it doesn't get into the news so much either.









Simple picture that raises kitchen knife. It is a picture I this time have ever seen that was the scariest.
"..joking seeming joke "child.. is not felt from this picture by me. Is the psychological condition of "Child" that draws this any on earth one?

 Doraemon winks at with the national flag of South Korea. Children believe Doraemon to be a character of South Korea without permission.
Even if the child thinks, "All roots are South Korea", it is not mysterious because it actually probably exists to "Adult who believes the Aesop fairy tale to be a fairy tale of South Korea" and "An English origin is an adult who believes that it is a Korean language" in South Korea.

Sailor Moon who is the animated cartoon character of Japan seems to occupy Takeshima unlawfully with the national flag of South Korea why.
By the way, the South Korean is known by coming to envy it at once when the Japanese culture becomes famous worldwide, and starting to say anything (Excluding the animated cartoon) as the South Korea origin.
By the way, the South Korean : before. "Sailor Moon, Magengar Z, Totoro, Gundam, fist, Pokemon in the Great Bear, Dragonball, Doraemon, Milky Way railway 999, and candy candy" (Omit it though it is ..the other.. because there is no limit. )
All of course are Japan though have said the country of ..possession.. origin.
As for the character, when Dai kings' cartoon' animated cartoons were telecasted recently, the character of the name "Osaka" was renamed to "Pusan", was cut all the understanding parts (Shinto shrine part etc. of the New Year's visit to a shrine) when Japan was a stage, and even all Okinawa school excursions were being corrected to "Traveled abroad" by the South Korean. On the other hand, when Osaka was changed into Beijing when telecasted in Taiwan, it was protested to return it from a local viewer to "Osaka" and it was telecasted by a Japanese name. It contrasts it very much.

「韓国自ら捕鯨していながら、なぜか日本の捕鯨に反対するデモ」を することで知られているが、竹島に生息している日本の天然記念物である 『ニホンアシカ』が韓国人のせいで絶滅の危機に瀕していることは 日本国内でもあまり話題にならないせいか知られていない。 




まあ韓国には実際に「イソップ童話を韓国の童話と信じている大人」や 「英語の起源は朝鮮語だと信じている大人」まで存在するので子供が“全てのルーツは韓国だ”と思っていてもなんら不思議ではない。 

日本のアニメキャラであるセーラームーンがなぜか韓国の国旗を持って 竹島を不法占拠してる模様。 


ちなみに今までに韓国人は、 「セーラームーン、マジンガーZ、トトロ、ガンダム、北斗の拳、ポケモン、  ドラゴンボール、ドラえもん、銀河鉄道999、キャンディ・キャンディ」 (他にもあるが、きりが無いので省略)も韓国起源と言ってきたが、もちろん全部日本のものである。 

最近あずまんが大王のアニメが放映された際にはキャラクターは全て韓国人に、 「大阪」という名前のキャラは「釜山」に改名され、日本が舞台だと分かる 部分(初詣の神社部分など)は全てカット、沖縄修学旅行まで“外国旅行”に 修正されていた。 それに対して、台湾で放映された時に大阪を北京に変えたら、現地の視聴者から “大阪”に戻すように抗議されて日本名で放映された。非常に対照的である。 



The other
"Samurai, ninja, chivalry, Japanese sword, kendo, judo, Karate, aikido, art of drawing real swords, sumo wrestling, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, flower arrangement, Japanese poem, paper folding, cartoon, Akita dog, colored carp, Somei-Yoshino cherry tree, Japanese playing cards, kimono, Japanese food, slices of raw fish, sake, noodle, natto, miso, charcoal fire roast meat, enka, fan, Japanese, emperor, Nara, Japanese keyhole-shaped tomb, and hara-kiri"

All of course are Japanese origins though the South Korea origin has been said. In addition,

"Hidetoshi Nakata, Inamoto, Ichiro, Osamu Tezuka, Sharaku, and Sen no rikyu"

It is correct and all members Japanese though have said a Korean race in Japan.

For them to learn by experience is to be aimed in the near future because it is first of all impossible though the event etc. for which it apologizes because the complaint from Hidetoshi Nakata is received and the newspaper admits the lie are famous per "Matsui of Yankees".

"Manyoshu is being written by Hangul. "

Naturally, the one of Japan of ignorance ..saying.. though there is a South Korean, too. Because the age is not suitable because the Tamisaot promulgation (starting point of Hangul) is 1446 the one of 7?8 century at all, Manyoshu is clear.

