Wednesday, January 11, 2012

the derivation of Gimbap Kimbap from Norimaki-sushi (zushi) 김밥 한국 고유 음식설

김밥 한국 고유 음식설
Kimbap which literally means rice in seaweed (bap means rice while kim/ gim means seaweed), is one of my favourite Asian snacks which I should mention is also very easy to put together and very portable, hence it's immense popularity as picnic or lunchbox food.

Korean Kimbap

Perfect Food (Korea)

Korean Food: Kimbap (김밥)

Ummmm, no! The hanbok is derived from an ancient Chinese clothing called the Hanfu. The Kimono is also derived from the Hanfu. And kimchi is not Japanese, the only contribute the Japanese had on kimchi was introducing the red chili pepper to Korea from the Americas. Kimchi was made with various vegtables long before that and has roots in China. In fact almost all east asian history has influences from China.

OoPandaGirl89oO 1週間前

@Nadeshiko637 ....... are you fucking retarded? kimchi is not japanese. It originated from korea thousands of years ago. I don't know where you get our information but please be careful next time as you sound like a dumbass
royaldoofus 1週間前


tangeko1 4 か月前

First of all, Korean table manner uses to eat with a spoon because they are grains not rice. the rice is without a sticky glue,hardly to roll with swaweed sheet. also both in China and Korea, they had the culture scorn to eat "cold rice " . then there was not any Omusubi (Onigiri) rice ball nor Norimaki Kimbap wrapped with seaweed sheet. additionaly conveyed "sheet seaweed" to Korean was modern Japan. Korean could not make high quality sheet seaweed to roll the rice.
Japanese Norimaki in Kyaraben(キャラ弁) lunch box
Japanese Norimaki for Hinamatsuri(ひな祭り) girl's festival day

Iwai Norimaki 祝 for celebration


in tribute to Seven Deities of Good Fortune,Eho-maki (lucky direction roll) is seemed to be contained of seventh foodstuff like gourd shavings, cucumber, mushroom, rolled omelet,Eel,fish Rousong, etc.,
mainly seafood, vegetables, some sweats shop sell "sweets Eho-maki made by cake"!?
でんぶ(田麩) cherry white fish Rousong

Ehomaki (恵方巻き) on Setsubun (February 3 or 4)the day before the calendric beginning of spring

i have checked the image photos for japanese Norimaki,but almost are Korean Kimbap.i am confused too...



김밥은 일본음식인가요? 한국음식인가요?
비공개 | 2011-05-20 14:32 | 조회 19576 | 답변 2

김밥이 일본에서 유래가됐다는 얘기를 들었는데,
이거 정말일까요??;;
누군 일본음식이라그러구 누군 한국음식이라 그러는데,
대체 누구말이 맞는지,,헷갈려요.
김밥은 어디서 유래한건지 궁금해요~

チョンプンゲクインニム 11.09.16
海苔を最初に巻いて(またはご飯にのせて)食べ始めたのは韓国だよ、金のレシピを伝授受けて、日本でもご飯をついでマルアモクヌン料理を作りました(のり巻き)。そのように食べている食べ物を、近代以降に改良して、我が国では、ご飯と、複数のおかずを入れてマルアモクヌン今のおにぎりの形に発展させたんだよ。日本は日本なりに彼らの好みに合わせて発展させたんです。だから、どの国の食べ物なのかを問うのはちょっと無意味でしょう。今ギムバプジプで巻いて売ってのり巻きはどうしてなろうが、我が国で食べているようだから、私たちの食べ物というのが正しいです。グントイ計算しようとする日本式のり巻き、韓国式のり巻きまあこの程度... 文化は(食文化を含む)が互いに影響をやり取りして発電するんです。

천풍객인님 11.09.16
김을 처음 말아서(또는 밥에 얹어서) 먹기시작한 곳은 한국이고요, 김 제조법을 전수 받아서 일본에서도 밥을 김에 말아먹는 음식을 만들었습니다(노리마키). 그렇게 먹던 음식을 근대이후에 개량하여 우리나라에서는 밥과 여러 반찬을 넣어 말아먹는 지금의 김밥형태로 발전시킨거고요. 일본은 일본 나름대로 그들 취향에 맞게 발전시킨 겁니다. 그러니, 어느나라 음식이냐를 따지는 건 좀 무의미하죠. 지금 김밥집에서 말아서 파는 김밥은 어째됐건 우리나라에서 먹고 있는 방식이니 우리음식이라는게 맞죠. 궂이 따지자면 일본식 김밥, 한국식 김밥 뭐 이런정도... 문화는(음식문화를 포함하여) 서로 영향을 주고 받으며 발전하는 겁니다.


