Thursday, August 23, 2012

Korea Still ‘Prostitution Paradise’: Japanese Internet by ROBERT KOEHLER

Korea Still ‘Prostitution Paradise’: Japanese Internet

The Munhwa Ilbo reports that despite the police’s 2009 “war on prostitution,” some Japanese men still regard Korea as a “paradise for prostitution.”

Male Japanese tourists, who once flocked to yojeong and red-light districts in the age of “gisaeng tourism,” are now reportedly heading to “full-salons” and massage parlors.

At one website frequented by Japanese, there are tons of user reviews of bawdy houses throughout Korea, and there are even many ad sites — which appear to have been opened by Koreans — to draw Japanese johns to the Land of the Morning Calm.

On Monday, info on Korean houses of ill-repute was so plentiful at a major Japanese portal site that you couldn’t count it. Every time you ran a search for “Korea” and prostitution-related words, you got a ton of personal blogs, entertainment establishment info sites and ad sites. There were even many sites with the word “anma” (massage), written in hangeul, with detailed info on locations and how to use said facilities.

One Japanese man who had visited a massage parlor in a back alley behind a broadcast company in Yeouido wrote, “You pay 170,000 won at the front desk when you enter and are brought inside. The fee includes sex and a massage.” Another post had the location of the business and, as the Munhwa Ilbo puts it, descriptions that are embarrassing to even say. The poster said, “There’s a massage parlor near Guui Station, Line 2… I paid 180,000 won and had sex with a 22-year-old girl, got a massage, sauna and even dinner.”

There are even ads popping up luring Japanese to Korean establishments. On these sites are the phone numbers of establishments and “course” and price info.

One Japanese blogger wrote on his site that when he visits Korea, he sometimes wants to get a regular massage, but he doesn’t know how to distinguish between a real one and one with a little extra, and sarcastically notes that he’s afraid that even if he asks at the hotel desk, a young lady will enter his room.

In fact, in neighborhoods where there are a lot of these sorts of places, it’s not hard to find signs that the Japanese have been there. Mr. Choe (60), a taxi driver the reporter met in Yeoksam-dong in Gangnam, said over the last month, he’s picked up Japanese tourists about three times, and all three times, he brought them to a place of prostitution. Mr. Lee, who drives a fancier taxi in Gangnam’s Tehran-no area, said not so long ago, he picked up a Japanese carrying an Internet map. When he got to the location, it was a massage parlor.

{ 20 comments… read them below or add one }
1 WangKon936 December 15, 2009 at 1:29 pm
The dark side of the cheaper won, I suppose.

2 Mizar5 December 15, 2009 at 1:34 pm
Hell, nothing wrong with that. The last time I heard Korea called a “paradise” was when a Korean friend of mine referred to it as a “theif’s paradise.”

Paradise, by the way, was the name of my favorate massage parlor in Kang Nam. Any real Korean on this site will know what I’m talking about.

3 dogbertt December 15, 2009 at 1:40 pm
Hmph … there are a ton of those places named “Paradise” in Seoul.

You’ll have to do better than that.

4 cmm December 15, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Before anyone says it, I want to remind you all that:

It’s the Japaness people’s fault that there are prostitutes in Korea. They foisted the institution upon the pure Korean race peoples.

I don’t know why the Japaness people would be surprised about this.

5 Sperwer December 15, 2009 at 3:30 pm
there are even many ad sites — which appear to have been opened by Koreans — to draw Japanese johns to the Land of the Morning Calm Moaning Clam.

Fixed it for you.

6 yuna December 15, 2009 at 3:39 pm
cmm, i don’t think that’s true. it’s not anyone’s fault. prostitutes exist. no one’s fault, especially not the japanese in this case..

if it was another sarc-ment, then could you up the quality a bit?
i think i speak for most people here when i say we possess a quality radar with a pre-filter for rubbish built in.

7 cmm December 15, 2009 at 4:00 pm
yuna, I know that you don’t like when I make fun of silly Korean prejudices against the Japanese, but come on doll, you know that 1) I like this place and the people, and 2) the ideas/prejudices that I roll my eyes at, well, deserve it.

The “sarc-ment” (nice portmanteau, btw) @4 is something that has been presented here dogmatically in the past, and that’s why I put it out there, to mock those who have said it in the past, before they can bring it up again. That’s how I’m upping the quality here, perhaps–to keep such rubbish from coming up again. You’re welcome.

Re “upping the quality” – feel free to skip all of my comments if they hurt your feelings or you find them offensive.

Re “the filter” – already taken care of. If my comment says “Japaness” instead of “Japanese,” assume I’m mocking one particular Korean-held anti-Japanese stereotype/blame-game-move or another, and cruise on by.

