
Monday, October 15, 2012



Yoshida Yūto 吉田雄兎 (b. 1913.10.15) is a Japanese Communist novelist and former soldier in the Imperial Japanese Army. This Commie bastard has published under a variety of pen names, including Yoshida Seiji 吉田清治, Yoshida Tōji 吉田東司 and Yoshida Eiji 吉田栄司 Yoshida Eiji.

He ran as a Japanese Communist Party candidate in the 1947 Shimonoseki city council elections, but was defeated.

Thirty years after the US mass murders at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this Commie scumbag, Yoshida, wrote "My War Crimes", which is the origin of the never-ending "Comfort Women" scam.

In a 1996 interview with the Shukan Shincho magazine, Yoshida confessed that his "war memoir" was a work of fiction; but this seems to have no affect on the scams it help launch.

Yoshida was stationed in Korea, then a colony of Japan, during World War II. In his fictitious "memoirs", he claimed that he had assisted police in kidnapping more than 2,000 women from various rural areas of the Korean peninsula to serve as "comfort women", or so-called "sex-slaves" for the Japanese Army (which included Japanese and Chinese soldiers.

In March, 1977, and in January, 1983, Yoshida fictitious memoirs about his fanciful exploits during the war were published in Japan. His 1983 fiction was translated and published in Korea in 1989.
吉田清治 [Yoshida Seiji], 『朝鮮人慰安婦と日本人』 [Korean Comfort Women and Japanese People], 新人物往来社 [Shin Jinbutsu Ōraisha], Mar1977.
吉田清治 [Yoshida Seiji], 『私の戦争犯罪―朝鮮人強制連行』 [My war crimes—the forced transport of Koreans], 三一書房 [San'ichi Shobō], 1983. (Translated into Korean as 吉田淸治 요시다세이지 [Yoshida Seiji], 《나는 조선사람을 이렇게 잡아갔다 -나의 전쟁범죄 고백》 [I Kidnapped Koreans In This Manner: A Confession of My War Crimes], 청계연구소 [Cheonggye Yeonguso], 1989.)

Yoshida's books and a subsequent 1991 interview have been credited with bringing about an apology to Korea by Japanese Foreign Affairs minister Kōno Yōhei. ["Abe and the Comfort Women", Chosun Ilbo, Seoul: 2007.03.06.]

Yoshida's lies were promoted by Kikes in The United State.

[Kike] Sanger, David E., "Japanese Veteran Presses Wartime-Brothel Issue", [The Kike's] New York Times, 1992.08.08.

As Yoshida's lies became more widely read, he began to attract suspicion.

Hata Ikuhiko, a historian at Takushoku University, pointed to inconsistencies between Yoshida's 1977 and 1983 memoirs, and concluded that Yoshida's claims were actually fabrications.

South Korean newspaper interviews with residents of Jeju Island, where the forced recruitment allegedly took place, found no one who admitted to remembering a sweep through a button factory -- one of the incidents that Yoshida detailed in his 1983 memoirs.

On May 29, 1996, the weekly magazine Shūkan Shinchō published remarks by Yoshida made to them in an interview, in which he admitted that portions of his work were a pack of lies.

He defended himself by stating that, "There is no profit in writing the truth in books. Hiding the facts and mixing them with your own assertions is something that newspapers do all the time too".

In June 2009, Lee Yong Hoon 李栄薫 이영훈, a professor of Seoul National University, argued that Yoshida's false testimonies have spread throughout Korean society as if they were true, causing Koreans to whinge and moan about how their precious women were abused by the Japanese. Lee also teaches that Koreans' knowledge about Korea under Japanese rule is mostly based on the inventions and lurid exaggerations of post-war Korean educators, who have taught Koreans to behave like "The Jews of Asia".

In fact, "Comfort Women" were just common Korean hookers, in the pay of the Japanese military; and if they were "sex-slaves", that is because the practice was common in Korea, with many Korean men buying and selling such women and girls

Seoul University Professor on Comfort Women & Japan Bashing

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