Soccer of other British origins is started to say, "Sports that arose in South Korea", and the airplane (American origin), the sugoroku (Egyptian origin), Tempra (Portuguese origin), the yoga (Indian origin), the sushi (The ripe sushi of Southeast Asia became the current shape in Japan), and the Chinese medicine, the Chinese character, the bonsai, and the bean curd (Chinese origin), etc. inconstantly want the history.

Because it is related whether they came to want "Why" history to details where the anti-day thought arose, it will bring it together on the next page.

Besides, an interesting point includes "For the British, the peninsula is an origin" or "In four large civilizations in the world, South Korea is origins", etc.It is too greedy even though is South Korea that snarfes anything.

Reference image: The Nishinihon News paper

← This is a country of the everyday experience.

It is "Imitation chicken. " in South Korea. (※ It is a famous cake in Japan as
the souvenir of Tokyo. )

[South Japan newspaper]



「侍、忍者、武士道、日本刀、剣道、柔道、空手、合気道、居合道、相撲、  茶道、華道、生け花、和歌、折り紙、漫画、秋田犬、錦鯉、ソメイヨシノ、  花札、着物、日本食、刺身、清酒、うどん、納豆、味噌、炭火焼肉、  演歌、扇子、日本語、天皇、奈良、前方後円墳、切腹」 などを韓国起源と言ってきたが、もちろん全部日本起源である。

中田英寿からのクレームを受けて新聞社が嘘を認めて謝罪した事件などは有名だが、 彼らが懲りることはまずありえないので、近い将来、「ヤンキースの松井」あたりも 狙われることだろう。

万葉集は7~8世紀のもので、訓民正音公布(ハングルの起点)は 1446年なので年代が全く合わないことからも明らかである。
他にもイギリス起源のサッカーを「韓国で生まれたスポーツ」と言い出したり、 飛行機(アメリカ起源)、双六(エジプト起源)、テンプラ(ポルトガル起源)、 ヨガ(インド起源)、寿司(東南アジアの熟れ寿司が日本で今の形になった)、 漢方・漢字・盆栽・豆腐(中国起源)など、無節操に歴史を欲しがっている。
彼らが“なぜ”歴史を欲しがるようになったのかは 反日思想が生まれた経緯と関係があるので次頁でまとめることにする。
他に面白いところでは「イギリス人は半島が起源だ」とか 「世界四大文明は韓国が起源だ」などがある。 何でもパクる韓国とはいえ、いくらなんでも欲張りすぎである。



To tell the truth, "South Korea origin theory of various the one" of "South Korean who makes it to an expert so not well-grounded" is not unusual though it is a bytalk. It is South Korean's large majority.

And, all things in Japan have been convinced, "Japan deprived South Korea".

There might be a lot of people who think, "It is an exaggerated expression" if it says so. However, it is not an exaggeration. They believe seriously so surprisingly.

"Why" The aspect became or has these kind of things in the episode that became famous as one concrete example for a certain period of time though transfers the cause to the next page though not known.

It is an event in the television program on daytime of 2004 and Sunday.

The project "Let's learn the cake of every country in the world and child's play" has progressed harmoniously and happily in the corner with the program for children of morning daughter's 'Haromoni'.

When none chairperson's two people (* both children) Dablyu/with "Toss" was asked to the foreigner of the representative of each country in the studio when having become a topic 'Is there "Jean Ken" all over the world?' in that, Kim Hyun Ii of representative of South Korea suddenly :.

Japan (Without permission) only changed it because everything had flowed from South Korea because of "".

With excitement Takashi. Two chairpersons apologized and the place was installed though division was not understood and the place was completely chilled.

- Details of communication
I'm sorry does it :?The divine protection: I am sorry Japan …… :. The Kim: You're welcome heals and it is possible to say... (smile to which it is triumphant)

South Korean's hooligan story「It seems to have believed the divine protection seriously. It seems to have warded off the street. 」..going out.. .

I want you the more "One seeming to become the tradition or a history because any one is good" wants something so badly one can't taste it to Korean people that there is not a tradition in the home country either, the more to steal however though there are actually no grounds the South Korea origin of the toss anywhere depending on the example. Especially, insisting that all are Korean origins is South Korean in "One in Japan".

- By the way, the origin of the toss is "Uncertainty. "The South Korea origin theory is not seen excluding South Korea as for the Chinese origin theory etc. though there are various opinions.