8 Koreansentry December 15, 2009 at 4:19 pm
Yup nothing wrong, Japan is also paradise for prostitutes any way. Now days entire world is prostitution paradise except for North Korea.

Japenis still travel for getting experience with Korean sluts, they think they are better than 2nd graded Japussies.

9 Mizar5 December 15, 2009 at 9:44 pm
yuna:”cmm, i don’t think that’s true. it’s not anyone’s fault. prostitutes exist. no one’s fault”

Take it from the horse’s mouth. See I am ingratiating. I didn’t say horse’s ass.

10 chiamattt December 15, 2009 at 10:59 pm
Ummmm North Korea has quite a bit of prostitution and gambling along the border with China.

11 Mizar5 December 15, 2009 at 11:03 pm
Koreansentry:”Yup nothing wrong, Japan is also paradise for prostitutes any way. Now days entire world is prostitution paradise except for North Korea.”

You’ve never been stateside. We’re still very backwards in that area. But Korea is much more progressive, as 1 in 5 Korean women, have worked in the “entertainment” industry according to one conservative estimate. Of course, you can’t pin that statistic on me because I am not a conservative. Take it out on Carr.

12 sumo294 December 16, 2009 at 2:19 am
The only reason why the States does not need as much prositution–is all the feminists who believe its their duty to suck dick as a retaliation against centuries of male opression–sigh–it is what it is.

13 mpblogger December 16, 2009 at 3:01 am
I have been to Korea before and prositution is a big business in such a tuff place to live.

14 WangKon936 December 16, 2009 at 3:57 am
I suppose Japanese men can get their jollies in the Philippines or Thailand for less… but Korea is only a two hour plan ride (ferry ride if it’s Pusan) and Korean women are a better facimile of what they have back home…

15 WangKon936 December 16, 2009 at 4:08 am
… and if Japanese men are anything like Korean men then they like whiter (or more melanin challenged) meat better…. that’s all I’m gonna say.

16 WangKon936 December 16, 2009 at 4:32 am
1 in 5 Korean women, have worked in the “entertainment” industry according to one conservative estimate.

For pure prostitution? I don’t buy it. But, if that includes room salons (which may or may not include sex), kissing rooms (usually does not include sex), noraebang hostess (usually does not include sex), bar girls (usually does not include sex) then I’d believe it.

17 Mizar5 December 16, 2009 at 5:01 am
Frankly, I don’t buy it either, especially as we can trace the source to some govt. statistics cited here at The Hole.

18 Koreansentry December 16, 2009 at 9:36 am
Mizar5 please provide the source for 1/5 women in Korea engaged in entertainment business, wasn’t pop artists and dancing consider entertainment as well?

Also, my dear Mizar5, have you experience with Chinsnatch, Koreslut or Japussy? I have. I think Japussy is little tighter due to their small ass.

19 dry December 16, 2009 at 12:41 pm
#11: Ah to be so young and naive…the states always pretend they are backwards in many shady practices, but the truth is that they are the masters. Truly.

#4: It was actually Professor Lankov that said that…

20 travelmandan July 30, 2012 at 1:22 pm
Prostitution is alive and well in Korea…but only the pink room girls…those for the pure Korean minjok are tested for AIDS…once one of those girls gets a positive on the anonymous test she always takes before the official one she drops out of the pink room and goes on to service all the foreigners…you really think the Koreans are upset about this ?? they’re laughing all the way to the hospital as those poor Jap guys wind up at the HIV clinic

oh and don’t think it’s just the japs that are targeted…the reason “entertainment” visas no longer have HIV requirement but E-2′s do is because the Koreans don’t care if the phllipinos brought in for the U.S. soldiers have AIDS or not…but they do care if the local white guy foreign teacher is giving AIDS to their local pussy..

welcome to Korea guys…^^

2009/12/16(水) 午後 4:27大韓民国・北朝鮮アジア情勢


リンク元:[Korea Still ‘Prostitution Paradise’: Japanese Internet]
by Robert Koehler on December 15, 2009
The Marmot's Hole


「警察が2009年ずっと‘売春との戦争’を行ったにもかかわらず日本の一部男性らの間で韓国は相変らず‘売春天国’で通じていた。 過去‘キーセン観光’という名を連ねて一部料亭と集娼村等に集まった日本の男性観光客らは、もう一度、遊興酒屋で酒と買春までなされるいわゆる‘フルサロン’でも退廃アンマ部屋、退廃マッサージショップ等で引き戻ったと伝えられる。


14日日本の大型インターネット ポータルサイトらで探した韓国の売春業者情報らは数えることができないほどであった。 ‘韓国’と売春関連単語を組み合わせて検索する時ごとに個人ブログはもちろん遊興店舗案内サイト,広告サイトらが大量に浮び上がった。 掲示物中にはさらにハングルで‘あんま’と表記したまま詳しい位置と利用方法まで紹介しておいたのも少なくなかった。

