Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Brampton students join ‘comfort women’s’ quest for justice

Brampton students join ‘comfort women’s’ quest for justice

December 12, 2011


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Two weeks ago, Grade 11 student Falan Bennett had never heard of “comfort women,” the cruel label Japanese soldiers used for the 200,000 young Asian girls they turned into sex slaves during World War II.

But a gritty history lesson last week at her Brampton high school has sparked an outrage the 16-year-old will take to Ottawa Wednesday on an unusual school trip to witness the largest peacetime protest ever held outside the Japanese embassy; a bid to pressure the Japanese government to apologize for its crimes against these women.

“They were kidnapped right off the street and raped up to 30 times a day and in most cases it ruined their lives,” said Falan.

“This has been affecting me all weekend since we learned about it last week in history.”

Falan is one of 130 students from Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School who will join nearly 200 Toronto teachers, school trustees and social justice advocates — plus 100 more from Ottawa — to present a written request to the embassy. On the same day, some of the frail, remaining “comfort women” will make their 1,000th consecutive weekly appearance since 1992 outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul Korea to demand the same apology from the Japanese government.

“I would like to see them get an apology; it would at least comfort their soul,” said Falan’s classmate Nana Barimayena, 16, a Grade 11 student who also will go to Ottawa.

The Canadian government urged Japan in 2007 to apologize for the practice. Numerous countries have also made the same request, but to date the Japanese government has not admitted to having ever set up the grisly “comfort station” shacks for Japanese soldiers to use near the front lines.

“Each young girl would be assigned to 30 soldiers and if she refused to do what they wanted, she could be tortured or put to death,” said rally organizer Dr. Joseph Wong of Toronto, an expert on what is believed to be the most sweeping case of institutionalized sexual slavery in history. His organization ALPHA (Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of World War II in Asia) seeks to spread awareness of atrocities often overshadowed by the Holocaust in Europe.

ALPHA helped design lesson plans for Ontario students about this horrific practice — something that is not taught in Japan, Dr. Wong noted. This is unlike Germany, which requires all students to learn about the Holocaust.

Toronto District School Board Trustee Gerri Gershon will speak at the Ottawa rally about the importance for Ontario students to learn about war victims in Asia, “because our curriculum has centred very much in Europe.

“When I was growing up, we knew about Pearl Harbor and kamikaze pilots and the Bridge on the River Kwai, but that’s not enough, especially as a significant part of our population now in the GTA is from Asia,” said Gershon. She said the board recently agreed to have ALPHA help teachers learn how to teach this difficult, almost hidden chapter in history.

But Falan’s history teacher Charles Leskun can paint a graphic picture for his students of the cruelty these women suffered because he has interviewed a number of them in China and Korea, where many were kidnapped by the Imperial Japanese Army between 1937 and 1945. Many of his heartbreaking anecdotes are woven into the lesson plans he helped write for the new Ontario curriculum launched in 2005 about World War II in Asia.

The goal is not to condemn Japan as a country or make students of Japanese heritage feel guilty, Leskun notes, “but to condemn the military for its use of sexual slavery. It’s not someone’s ethnicity that’s bad — it’s a formal government policy that used women as sex slaves.”

Are these lessons too gritty for young teenagers?

“It is gruesome; what happened to those young girls was just sick, and many died lonely and shunned by their villages,” said Grade 10 student Simona Addario. “But it’s totally appropriate for us to learn about this because it did happen.”

Added Falan Bennett: “It makes me want to go out into the world and educate others about rape as a weapon of war.”


Dr . Joseph Wong talking about Toronto ALPHA


Brampton students join ‘comfort women’s’ quest for justice
Two weeks ago, Grade 11 student Falan Bennett had never heard of “comfort women,” the cruel label Japanese soldiers used for the 200,000 young Asian girls they turned into sex slaves during World War II.  

But a gritty history lesson last week at her Brampton high school has sparked an outrage the 16-year-old will take to Ottawa Wednesday on an unusual school trip to witness the largest peacetime protest ever held outside the Japanese embassy; a bid to pressure the Japanese government to apologize for its crimes against these women. 

“They were kidnapped right off the street and raped up to 30 times a day and in most cases it ruined their lives,” said Falan.
“This has been affecting me all weekend since we learned about it last week in history.”  

