Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the postal savings book of comfort women,korean lies 従軍慰安婦の貯金通帳

They Were Getting Paid.

Former comfort woman Mun Ok Ju came to Japan in 1992 to file lawsuit for getting back the money she earned by "comfort women."
Here's her saving record in Japan Postal Saving.
Between June 1943(S18) to September 1945(S20) was her comfort woman stint.


문옥주는 전쟁 전의일본엔으로 2만 6천엔의 고액의 저금을
가지고 있었던 것이 밝혀졌다.
1992년 5월2백의 매일신문에,
문옥주의 예금 통장에 대한 기사가 실려 있다.
그 통장에 의하면, 19412년부터 1945년간에
12회 이체가 있어, 그 예금잔고는 2만 6145엔에 달하고 있다.
이것은지금의 금액으로 하면 수천만엔에 상당한다.
당시 일본군의 육군 대장의 연봉은 6600엔이었다.
따라서 문옥주는 육군 대장의 약2배 벌고 있던 것이 된다. !
또 전 해군 중령 시게무라 실은
그녀들의 전차금이 4000엔에서 5000엔이었다라고 말한다.
그리고 그녀들은 이전차금을 삼개월부터 반년에 돌려주어,
평균적인 저축액수는 5~6000엔에서 1만엔 가지고 있었다라고 말한다.
그 중에는 3만엔이나 가지고 있는 사람도 있고, 모두 놀라고 있었다.

덧붙여서, 2만 6천엔이란,
당시로는 집이 26건이나 살 수 있었던 금액이라고 하고, 이것이,
학대되었다고 떠들고 있는 조선인 자칭 위안부의
몇번이나 씁니다만, 이 조선인들은
매춘부였다 만일 수 있는입니다.
그리고, 매춘은 지금도 남조선에서는 연간 26조원
( 약 2조 6000억엔) 받침대의 규모이며,
전업 여성이 대략 26만명이나 있습니다.

S18.3.6    500Yen
S18.7.10   700Yen
S18.8.15   550Yen
S18.9.18   900Yen
S18.10.2   780Yen
S18.11.6   820Yen
S19.2.12      6Yen
S19.2.16   950Yen
S19.3.30   85Yen
S19.5.18   100Yen
S19.6.21   800Yen
S20.4.4    5560Yen
S20.4.26   5000Yen
S20.5.23 10000Yen
S20.9.29    300Yen
Total 21491 Yen

The average Japanese soldier's monthly salary was about 15 to 25 Yen.(Hata 1999 p270)
(Increase of Mun's salary in S20 was result of inflation)

established in 1932 (showa 7) 20 yen golden coin. valued $2000

文玉珠 문옥주 Mun Ok Ju


is there existed supported Documents for theory comfort women had gained high reward?
. according to the lawsuits in 1992, former comfort woman Mrs. Mun Ok Ju resorted to legal action about "issue to payback Postal Savings refund in war" ( Shimonoseki trial). With records of 12 times savings from June in 1943 to September in 1945, the last balance was \ 26,145. besides, she  transmitted 5,000 yen to her parents.
From this, Mrs. Mun Ok Ju obtained  her compensation at least about 31000 yen from June in 1943 to September in 1945.
ledger images (record of Mun Ok Juin's postal savings) is located in Enjoy Korea.
even taking additions, the amount of 12 times would be 26,145 yen, it might be for the difference for the treatment of interest.
Either way, it seems that the remaining savings was about 26000-27000 yen at the end of September 1945.
Looking the histories of the ledgers, we can know about quite interesting things.

* she had passed on 26 October 1996.