永登浦区、如意洞にある放送局裏路地の退廃アンマ部屋に行ってみたという日本人男性は“入口に入るやいなやフロントで17万ウォンを出して案内を受ける。 売春とマッサージを全部含んだ料金”と記録した。 また他の掲示物には詳しい業者位置はもちろん口にすることがきまり悪いほどの現場描写が載っていた。 この文の掲示者は“地下鉄2号線九宜駅付近に‘○○あんま’という所がある”として“18万ウォンを与えて22才女性と売春をしてマッサージはもちろんサウナと食事まで優遇されて出てきた”と書いていた。

こういう日本人たちを誘惑する韓国業者らの広告も堂々と上がってきている。 これらのサイトには韓国業者関係者の携帯電話番号、各コース別サービス内容と料金まで詳細に出ている。

ある日本人ブロガーは自身のブログで“韓国に行く時ごとに平凡なマッサージを受けてみたいと考えるが‘本当にマッサージ’と‘売春マッサージ’をどのように識別すれば良いのか疑問”としながら“ホテル フロントにお願いしても若いお嬢さんが入ってくるか恐ろしい”と皮肉った。

実際売春業者密集地域では日本人たちが寄って行った跡を簡単に探してみることができる。 13日午後江南区、駅三洞で会ったタクシー運転手崔某(60)氏は“最近一月間3回も日本人観光客を乗せたがみな売春業者に行った”と話した。 江南テヘラン路で会った模範タクシー運転手李某氏も“この前インターネット地図を持って乗った日本人たちを乗せたが到着してみると退廃アンマ部屋だった”と舌を巻いた。」

The Munhwa Ilbo reports that despite the police’s 2009 “war on prostitution,” some Japanese men still regard Korea as a “paradise for prostitution.”

Male Japanese tourists, who once flocked to yojeong and red-light districts in the age of “gisaeng tourism,” are now reportedly heading to “full-salons” and massage parlors.

At one website frequented by Japanese, there are tons of user reviews of bawdy houses throughout Korea, and there are even many ad sites — which appear to have been opened by Koreans — to draw Japanese johns to the Land of the Morning Calm.

On Monday, info on Korean houses of ill-repute was so plentiful at a major Japanese portal site that you couldn’t count it. Every time you ran a search for “Korea” and prostitution-related words, you got a ton of personal blogs, entertainment establishment info sites and ad sites. There were even many sites with the word “anma” (massage), written in hangeul, with detailed info on locations and how to use said facilities.

One Japanese man who had visited a massage parlor in a back alley behind a broadcast company in Yeouido wrote, “You pay 170,000 won at the front desk when you enter and are brought inside. The fee includes sex and a massage.” Another post had the location of the business and, as the Munhwa Ilbo puts it, descriptions that are embarrassing to even say. The poster said, “There’s a massage parlor near Guui Station, Line 2… I paid 180,000 won and had sex with a 22-year-old girl, got a massage, sauna and even dinner.”

There are even ads popping up luring Japanese to Korean establishments. On these sites are the phone numbers of establishments and “course” and price info.

One Japanese blogger wrote on his site that when he visits Korea, he sometimes wants to get a regular massage, but he doesn’t know how to distinguish between a real one and one with a little extra, and sarcastically notes that he’s afraid that even if he asks at the hotel desk, a young lady will enter his room.

In fact, in neighborhoods where there are a lot of these sorts of places, it’s not hard to find signs that the Japanese have been there. Mr. Choe (60), a taxi driver the reporter met in Yeoksam-dong in Gangnam, said over the last month, he’s picked up Japanese tourists about three times, and all three times, he brought them to a place of prostitution. Mr. Lee, who drives a fancier taxi in Gangnam’s Tehran-no area, said not so long ago, he picked up a Japanese carrying an Internet map. When he got to the location, it was a massage parlor.
Dec 15 2009, 07:12 PM
Oh well...

As long as men are willing to pay, women are always willing to provide.

Even my Chinese-Canadian friends are asking about places in Korea too. It's not only Japan that considers Korea as such.
Dec 15 2009, 07:31 PM
Japanese men are notorious for going around East/SE asia to be "johns"

It is economic disparity. Japan is still the only highly economically developed Asian nation (Singapore/HK are considered more like city-states and even then HK is now a part of china) with a nominal GDP per capita of roughly almost $40,000 compared to south korea's roughly $15,000
Dec 15 2009, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (WoahZtong @ Dec 15 2009, 04:31 PM)
Japanese men are notorious for going around East/SE asia to be "johns"

It is economic disparity. Japan is still the only highly economically developed Asian nation (Singapore/HK are considered more like city-states and even then HK is now a part of china) with a nominal GDP per capita of roughly almost $40,000 compared to south korea's roughly $15,000

Actually, its more like $38000 for Japan and $19000 for South Korea in nominal GDP per capita... but whose counting?? lol.