우리나라 고유 음식설
김밥의 주재료인 김이 우리나라 문헌에 등장하는 책자는 일연의 '삼국유사'로, 이에 따르면 신라시대부터 우리 민족은 김을 식용으로 이용했다. 또 '본초강목'에도 신라인들이 허리에 새끼줄을 묶고 깊은 바다에서 김을 채취했다고 서술한다. '경상지리지'와 '동국여지승람''조선의 수산'등에 따르면 전남의 광양·완도와 경남의 하동이 조선시대의 김 특산지로 꼽혔다.
김밥의 유래를 찾으면서 김의 역사를 되짚는 이유는 김은 형태적 특성상 자연스럽게 밥에 싸먹을 수밖에 없다는 점이다. 조선시대 이후 우리나라 각지의 세시풍속에도 오곡밥을 김에 싸먹는 음식 문화는 널리 퍼져 있었다.
반면 일본에서 김을 식용으로 이용한 시점은 우리나라보다 훨씬 늦다. 오후사쓰요이 박사가 저술한 '바다 채소'라는 책에 따르면 일본은 18세기 초중반 이후부터 김을 음식으로 활용했다. 삼국시대부터 김을 먹었고, 조선시대에는 상당히 보편적으로 김을 활용한 우리나라에 비해 상당히 뒤늦은 시점이다. 이를 근거로 김밥은 시대적 정황상 우리나라가 훨씬 앞설 수밖에 없었다는 추론이 자연스럽다.
또 우리나라의 김밥과 일본의 김초밥은 여러가지 음식을 김으로 감싼다는 형식은 유사하지만, 이에 접근하는 방식과 활용 방식이 상당히 다르다. 우리나라의 김밥은 실용성을 강조했지만, 일본의 김초밥은 장식성 위주이다.
이들 상황과 정황을 종합하면 우리나라의 초기 김밥이 조선시대 쯤에 일본으로 전해졌고, 일제시대에 새로운 형태로 우리나라에 역수입된 것은 아닐까. 어쨌튼 김밥의 일본 유래설은 명확한 근거도 없을 뿐만 아니라, 논리상으로도 무리이다.

Seasoned and roasted Dried Laver (김 구이=Gim GuI)
Japanese dry seaweed paper nori is widely popular as a sushi paper, but Korean dry-seaweed gim is not much known to non-Koreans. Both nori and gim are red laver harvested and dried in paper-thin sheets of a standard size, but the main difference lies in its thickness. Nori is often used for wrapping sushi rolls. On the other hand, gim is served more like a side dish to a rice meal in Korean culture. You can still use gim for making California rolls or gimbab, but nori is preferred for sushi or rice wrapping than gim. The best way to enjoy gim is as shown above. It is a very simple combination, but the crispy gim with a right amount of salt makes a wonderful taste together.

(mochi)don't say lie. japanese nori has both small seasoned sheet for rice at a draft size and non seasoned large type for Sushi,Norimaki.
korean has no technique for making wide size nori seaweed...
such the anti-japan korean make movies of the korean cooking and up on youtube,and they teach wrong knowledge to the world. ε-(;-ω-`A) hu…
Triangle kimbap (samgak kimbap)
maangchi,she is a famous addict receipts robber.

Korean Food: Kimbap (김밥)
김 구이, Gim GuI Dried Laver Gul

looks like too much dirty........she should attach Umeboshi;Japanese apricot or Tsukemono; pickled vegetable.....

Description: "Yangban" Seasoned Laver/Seaweed by DongWon

NET WT.: 8 Packs of 0.761 oz / 1 Pack for 3 Serving
INGREDIENTS: Laver(Seaweed), salt, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, perilla oil

Single Bag: $5.99
10 Bags: $58.99
(mochi) too much expensive!

Product Info: Seaweeds are an excellent source of trace minerals in our diet. As our air and water become more acidified through pollution, minerals are leached and depleted from our land fields, and they wash down to the sea, where the wild seaweeds incorporate them. When we eat seaweeds, we take these essential minerals back into our bodies, and these minerals help us maintain an alkaline condition in our bloodstream, which is a healthy condition, resistant to fatigue and stress. An average seaweed eater will consume this pack within 2-3 weeks. That's almost 1-pound dry weight, which equals 10 or more pounds wet weight. This is the same amount as eating half of bushel of wet plants. And you probably do not need to be reminded again of how beneficial eating "green plants" is to your health.

This particular brand of seaweed: "YangBan Seasoned Seaweed" is roasted on natural sesame seed oil to preserve the traditional roasted flavor without any harmful artificial oil/ingredients. "YangBan" means "Royal way". So relax and try this inexpensive yet highly nutritional and tasty seaweed. Enjoy our seaweed as an exciting side dish with cooked rice or as an exotic topping on your healthy meal, salad or noodles. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!!

(mochi) to be diet,korean seaweeds is not good, since its used sesame oil and salt luxury.
meanwhile in Japan
規格8切れ40枚入り 420円

rice,seaweed,miso soup, its traditional japanese breakfast!!


創業者の尾河 治助が尾張名古屋の中村に大正十五年に創業した当時の写真です。

Nori Omushubi, laver and rice ball

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