
Monday, January 27, 2014

Another voice lost, Korean 'comfort woman' dies By Ashley Fantz and Paul Armstrong, CNN

Hwang Kum Ju 黄錦周
黄錦周(ファン・クムジュ、황금주、1927年 -

Another voice lost, Korean 'comfort woman' dies
By Ashley Fantz and Paul Armstrong, CNN
January 27, 2014 -- Updated 0323 GMT (1123 HKT)
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Korean 'Comfort women' demand justice
Hwang Keum-ja died in South Korea, one of the dwindling number of "comfort women"
Japan forced 200,000 women into sex slavery to service WWII Japanese soldiers
Japan has formally apologized for atrocities against "comfort women"
(CNN) -- Another voice that could have told about the horrors of being a "comfort woman" -- a sex slave used by Japanese soldiers during World War II -- has fallen silent, according to South Korean authorities.
Hwang Keum-ja, 89, died of lung and respiratory disease at a hospital in Seoul Sunday.
Cho Yoon-sun, South Korea's Minister of Gender and Equality and Family, said she had been attempting to meet each of her country's surviving comfort women individually, but had not yet visited Hwang.
"My heart is aching as she died before I was able to meet her," she said in a statement, praising Hwang for her efforts to support others despite the hardships she faced, and vowing that her government would deliver greater support to other comfort women.
Japan forced about 200,000 women into sex slavery, luring them to "comfort stations" set up throughout East Asia by the Japanese military from 1932 until the end of the war, according to nonprofit advocacy group Washington Coalition for Comfort Women Issues. Mostly Korean, the women were lied to and told they would get jobs if they went to the brothels, the center says.
CNN has widely reported on the stories of the women. Many have said they were kidnapped. For resisting sex, some say, they were raped and beaten.
Read: Forgotten faces - Japan's 'comfort women'
'Comfort women' statue unveiled 'Comfort women' comments cause outrage 2012: Ignoring Japan's comfort women Justice for 'comfort women'
Hwang Keum-ja was forced to work at a glass factory at 13 and then sent to China to work as a sex slave at 16, South Korea's state news agency Yonhap reported. After Korea was freed from Japanese occupation in 1945, she went home and lived the rest of her life alone, the agency said. She worked as a garbage collector, but didn't make enough, so she had to rely on government subsidies.
It's unclear how, but she was able to make three donations to a scholarship fund totaling more than $92,000, which helped earn her an award for her generosity in 2011 in Korea, Yonhap said. Hwang's dying wish was that all her assets be donated to charity.
She had one adopted son, according to the ministry.
Japan's government has formally apologized on numerous occasions for the atrocities against comfort women. The country helped establish the Asian Women's Fund in 1995, which is supported by government funds and provides assistance to former comfort women.
But Japan has resisted direct payments to the victims, prompting activists and former comfort women to say leaders are avoiding officially acknowledging what happened.
In 2013, the mayor of Osaka, Japan, stirred fierce controversy when he told reporters that "anyone would understand" the role of "comfort women" when soldiers were risking their lives and deserved a "rest." Toru Hashimoto said the use of the women was "necessary."
Though he acknowledged the issue was a "tragic result of war," Hashimoto insisted that soldiers using the women wasn't unique to Japan.
Hashimoto also revealed that he told a U.S. military commander during a trip to a base on the island of Okinawa that U.S. personnel should "utilize more" the adult entertainment business in Japan.
South Korea has urged Japan to resolve the issue directly with victims, noting that time is running out because most of them are elderly and dying.
Hwang's death brings the total number of living South Korean victims of the comfort women sex slavery circuit in South Korea down to 55, 5 of whom live abroad.
Read: 60 years later, pain still fresh for 'comfort women'
CNN's KJ Kwon contributed to this report.