・1992年に「戦時郵便貯金の払い戻し請求訴訟」(下関裁判)を起こした元従軍慰安婦の文玉珠氏の件。 1943年6月から1945年9月まで12 回の貯金の記録があり、残高は26,145 円であった。この他5000円を実家に送金している。
原簿画像がenjoy Korea(文玉珠氏の貯金の記録 )にあります。加算しても、12回26,145円になりませんが、利息分の取扱いなどの違いでしょうか。

위안부 고액보수설을 뒷받침하는 사료는 있는 것인가?
·1992년에 「전시 우편 저금의 반환 청구 소송」 (시모노세키(下關) 재판)을 일으킨 전(元)종군 위안부의 문장옥보물씨의 건(件).  1943년6월부터 1945년9월까지 12회의 저금의 기록이 있어, 잔고는 26, 145엔이었다. 이밖에 5000엔을 본가에 송금하고 있다.
이 것부터, 문장옥보물씨가 1943년6월부터 1945년9월까지 얻은 보수는, 적어도 약31000엔이었다라고 말할 수 있다.
원부이미지가 enjoy Korea(문장옥보물씨의 저금의 기록)에 있습니다. 가산해도, 12회 26, 145엔이 되지 않습니다만, 이자분의 취급등의 차이일까요?
어쨌던, 1945년 9월말 시점으로 26000∼27000엔정도의 저금이 남아있는 것 같습니다.
원부의 이력을 보면, 제법 흥미 깊은 것을 압니다.

histories except the interests.

S18.3.6   500円
S18.7.10   700円
S18.8.15   550円
S18.9.18   900円
S18.10.2   780円
S18.11.6   820円
S19.2.12   6円
S19.2.16   950円
S19.3.30   85円
S19.5.18   100円
S19.6.21   800円
S20.4.4   5560円
S20.4.26   5000円
S20.5.23   10000円
S20.9.29   300円

Quarterly aggregates for more obviously.
~1943年3月 500円
1943年 4月~ 6月 0円
1943年 7月~ 9月 2150円
1943年10月~12月 1600円
1944年 1月~ 3月 1041円
1944年 4月~ 6月 900円
1944年 7月~ 9月 0円
1944年10月~12月 0円
1945年 1月~ 3月 0円
1945年 4月~ 6月 20560円
1945年 7月~ 9月 300円

In addition, aggregated biannually.
~1943年3月 500円
1943年 4月~ 9月 2150円
1943年10月~44年 3月 2641円
1944年 4月~ 9月 900円
1944年10月~45年 3月 0円
1945年 4月~ 9月 20860円

even the describes, you can understand that over 20,000yen was saved for three-month of April to June in 1945 within the balance of 26,000 yen at the end of war.
In short,her saving were unusually skewed each period.
Even assuming that earned in 14 months until July 1944 to September 1945 with no deposit periods, over the monthly average would be 1400 yen (when she transmitted 5000 yen was unknown).
In contrast, savings of 18 months from April 1944 to September 1943, was just under 6,000 yen, average for month was about 300 yen.


from hear, you can imagine that the situation had changed significantly in late 1944.
Mun Ok ju was in  Burma primarily (she was in Thailand at the end of WW2). however Japanese army conducted  operation Imphal in Burma at early 1944, had been defeated in this July. after Imphal campaign, the defense regime of Japanese military in Burma had collapsed, fell Akyab in January 1945, Burma Army attacked Japanese forces in March 1945, fallen of Rangoon in April 1945, and finally ended the war.


the time stopping her savings when the Japanese army in Burma had been collapsed. Ms. Mun Ok Ju retreated to Thailand, took military currency by myself until can be saved.
also the provisions  in comfort station could be predicted not be protect at the turmoil. Because if paid as "one soldier is per 1yen 50sen, sergeant per 3yen, officer per 5yen" ,it was physically impossible to earn 1400 yen for a month.
(at least 400 Sergeants for a month, it would be 800 times with accounted the share of master of comfort station. supposing 30 women working per day, one woman works 30 minutes, then works 15 hours per day for 30 days on one month) .
In addition, Burma's price index was 10000 at the end of 1944 (December 1941 = 100) ,so the military scrip had been flooded inflation.
In the situations, under exposed offensive of Allied, its considered hard to be executed to pay by normally pricing, probably they would earned 20000yen at the time.