And yes, Korean prostitution is a major problem... unfortunately, its embedded in Korean culture so it will be hard to terminate the problem..
Dec 15 2009, 09:04 PM
Japan is the true paradise of prostitution. It's the only country that you can see the prostitution ads in the public telephone booths. Japanese men are especially crazy about the women in school uniforms. Many of the brothels in the South East Asia are run by Japanese Yakuzas. Also, besides westerners, they are number 1 child sex abusers in Asia.
Dec 15 2009, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 15 2009, 09:04 PM)
Japan is the true paradise of prostitution. It's the only country that you can see the prostitution ads in the public telephone booths. Japanese men are especially crazy about the women in school uniforms. Many of the brothels in the South East Asia are run by Japanese Yakuzas. Also, besides westerners, they are number 1 child sex abusers in Asia.

seriously??? Im suprised that Yakuza themselves don't get kidnapped for ransom in SEAsia. There are some places in SEAsia where even the Yakuza won't dare go.

Im suprised that prostitution even exists in South Korea
Dec 15 2009, 11:02 PM
Of course, it exists in Korea and also everywhere in the world. In America, they call it 'escort'. "Escort' doesn't mean the girls that you hired takes you to church for Sunday worship. lol

Amsterdam has famous red light district and Bangkok has Patpong. In Japan, it has been a long tradition for teenager girls sell their body to buy fancy jewelries or accessories. Because of internet sites such as Craigslist, you don't even need to go brothels nowadays and most of times, they don't use old fashion word 'prostitution' any more.
Dec 15 2009, 11:10 PM
This is such an embarrassment for my country.

I can't believe twenty years after the bubble burst, after all these years of recession Japanese business men are still hiring prostitutes in foreign countries. Where the hell is the money coming from? Stick your D!cks back in your pants, roll up your sleeves and get the Nation Rolling again!
Dec 15 2009, 11:17 PM
QUOTE (chiuchimu @ Dec 16 2009, 12:10 AM)
This is such an embarrassment for my country.

I can't believe twenty years after the bubble burst, after all these years of recession Japanese business men are still hiring prostitutes in foreign countries. Where the hell is the money coming from? Stick your D!cks back in your pants, roll up your sleeves and get the Nation Rolling again!

Actually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.
Dec 15 2009, 11:27 PM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 15 2009, 11:17 PM)
Actually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.

It looks very obvious to see white guys in thailand with prostitutes but actually something like 80% of prostitution in thailand involves thai or any other east/southeast asian dudes.

the reason prostitution seems less obvious when it's between a thai lady and a thai man (or any other East/Southeast asian dude) is because most people just assume they're a couple. but usually when thais see a local with a white man they'll just assume she's a prostitute. even the thai middle class and upper class women distinctly avoid white dudes because the moment she walk with one her perception go from a. upper crust thai women to b. prostitute and her family and employer can cause major economical/social ramifications.

usually there are two main groups of prostitution in thailand:
1. ladies who service mainly western men. they'll service a thai/east/southeast asian man too but usually those guys go for group:
2. ladies who service only thai/east/southeast asian men. usually these prostitute are regarded as the best looking.

Godammit now i'm sounding like some pimp. man I'm Thai, we really gotta do something about our reputation eek. i can empathize why laos/cambodian sometimes say to us 'we may be poor but at least we have souls (or buddhist equivalent of that phrase)'
Dec 15 2009, 11:46 PM
I read you can buy an 18 year old north korean girl for $2000 - $3000 near chinese-north korean boarder.
Dec 16 2009, 01:52 AM
QUOTE (blackosama @ Dec 15 2009, 11:46 PM)
I read you can buy an 18 year old north korean girl for $2000 - $3000 near chinese-north korean boarder.

That's sad. Something has to be done about North Korea. The people there have been suffering for a long time.
Dec 16 2009, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (chiuchimu @ Dec 16 2009, 01:52 AM)
That's sad. Something has to be done about North Korea. The people there have been suffering for a long time.

the casualties will be very severe
Dec 16 2009, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 16 2009, 12:17 AM)
Actually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.

Myth. Read this book.
Dec 16 2009, 02:30 AM
QUOTE (blackbooks @ Dec 16 2009, 03:22 AM)
Myth. Read this book.

That doesnt state anything unless u show us what that books asserts. And ive seen statistics that Australia supplies 10 percent of the Thai sex industry. Doesnt sound like a myth to me.