135: エキゾチックショートヘア(宮城県):2012/08/30(木) 11:28:05.01 ID:bZ1tutqX0

1938年・・・威鏡南道ハムン郡で女中をしていた時にその家の娘の身代わりとなって満州に 連行され慰安婦となる(④)
1941年・・・村の班長(日本人)に 「日本の軍需工場に行けば、お金がもうかる。 一家に一人は行かなくては」と
脅かされ、 奉公先の娘たちにかわって1941年、二十歳で国を離れましたが、ついた所は慰安所だった。
138: エキゾチックショートヘア(宮城県):2012/08/30(木) 11:29:20.13 ID:bZ1tutqX0
①元日本軍「慰安婦」の証言を聞く集会 1997年12月5日(金)福岡市
②朝日新聞 平成 七年七月二十四日夕刊
③伊藤孝司氏編著 「証言 従軍慰安婦女子勤労挺身隊」
⑧国連・経済社会理事会 クマラスワミ報告 1996年1月4日
96: コドコド(神奈川県):2012/08/30(木) 11:14:19.63 ID:1yKgyUaC0
115: スミロドン(関東・東海):2012/08/30(木) 11:21:43.92 ID:r4NgU6PdO
(via 15歳で連れて行かれた韓国元慰安婦「私以上の証拠がどこにある」 : ネトウヨにゅーす。)

1990/03/14 (Wed)
◆◆◆ 黄錦周(ファン・クムジュ) ◆◆◆

1922年、忠清南道扶餘に生まれる。1941年20歳の時、日本人の班長に「日本の軍需工場に行けば金が儲かる、一家で少なくとも1人は行かなくてはならない」と言われて奉公先の娘たちに代わって志願し、以降、吉林の慰安所で慰安婦を強いられる。(「証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち」より)



集合場所の駅で日本の軍人に引渡され、軍用列車にて満州の吉林に行く。(「証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち」より)



1992年の「従軍慰安婦と戦後補償」では「ソウルの金持ちの家で小間使いをして以来、ずっと、色々な家で子守、女中をしてきました」はずが、1993年の「証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち」では、夜学に通って休学していた情報が加わり、しかも、養父である崔(チェ)という人の妾の家と本妻の家の二つでのみで女中していたことになっています。



生まれた年 慰安婦にされた年
朝日新聞の記事(1995.7.24夕刊) 1922年 17歳(1938年か1939年)
伊藤孝司氏編著 「証言 従軍慰安婦女子勤労挺身隊」(風媒社、1992.8) 1927年 シンガポール陥落の年
------------- 以下、2007.4.22追加 ------------
上記、産経新聞には記載されていませんが「証言 従軍慰安婦女子勤労挺身隊」の記述によると同女が慰安婦をしていた期間は以下の通り約「15ヵ月」になり、「1942年4月」に騙されて慰安婦になったという記述と全く一致していません。(※3年4ヶ月にならなければおかしい))

吉林省(約8ヶ月) → サハリン(2、3ヶ月) → 吉林省(3、4ヶ月) → 終戦

また、下記資料の「写真記録 破られた沈黙」(以下「写真」)と「証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち」(以下「証言」)を比べると以下の通り内容が異なっています。

→ 5年も生年が変更されるなどありえないでしょう。

→ 具体的な大学名を出すとウソがばれるからやめたのでしょうか。

→ 大学を卒業して働いていたのが、卒業前に故郷に戻ってきて、しかも、日本でしていた仕事を朝鮮で行っていたことに変更されています。

→ 12歳と13歳の違いは、満年齢と数え年の違いでしょうが、生年に合わせて1934年のことになっています。

→ 何故か1年だけ、慰安婦になった年が早まっています。

→ 全く不明になっています。

・・・吉林省(約8ヶ月)  → サハリン(2、3ヶ月)  → 吉林省(3、4ヶ月)  → 終戦
・・・吉林省(期間不明) → 不明地(8、9ヶ月) → 吉林省(しばらくして) → 終戦
→ 慰安婦になった年も変更になったのですから、当然のことながら一致しません。「証言」では吉林省にいた期間が明記されていません。ヘタに細かく書くと矛盾がばれてしまいますから、賢いやり方と言えます。

------------- 以上、2007.4.22追加 ------------



年月 資料名等 著者 出版社
内 容 等
1992.4 元兵士たちの証言 従軍慰安婦 西野留美子 明石書店

1992.7 従軍慰安婦と戦後補償 高木健一 三一書房
1992.8 <証言>従軍慰安婦・女子勤労挺身隊 伊藤孝司 風媒社


1993.7 写真記録 破られた沈黙 -アジアの「従軍慰安婦」たち 伊藤孝司 風媒社


1993.10 証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち 韓国挺身隊問題対策協議会・挺身隊研究会編集 明石書店