Falan is one of 130 students from Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School who will join nearly 200 Toronto teachers, school trustees and social justice advocates — plus 100 more from Ottawa — to present a written request to the embassy.

On the same day, some of the frail, remaining “comfort women” will make their 1,000th consecutive weekly appearance since 1992 outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul Korea to demand the same apology from the Japanese government.  

“I would like to see them get an apology; it would at least comfort their soul,” said Falan’s classmate Nana Barimayena, 16, a Grade 11 student who also will go to Ottawa.

The Canadian government urged Japan in 2007 to apologize for the practice. Numerous countries have also made the same request, but to date the Japanese government has not admitted to having ever set up the grisly “comfort station” shacks小屋 for Japanese soldiers to use near the front lines.
“Each young girl would be assigned to 30 soldiers and if she refused to do what they wanted, she could be tortured or put to death,” said rally organizer Dr. Joseph Wong of Toronto, an expert on what is believed to be the most sweeping case of institutionalized sexual slavery in history. His organization ALPHA (Toronto Association for Learning and Preserving the History of World War II in Asia) seeks to spread awareness of atrocities often overshadowed by the Holocaust in Europe.
ウソのエキスパートであり発信元が Joseph Wong

ALPHA helped design lesson plans for Ontario students about this horrific practice — something that is not taught in Japan, Dr. Wong noted. This is unlike Germany, which requires all students to learn about the Holocaust.
日本で教えられていない酷い出来事を教える授業案を提供しているのがALPHA 教科書関係者で考えてみると「教科書を作る会」は勝負しますかね 「育鵬社」は放置でしょうね。「東京書籍」始めそれ以外はALPHAの味方でしょう。あぁ、情けない!

Toronto District School Board Trustee Gerri Gershon will speak at the Ottawa rally about the importance for Ontario students to learn about war victims in Asia, “because our curriculum has centred very much in Europe.
“When I was growing up, we knew about Pearl Harbor and kamikaze pilots and the Bridge on the River Kwai, but that’s not enough, especially as a significant part of our population now in the GTA is from Asia,” said Gershon. She said the board recently agreed to have ALPHA help teachers learn how to teach this difficult, almost hidden chapter in history.
hidden 隠されていたワケじゃなくて、無かった、ウソの歴史ですよ、Gerri Gershon さん。右端の銀髪の白人男性でしょうか。欺されやすそうな気持ちが優しい感じのかたですね。でも、困ったものです。

But Falan’s history teacher Charles Leskun can paint a graphic picture for his students of the cruelty these women suffered because he has interviewed a number of them in China and Korea, where many were kidnapped by the Imperial Japanese Army between 1937 and 1945. Many of his heartbreaking anecdotes秘話 are woven into the lesson plans he helped write for the new Ontario curriculum launched in 2005 about World War II in Asia.
Leskun 先生もシナや朝鮮まで行って作り話を聞かされて、欺されてしまいました。授業の中で売春婦のウソ話を折り込むと書いてありますね。あぁ~~、単純に多くの純真な生徒達が欺されてしまうぅぅぅ・・・

アジアにおける第二次世界大戦に関する授業についての new Ontario curriculum 新オンタリオ教育課程が2005年から発行している。文科省やら外務省は関知しているのか???"COOL JAPAN in ONTARIO" で対抗してください。Parisでやっているのとそっくり同じでいいですよ。フランス語地域ですから。snowdropが手伝いに行きたいくらいですよ。

The goal is not to condemn Japan as a country or make students of Japanese heritage feel guilty, Leskun notes, “but to condemn the military for its use of sexual slavery. It’s not someone’s ethnicity that’s bad — it’s a formal government policy that used women as sex slaves.”
売春婦 prostitutes と兵士個人が休暇中に business した事で軍は責められる必要ないし、政府は合法であった売春業者が正規にやっているか監督責任を果たした話ですよ。Leskun先生しっかりしてください。

Are these lessons too gritty for young teenagers?
“It is gruesome; what happened to those young girls was just sick, and many died lonely and shunned by their villages,” said Grade 10 student Simona Addario. “But it’s totally appropriate for us to learn about this because it did happen.”
No! never did it happen! おばあさんの証言=作り話以外にどんな証拠があるの?

Added Falan Bennett: “It makes me want to go out into the world and educate others about rape as a weapon of war.”
rapeではなく businessであり prostitution でした!残念!

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