Tuesday, November 15, 2011

compared with Tokyo Tower,the Eiffel Tower and N Seoul Tower

compared with Tokyo Tower,the Eiffel Tower and N Seoul Tower

Eiffel Tower , La Tour Eiffel,(lattice arched)
height 312.3m, built in 1889
2 years 2 months construction period the Paris Exposition
engineers Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin and architect Stephen Sauvestre.
Total weight : 10,100 tons

Tokyo Tower (arched lattice)
high 332.6m, built in 1958 (shouwa 33)
About 30 billion yen construction cost, construction period 1.5 years
Architect ;Tachu Naito
total weight ; 4000 ton

South Korea
N Seoul Tower (Namsan Tower) (stick-type)
height 236.7m
break ground in 1969, Completed in 1971. (without an Observatory),opened to public in 1980
Architect(s): Jong Youl Chang
weight; 34325 Tons



エッフェル塔 (格子アーチ型)高さ312.3m 1889年建設 
パリ万博 施工期間2年2ヶ月 
建築家 モーリス・ケクラン ステファン・ソーヴェストル

東京タワー (格子アーチ型)高さ332.6m 1958年(昭和33年)建設
建築家 内藤多仲

建築家 ジョン・ヨン・チャン

Awesome Haidong Gumdo Jingum Sword

Japanese are the most embarrassing copycats on earth.
They copied the f*cking Eiffel Tower and call it Tokyo Tower.
They raped like millions of babies and grandmothers.
They love the excrement smearing panty sniffing fetishist sex.
They act like retarded braindead uneducated monkeys reading Disney comics
all day.
They are so proud of their culture looking down on other Asians, yet their emperor admits he is Korean and all the Japanese culture is copied from China/Korea.

(sakuramochi put comments to elitist100)

you are a stupid boy.i check the tokyo,eiffel and N seoul tower for you. tokyo tower is called the copy of Eiffel tower that the honor for japanese. well,i can't find the lattice tower in korea what you mentioned ,i just found the miniture lattice tower in Namsan close to N Seoul Tower only.

N Seoul Tower (Namsan) had been started to Build since 1969, but it didn't have observation,then korean must have continued to build for 10 years, opened in 1980 finally!! it is stick type tower,the construction is very simple, not needed the deep knowledge than to design of Tokyo tower,but korean couldn't build!! also the measures 236.7 m (777 ft) in height,very shorter than tokyo tower.

Tokyo Tower is built in 1958,height At 332.5 metres (1,091 ft). who is the architect of N Seoul tower????? which company of the construction contractor???? pls teach me,it is laughable!!

i checked the architecture of tower in the world, i found that N Seoul tower is copy of German radio tower.korean made it worse,then the design of N Seoul tower is disregarded in the websites that collect famous tower and good designs in the world. moreover korean didn't have the knowledge to build more than 250m. the designer of Seoul tower is Chinilpa,familiar with japan.

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