ある日、移動する部隊があるので一緒に行きたい者はついて行ってもいいと言われました。~(中略)~トラックに乗って出発したのですが、吐き気がひどく外を見ることもできなかったので、どこをどのように行ったのかわかりません。船にも乗ったような気がします。軍人たちは私たちを慰安所に降ろしました。慰安所の建物は吉林の慰安所と似ていました。どこだったのかはわかりませんが、爆撃がひどくて夜は灯火することもできませんでした。~(中略)~八、九ヵ月ほどしたある日、軍人たちが吉林の方に後退する気配を察した私は、ひとり死にものぐるいで軍人たちの中に混ざってそこを出ました。そうしてもといた部隊に戻ったのです。満州に戻ってしばらくした頃、解放を迎えました。 (P.113)
1996.1.4 国連・経済社会理事会 クマラスワミ報告 ***** ****
1995.7.24 朝日新聞「元従軍慰安婦 黄錦周の世界 1」 ***** ****
1995.7.25 朝日新聞「元従軍慰安婦 黄錦周の世界 2」 ***** ****

1997.夏 日韓社会科教育交流団韓国を訪問 ***** ****
1997.12.5 元日本軍「慰安婦」の証言を聞く集会(福岡) ***** ****
2001.5.17 TBS「ここが変だよ日本人」 ***** ****
2001.7.17 黄錦周さんの証言を聞く会 東京大学にて ***** ****
2006.6 証言 未来への記憶 アジア「慰安婦」証言集Ⅰ 西野瑠美子・金富子編集 明石書店
(※管理人注:同書の内容は「証言 強制連行された朝鮮人軍慰安婦たち」を転載したもので内容は同じ)

keptic201 • 16 hours ago
RIP. Sorry that you were a victim of the worst that humanity has to offer. You didn't deserve it. Nobody does.
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Tsimbi skeptic201 • 16 hours ago
We really live in a protected society and a protected time compared to what much of the world has seen over the ages. As bad as we think it sometimes is here in the US, one simply has to go abroad or visit a history book to see the reality. The inhumanity of humans can be appalling.
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Aunt Rosy Tsimbi • 15 hours ago
You see the big pic. clearly.
Good for you.... unforgettably you are in the minority.
Be wonderful more people can see what you see.
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some guy Aunt Rosy • 12 hours ago
thank god nothing like that happens here in the states and that theres no such thing as human trafficking ... oh yea there is . its not a distant sort of event and some children that are missing are probably moved around and are forced to be "sex slaves"
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Book of Mormon some guy • 10 hours ago
if u dont think rape ever happens in war (in the past and present) you are naive.
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Annitte Book of Mormon • 10 hours ago
Rape happens. However creating brothels of children as a policy of the government to service soldiers isn't quite as common.
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Book of Mormon Annitte • 10 hours ago
16 is not a child.

