Wednesday, September 14, 2011

the dictionary of consolidated law in great Qing dynasty china

the statutory Dress code in the Qing Dynasty

by "the dictionary of consolidated law in great Qing dynasty" ,clothing of evolves and even royal families were worn as an officer had been strictly defined. Looking at his clothes, in what the person, family, title, class had become clear at a glance.

Formal Wear in court was called Cyanpao.
light yellow Cyanpao was allowed for only emperor,prince,empress or princess.
The morning of the Emperor Robe pattern was embroidered with dragon and bats, etc. the dragon have lucky for five nails, called "Dragon Robe"

Evolutions wore "Manpao" embroidered with "python,snake-like dragon with a nail".

Also in the official,vassals had to wear "補服" which robe was put embroidered saddlecloth.
the emperors robe was embroidered round pattern of dragons, civil official put  pattern of birds, military official put square embroidery depicting the beasts.

In the attitude of the strictly dress code for official uniform,some crooks exploited them.  Because of that or not, to protect the identity system for the  imperial vertices, not allowed to wear the wrong robe,if someone mistake to wear,he would be given severe purge.





清代的服饰 1644年—1911年


蒼穹の昴 春児(余少群)の京劇

蒼穹の昴 蒼穹之昴op Sterope in blue welkin sky
by Jiro Asada

Late Qing (1622-1911) Mandarin square ranks and symbols

Mandarin squares were first authorised by the Ming Dynasty in 1368. Ming nobles wore their squares on full-cut red robes with the design stretching from side to side, completely covering the chest and back. This caused the badges to be slightly trapezoidal with the tops narrower than the bottom.


1. Qilin
2. Lion
3. Tiger - Leopard (after 1644)
4. Leopard - Tiger (after 1644)
5. Bear
6. Panther
7. Panther - Rhinoceros (after 1759
8. Rhinoceros
9. Sea Horse


1. Crane
2. Golden Pheasant
3. Peacock
4. Wild Goose
5. Silver Pheasant
6. Egret
7. Mandarin Duck
8. Quail
9. Paradise Flycatcher

The colour and shape of the finial indicated rank:royalty and nobility wore various numbers of pearls

1 officer of the first grade wore a red ball (originally a ruby)
2 second grade, solid red ball (originally coral)
3 third grade, translucent blue ball (originally sapphire)
4 fourth grade, solid blue ball
5 fifth grade, translucent white ball (originally crystal)
6 sixth grade, solid white ball (originally mother of pearl)
7 officers of the seventh to ninth grade wore gold or clear amber balls of varied designs




宮廷で着用する礼服は「朝袍(ちょうぽう) 」と呼ばれていた。明黄色の朝袍は皇帝、皇太后、皇后および皇貴妃のみが着用を許された。皇帝の朝袍には5本の爪を持つ龍やコウモリなどの吉祥文様が刺繍され、龍の服「龍袍(ろんぱお)」とも言われた。




頂戴に着ける宝石 文官補子の図柄 武官補子の図柄
一品官 紅寶石(ルビー) 仙鶴 麒麟
ニ品官 珊瑚 錦鶏(きんけい) 獅子
三品官 藍寶石(サファイア) 孔雀
四品官 青金石(ラピスラズリ) 雲雁
五品官 水晶 はっかん(きじ科)
六品官 シャコ貝 鴛鴦(おしどり) 彪(ひょう:小さな虎)
七品官 素金 おおおしどり 犀牛
八品官 陰文鏤金花 うずら 犀牛
九品官 陽文鏤金花 練雀 海馬


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