How is the culture of Korea entrenched in prostitutyion? Explain please...
Dec 16 2009, 02:35 AM
Japanese internet will provide more for the anti-Korean Japanese to talk about, while making the Japanese men want to visit Korea.
Dec 16 2009, 02:37 AM
QUOTE (Cha @ Dec 16 2009, 03:35 AM)
Japanese internet will provide more for the anti-Korean Japanese to talk about, while making the Japanese men want to visit Korea.

Dec 16 2009, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 02:30 AM)
That doesnt state anything unless u show us what that books asserts. And ive seen statistics that Australia supplies 10 percent of the Thai sex industry. Doesnt sound like a myth to me.

How is the culture of Korea entrenched in prostitutyion? Explain please...

Read the book. The Asian sex industry exists largely for Asian male consumption. I'm not claiming that the industry doesn't have Western consumers, but they dont keep the system spinning.

I didn't say that Korean culture is entrenched in prostitution. What prostitution that exists there, is by a very large margin, aimed at rich Korean and Japanese males, not Western males.
Dec 16 2009, 02:56 AM
QUOTE (blackbooks @ Dec 16 2009, 02:51 AM)
Read the book. The Asian sex industry exists largely for Asian male consumption. I'm not claiming that the industry doesn't have Western consumers, but they dont keep the system spinning.

I didn't say that Korean culture is entrenched in prostitution. What prostitution that exists there, is by a very large margin, aimed at rich Korean and Japanese males, not Western males.

No CHan Ho said it was entrenched/

Arnt u glad KOrea will never be like this? u gotta click on his recent activity videos.

I shudder to think what price the Thai people have put on thier soul for a few bucks. Let us not give white people an inche. Not even an inche. THis is what they will do.
Dec 16 2009, 04:33 AM
Fact: Yakuza is run by Zainichi Koreans.
Dec 16 2009, 04:41 AM
Fact: Most Japanese have Korean ancestors.
Dec 16 2009, 04:47 AM
QUOTE (ryuji_yamamoto @ Dec 16 2009, 10:33 AM)
Fact: Yakuza is run by Zainichi Koreans.

Fact: Joppori blame all their problems on koreans. Remember the Great Kanto Earthquake? You Japanese murdered 6000 koreans YOU brought into your country.
They were completely innocent.

Dec 16 2009, 04:47 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 02:56 AM)
No CHan Ho said it was entrenched/

Arnt u glad KOrea will never be like this? u gotta click on his recent activity videos.

I shudder to think what price the Thai people have put on thier soul for a few bucks. Let us not give white people an inche. Not even an inche. THis is what they will do.

why the h3ll do the thai put up with that. I think all us asian countries should band together to get rid of prostitution in Asia
Dec 16 2009, 05:20 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 03:56 AM)
Let us not give white people an inche. Not even an inche. THis is what they will do.

Yippee, round # 1251 of blame the whitey.

Listen, you could take every honkey in Asia, put them up against a wall and shoot them and there would still be a massive idustry of trafficking and exploitation of women on the continent. The status of women in Asian societies needs to be looked at. Most countries are massively patriarchal, where feminism and womens issues barely get a look in. The vast majority of women in the industry are trafficked by Asian men and used for sex by Asian men. It's disingenuous and plain dishonest to blame whitey for a problem that wasn't created by them, and by in large isn't fuelled by them. You can rightly point at Pattaya and Phuket in Thailand, but then that leaves the literally millions of cities and towns in Asia where this is a problem. You can bash Westerners on this issue for the next hundred years and it wouldn't change a thing unless you look at the fundamental issues
Dec 16 2009, 05:29 AM
QUOTE (blackbooks @ Dec 16 2009, 05:20 AM)
Yippee, round # 1251 of blame the whitey.

Listen, you could take every honkey in Asia, put them up against a wall and shoot them and there would still be a massive idustry of trafficking and exploitation of women on the continent. The status of women in Asian societies needs to be looked at. Most countries are massively patriarchal, where feminism and womens issues barely get a look in. The vast majority of women in the industry are trafficked by Asian men and used for sex by Asian men. It's disingenuous and plain dishonest to blame whitey for a problem that wasn't created by them, and by in large isn't fuelled by them. You can rightly point at Pattaya and Phuket in Thailand, but then that leaves the literally millions of cities and towns in Asia where this is a problem. You can bash Westerners on this issue for the next hundred years and it wouldn't change a thing unless you look at the fundamental issues

Are you white?
Dec 16 2009, 05:35 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 06:29 AM)
Are you white?

Ah, the old evaluation of a persons opinion through the paradigm of race again. Just take what I said on merit please, If you disagree with it, fine. But play the ball, not the man.
Dec 16 2009, 05:38 AM
Dec 16 2009, 05:40 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 06:38 AM)
Your white. STFU whitey!

emmmm make me?

You're Asian, congratulations.
Dec 16 2009, 05:42 AM
QUOTE (blackbooks @ Dec 16 2009, 06:40 AM)
emmmm make me?

