Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Korean American-backed “Comfort Women” Memorial Upsetting Japanese Officials By Pacific Citizen

Korean American-backed “Comfort Women” Memorial Upsetting Japanese Officials

The stone monument is in honor of the World War II group of women known as "comfort women" who suffered at the hands of Japanese soldiers.
The monument is in Palisades Park, New Jersey, a town with a large Korean immigrant population.

By Pacific Citizen Staff and Associated Press
June 1, 2012

Japanese officials are asking a small, northern New Jersey town with a large Korean immigrant population to remove a public monument dedicated to women who were forced into sexual slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War II.

The monument in Palisades Park, New Jersey is a brass plaque on a block of stone dedicated in 2010 to the memory of the “comfort women,” over 200,000 who were forced into sexual slavery by Japanese soldiers during World War II. Many of these women were Korean.

Two delegations of visiting Japanese officials have unsuccessfully appealed to Palisades Park administrators to have the plaque removed.

The town officials’ refusal to remove the plaque highlights the ongoing tension between Japan and South Korea over the legacy of the “comfort women.”

According to the New York Times, Japanese Consul General Shigeyuki Hiroki met with town officials and offered to plant cherry trees and donate books to the public library if the memorial were removed.

“I couldn’t believe my ears,” Jason Kim, deputy mayor of Palisades Park, said in the same article. “My blood shot up like crazy.”

Japanese leaders have said that their formal apologies regarding the treatment of comfort women are sufficient, including an offer to set up a $1 billion fund for victims. Surviving victims have rejected the fund since it would be using private funds and not government monies.

The monument in Palisades Park is the only one in the United States dedicated to comfort women, borough officials said.

Chejin Park of the Korean American Voters Council, which supported the Palisades Park memorial, said the Japanese government’s opposition to it is galvanizing efforts in Korean communities across the U.S. to build similar memorials.


팰팍 ‘위안부 기림비’ 단장 마무리

유권자센터.백영현 대표등 주도
제막 1년여만에 조경 완공
입력일자: 2011-12-03 (토)
지난해 뉴저지 팰리세이즈팍에 세워진 ‘일본군 강제위안부 기림비’에 대한 조경 공사가 마무리 됐다.

지난해 10월 기림비 제막 후 주변 조경공사에 대한 필요성이 대두 된지 1년여만의 성과로 명실상부 제2차 세계대전 당시 일본군이 저지른 인권 유린의 역사를 미국사회에 알리는 교육의 장으로 다시 태어났다. 이번 조경 사업을 주도한 뉴욕뉴저지한인유권자센터(대표 김동찬)와 일본군 강제위위안부 결의안 121 뉴욕추진연대(공동위원장 김영덕, 정해민), 1492그린클럽 백영현 대표 등은 2일 기림비가 세워져 있는 팰팍 공립도서관 앞에서 조경 완공 기념식을 갖고 미전역에 제 2, 3의 기림비 건립이 이어지기를 소망했다.

이번 조경공사는 페어런에서 ‘클리프 가든’ 꽃집을 운영하고 있는 백영현 1492 그린클럽 대표가 시공했다. 백 대표는 기림비 주변에 고급 향나무와 한국토종 라일락(미스 김 라일락) 등 15그루의 나무를 심었으며 잔디도 새롭게 깔았다. 기림비 오른편에는 위안부 피해자를 상징하는 머리 모양의 향나무를 심어 의미를 더했다. 이 향나무는 얼굴 없는 머리 모양의 분재로 분재 안쪽에는 위안부 피해자와 그 가족들의 맺힌 한을 표현한 매듭 2개를 설치했다.

백 대표는 “일본정부가 강제 위안부 만행을 공식 사과하는 날 이 매듭을 풀 계획”이라며 “팰팍을 시작으로 미전역에 위안부 기림비가 계속 세워지길 바란다”고 덧붙였다. 한편 기림비 조경관리는 백영현 대표가 계속 맡을 예정이며 팰팍 타운은 도서관을 통해 이를 관리할 방침이다. <이진수 기자>

▲ 팰팍 일본군 강제위안부 기림비 조경 사업을 주도한 뉴욕뉴저지한인유권자센터와 21 뉴욕추진연대의 백영현 대표, 스티븐 카발로씨 등이 새로 단장된 기림비 앞에서 기념촬영하고 있다.

