Sunday, December 2, 2012

Real "So far from the Bamboo Grove"

Real "So far from the Bamboo Grove"
Koreans have been insisting "So far from the bamboo grove"is full of lies.
Here is Futsukaichi clinic report dated 1946 June 10.
Futsukaichi (abortion) clinic was made specially for Japanese refugees who were raped in Korea and China after WWII near Hakata port.

二日市保養所医務主任 橋爪将

悲惨ナル環境二於テ不幸ノ辛酸ヲ背負イ、過去ノ悪夢二怯エナガラ憔悴シ入所セル婦人モ温泉地ノ快適ナル生活環境ト内地風物二接スル安堵ト、 将来二対スル希望等、所内生活ヲ楽シミツツ療養二励ミタル後苦悩ヨリ開放セラレ、振返リ振返リ退所スル嬉々タル状景二接スルトキ此等婦人二対シ将来ノ幸福ヲ切願スル感慨二耽ラザルヲ得ズ。


一般二本所二送ラルル患者ノ過半数ハ博多埠頭ヨリ直接或ハ博多聖福寺臨時救護所ヲ経テ送ラルル者ニシテ、 一度帰郷後訪ルル数少キモ、最近直接本所二来リ入院ヲ希望シ来ルモノ逐次増加シツツアリ。
台湾比島各一ハ何レモ一旦帰郷后身体ノ異常二 気付キ、新聞紙上二於テ本所ヲ識リ訪レタルモノナリ。


According to the report

Classifing rape cases according to districts
North Korea 24
South Kore 14
Manchuria 4
North China 3

28 cases were commited by Koreans
8 cases were commited by Russians
6cases were commited by Chinese
3 cases were commited by Americans
1 case was commited by Taiwanese
1 case was commited by Phillippino
(The victims in Taiwan and Phillippin visited the clinic from their home from Japan so the report didn't count in the classifing rape cases according to districts.)


The full text can be read on 水子の譜

Koreans want to cover up bad side of their history

Koreans want to cover up bad side of their history

School board to vote on Korea book
By Lisa Kocian, Globe Staff | December 31, 2006

The Dover-Sherborn Regional School Committee is poised to vote Tuesday night on whether "So Far From the Bamboo Grove," a book that has sparked a fiery debate in town, should be studied by sixth-graders.
The committee will meet to discuss the book for the first time since November, when a panel composed mostly of teachers and administrators recommended removing the book from the sixth-grade curriculum.
The panel reviewed the book, which tells the story of a Japanese family fleeing Korea at the end of World War II, after about a dozen parents complained that it was unfair in its portrayal of Koreans and too graphic for 11- and 12-year olds.

"If it was a perfect world, I would like to see us vote on it in January," said School Committee chairwoman Ellen Williamson . She said a vote was possible but she didn't know whether her fellow members felt they had enough information to vote.

Even if removed from the curriculum, the award-winning book, which has been taught in the district for 13 years, will remain in the school library.

Superintendent Perry Davis, who supported the panel's recommendation, said he was planning to work on a summary for the committee of the roughly 50 e-mails the school district has received about the book.Some parents who are critical of the book's place in the curriculum have said they might support moving the book to a higher grade level and teaching it with more context.

The "fictionalized autobiography" was written by Yoko Kawashima Watkins, whose family lived in Korea during the war while her father, a Japanese government official, worked in Manchuria.

After the war, Japanese citizens were forced out of Korea, which they had occupied for more than three decades. Many thousands of Koreans had been killed or wounded or drafted into forced labor during the occupation.

The story, told through the eyes of Watkins, who was 11 at the time, details her family's perilous journey. She, her sister, and her mother are hunted by Koreans because of her father's role in the government. In the book, the girl witnesses women being raped and sees people die. Returning to Japan, the mother dies, and the girl and her sister are left in desperate poverty.

The book is taught in middle schools across the state and country.

Watkins, who lives on Cape Cod, has visited several area schools to talk about the book.
The state lists Watkins among 60 authors who are recommended for grades 5 through 8, said Nate Mackinnon, a spokesman for the Department of Education. He said in a recent interview that school districts decide what authors to teach and are under no obligation to use the list provided by the state.

Watkins considers herself a peace activist and has said she apologizes for her government's actions when she meets with students. She also has defended her book, saying it's not biased against Koreans.

But Henry Jaung, father of a sixth-grader in the Dover-Sherborn schools, has argued that the book tells a one-sided story with no historical context.
He said it portrays Koreans as the villains without any reference to the wrongs committed against the Koreans by the Japanese occupiers. He also argued that the book's graphic content is inappropriate for such young children.

Koreans have taught inappropriate graphic contents of sex slaves to their children, haven't they?

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