また、この混乱期において慰安所規定はあまり守られていなかったとも予測できます。なぜなら「兵 1円50銭、下士官 3円、将校 5円」で月1400円を稼ぐことは物理的に不可能(下士官で月400人以上、楼主の取り分を考慮すればこの倍の800人になる。1日に30人で、1人30分として1ヶ月30日15時間労働)だからです。 また、1944年末の時点でのビルマの物価指数は10000であって(1941年12月を100とする)、インフレ軍票があふれかえっていました。連合軍の攻勢にさらされた状況下で、通常の料金設定が実行されたとは考えにくく、おそらくこの時期に2万円を稼いだのでしょう。

Let's see how much was in terms of the mainland. Price index is considered in the model Index as 11 to 14 percent per month.

December 1941 (zero month): 100
June 1942 (6th months): 187 - 219
December 1942 (12th months): 350 - 482
April 1943 (16th months): 531 - 814
October 1943 (22th months): 993 - 1786
April 1944 (28th month): 1858 - 3920
October 1944 (34th month): 3475 - 8605
April 1945 (40th month): 6500 - 18888

applies it to Mun Ok ju's savings statements.

April 1943 to September 1943 ; 2150 yen (convert to Mainland: 264 ~ 405 yen)
October 1943 to March 1944 ; 2641 yen (convert to Mainland: 148 ~ 266 yen)
April 1944 to September 1944 ; 900 yen (convert to Mainland: 23 ~ 48 yen)
October 1944 to March 1945 ; 0 yen (convert to Mainland: 0~ 0 yen)
April 1945 to September 1945 ; 20860 yen (convert to Mainland: 110 ~ 321 yen)

except from late 1944, the amount equivalent as mainland was about 200 yen (per six months) , it was constant or rather said to have been decreasing.
Once per month was about 30 yen, to say the value is far from high reward.

incidentally, the issue of handling post-war excessive the  military notes had been processed. according to the closing the feedback decree,
looking the annex, you can infer there was some degree of monetary gaps between occupied territory and mainland (i can image that it was with severe since it would be related to compensation for Japanese Government). 
However, the south ticket was not included in. I can see it sometimes in the proceedings of Parliament, but I think that it has been not compensated through to now (I might just do not know it.)


1941年12月( 0ヶ月): 100
1942年 6月( 6ヶ月): 187~ 219
1942年12月(12ヶ月): 350~ 482
1943年 4月(16ヶ月): 531~ 814
1943年10月(22ヶ月): 993~ 1786
1944年 4月(28ヶ月): 1858~ 3920
1944年10月(34ヶ月): 3475~ 8605
1945年 4月(40ヶ月): 6500~18888


1943年 4月~ 9月 2150円(内地換算:264~405円)
1943年10月~44年 3月 2641円(内地換算:148~266円)
1944年 4月~ 9月 900円(内地換算: 23~ 48円)
1944年10月~45年 3月 0円(内地換算: 0~ 0円)
1945年 4月~ 9月 20860円(内地換算:110~321円)


http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/S22/S22CO074.html )の別表などを見ると、占領地と内地の通貨価値格差がある程度推測できます(日本政府の補償に関わるので厳しくつけているとは想像できるのだが)。ただし、南発券はこれに含まれていません。国会議事録でちらほら見かけるのだが、どうも今に至るも補償されていないように思います(私が知らないだけかもしれませんが)。

매일신보 October 27, 1944 on Maeil Sinbo (Seoul Sinmun) newspaper
"Military" comfort women an urgent recruitment
Destination: Unit 00, comfort station
Age: must be 18 to 30 years old.robust women
Term of recruitment; October 27 to November 8
Departure: about Novemver 10
Treatment: Apply within
Availability limited ; several dozen

contact address ; Keijo city 195
Korean hostelry 2645
(Mr. Heo 허)