stop trying to make it sound like they were raping babies
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Just Me Book of Mormon • 9 hours ago
Organised forced sexual relations is rape, whether you're over or under 16 is not the issue. The point is all this was organised at official levels, not just a rogue army commander "looking after" his men. These women didn't have a choice.
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Harry Hirsch Just Me • 9 hours ago
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Brett Book of Mormon • 8 hours ago
First line of the third paragraph should read "forced 200,000 women and children into sexual slavery". Middle schools were raided and girls sent abroad as sexual slaves... Fact
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popseal Book of Mormon • 9 hours ago
At the "rape of Nanking" living Chinese babies were tossed into the air and used for bayonet practice by the Japanese soldiers.
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Simsim popseal • 3 hours ago
I can understand you have the Japanese and that you would want to demonize them. But what you've posted sounds like the fertile imagination of someone who has an agenda.
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Pendy1 Book of Mormon • 5 hours ago
"16 is not a child."
Not to a Mormon. Just another "sister wife".
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Meg Hinley Book of Mormon • 5 hours ago
16 is not old enough to be without a parent or make adult decisions. So yes, 16 is a child, you hypocrite who obviously has no daughters.
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hohopig Book of Mormon • 7 hours ago
So you think that they are adult? Heck .. even if they are adult, they do NOT deserve such a fate.
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ricotorpe Book of Mormon • 7 hours ago
Stop splitting hairs that aren't there. What is your point? Any idea?
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Sonia Book of Mormon • 4 hours ago
16 is a child! In Korea in the 40s 16 was a child! If you had a 16 year old daughter forced into sex slavery, you'd know she was a child! I hope her son was a source of solace to her.
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Porscha Stuttgart Book of Mormon • 4 hours ago
Holy Book of Mormon! Why are you being on the defensive about it! I don't get it!
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Kat Anon Book of Mormon • 6 hours ago
12 is.
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Harry Hirsch Book of Mormon • 9 hours ago
google India!
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Aunt Rosy some guy • 12 hours ago
I'm not talking about either / or.
maybe you are.
the living is still pretty awesome here in the U.S.... compare to many other parts of th world.
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my2cents Aunt Rosy • 11 hours ago
Travel and see the world. The US is far from a rose-garden.
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Aunt Rosy my2cents • 10 hours ago
rose garden is in the eye of the beholder.
The U.S is pretty rosy in the eye of those immigrants (both legal and illegal) who come year after year.rosy.
I come from a big military family, grew up oversea.
My sister in law's family are originally from China.
I don't want to live in China.
I live part of year in AZ. 60 miles from the border of Mexico.
I don't want to live there either.
My old friends are originally from Pakistan. No Thank You.
The past two years husband and I went to India several times. Nope.
My half brother lives in Denmark. I visit.
don't want to live there.
Cousin lives / works in Singapore. been there several times. Great for visit. don't want o live there.
spent some time in Germany when mom in law lived there.Nope
Lived in the U.K back in the 90'.
enjoyed it while there. still visit from time to time. from here.
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Tarzan Lee Aunt Rosy • 7 hours ago
How about Taiwan? Great democracy, friendly people, nice food...
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Aunt Rosy Tarzan Lee • 7 hours ago
My father worked for the state department. we lived in Taipei during the Vietnam war. it was a life time ago. Taipei is very different today compare to 40 yrs. ago. I remember eating at the night markets... loved the food vendors.
The older I get (I'm a boomer) the less I can tolerate long distance flying. Told my old husband I'll just probably die in bed ... much easier for all concerned.
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Tarzan Lee Aunt Rosy • 7 hours ago
That was Shilin night market you mentioned. Come on, guess you are still young at heart. Come be my guest.
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Aunt Rosy Tarzan Lee • 7 hours ago
Hahaha... I will always be young at heart! You're right.
I can't remember the name of the night markets since we went to several over time. I liked all of them... home cooking and all.
Thank you for your invitation. That's very kind of you.
I appreciate it very much.
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delikadesa Aunt Rosy • 8 hours ago
rose garden....coz its neighboring mexico...try north..canada....
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Aunt Rosy delikadesa • 7 hours ago
too cold
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Harry Hirsch Aunt Rosy • 9 hours ago
No China,. No Mexico..of course....but whats wrong with Denmark, Singapore or Germany?
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Aunt Rosy Harry Hirsch • 9 hours ago
Denmark and Germany are too cold for me.
From L.A, it's 14 hr. to Tokyo then another 6 hr. to Singapore. Way too long to travel back and forth. Singapore is also one of the most expansive places to live in the world.
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Tim Aunt Rosy • 8 hours ago
And over-litigated, urbanized and non-remarkable.
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Aunt Rosy Tim • 7 hours ago
tight space. high population density.
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WebWhip my2cents • 10 hours ago
That's interesting. Where have you been that compared more favorably and what was your opinion of those places?
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Patricia Pelton Tsimbi • 15 hours ago
I appreciate your comments but disagree. The recent hostage situation in Ohio was more or less on par with their experience. My personal experience is that this happens all the time in the US. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it does not happen. We are not protected by any means.
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James Patricia Pelton • 15 hours ago
Does it really make sense to compare state sponsored sex-slavery for 200,000 women to a criminal who kidnaps and keeps as sex-slaves, 3 victims?