You're Asian, congratulations.

lol it makes sense u would turn the whole thing around and blame the asian male, and the asian people for thier dilemma. Gtfo, you lost all cred. Asians will critisize asians not the white fu-k. Wtf are you even doing here>?> looking for some self laothing yellow poontang? Gtfo.
Dec 16 2009, 05:49 AM
QUOTE (HyperBodyDK @ Dec 16 2009, 06:42 AM)
lol it makes sense u would turn the whole thing around and blame the asian male, and the asian people for thier dilemma. Gtfo, you lost all cred. Asians will critisize asians not the white fu-k. Wtf are you even doing here>?> looking for some self laothing yellow poontang? Gtfo.

Cred??? You think you have cred???

Well, you think you have a right to wildy and often criticize Western nations and peoples for all your problems and Asian societal ills. I thought it would help if I gave a bit of considered balance to the thread. I love the self loathing poontang comment, shows you up for the misogynist you are, and how much you care about Asian female issues.

Gtfo? No.
Dec 16 2009, 08:17 AM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 16 2009, 03:17 AM)
Actually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.
+1 and I lol'd
Dec 16 2009, 08:52 AM
QUOTE (sks88 @ Dec 16 2009, 08:17 AM)
+1 and I lol'd

You sure about that? Done any reading on the subject lately? Been to Thailand lately?

Plenty of Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese/Mainland Chinese men partaking in the sex industry there. And all those women are pimped by Thai's, often trafficked from Myanmar/Cambodia by who? I'll give you a clue, it's not Western men.

Not to mention Korea, where it's overwhelmingly Korean/Japanese men exploiting women and paying for intercourse.
Dec 16 2009, 10:39 AM
QUOTE (echo1o1 @ Dec 16 2009, 04:47 AM)
Fact: Joppori blame all their problems on koreans. Remember the Great Kanto Earthquake? You Japanese murdered 6000 koreans YOU brought into your country.

What the hell is a 'Joppori'? Are you just making sh!t up?

No ones blaming the Koreans for anything and the Earth quake was a natural event. What is this about 6000 murdered Koreans? Are you a nutcase trying to connect WW2 to this topic or the stupid remarks about Zainichi are Yakuza?

Stop trolling the Koreans. That remark has nothing to do with this topic and is totally a lie and was very insulting. your post had nothing to do with Korean Prostitution and Japanese Business men.

Stop flaming and keep to the topic.

Dec 16 2009, 11:24 AM
QUOTE (wala @ Dec 16 2009, 02:47 AM)
why the h3ll do the thai put up with that. I think all us asian countries should band together to get rid of prostitution in AsiaMakinf the country into a dry state like some mid east countries will go a long way to solving this problem.
Dec 16 2009, 11:36 AM
QUOTE (chiuchimu @ Dec 16 2009, 11:39 AM)
What the hell is a 'Joppori'? Are you just making sh!t up?

No ones blaming the Koreans for anything and the Earth quake was a natural event. What is this about 6000 murdered Koreans? Are you a nutcase trying to connect WW2 to this topic or the stupid remarks about Zainichi are Yakuza?

Stop trolling the Koreans. That remark has nothing to do with this topic and is totally a lie and was very insulting. your post had nothing to do with Korean Prostitution and Japanese Business men.

Stop flaming and keep to the topic.

Thank YOU. I agree most of your comments.

Unfortunately, what echo1to1 said was true. I don't think many Japanese are aware of that incident. After Kanto earthquake, a false rumor were spread that Koreans were pouring poison in the wells and Japanese thugs killed anyone who look like Koreans. Those people who pronounced Japanese word 'RIN-GO' instead of 'RING'O' for apple and anyone who has bulgy back of the head was all considered Korean. There were even some Japanese victims just because they look like Koreans. They were at the wrong time at the wrong places.

You know, people tend to be more vulnerable after natural disaster and they easily find someone/something to blame on. After Kanto earthquake, there were many people like Ryuji-Yamamoto and some ordinary Japanese people actually sallowed everything what these thugs said.

Dec 16 2009, 01:09 PM
QUOTE (chiuchimu @ Dec 16 2009, 10:39 AM)
What is this about 6000 murdered Koreans? Are you a nutcase trying to connect WW2 to this topic or the stupid remarks about Zainichi are Yakuza?

I think he's referring to the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan which killed thousands of people. Right after the disaster there was a rumor spread by the newspapers that the Koreans were looting, burning down buildings, and robbing people. They also accused Koreans of poisoning the wells. A mob of vigilantes formed to track down any Koreans (or anyone who sounded like Koreans or anyone who didn't pass the 'ethnic test' were brutally murdered).