The South Korean who with a smile and was doing officially begins usually to call out an anti-day thing suddenly. There is only crime large country that complaint of sex crime has not been broken off because of all over the world and usual location of a lot of man who are covered of good-natured mask in
Philipino, American, Cambodian, Bolivian, Mexican, Thai, Argentine …… South Korea

It doesn't slander it. Only Japan permits bounteously, and it is a race in foreign countries to whom "South Korean precaution order" is put out by the government. It is a fact without even the denial method though it is sad.

余談だが、「様々なものの韓国起源説」を「根拠無しで通そうとする韓国人」は 実は珍しくない。むしろ韓国人の大多数である。

こう言うと、恐らく「大袈裟な表現だ」と思う人が多いだろう。 だが誇張ではない。驚いたことに彼らは本気でそう信じ込んでいる。
“なぜ”そうなったのか、その原因については次頁に譲るが、 ひとつの具体例として一時期有名になったエピソードにこんなものがある。


モーニング娘の『ハロモニ』という子供向け番組のあるコーナーで 「世界各国のお菓子や子供の遊びを学ぼう」という企画が和気あいあいと 楽しく進行していた。
その中で、『“ジャンケン”は世界中にあるのか?』というトピックになった時、 司会のダブルユーの2人(※2人とも子供)が“じゃんけん”のある/なしを スタジオにいた各国代表の外国人に聞いたところ、突然、韓国代表キム・ヒョンイルが

辻 :日本が変えちゃったんだ……
辻 :すいませんね、それは~




韓国は世界中から性犯罪の苦情が途絶えたことがない犯罪大国だけあって 普段は善良な仮面を被っている人間が多数いる。


Huge retractable knife.
It is understood well to have received an impolite education.

"Cutter that breaks teeth and uses it" used all over the world is says, "Olfacattar (blade type cutter of which it breaks off)" and an invention Japanese (Yoshio Okada)
that exists in this picture though it is a bytalk.

Olfa Ltd.


余談だが、この絵にある、世界中で使われている「歯を折って使うカッター」は 「オルファカッター(折る刃式カッター)」といって日本人(岡田良男)の発明品である。 

As for the South Korean, not making to "The Japanese is a liar" is inconvenient. It explains this collectively on the next page.

By the way, the oldest material in Korea is the one of the 14th century. A former history refers to the material of China and Japan (Nohonshoki and Kojiki, etc.). When saying that the history will be misinterpreted, Japan is fundamentally contradicted yet.



The South Korean assumes "Proclamation of victory" of supremacy to be pleasure without permission with not limiting to the Japanese and making the other party prostrate and apologize. It is believed, "I am a justice" without thinking about anything without the stripe's passing to my insistence and even existing and the cutting impudence
is Korean people's maximum arms. 

韓国人は日本人に限らず相手を土下座・謝罪させることと 勝手に「勝利宣言」することを至上の喜びとしている。 自分の主張に筋が通って無くても何も考えずに「自分が正義である」と 信じ切れる厚かましさが朝鮮人の最大の武器でもある。

There is such an episode. The woman named Emi Kaneko of a Japanese model by whom it worked wrote such a diary on her site also in South Korea in March, 2005.
「There is a custom of doing the fast food in South Korea the takeout and eating in other shops. The hamburger spectacle is an everyday experience in a fashionable, Italian restaurant. … Increasing rapidly here recently is "Starbucks. "Such Staba is a first on the list of "Being brought in ahead", and there is a person who is often eating the hamburger and the bread of another shop. It entered with "It spared and went" that man in the office had bought in the stall the other day. A Japanese friend before
says, "Staba of South Korea occasionally smells like the dried cuttlefish" and. 」(March, 2005)
It is 'Diary of an individual site. ' only of writing what she felt

The movement that attacked her as soon as this rapidly extended to the South Korea netizen in the middle of May started. And, she will write the apology sentence in the column corner of my site without the apology demand signatures' of 7000 people every three days "Leave the Japan of South Korea belittling oneself model and South Korea" gathering too much, enduring the mental abuse, and cutting on the 25th.

The bulletin board of South Korea overflowed with the word that looked down on the Japanese with writing to boast of "Victory" and was restored.

However, an impudent attitude such as such "The commodity of another shop is brought in" is a famous bad habit of the South Korean being meant for a long time by the foreign country (Excluding Japan) to tell the truth, and it doesn't exist as it is made to apologize because it collects signature in it at all other than 'Reverse-Gire' either.