In reality, we are protected, by many means. I think your imagination is running away with itself.
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St8toutSEDC James • 15 hours ago
No, but human trafficking is a billion dollar industry and the 2nd most profitable form iof organized crime. Women, children and men are trafficked on US soil... Every single day. Passports taken and forced to work for free. ( Free labor or forced into sex industry) We are talking millions of victims. People have to stop being so naive.
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wjshelton St8toutSEDC • 12 hours ago
True, but in the US, it is neither state sanction nor state enforced, which was the case with the "Comfort Women". Both are horrible, but there is a difference when one is state sponsored on a large scale and the other is organized criminal activity.
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Larrt St8toutSEDC • 11 hours ago
I think this discussion is way over your head!
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Brian Munch St8toutSEDC • 9 hours ago
the key difference is it isnt state sponsored here..people are actively trying to stop it rather than organize and promote it
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James St8toutSEDC • 5 hours ago
Again, you're talking about organized crime. I know that human trafficking is a huge problem, although the scope at which you say it's occurring in America might be exaggerated.

That's a much better example than the Cleveland one, but it's still something being done secretly, against the law, rather than being openly sanctioned by a major world power.
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Rich_De James • 8 hours ago
Every major city in the US has AMPs - Asian massage parlors. Tulsa, Seattle, Houston, NYC, Miami, St. Louis, LA, etc., etc. The women who work there are immigrants who are forced into servitude to pay debts for expenses to bring them over, and they aren't providing massages.

Simply google asian massage parlor and any city you name and you will find this is true.
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James Rich_De • 5 hours ago
I don't think the two of you are getting the argument here, and I don't feel like re-writing it for the 4th time. Read everyone else's responses and you might figure it out for yourself.
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Rich_De James • 4 hours ago
I fully understand your argument, but you need to think about how many cities in the US have over 300,000 people, how many AMPs are in each of those cities, and how many women are in each of those AMPs. The numbers blow up quickly. According to a 1999 CIA paper, approx 50,000 women and children are trafficked annually in the US. So in four years, you've got your 200K.

And your argument based on a state sanctioned policy doesn't really hold up because that policy was 70 years ago during major world upheaval and a foreign government that has greatly changed since then. That's something you have to figure out for yourself, I guess.
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kasey413 Patricia Pelton • 14 hours ago
Patricia, really, you need a reality check. Although I feel for the women in Ohio, there is a huge difference between some nutcase kidnapping 3 women and the state sponsored kidnapping and rape of 200,000 women. You should give that a bit of thought.
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CASTEC kasey413 • 11 hours ago
exactly because the sex slave women had nobody to seek to help them, the govt was part of it!!
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Harry Hirsch CASTEC • 9 hours ago
really? of course was war ..all was the govts decision!
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hencheryjohn CASTEC • 8 hours ago
What were they going to do?...Call the Police?
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Busted hencheryjohn • 4 hours ago
I am the police ... What is your problem dude?
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Cory Stereo Patricia Pelton • 14 hours ago
"My personal experience is that this happens all the time in the US. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it does not happen."

This has got to be the most idi0tic thing I've read in some time.
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Bob Smith Cory Stereo • 13 hours ago
It is quite commonly reported that there are more people living under slavery in the world today than at any point in history, including when slavery was legal. And yes, some of those slaves are here in the United States. It just happens to be done under the radar. Brothels, for instance, where Asian and Hispanic women are trafficed from one place to the next exist in every big city in the US.
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Annitte Bob Smith • 10 hours ago
Different from it being the practice and policy of the government.. If a sex slave in the US goes to the police there is help. When a person is a sex slave of government that is a different thing.
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WenPap Bob Smith • 11 hours ago
Did you forget to mention white and black women ??
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hencheryjohn Cory Stereo • 12 hours ago
How So?
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sherri56 Patricia Pelton • 12 hours ago
Just wanted to pass along something. We think that these stories are all over the media. That it would be impossible for anyone to not have heard of them (ex. the Ohio captives) but I have a friend, who has a smartphone and internet etc. and had not heard of the Ohio story, until months later when I mentioned it. Did not know anything about it. So there are people who go around, live their lives, never listen to any news, never read a paper or news story online. It amazed me because this person is under 40, connected and yet had not heard of it happening.
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Bill Patricia Pelton • 11 hours ago
Not on an official and industrial level.

Get real.
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Larrt Patricia Pelton • 11 hours ago
You have no idea what you are comparing!
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cptdondo Tsimbi • 7 hours ago
Well, at the same time the US government was taking Americans of Japanese descent and forcibly removing them into concentration camps in remote and inhospitable parts of the US. The only difference is that they weren't raped as a matter of policy, but their lives were destroyed, their possessions taken, and they were held in inhuman conditions, surrounded by guard towers and barbed wire.

