Saturday, November 12, 2011

Japan didn't take a language away from Korea


Following passage is quoted by a Korean text book.

>Korea was a colony of Japan for thirty-five years.
>The Japanese government forced the Koreans to use only Japanese.
>It was really painful for them to stop using their own language.
>They could not use it again in public until the end of World War II.

..It is a completely Korean lie !!! Japan did not forbid using the Hangul Alphabet (A language in current Korea).  
On the contrary, Japan spread the Hangul in Korea while Japan governed them.

Japan continued being ordered for several months by the Korea government and did "annexation",
not a invasion. It was the annexation that took an official procedure without a problem in the international law at all.

The history of the Hangul Alphabet

The Hangul Alphabet was made by Seshu (1418-50) of Korea. However, Kanji, Chinese words were used for all such as a history book, an official document, education as an official language in Korea of those days. The Hangul which should have been national language continued being despised as a language of ignorant masses for a Korean. And Hisan of Emperor of the tenth Korea prohibits education / learning of the Hangul in 1504.
Why now the Hangul which it was said "an ignorant masses letter", "woman character", "child letter", "rest room letter", and was discriminated against would spread these in Korea?

Because there was the custom that Japan do education and infrastructure maintenance in the countries where they governed, Korean reading and writing ability was necessary for education (The greatest Seoul National University in South Korea was made at this time).
Therefore the Hangul buried from history for a long time was adopted.

(the knot of Japanese Yukichi Fukuzawa had spread the Hangul from before the Japanese ruling. Yukichi Fukuzawa had published world first Hangul paper (漢城周報) in Korea. But because education was not developed very much, most of commoners couldn't still read Hangul)

Literacy rate of a peninsula was very low in those days. The lower photographs were used for their education.

A Hangul textbook cover which was published during Japanese ruling.


This child is greeting the old man lives next door.

Knowledge of courtesy manners.
Page top is Japanese, bottom is Hangul.

Back cover

April 10th publishing in 1930, Hangul Alphabet dictionary which Japanese made.

information [ changes in Korean literacy rate ]

1910:   10% (beginning of the Japanese ruling)
1944:   65% (evening of the Japanese ruling)
2003: 75.4% (1/4 adults are still illiterate)

The source of information:

Please answer questions below if you consider it to be a lie.

Q1: Can you show me official documents written in the Hangul before the Japanese spread Hangul?

"Japan burnt all official documents down", you may insist. I ask you next question if you say so.

Q2: Can you show me the evidence that the Hangul had been spread very much before the knot of Yukichi Fukuzawa had been coming to Korea? For example, please show me the things which were written in Hangul, like literary works, academic books, dictionaries which were spread to the public widely.

It is impossible that Japanese find anything Hangul out and burn it, no matter how they are very cruel.
There should be the private books and old remains which Japan was not able to finish looking for.

     - Can you answer these questions?  It cannot be possible.

Because Koreans tell lies, they were robbed of their things which there were not from the beginning.

 "A New Country, A New Century, A New Freedom"

 Korean Scholar's Great-Grandchild Carries on Tradition in U.S.

  The great-granddaughter of the Korean language scholar Jung In-seung, who was jailed under the Japanese occupation for resisting its attempt to marginalize the Korean language, garnered praise from U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday for an essay discussing her great-grandfather.
Lee Mi-han, an 11th grader at Georgetown Day School in Maryland, read her essay entitled, “A New Country, A New Century, A New Freedom,” at the dedication ceremony for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in the Lincoln’s hometown of Springfield, Illinois.
Many U.S. leaders attended the event, where Lee was selected to read by winning a high school essay competition sponsored by the cable TV station C-SPAN to mark the opening of the new library and museum. The sponsors had students write essays on “Lincoln and a New Birth of Freedom.” Contributions were to be no longer than 272 words -- the length of Lincoln’s celebrated 1863 Gettysburg Address.
Jung, a graduate of what would later become Yonsei University, supervised the Korean Language Society’s work on a Korean dictionary and was imprisoned along with fellow language scholars Lee Hee-seung and Choi Hyeon-bae. He was a director at the Korean Language Society for over 50 years until his death in 1986, and was given a number of awards by the state for his contribution to the nation.

“My understanding of freedom is inextricably tied up with my understanding of language,” Mi-han said in her essay.
“My great-grandfather, in 1940s Korea, was arrested for putting together the first Korean dictionary, when the language had been banned by the Japanese government.” “My great-grandfather believed that words, the medium by which we formulate and share ideas, can bind and break the very ideas they express if the language is that of an oppressor,” she continued. “I believe that freedom in the 21st century means the liberty of individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, or class, to express themselves in their own words, and to use those words to shape history.” She also said, “I am Korean-American, I am young, and I am free. I speak? not always articulate, not often right, but always in my own words. I speak, and I listen.”

Bush gave special thanks to Mi-han for “elegantly expressing life in a free society.” C-SPAN, which broadcast the ceremony throughout the United States, said Mi-han had earned SAT scores good enough to get her into any university in the U.S., while Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich said he didn’t know what score she got on the SAT, but as he became governor with a less than stellar SAT score, she could become president of the U.S.
Born in the U.S., Mi-han is the daughter of FDA pathologist Lee Jong-hun, the son of Jung’s second daughter Jung Deok-mo. Jung’s grandson Jun Jin-hyeon, a teacher at Eungwang Girls High School, said the scholar’s home in Jangsu County, North Jeolla Province was being preserved with support from the national treasury, as was construction of a museum dedicated to the scholar. The museum is scheduled to open on Hangul Day, Oct. 9.
Jung contributed five pieces to the Chosun Ilbo, including an outline of the history of the Korean alphabet. In the Dec. 20, 1938 edition of the paper, he introduced a number of word games developed to preserve the Korean alphabet during Japanese colonial rule. Jung served as a teacher after liberation, and showed such energy that right up to his death he held lectures for his students at the 10-pyeong (about 33 square meters) Korean-style home where he lived his entire life.

She is a perfect example of Koreans who are good at the acting at the liar. The dictionary published in 1930 by a Japanese.

The Source of Information:

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