Sunday, November 20, 2011

Elizabeth Keith Landscape in Japanese colonial era 日帝時代の風景

the korean landscape in Japanese colonial era -Elizabeth Keith-

i found an interesting thread in the Japan-Korea Forum.
The thread was introduced to Elizabeth Keith.
She is a British printmaker in engraving depicting the state of Joseon Korea at the time.

日帝時代の風景 -Elizabeth Keith-

Elizabeth Keithを紹介したスレッドです。

"Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Keith"
by Ito Shinsui, 1922

"Country Wedding Feast"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"Marriage Procession, Seoul"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"A Game of Chess"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1936

"Korean Bride"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"Court Musicians, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

For these engraving, there was written many favorable opinions at first.

tuberosa 12-26 15:35
guttoです ^^

qitaikeita 12-26 15:35 (日本人)
she is excellent.

turbo_saru 12-26 15:37
素敵だ. 購入したい.
wonderful. i want to buy.

However, following as the indications by the Japanese in this thread!

tylant 12-26 15:51
日本統治時代の絵ですか? 浮世絵に近い色彩感覚ですね?
are the prints in the Japanese colonial period? It is sense close to the ukiyo-e color.

after that, praising Korean wrote ceased for these pictures, and changed the comments which condemned both Korea and Japan in the thread as always.

the scene is familiar landscape in japan-South Korea board, but I thought it an interesting phenomenon.
For Koreans, the japanese merge time must be as "the worst colonial ruled and destroyed the roots of Korean culture"

Dressed in Korean traditional costumes, smoking  a pipe (but it was ahem not tobacco) while playing Igo game.
for Koreans who have been imprinted that "history of Japanese colonial exploitation" , these are the unacceptable fact.

To be recognized as a true fact, needed to take a long time.






このスレッドに投稿されたElizabeth Keithの説明
一枚目のElizabeth Keithの肖像画だけは、伊藤深水という日本人画家が1922年に描き、渡辺木版で発売された木版画です。大きさは特大判サイズで縦42センチ、横27センチです。
Elizabeth Keithは19887年英国生まれで、この絵が描かれた時35歳で、在日7年目でした。版画と言っても限定出版のため一つの作品につき50部以内という小部数のためオリジナルを入手するのは日本でも困難です。

Elizabeth Keith 1887-1956

Elizabeth Keith was born in Scotland in 1887. She was a self-taught artist making watercolors and drawings. And Elizabeth probably would never have become the artist we know today, if her sister had not married a publisher in Japan.


I'd like to korean people think calm once again, if Korean unique culture had suppressed by Japanese ruled, was it possible to draw like the pictures?

=== the debate state of the late thread

===スレッド後半の議論の様子=== わかりやすい様に日本人の発言を青字にしています。

futility_0 12-29 17:44
3548 / 確かに韓国の歴史書でベウンゴッとは違う絵です. 豊かな絵もあって楽な姿のお爺さんたちが将棋を打って...これは韓国の主張とは配置されるから我が政府は修正を要求しなければ..-_-;
certainly they are difference against Korean history books. they are rich painting, old men dressed easy and playing the chess... i must claim to revise to my government....

tuberosa 12-29 17:54

for only a few pictures you should not estimate korean people got well-heeled life. you should see the opposed pictures and judge the whole.

futility_0 12-29 18:00
ウィッブンお話どおりすぐグゴブニだ. 私たちが見て来たことは反対の絵だけ. 描いてこんな絵も見ましたね.. もうもう一度思う機会があったんですか? 私の言葉が何の意味かは分かります.-_-;;
That we've seen just the opposite pictures. i understand what i am saying.

tuberosa 12-29 18:06
^^ こんにちはしてください? ^^ こちらで久しぶりに見ますね ^^ ようこそ ^^ ソ\オルジイックヒチォオックスバアンサゾックな大根組来ようがバアンイルはアアンドエジョング.....w
hello hello hello

tuberosa 12-29 18:07
消すんだ ;;;
cancel out them

futility_0 12-29 18:08
tuberosa様こんにちは....私に言った言葉ようで駁する文を書いて id 見るから瞬間ウムチルしたが...それでも笑ってくれてありがとう..
thank you for your laugh them.