Go back in your own history. (Yes, I am an American, but one who understands the brutality of human history is not limited to "other than us", whoever "us" happens to be.)
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James Ball Tsimbi • 14 hours ago
So you're just going to pretend slavery didn't happen in this country? Or segregation? It doesn't get any more appalling and inhumane than that
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NotAmerican Tsimbi • 13 minutes ago
Things like this still exist. Not so long ago in Bosnia and nowdays in parts of Africa, Asia....
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mountainlady Tsimbi • 3 hours ago
Particularly in the casual attitude toward women mistreated in war as "just the way it is" and as "soldiers have their needs". Disgusting. Until the official Japanese position is one of grief, regret and a pledge that this will never happen again....anything they offer is useless.
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fan skeptic201 • 13 hours ago
Google Justice Pal, it will make your blood boil! He was the only international judge who found all Japanese war criminals not guilty during the tribunal. The Japanese built a memorial for him inside the Yasukuni shrine where Japanese war criminals are enshrined. This is ridiculous!
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Usmc8408 skeptic201 • 13 hours ago
Relax people, 'Skeptic' wasn't saying it's the worst thing to ever happen, he/she said is was part of the worst of things humanity does to "itself." In a list of the worst, this would be one. So chillax with the rebuttals and comparisons, my peeps! :)
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NotAmerican skeptic201 • 16 minutes ago
Many Japanese would disagree with you.

There is a genre of soldier rapist porn in Japan = japanese actors in
WW2 uniforms raping and torturing (presumably) non-japanese civilian
women (presumably japanese actresses). Aparently many Japanese are still
fascinated, excited and fantasise about such horrible practices. As far
as I know it is not banned. Quite revolting.
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Busted skeptic201 • 4 hours ago
Prostitution is a crime nonetheless.
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sports_medic • 15 hours ago
Germans were required to confront the crimes against humanity committed under Nazi Germany. Germans were forced to tour the camps and strict laws were put in place to hinder the rebirth of the Nazi party in Germany. Those responsible for war crimes are hunted down even several decades later.

We did not do the same in Japan. We did not conduct robust war crime trials like we did in Germany. We allowed the emperor to remain on the throne. Senior leaders were not held accountable and several of them still occupy high positions. These leaders lay wreaths to honor those who committed atrocities. Japanese textbooks gloss over their crimes against humanity, instead, blaming U.S. policy for making their actions inevitable and chastise the U.S. for how we ended the war. In Japan, there is no shame for what they did. Japan only feels shame that they lost the war.
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prin12 sports_medic • 10 hours ago
you can say its all in the past and japan has "formally apologized". But its not the past that is the problem but japans current attitude to history. An apology is something that is genuine. You don't say sorry, then deny what you did was wrong. This is the way of japanese politicians whom continue white wash their country's war atrocities, paying tributes to war criminals and claim that the use of comfort women were "necessary". This is not something that can be resolved with meager compensation. Until japan honestly faces up to its past, it will not get the respect from their neighbors they are seeking..
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NotAmerican prin12 • 19 minutes ago
There is a ganre of soldier rapist porn in Japan = japanese actors in WW2 uniforms raping and torturing (presumably) non-japanese civilian women (presumably japanese actresses). Aparently many Japanese are still fascinated, excited and fantasise about such horrible practices. As far as I know it is not banned. Quite revolting.
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WenPap sports_medic • 11 hours ago
Thats because in Japan it was " just women " that the crimes were committed against....In Germany men were also involved....
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Dark Night WenPap • 11 hours ago
Thousands of men were also used as medical experiments, while others were sent to slave labor in Russia, China, Indonesia, etc. Young men were recruited and sent to war by the same oppressors that ransacked their motherland. So I have no idea what you mean by "just women"
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Annitte Dark Night • 10 hours ago
I suspect they were referring to the Comfort women.
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Dark Night Annitte • 10 hours ago
I was referring to WenPap's comment listed above.
Quote "Thats because in Japan it was " just women " that the crimes were committed against....In Germany men were also involved..." end quote.
So is this guy saying that the Germans also had Comfort women, and Comfort men?
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Harry Hirsch Dark Night • 9 hours ago
but you have right? some 19 years old Chinese kid like you with a big mouth
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Dark Night Harry Hirsch • 8 hours ago