471 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 03:55:39.94 ID:zxye2fln0 [2/5]


478 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 04:15:11.64 ID:zxye2fln0 [3/5]


481 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 04:26:43.08 ID:4BxPs8qm0 [1/4]

482 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 04:27:12.12 ID:cpF2DtDm0

487 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 04:45:17.52 ID:YWuoywzp0 [1/20]

488 名前:TAKA[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 04:45:43.43 ID:MFRFAkZx0

501 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 05:07:35.12 ID:zZ7427p30



504 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 05:13:14.94 ID:YWuoywzp0 [3/20]

505 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 05:14:41.79 ID:eeUtJ8XU0 [1/4]

506 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 05:18:27.21 ID:YWuoywzp0 [4/20]

547 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 06:46:31.55 ID:YWuoywzp0 [9/20]

571 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 07:19:50.93 ID:q+77D0Yl0



ペプシコ (ペプシコーラ)
レイバン (サングラス)

609 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 07:46:36.97 ID:w/k+kYHd0 [2/5]

611 名前:名無しさん@13周年[sage] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 07:47:20.99 ID:YWuoywzp0 [17/20]

614 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 07:48:16.00 ID:P7Ko4LYu0
イアンフ捏造年表  改訂版2.6(2011/11/14)

・1973年、大連生まれの元毎日新聞記者 「千田夏光」 が「ジューグンイアンフ」という言葉を創造、「従軍慰安婦」を出版
・1983年、「吉田清治」 が自著「私の戦争犯罪」にて「済州島でイアンフ狩りをした」と記載

・1989年、「私の戦争犯罪」ハングル版出版、と同時に 「青柳敦子」 が韓国で訴訟費用は負担しますとビラ配り

・梨花女子大学英文科教授 「尹貞玉」 が「挺身隊問題」を日本のサヨクと結託研究、
8月、「ウリは『挺身隊』だったニダ」と 「金学順」 登場
・1991年8月11日、突如 「アサヒシンブン」 が、「元イアンフに聞き取り調査開始」と報道(いわゆる「イアンフ捏造キャンペーン」開始)
記者は「韓国太平洋戦争犠牲者遺族会」理事の娘と結婚していた 「植村隆」
「NHK」 が終戦記念日企画としてイアンフ捏造番組を放送 (2006年11月4日、元・NHKの池田信夫が捏造番組だったとブログで告発)

615 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 07:48:49.53 ID:o/IcOciH0 [2/2]


707 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2012/06/19(火) 09:39:31.78 ID:I5ycFeNH0 [1/5]
>>1 近隣の【パリセーズ公園】


Tenafly slay suspect faces murder charges
Published: Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 8:57 AM Updated: Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 10:48 AM
By The Star-Ledger Continuous News Desk

The man suspected of slaying three family members in their Tenafly home in a dispute about money is scheduled to appear in court this afternoon to face murder charges.

Tim Farrell/The Star-Ledger
Police leave the scene of triple homicide in Tenafly after collecting more evidence on Sunday.
Kang-Hyuk Choi, 32, is being held without bail in the Bergen County Jail for the stabbing deaths of Han Il Kim, 27; Yoo Bok Kim, 57; and Doo Soo Seo, 70. He arrived in New Jersey Tuesday after being arrested Sunday at a casino outside Los Angeles.
Choi was apprehended as he stepped away from a poker game at the Commerce Casino, where he frequently wagered thousands of dollars per hand, according to regulars players. Until a few months ago, they said Choi had been a fixture amid the high-rollers table at the Borgata in Atlantic City.

AP Photo
Kang-Hyuk Choi

Family Photos
Victims; Doo-soo Seo, Yoo-bok Kim, and Han-il Kim.
Authorities said Choi, of Valley Stream, N.Y., spent the weekend of May 3 at the Tenafly home of his alleged victims before arguing about money with Han Kim, a close friend. Choi, investigators said, killed Han Kim first, then waited several hours before attacking Kim's mother, Yoo Kim, and an uncle.
Their bodies lay undiscovered in the house for about 12 days before a worried relative came looking. The three are to be buried Friday in Queens, family members said.