Just curious to know, do the Japanese schools teach about the genocide of Koreans after this disaster, or does it even mention this in any of the text books in Japan?
Dec 16 2009, 02:22 PM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 16 2009, 11:36 AM)
Thank YOU. I agree most of your comments.

Unfortunately, what echo1to1 said was true. I don't think many Japanese are aware of that incident. After Kanto earthquake, a false rumor were spread that Koreans were pouring poison in the wells and Japanese thugs killed anyone who look like Koreans. Those people who pronounced Japanese word 'RIN-GO' instead of 'RING'O' for apple and anyone who has bulgy back of the head was all considered Korean. There were even some Japanese victims just because they look like Koreans. They were at the wrong time at the wrong places.

You know, people tend to be more vulnerable after natural disaster and they easily find someone/something to blame on. After Kanto earthquake, there were many people like Ryuji-Yamamoto and some ordinary Japanese people actually sallowed everything what these thugs said.

QUOTE (mytwocents @ Dec 16 2009, 01:09 PM)
I think he's referring to the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan which killed thousands of people. Right after the disaster there was a rumor spread by the newspapers that the Koreans were looting, burning down buildings, and robbing people. They also accused Koreans of poisoning the wells. A mob of vigilantes formed to track down any Koreans (or anyone who sounded like Koreans or anyone who didn't pass the 'ethnic test' were brutally murdered).

Just curious to know, do the Japanese schools teach about the genocide of Koreans after this disaster, or does it even mention this in any of the text books in Japan?

I just read about it. The massacre was a great tragedy. I didn't know about it( I came to America during my 4th grade) - I'm not sure if its taught in text books in Japan but it should be. People must learn from history so they don't make the same mistakes as their forefathers.

Still, I don't think that tragedy is relevant to this topic. All it's going to do is raise anger so, I think we should get back on topic.

Dec 16 2009, 02:29 PM
QUOTE (mytwocents @ Dec 16 2009, 01:09 PM)
I think he's referring to the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan which killed thousands of people. Right after the disaster there was a rumor spread by the newspapers that the Koreans were looting, burning down buildings, and robbing people. They also accused Koreans of poisoning the wells. A mob of vigilantes formed to track down any Koreans (or anyone who sounded like Koreans or anyone who didn't pass the 'ethnic test' were brutally murdered).

Just curious to know, do the Japanese schools teach about the genocide of Koreans after this disaster, or does it even mention this in any of the text books in Japan?

Wasn't just koreans that were killed btw... chinese , okinawans and japanese were killed too.

"Moreover, anyone mistakenly identified as Korean, such as Chinese, Okinawans, and Japanese speakers of some regional dialects, suffered the same fate. About 700 Chinese, mostly from Wenzhou were killed.[10] A monument about this was built 1993 in Wenzhou.[11]"
Dec 16 2009, 02:32 PM
QUOTE (afewminutesofyourlife @ Dec 16 2009, 02:29 PM)
Wasn't just koreans that were killed btw... chinese , okinawans and japanese were killed too.

"Moreover, anyone mistakenly identified as Korean, such as Chinese, Okinawans, and Japanese speakers of some regional dialects, suffered the same fate. About 700 Chinese, mostly from Wenzhou were killed.[10] A monument about this was built 1993 in Wenzhou.[11]"
Damn, didn't even know about that.

Learned something new today.
Dec 17 2009, 01:12 PM
Dec 17 2009, 06:25 PM
Not all Yakuzas are Korean Zainichi, Korean Yakuza is only No.3 in Japan, it's known that most prostitution/porn/girl bar businesses are run by Korean Yakuzas in Japan as other top Japanese yakuzas now moved up to Casino and real estate businesses.

Japanese male travelers are notorious for sex tourism even in Europe, America (inc. South America) and Asia.
Last survey conducted by Japanese suggested Japanese men are not satisfied with sex in Japan, perhaps this is why they needed to travel overseas for sex.

Korean women is well-known for one of beauties of Asia, this was why so many Chinese, Nomadic & even Japanese invaders preyed on Korean girls.
Many thousands of Korean girls have been kidnapped by Chinese, Mongolian, Tungus tribes and Japanese, now because of this these regions with close proximity with Korean peninsula have similar blood line. I've heard mt-DNA of NE Chinese, Japanese and even Mongolian are similar to Korean mt-DNA. lol

Some history on Japanese sex tourism

Another Japanese favorite destination: China;subcatid=76

South Korea Deleted From Sex Tour Destination List -- or is it?

Japan and South Korea are also one of these place where alot of human trafficking occurs, Filipinos, Russian, Central Asian, Mongolian, Eastern Europeans, Chinese and SE Asian girls have been illegally brought over to Japan/South Korea for sex Industry. Despite the heavy crack down, due to huge demands of foreign exotic girls it's growing at uncontrollably.