sas_1100 12-29 19:16 この記事は読みましたか?
did you read the article in newspaper?

women and men enjoy the modern culture in 1930 japanese colonial age.

kalosu1 12-29 19:20
★日本の殖民支配を正当化するのか? 殖民支配が 100%は悪い結果だけ呼んで来たとは当然いいね. どんな悪事でも計算して見れば長短所があるように言葉だ. しかし物質的な部分だけが判断基準になるか? そして殖民支配は恥辱的な歴史なのは当たるが. 君たちも殖民支配あうことができるのはどうしてモルヌンゴなの?

★do you issue the justify to colonial rule of Japan?
it be must not said that 100% was good for the colonial ruled, what any evils have good as the should not judge only see the material side. the History of colonial ruled was humiliating.

kalosu1 12-29 19:22
3548 ///やあ君. 独自の文化の抑圧 yes no 判断基準がその時代に描いた絵があったかオブオッナで決まるか? そしてこれは韓国人が描いたのいやだそうだ. ウェイリ人間で生まれて人間的な思考をすることができない?
Hey you. the criteria will be determined by whether paintings were drawn richer in the era? yes or no to the oppression for unique cultural? you can't think humanistic.

fdsa 12-29 20:51 (日本人)

i don't issue that 100 Japan's colonial rule was justify all of 100 percent.i realize that some unfortunate incidents were occurred to Korean people. but it is one of the fact that almost korean people could live happy life, actually the population increased twice during the reign of Japanese imperialism in Korea!

tjddbs0 12-29 21:01
only Japanese were human in colonial age. that was the severe struggle for Korea.

laiden 12-29 21:37 (日本人)
日本の殖民支配を正当化するのか? ←上の絵を見ると植民地には見えないのですが? 恥辱の歴史は自分たちの祖先に文句を言うべきことです。 

How to issue the justify in Japan's colonial rule? ← To see the paintings, its not valued as "colony". for your shameless history, you should complain your ancestors.

porory77 12-29 22:34
私はたまに日本人が私たちにムスンジッをしたのか忘れて住む.親うそ島思ったこともある. ところでここに走ったリップルたちのためまた思うようになるのね. ありがとう. 覚ましてくれて....
thank you let wake up me.

japan0214 12-29 22:54 (日本人)

Koreans can not argue just for sentimental reasons? If the history you learnt  is the facts, why existed these picture? someone seemed have misunderstanding, japanese doesn't attempt to expect 100% justify for Japanese colonial rule.

ahna7157 12-29 23:32
良い文ですね.. 立体的でこぎれいで見るのが良いです. ところで短いチョゴリは乳のため現わしていたんですね.. ムフッ.. チョゴリが小さくて息苦しかった... 瞬間いくら大きければ息苦しかっただろうかだと想像した... ハハハ

good sentences. i want the real scene, i imagined to see the exposed breaths,mini chogori is too small and tritely and stuffy. Haha ...

ahna7157 12-29 23:35
上に日本の方誹謗しかできないですね.. 表\では正当性を主張しながら意図的に誹謗をクェすることは私が見るには融通性がなさそうだ..チォブ.. あのように悪口ばかりして暮せば長く住む事ができないが.. 心配になる..
above Japanese libels only. only issue the justify on their front intentionally , i would not be able to live at the age.

