Friday, November 4, 2011

the errors of Sejong the Great 大王世宗

King Sejong the Great ep86 "Choi Maruri defeat"

대왕세종大王世宗 第86話より チェ・マルリの敗北

did china attempt to block making hangul?
최만리(チェ・マルリ)「崔萬理」 Choi Maruri

ep85 "the birth of Hunminjeongeum"

To make Korean characters which people can read easily, to know the structure of the palate, Sejong enforce to the human anatomy. opponent Choi maruri regards as a opportunity to oust from the throne of King Sejong, but Sejo became shield, autopsy is completed successfully.

the study is advanced based of the created the Anatomy,finally Korean own character "Hunminjeongeum" is completed.

However, Choi Marsen prepare to oppose to promote preparedness for his death, Ming china assumes that Joseon would get power to rule around the world, trying to prevent the spread.

"if Joseon korea want to make Hanguel, china will assassin korean king!!" on the korean drama.

china have never forced to use Chinese character against their neighborhoods countries since ancient age except today's China ruled by Communist Party of China.Chinese have always deride the countries not be able to use nor read Chinese characters.

if korea want to fall away to use Chinese character,it is not concerned with china and their benefit.rather than it will bring the advantage to china,since the people would be ignore.

Chinese character is ideograph, its great investment.

ep 84 "Confucian taboo"

Sejong try to dissect the human body and determine the pronunciation in progress, however officials oppose hardly that "it is unacceptable in Korea's Confucian" . Jang Yeong-sil 蒋英実 and 崔海山 Choe Hesan who was son of Choe Mu-Seon are efforts to look for the unclaimed bodies in capital city. Yeong-sil was known for his viability to chasers, Hesan die in pursued.

Hesan die testate that he want to be used his bodies to dissect,he is death. Sejong dissects the body of Hesan with the Arabs (Uighur) doctor.

Sejong "start to dissect"

an Arab or Uighur doctor nods

the candle was very expensive in 14ce....candle was made from Beeswax or Rhus succedanea,it was treasurable then used in religious ceremony.

korean drama is too much unhistorically.....

also Age of Discovery began in 15ce,but i think Arabs couldn't arrive to chosen peninsular. and there is no record Uighur came to korea.

korean might image that the book of "Tashrih al-badan" (The Anatomy of the Body) in Persia by Mansur ibn Ilyas 1390.....the related with turbaned.

korean always want to get the dramatically changing or conclusions easily.

if studying how to pronounce structure and unraveling phonetic system, it would be needed living human body,to take many samples for older or younger,and to observe how to talk with patience times and times. why there is needed any dissection?????? korean had invented surgeon's knife already in 15ce????? i know its just fictional TV drama, but it is required some literacy in historical drama, since the audience share is exceeded 50% in korea. almost people believe it is historical.





第85話 訓民正音の誕生




제84화 유교국의 터부(taboo) 세종은 진전이 없는 문자창제의 힌트로서 인체를 해부하고, 발성의 구조를 조사하자로 하지만, 「유교국가인 조선에서는 용서되지 않는 것이다」라고 관리의 반발은 심하다. 장용【시루】와 【졔】·【헤산】은 떠맡는 사람이 없는 사체를 찾아서 수도중을 분주. 그러나 【욘시루】의 생존이 알려져버려, 추격자에게 쫓기는 중에서 【졔】·【헤산】은 목숨을 잃는다.

자기의 몸을 해부가 사용해주었으면 싶다고 말을 남기고, 【헤산】은 타계. 세종은 아랍인의 의사와 함께 【헤산】의 몸을 해부한다.

제85화 훈국민 다다시(正) 오토(音)의 탄생 민중이라도 간단히 읽을 수 있는 조선의 문자를 만들기 위해서, 구개의 구조를 알자고, 세종은 인체해부를 강행한다. 반대파의 【졔】·【마루리】들은, 세종을 옥좌로부터 실각시키는 기회라고 생각하지만, 세자들이 방패가 되고, 해부는 무사하게 종료한다.

작성한 해부 그림을 바탕으로 연구는 진행되어, 결국 조선 독자의 문자 「훈국민 다다시(正) 오토(音)」가 완성된다.

그러나, 조(趙) 뒷 깍이는 문자의 보급에 결사반대하는 각오이며, 명도 조선이 천하를 억제하려고 하고 있다고 생각하고, 그 보급을 저지하자로 한다.

The Jewel in the Crown (1984)

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