Btw, South Korean govt banned illegal prostitution, so many Korean prostitutes went overseas for work.
This is still the problem as today, South Korean govt turn blind eyes on this, another stupid Korean politicians at work.

Captain Corea
Dec 17 2009, 06:50 PM
QUOTE (rvsp @ Dec 15 2009, 11:17 PM)
Actually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.

Funny, because I saw many Asians trolling in the same way. In fact, living in Korea, I feel I am surrounded by Asians that pay for sex.

So, I'll ask, how did you arrive at your conclusion that whites are the biggest sex customers?
Dec 17 2009, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (Garengi @ Dec 17 2009, 06:25 PM)
Korean women is well-known for one of beauties of Asia, this was why so many Chinese, Nomadic & even Japanese invaders preyed on Korean girls.
Many thousands of Korean girls have been kidnapped by Chinese, Mongolian, Tungus tribes and Japanese, now because of this these regions with close proximity with Korean peninsula have similar blood line. I've heard mt-DNA of NE Chinese, Japanese and even Mongolian are similar to Korean mt-DNA. lol

Is it really well known? Cause I never heard of this before. Are you sure you aren't making it up?

Btw common sense points to the thought that, I don't think Mongolian people had the same taste in women as Chinese or Japanese.
Dec 17 2009, 09:21 PM
Peeps talkin out they asses.
I don't believe in no history.
It's time to NOT look at our founding fathers mistakes.

Why? because we aren't thinking for ourselves simply. The fu-k man. We need to think for our own self and make our own decisions.
Dec 20 2009, 11:52 PM
l ''Japan is the largest market for child pornography. Most of the arrests have been for posting the stuff on the net, a situation that is very bad,'' says Mayumi Moriyama, a member of the Diet and a leading advocate in the drive against the distribution of lewd materials on the World Wide Web. Activists say 80 percent of the world's child pornography disseminated over the Internet is produced in Japan.
Dec 22 2009, 07:19 AM
QUOTE (ensoninoue @ Dec 21 2009, 12:52 AM)
l ''Japan is the largest market for child pornography. Most of the arrests have been for posting the stuff on the net, a situation that is very bad,'' says Mayumi Moriyama, a member of the Diet and a leading advocate in the drive against the distribution of lewd materials on the World Wide Web. Activists say 80 percent of the world's child pornography disseminated over the Internet is produced in Japan.

90% of all prostitution arrests in LA are from South Koreans
Dec 22 2009, 07:31 AM
QUOTE (ryuji_yamamoto @ Dec 22 2009, 08:19 AM)
90% of all prostitution arrests in LA are from South Koreans

LoL that's more than 3 years old article.
So? In LA there is Korean town.
Dec 30 2009, 03:23 PM
disgusting behaviour

unfortunately whores like wonder girls and snsd are making korean women look like japanese women

japanese hentai and gravure is all over youtube
Dec 30 2009, 03:50 PM
[quoteActually, the biggest sex customers are European, Australian and American. If you go to Bangkok, those ugly fat bald guys walking with young, pretty, sexy looking girls are almost always WHITE.[/quote]

If you are Korean you are probably not even 19 yet which tells me you are probably still a virgin and your sexual frustration manifests itself in racism. It seems to be a common trend here.

Do your military service. Get a job in a Chaebol and get back to me. Korean men pay for sex too. You are obviously not old enough to realize it or either that you are from a small fishing village that lacks sexy bars/room salons/massage parlors on every corner block. I think it is the former.

And before you blame this phenomenon on the west, read a history book or two, Prostitution in Asia has been around long before the first Europeans set foot on the peninsula.

And there was another post about Korean women being preyed upon because they were the most beautiful. I love that way a nationalist spin was put on that.

The truth is Korean women were subject to many atrocities because Korea lost many of those conflicts. The zeitgeist was to rape and pillage any conquered territory. Korea just happened to be the country that lost on numerous occasions. If Mongolia was being ransacked by Korea or Japan, the women there would have been exploited as well. Not because they are the most beautiful. It is a reality of war. Read a book.
Jan 12 2010, 03:12 AM
QUOTE (blackbooks @ Dec 16 2009, 02:51 AM)
Read the book. The Asian sex industry exists largely for Asian male consumption. I'm not claiming that the industry doesn't have Western consumers, but they dont keep the system spinning.

I didn't say that Korean culture is entrenched in prostitution. What prostitution that exists there, is by a very large margin, aimed at rich Korean and Japanese males, not Western males.

Of course, just like how the American and European sex industries are largely for American and European male consumption.

But there definitely is a higher % of American/European "tourists" who travel to Asia for sex than there are Asian "tourists" who travel to the US or Europe for sex.

Also, the institutionalized prostitution that we see throughout much of Asia is a byproduct of the system that was put in place to service American GIs.

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