You should study your country history.
In those day, Korean could become commander of Japanese imperial military.
And, Most of policeman in korean peninsula were Korean man.
Officer of local goverment were also Korean.
How did we abduct Korean women ?
Then, did Korean man join to abduct Korean women ?
Of course, NO.
In fact, Japanese and "Korean" goverment admit that there are no witness.
Nobady saw that Japanese military abdducted Korean women.
Basically, Most of comfort women were Japanese women.
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justme55 2600zero • 8 hours ago
Do YOU know your history correctly? Is what is written in your history books the truth??
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2600zero justme55 • 7 hours ago
I understand that you doubt me.
but I don't tell the story based on a book.
I wrote the story based on many books and goverment documents.
Although there are few books in English, George Akita and Brandon Palmer who are American describe Korean's situation in those day.
Their book is neutral.
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justme55 2600zero • 7 hours ago
I question any books under the control of a government. Thanks for the information.
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Kang 2600zero • 9 hours ago
Wow~~~~ you are really logical person~~ I'm impressed!
I agree that lots Korean could be a commander, officer or policeman in Korean.
However, the head of Korea was Japanese, and they used the Korean people to rule Korean people efficiently. For exemple, they got a promotion when Korean did something good for Japan and Japanese. I admitted that this was the sad history for Korean but the force of Japan made Korean miserable.
However, Japan doesn't make any excuses for Korea and many countries, I think that this is really shame, isn't it~??
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sdk88 • 13 hours ago
You'll get a job if you go to the brothel? So they went? What did they think took place there? Gee, sounds wholesome, what a great opportunity!
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Fresh Sprinkles • 14 hours ago
So are we going to still be talking about this 70 years from now?
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Guest Fresh Sprinkles • 12 hours ago
"We" meaning women? If so, the answer is yes.
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Guest • 15 hours ago
We should look the other way because Japan is now our top ally in Asia and we all hate China.
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coolbreeez Guest • 15 hours ago
I'm wondering if you would've felt that way if it was your mother, grandmother, or even your sister that this had happened to?
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Jailin Rose coolbreeez • 14 hours ago
sounds like this hit a bit too close to home . . . sorry your mother was a ho
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Istenno Jailin Rose • 14 hours ago
no one truly loves you.
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Jailin Rose Istenno • 5 hours ago
Not since the comfort woman lady died . . . she loved me long time
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FoodStampChristian Guest • 15 hours ago
Because china has money and nukes and America is bankrupt?
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Liberal Bias Guest • 15 hours ago
Sarcastic? Unfortunately that's just how foreign policy goes these days.
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nick Guest • 15 hours ago
It's best not to be ally with people that are hated by the entire region, just look at all the problem Israel gotten us.
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jaareshiah • 10 hours ago
Over the past 100 years, there has been a steady moral degradation. Personal pleasure has replaced genuine love. And there was the rationalization that Korean women should serve as "comfort women" for the interests of Japanese soldiers before and during World War II, for "risking their lives and deserved a ' rest' ". It doesn't matter of the psychological and emotional damage done, as long it is in the interest of nationalism.

This selfish sexual arrangement causes such a measure of mental and emotional turmoil within a woman, having been repeatedly raped to satisfy the sexual lust of the Japanese soldiers, that many never recover, unable to effectively function as a woman or even as a person. Some dive into deep depression, substance abuse, paranoia or commit suicide. Their dignity has been lost. They are traumatized. At times, death seems to be more favorable than living with the pain.

Jesus identified that our time period, called the "last days", would especially be lacking love, agape love, love that seeks the interests of others ahead of itself. At Matthew 24:12, Jesus said that "because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will cool off."

This has come to pass, whereby even governments have been the promoter of this atrocity in order to fuel their soldiers selfish sexual desire and of course, nationalistic interests. That is why the Bible describes all human governments as a composite "wild beast" that does wicked things to their "prey", tearing them apart at will.(Rev 13:1, 2)

My wife was raped by her uncle when she was five, but her mother did not believe her. She was later sexually assaulted at 15 by a US military officer and then at 16 was raped by her father, who was a sergeant in the US army when he was drunk.(nearly 1/3 of women fighting the U.S. war in Iraq were raped by fellow soldiers) Right after our marriage, some 35 years ago, she began to show signs of emotional turmoil, crying in the middle of the night, that accelerated until she reached her later 30s.