韓国でも仕事をしている日本人モデルの金子恵美という女性が 2005年の3月、自分のサイトでこんな日記を書いた。
「韓国ではファストフードをテークアウトして他の店で食べる習慣があります。  おしゃれなイタリアンレストランでハンバーガーむしゃむしゃなんて光景は日常茶飯事。 …最近、こちらで急増しているのが「スターバックス」。そんなスタバも“持ち込まれ先”の筆頭で、よく他店のハンバーガーやパンを食べている人がいます。先日も事務所の人間が露店で買ったさきいか」を持って入りました。以前日本人の友人が「韓国のスタバはたまにスルメの臭いがする」と言ってたっけ。」(2005年3月)




Attention with the following Pak won fas of the Switzerland residence ambassador was just drawn about such a despotic South Korean the other day though it became a bytalk.
1.The one to make the entire atmosphere not punctual, waste time of other tourists of the same group, prevent sightseeing of intimately being able to be done, and revolted. However, this be might a slight extent in which the foreigner on the trip is damaged, and thoughtless case to break South Korean's basic rule at the corporate life.
2.Case not to hear attention and to stultify oneself in high song singing by drinking loudly. They, all members, had been banished from the exclusive hotel in Switzerland at midnight because tourists gathered in hotel room partially of not taking off from a chronic culture of drinking sticking to the preparation for the feast that remained in memories under traveling abroad in many people at midnight, a high song was sung loudly while drinking sake too much, and the next hotel guests were obstructed.
It is a result of going out of consideration that others of only having the satisfaction cannot consider themselves alone.
3.It turns with the food of South Korea though it is attention of the travel guide, and the local one at a restaurant of the side dish such as Kimchi to take out, to drift the smell while eating, and for the steward who comes for receiving the order for the drink to surprise drinking pouring the shochu into the cup. Because the word is not
understood here, seeing with a strange, unpleasant guests alone who do not really know the basis of propriety is also natural on eyes of the people in a local restaurant.
4.It is a guy "Food cleaning" in the restaurant that it is amazed more. Food runs out of stock only because the South Korean group tourist does breakfast and it goes out so that the master in the restaurant where the other party is done the dining room industry may say the tourist of a lot of nationalities. The content is for the South Korea tourist to put bread and the fruit, etc. in the bag after the meal and to take it though might be so neither nor all ,. This goes out eating only in the restaurant, and this might be near the theft without permission of the master in the restaurant because of not going out with food on the outside though breakfast is usually Viking if going out having it.
Even a natural act is in South Korea and must be even abnormal if it sees from eyes of the person who lives in countries other than South Korea.

1.時間を守らず、同じグループの他の観光客の時間を無駄にし、そのぶん十分な観光ができないようにして全体の雰囲気を不快にさせるもの。 しかしこれは、旅先の外国人に被害を与える程度が微弱で韓国人同士の団体生活の基本的規則を破る非常識なケースだろう。 



4.もっと呆れるのはレストランでの「食べ物掃除」というやつだ。多くの国籍の観光客を相手に食堂業をするレストランの主人が言うには、韓国人団体観光客が朝食をして出るだけで食べ物が品切れになるというのだ。その内容はというと、全員がそうではないのだろうが韓国観光客が食事の後にパンや果物などをバッグに入れて持って行くというのだ。朝食は 普通バイキングだが、これはレストランだけで食べて出るものであって食べ物を外へ持って出てはいけないのだから、レストランの主人の許可なしに持って出たらこれは窃盗に近いのではないか


In the case that looks like of recent, the airplane : in Hong Kong on July 10, 2005 though was the hall announcement of two hours of delay. 「There is no such ..drinking.. Ki. (Listen to say nothing of the passenger in other countries. )」It insisted, it demanded satisfaction delaying and ..Cathay Pacific Airways.. corresponding for, and South Korean's 37 passengers were just 'Demonstrate in the airport. '
Might South Korean's South Korean barrel reason around in cannot the understanding of such an unbecoming act, "Shame".
After it burnt to the sense of justice of "(We :) It was necessary to correct the attitude of the airline in the foreign country" etc. and the crick, and it returned home, the South Korean showed unity that demanded satisfaction , saying that companions and "Let's fight this time at the bar of justice" though Cathay Pacific was providing the meal coupon for waiting time by handling like regulations it.
Though it won't take notice of the delay of the aircraft of course at the bar of justice because it is included in exemption matters of the airline.
By the way, it reports on such a South Korean and the person of the service trade is being reported to the episode to behave despotically by the count for a long time and not cutting by the other party. It is said in May, 2005 etc. , "Make the display of the caller ID of the cellular phone free" and there is a South Korean who demonstrated "Alone" in Seoul.
It is the one to a selfish insistence that doesn't think of the others' troubles to want to prevent the Japanese being cheated.