→ konohanasakuya 12-30 09:31 (日本人)
Idiot? only defamatory,its Koreans.

somey 12-30 00:08 (日本人)
Korean = yellow 見栄、嘘、捏造・・・・(-_-;
Vanity Korean = yellow, lies, fabrications

gionsyoujya 12-30 00:35 (日本人)
おお、良い絵だね。HOTおめ! ってplastic597かよwwwどうした?何か変なものでも食べたか?w
* plastic597とはこのスレッドを立てた韓国人

Oh, how nice pictures are. what happen to you plastic597 www?  you eat anything strange?
* Plastic597 is Korean stood the thread.

winds012 12-30 01:26
よく描いた絵みたいです. あの時両班たちをグリンゴガッネです. 良い感じることです.
these seemed nice pictures. ryanban at the age are good. i am feeling good.

mutmoon 12-30 02:44 (日本人)

the pictures do not have the sin. Nice picture i obediently. because of a British painter, probably they were noble class. korean people look happy.

ilegales 12-30 10:10
日製の蛮行の写真資料は信じないで絶えず疑う日本人がこの \'絵\' 資料たちはおびただしく信じていますね. 付け加えてこの絵を日本人は直ちに単純な風俗ではない日帝時代の状況根拠にするね. 単一される姿が本当に笑わせた民族だ. ww
you constantly doubt and can't believe the photo documentations drawn the japanese atrocities, but you believe the pictures copiously. moreover you japanese add the evidence that the good for Japanese colonial era. you are laugh nation.

→ konohanasakuya 12-30 10:49 (日本人)
日帝蛮行の写真をUPしてごらんw 捏造ではなく本物をね。
(JPN) you should take up the photos of Japanese colonial atrocities. a real not a faked.

hitorigo0 12-30 11:07 (日本人)

i can understand japanese imperial did as long as the cruel of korean claim if the English woman painter draw the cruel era that japanese destroyed korean all of culture and abused korean people, but the proves are only the made up drawings and dolls later fabricated by korean. I can not help Koreans continue to believe in it Well.

cake209 12-30 11:16
Jeogori in the Joseon Dynasty, korean women showed up their breaths to outside for symbolized fertility .chest Yo Rob Monte will add our Belizean women that  Ngoc Urza Dago Lungs shocked U.S. dollars Rob Yo um gate.

→ konohanasakuya 12-30 11:25 (日本人)
(japanese) Has not been translated. Do not thrilled w

zend1004 12-30 12:21
韓国人は幸せだった. たとえ国を奪われた心細い生活の中でも彼らを幸せにそして少しでもよく生きてみようと努力した. この作家の絵が比較的平穏な生を維持する人々の姿がたくさん盛られていたりするがそれは絵の色彩とタッチなど技術的なミョンウロボやこの作家のグァンニョムウロボや十\分に違うように見えることもできる面だ. そして実際の実はまたそうだ. 切ない事実だが殖民統治も事実だった. しかし私たちはそれを勝ち抜けたし今は逸材の残在を無くすために多くの努力をする. こんな状況でお互いに全然違うように学んで来た人々が争うのは話にならない. 1+1を一側は 3だから学んで他の一方は 4だと学ぶのにそれがけんかになるか? 正解は 2のに言葉だ. そしてそんな小さな差を持って笑いも出ない質問を申\し上げて誹謗をして返事もできないと楽しむあなたたちも問題が多いと思う. そして私たちも認めるのは認めよう. 詳しいのは分からなくても私たちがそのようにサルアワッダヌンゴン認めよう. それを認めないように言い張るのがすぐ歪曲引鋸だ. 私たちは私たちの文化を誇らしがろう. 玉にきずのように国史のただ一番(回)の汚点がしきりに目にティと無くそうと思わないで. そして皆争おうとすれば勉強もうちょっとして来なさい. あれが何か...? ..

Koreans were happy. even deprived our country and in loney lives, they strived to be well.  the pictures in this artist's are drawn a lot of people figure which maintained average and relatively peaceful life. it can be shown the colored the touching on surface. the fact was like indeed.
it is true that painful colonial rule was also true. But we are now missing and won, now we effort to lose to eliminate the phenomenon of survival. it is ridiculous people learn the differeces for each other who fight like this.
 1+1 can be 3 as one side but you fight it for 4?  the answer is 2. with such a small difference, who is not good enjoyed the problem laughter and asked.
Come and learn a bit more and if you want to fight.

antithese 12-30 13:05
zend1004>幸せだったって何?お前達の歴史教育では、この時代は全く幸せなんてなかったって教えてるだろ。人類史上最悪の支配と繰り返し叫んでいるだろう。この絵画を完全否定する教育が行われてるだろう。お前達韓国人がelizabeth keithに描かれている朝鮮を誇る資格なんて無いんじゃないの?(´-`)y-~~
What were happy? in your history education, you are taught that there were nevery happy in the era. repeatedly shouting that the worst ruled in human history. denied in education to carry out the paintings entirely. There's no qualification to proud of Korea in elizabeth keith.