"Keijo Daily" (dated 26 July 1944) "Comfort Women Wanted ASAP"
age; Over 17 years age to 23 years
workplace; ○○ behind unit,the comfort station
Pay: 300 yen or more per a month, (can be advanced on salary till 3000 yen )
Interview; AM8:00 to PM10:00
Imai job agency

(http://bbs.enjoykorea.jp/tbbs/read.php?board_id=phistory&nid=74747&st=title&sw=%E6%96%87%E7%8E%89%E7%8F%A0 )

行先 ○○部隊慰安所
募集資格 年齢18歳以上30歳以内****
募集期日 10月27日**11月8日**
出発日 11月10日頃
契約員待遇 本人面談*****決定*
募集人員 数十名
希望者 左記*********

年齢 17歳以上23歳迄
勤先 後方○○部隊慰安部
月収 300円以上(前借3000円迄可)


Korea was relatively stable prices compared to other Japanese troops occupied    areas  (even if 1944 = 100 in December 1941, still turned around 150 in 1944).
gained 300 yen per monthly, it was substantial expensive on standard inflation in Korea. However, as the working location was not in Korea, would be unrelated story (it would be more expensive), The loan was paid in Korea, but monthly on work was paid on the location.

Let's take a look around price index on the occupied territories in July 1944.
"Asia under Japanese military rule" p179 "the documents of financial history in Japan part Showa era" ,requotation from Volume 30.

December 1941 = 100, the value was estimated visually from the graph.
In parentheses indicate the equivalent amount as 300 yen in mainland.

Malaya: 5000 (6 yen)
Shanghai, Philippines: 4000 (7.5 yen)
Burma: 3000 (10 yen)
Sumatra: 1000 (30 yen)
Beijing ・ 500 (60 yen)
Java, Borneo: 300 (100 yen)
Hsinking(Manchuria) - Gyeong-seong(Soul), Taipei 150 (200 yen)

it would be depending on where the comfort woman worked in, not say it was always expensive. as same as it was not low pay. What is the key where was the area to recruitment, this is a little difficult.


・マラヤ: 5000( 6円)
・上海、フィリピン:4000( 7.5円)
・ビルマ: 3000( 10円)
・スマトラ: 1000( 30円)
・北京: 500( 60円)
・ジャワ、ボルネオ: 300(100円)
・新京、京城、台北: 150(200円)

(Added 2007/5/9)
from 300 yen as monthly earnings in recruiting ad of comfort women, it could not be found it indicated whether it was spendable income or sales proceeds. in the agreement of the comfort women in the article in 1937, "Bonuses: 10% of the net income (must half to save money)" (Amendment Documents of comfort women, p50), etc. then it would be the similar deal, supposing the net income was pointed as  monthly income, the real gain was 30 yen.

Of course, if interpreted favorably the adwards, the monthly salary would be 300 yen, however it is dangerous to interpret on the sort ads favorably same as old day as today.
(from the insistence of Net Uyoku (right wing nationalists in internet), broking managers should be done badly, to interpret the contents of the adword would be honestly, it would be haven self-contradiction.)

※Conversion mainland : also the price index in Tokyo raised up from around 1944. when the end of World War II, that was approximately 200. but compared to other areas,it was so little change, calculated as the equivalent mainland with prices on December in 1941.



|고급 우대| 
|마이드아리~|                 [부] 
|←위안소|                     ⑩ 
 ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄           3  ┏< `∀′>┛ 
   ||                3  ┛┓ 
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 
~40년 후~ 
______     [아침해]   [전 딸(아가씨)]  [NYT] 
|←일본 정부|           @@@@ 
 ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄   ┗(@∀@)┳<`∀′;;>┳<@∀@> ┓ 3  ←지금 코코 
     ||        ┏┗    ┗┗   ┏9

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