Figure of South Korean who vomits something black aiming at rising-sun flag with a smile.

On the left: Guys in Japan in ..exterminating.. 
On the right: Do you want to do the Japanese Islands to sea of flames?
It is steps in the left: Japan sinks in the sea.
It is steps in the right: When is the day named Japan to which garbage is thrown away?
(junior high school student who had written the poster) 
The left under: It drew in the meaning that we won.
Lower right: I do not think it is so bad because it did as we want to express it.
Children in South Korea seem not to be recognizing, special steps "Extreme" these pictures.
It closely related to the community structure in South Korea.

left: ”Evil” ”Evil” ”Evil guys” ”Evil guys”

right: (To Japan. )It is amazed.
To the ideology seemingly seen, only "Abnormality"Is whether it is "Why" that children are unquestioning understood?
Parents are "It learns so, and teach so. " ..the adult...
It is "Story in the country of another place certainly. "
However, these anti-day in South Korea education :. A serious shadow is sure to be cast on 'Future' of the two countries.
Saying from South Korea to Japan government and the people integral makes and the debt is made clever gradually acquiring the experience of continuation without stopping, and existing in avenging in Japan up to now.

“We should attack into Japan”
Honor students in South Korea that grows up rapidly.
'It is thought that it only has to invade Japan. ' 
The image above is covering the television program. Word that child said in class with teacher's asking textbook-adoption controversy. 
By the way, what did the teacher say to the student after this? 

" We should attack into Japan "
...going out.. .
It thinks only about the damage of the home country by not touching "Choices of war were easily chosen" as a teacher. If it is Japan, the teacher will be strictly warned.
This is an academic training in South Korea.

South Korea is ..Japan.. bad and it has not educated ..saying... However, the education "The war is bad" extremely simplified prevails.
However, an educational plan for the oncoming generation progresses steadily in the
other side of the sea.




一見「異常」にしか見えないイデオロギーに 子供たちが疑問を持たないのは“なぜ”なのかわかるだろうか。 








「日本に攻め込めば我々韓国人にも被害が出てしまうでしょ?」 である。 
教師として“安易に戦争という選択肢を選んだこと”に触れることもなく、 自国の被害のことだけを考える。日本ならその教師は厳重注意されるだろう。 




So as not to misunderstand it, it cuts off here by one respondent.

It is not "Reason why the Japanese should dislike South Korean. " at all to have seen in this paragraph etc.
These are 'Appearance on an anti-day that the South Korean is actually doing. ' to the end

There might be a person who has various guesses and impressions such as "Some heartless people in South Korea might surely only say" or "It is unbelievable" or "
There must be diverse opinions because certain South Korea is a country of democracy", too, when reading here.
It is actually described later though "Democracy" of South Korea doesn't
function correctly. Whole string of it like.

It is incontrovertible true that an anti-day exists now though it is regrettable for the Japanese.

Will the South Korean be "Why" anti-day though it is well important

The definite reason exists in it.
It returns It advances to







  1. My my, you don't see any of this in Korean TV.
    Well, it IS true that Korea hates Japan.
    Being a korean born I have heard my family express their dislike of Japanese things, languages and so on.
    My uncle and aunt are fluent in Japanese, but not because it was their choice.
    Just as in America, children are forced to learn Spanish, Koreans were forced Japanese and some Chinese.

    I believe their dislike is stemmed from the fact that Korea is always fought after by China and Japan.

    Though China, is in my opinion worse, I believe it's also because of the "comfort women" topic we talked of. ;3

    I know you aren't an English speaker, but I'm not sure if you're Japanese or Korean, your website makes me believe you're Japanese so I shall try not to be cruel?

    Perhaps it is because I was born in America, that I do not have a dislike of Japan. :/
    I understand that they wronged Korea, but no one is a saint. As you stated about the massacre.

    We are all wrong in our web of lies so I hope one day this hate will dissipate and we will all get along. =w=

  2. great piece get more info from
