Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ahn Eak-tai was a Pro-Japanese? 韓国歌「愛国歌」の作曲者に"親日疑惑"

Ahn Eak-tai

The composer of Korean anthem "Aegukga"  is alleged "pro-Japanese" considered changing the national anthem. furthermore the dubiety of copied with Manchukuo National Anthem.

raised up that the composer of Korean anthem "Aegukga" has been alleged "pro-Japanese" , to change the national anthem has been unconfirmed in part. Ahn Ik-tae, known as the author of the national anthem of Korea (1905-65), before the war, he composed the symphony honoring Manchukuo "Manchukuo" , conducted and played in the concert that commemorating the 10th anniversary founding of Manchu, it has became a problem that as "pro-Japanese, anti-national act to praise the Japanese imperialists".

"rake over the past" that the active condemnation against pro-Japanese in South Korean, what finally ranged nation. public media is confused now because such as the problem composer of anthem, cautious stance that need enough investigate.

However, it will be good news, looked to be a new point of controversy for  "liquidation of the past" by the postwar history of Korea, Pro north korea or critical Leftist.the doubt of pro-Japanese for departed saint is revealed from recently Korean music researcher discovered film as a record of the time in the German federal archives, contributed articles on the Korean music magazine.

According to the recording film, the concert was held at venues of the Berlin Philharmonic in 1942, Ahn Ik-tae conducted the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra and played his own making "Manchukuo". in the venue the large Japanese flag was raised from side to side with Manchuria flags.
In addition, in the important part of Symphony "Manchukuo",has been used
the part of "Korean Fantasia" which is Ahn Ik-tae's masterpiece work. in korean fantasia is incorporated the part of the melody as "Patriotic Song" which after would be the Korean national anthem. also its the target of criticism.

韓国歌「愛国歌」の作曲者に"親日疑惑" 国歌変更も検討。 しかも満州国国歌のパクリ

韓国の国歌である「愛国歌」の作曲者に"親日疑惑"が提起され、 一部では国歌変更まで取りざたされている。韓国国歌の作者として知られる安益泰(1905-65年)が戦前、満州国をたたえる交響曲「満州国」を作曲し、これを満州建国10周年の記念コンサートで演奏・指揮したことなどが「日本帝国主義をたたえる反民族的な親日行為だ」として問題になっているものだ。
韓国で活発な親日派糾弾の"過去ほじくり"がついに国歌にまで及んだものだが、 問題が国歌の作曲者だけにマスコミなど世論は今のところ戸惑い半分で、 「十分な調査が必要」と慎重な姿勢だ。
ただ、韓国の戦後史批判など"過去清算"に熱を上げている親北・左派勢力には 好材料で、新たな論争点になりそうだ。
記録フィルムによると、問題のコンサートは1942年、ベルリン・フィルハーモニーの演奏会場で開かれ、安益泰はベルリン放送楽団と合唱団を指揮して自作の「満州国」 を演奏した。会場には、満州国旗を左右にして大きな日章旗が掲げられていたという。
また、交響曲「満州国」の重要な部分には、後に韓国国歌になる「愛国歌」を盛り込んだ 安益泰の代表作「コリア・ファンタジー(韓国幻想曲)」の旋律の一部がそのまま使われ、 これも非難の対象になっている。

애국가 한국국가 愛國歌 韓國國歌 Aegukga  Koren national anthem

原文 [編集]
동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록
하느님이 보우하사 우리 나라 만세
무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세
남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 두른 듯
바람 서리 불변함은 우리 기상일세
가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 없이
밝은 달은 우리 가슴 일편단심일세
이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을 다하여
괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세

漢字ハングル混じり [編集]
東海물과 白頭山이 마르고 닳도록
하느님이 保佑하사 우리 나라 萬歲
無窮花 三千里 華麗江山
大韓사람 大韓으로 길이 保全하세
南山 위에 저 소나무 鐵甲을 두른 듯
바람 서리 不變함은 우리 氣像일세
가을 하늘 空豁한데 높고 구름 없이
밝은 달은 우리 가슴 一片丹心일세
이 氣像과 이 맘으로 忠誠을 다하여
괴로우나 즐거우나 나라 사랑하세

Until that day when
Mt. Baekdu's worn away
and the East Sea's waters run dry,
God (sky) protect and preserve our country!

Roses of Sharon and Three thousand Li
of splendid rivers and mountains full;
Great Korean people, To the Great Korean way
stay always true!

As the pine atop Namsan Peak stands firm,
unchanged through wind and frost,
as if wrapped in armour,
so shall our resilient spirit.

The Autumn skies are void and vast,
high and cloudless;
the bright moon is our heart,
undivided and true.

With this spirit and this mind,
let us give all loyalty,
in suffering or in joy,
to the country's love

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