【米国】 ニュージャージー韓人家族3人殺害事件でスポットライトを浴びるコリアン・コミュニティ[05/23]
NJ's Korean community thrust into spotlight by killings By SAMANTHA HENRY


チェ・カンヒョク(Kang-Hyuk Choi)は今週、ロサンゼルスで捕らえられ、ニュージャージーに引き渡たされた。ニュージャージーで、チェは金を巡る口論から、27才の友人と友人の母、おじを刺殺した容疑で告発されている。








Stabbings put spotlight on community
Friday, May 23, 2008

A New York man has been charged with murdering three people in Tenafly, New Jersey.
TAGS:local news

NEW JERSEY (WABC) -- The recent brutal slaying of three members of a Korean immigrant family in Northern New Jersey has cast an unwanted spotlight on a normally insular community.

Kang-Hyuk Choi was captured in Los Angeles this week and extradited to New Jersey, where he has been charged with stabbing to death his 27-year-old friend, the friend's mother and uncle, in a dispute over money.

Their decomposing bodies were discovered last weekend in the family's home in Tenafly - an affluent New Jersey suburb about 10 miles from New York City that has seen an influx of Korean families in recent years.

All three of the victims were Korean-born; Choi is also Korean.

As with the massacre at Virginia Tech - carried out by a Korean student - reaction among Koreans to the Tenafly killings has exposed a community that is of two minds about its place in American society.
While younger Koreans say the killings could have happened anywhere, some older Koreans feel shame that their community was involved.

"We have different opinions," said longtime Tenafly resident Sunjoo Kim, 48. "Myself and my sister grew up here - we don't look at these killings like a Korean thing - it could happen to anyone in any town.

"But first-generation Koreans are taking it very personally, they feel very ashamed that it was Korean people involved," she said.

Kim calls herself a member of the "1.5 generation," a term popular among Koreans to describe those who emigrated from Korea as children but spent their formative years in America.

Paul Lee, a board of education member in Palisades Park - a town near Tenafly which, at just one square mile in size, claims to be the most densely populated Korean municipality in the United States - said the divergent views between older Korean immigrants and younger ones came to light in recent disagreements over whether to hold a community meeting at a Korean church to discuss the Tenafly killings.

"It's like Virginia Tech - why are we doing something to apologize for the fact that he (the suspect) was Korean?" said Lee, who is Korean. "As much as we want to assimilate, you can never completely assimilate."

Choi, a U.S. citizen who has been charged with all three murders, has pleaded not guilty. He is being held without bond in a Bergen County jail. His attorney has declined to comment on the charges against Choi.

New Jersey's Korean community is one of the fastest growing in the nation - nearly doubling between 1990 and 2000 according to U.S. Census figures. The most recent tabulations show about 86,000 Koreans in New Jersey, the majority of them in northern New Jersey - mostly Bergen County.

The Korean Consulate in New York estimates there are more than 140,000 Korean-born residents in New Jersey, not counting U.S. born Koreans.

Steve Kang, the president of the Korean American Association of Palisades Park, said Koreans who migrated to traditional ports-of-entry like Queens, N.Y., in the 1970's - mostly working in dry cleaners, fish markets and fruit stands - started heading for New Jersey in the mid-1980s in search of better schools and home ownership.

"The people who came in the 1970's had experienced the Korean War," Kang said. "They knew hunger. They knew the value of money. They put in long hours to make their businesses successful; to send their kids to college."

Now, Kang says the college-educated generation is putting down roots in New Jersey, attracted by its proximity to Manhattan and a place where their parents can enjoy business corridors now dominated by Korean shops - including chain stores from Korea - within walking distance of their homes.

"In Korea, North Jersey is very famous," said Sunjoo Kim. "Tenafly is very famous in Korea through word-of-mouth."

What Koreans of all generations hope is that North Jersey remains in the spotlight for all the right reasons, not for the brutal killing that brought attention to the community last week.

"This murder case has people using the phrase 'Korean American.' It's just American," Kim said. "I hope people don't look at it as though it happened to Koreans for any reason, just that it happened to a regular American family."

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