72ch 12-30 13:08 (日本人)
不思議と、炊事をしているのに(日本国の朝鮮 人)憲兵が居ない。日本によって収奪されている筈なのに川でのんびり洗濯している輩が居るのに撃ち殺そうとする憲兵が居ない。あまつさえゲームまでやってる。その上、人口が2倍に増えるほど豊かに暮らしてるのに心細い?Yellowか?
i wonder that women are cooking, but not be shown the police (Korean ruled by japan).  relaxing and washing the side of river, there is not any Police who shoot korean. moreover they enjoyed playing game.  Besides, you feel lonely while can live affluently like population can be doubled. Or Yellow?

pr_b 12-30 13:12 (日本人)
the rare and nice Korean suicide thread. master Hot, Congratulations. don't cancel out it.

soonja777 12-30 13:43
Jap m0nkey 絵の何を見て豊かだというのなのか? ウッキは m0nkeyだやっぱり歪曲教育を受けた日本人たちらしい.天旱 m0nkeyとは付き合うことができない.核爆弾はよく当たったとても香ばしい.

Jap m0nkey, what you say as rich with where you look on? m0nkey. Mood is distorted educations japanese. i can't talk with monkey. hit Nuclear bomb is fragrant.

→ yellowmonk 12-30 14:17 (日本人)

slip_pantera 12-30 16:59
ここにドッグルで分かるようにまことにいやに韓国を皮肉っている. 絵一つを見ても本当に汚い観点で見る日本人たちがあまり可哀想ではないのか?w 彼らの視線があのように拗くれたことはたぶん隠遁型ひとりぽっちたちが日本のインターネットを支配するからだと私は思う. k

slip_pantera 12-30 17:01
生半可に分かることはてんから分からないことよりできない. 日本人よ. 薄っぺらな知識でむやみにしゃべるな. 君たちのその無識さを仄めかすことだけできない. son of m0nkeys?
The half-hearted education is not well than not understand at all. Japanese, don't speak with your flimsy knowledge. its your rudeness. Son of m0nkeys?

danceofdeath 12-30 17:23 (日本人)

During the Japanese in the harsh ugly colonial rule of imperialism ever before in human history, korean People could dress beautiful folk and live leisurely. What great people Korean! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

geordon 12-30 17:27 (日本人)
自分の歴史認識とこういった歴史資料との矛盾を指摘する者に対して誹謗中傷しかできない韓国人のメンタリティーのほうがおかしいだろ。都合悪いacademic factは無視してideologyを優先しようとするから偏った歴史認識しかもてないんだよ。
rather than Korean mentality making the defamation is more funny against people who point out inconsistencies in historical documents and their understanding to history. you will be  biased since you take priority to ideology than Academic fact.

3548 12-30 17:46 (日本人)

I mean that "was is possible be able to paint convey the Korean culture under the such diabolical harsh Japanese colonial rule ?" Koreans say, Japan suppressed Korean unique culture. such the suppressed colonial rule, imperial japan could be allowed it? i am taking over it than the contents of the picture.

yellowmonk 12-30 18:32 (日本人)
Surely, korean could rest assured if the pictures are drawn people are tortured like in inferno.
qmamzmwmsmxm 12-30 18:41
私は日本人が大嫌い. 本当に彼らは考えがない人々だ. 上にマルハヌンゴッゾムブァ. 日本人たちは..本当に考えがない国だ. キムチを自分たちことだと言い張らないが
I hate Japanese. They are not education. they will copy Kimuchi and claim it is mine.

still controversial, but i am stored it.

Scenes from Seoul of 1938 - In Color!

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