At that time, she began showing signs of mental illness that eventually put her into 4 mental health hospitals in a 6 year period. Then some 3 1/2 years ago, at the age of 54, she suffered a complete paralyzation of her left side of her body, with me as her husband becoming a 24/7 caregiver.

All of this is a direct result, at least for her, of what rape can do. It can cause mental, emotional and physical damage of such magnitude, damage that only our Maker, Jehovah God, can repair, giving back a woman her dignity.(see Rev 21:3-5) Only He can remove the painful memories, and give her a perfect body on a paradise earth.(see Isa 65:17)
see more
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Alexishere jaareshiah • 10 hours ago
Unfortunately, not even "your maker" can remove the painful memories. As for her dignity, she never lost it :-) Make sure to tell her that every day.
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cotton jaareshiah • 10 hours ago
You bring up so many real issues and you seem to know the topic very well, but you are taking on such a defeatist attitude!! Thinking so negatively will not only hurt your own feelings but also anybody you talk with (including women who come to you or who you talk with about this topic).

Not that it isn't a massive problem whose severity needs to be brought to light and dealt with, but as Alexishere states, "As for her dignity, she never lost it." She can still be strong and proud -- as long as she allows herself to be! I hope she can learn to see that as well. ^_^
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Hannibal Lecter jaareshiah • 10 hours ago
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Guest • 13 hours ago
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Incredulous45 Guest • 13 hours ago
With many faults, just like the rest of the world.
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shironekojp • 12 hours ago
Why do CNN spread the lies of Comfort Women all the time? They are nothing more than prostitutes who applied for the job ads. Don't you know World War is ended in 1945. Why do attack against us even now? Are you crazy?
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lucyalways shironekojp • 9 hours ago
Why can't you face the truth and history. You are really the same with your past with your ambitious leader ABe.If you really want Indignation, you should know what is right history and then move on!
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hokkaidoboy • 12 hours ago
There's no concluding evidence on comfort women. However, the government of Japan has apologized over it after years of international pressure. But I ask again, what about the crime of communist China?
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Patrick Valdez hokkaidoboy • 12 hours ago
We're not talking about China, are we?
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lucyalways hokkaidoboy • 9 hours ago
Japan is always avoiding history!where is their logic?
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Chopper1 hokkaidoboy • 8 hours ago
What crime? The only crime is the bukkake you committed on your sister and her teenage friends butbtonyou nhips maybe it is not seen as crime?
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snakebite8 hokkaidoboy • 12 hours ago
Shhhh we owe them money.
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DM snakebite8 • 12 hours ago
A LOT of money.
Buy LOCAL. Support your own country.
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Jailin Rose • 14 hours ago
Me love her long time
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2600zero • 10 hours ago
Japan forced about 200,000 women into sex slavery?
Don't make me laugh!!
In those day, Korean could become commander of Japanese imperial military.
And, Most of policeman in korean peninsula were Korean man.
Officer of local goverment were also Korean.
How did we abduct Korean women ?
Then, did Korean man join to abduct Korean women ?
Of course, NO.
In fact, Japanese and "Korean" goverment admit that there are no witness.
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najania 2600zero • 10 hours ago
Can you read the article and understand what you are reading? There are reams of testimony by the surviving comfort women themselves as to how they were duped or forced into sexual slavery. And as Hosaka Masayasu, a Japanese historian of the Showa era, has pointed out, the Imperial Army and Japanese gov't destroyed any and all incriminating documents they could get their hands on before the arrival of the Occupation Forces, so claims about lack of documentary evidence are badly compromised, to say the least.
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2600zero najania • 9 hours ago
You don't trust Japanese goverment investigation also Korean historian investigation ?
Korean historians also admit there were no abduction by Japanese army.
Nobody including her family and neighbor saw that Japanese abducted Korean.
In the fist time, comfort women said in press that I was sold by "my parents".
This is very sad story. But Japanese women were also same conditions because Japan was poor.
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cotton 2600zero • 9 hours ago
look. it happened, and constant denial only brings Japan more negative attention globally.

every country makes bad mistakes sometimes. many of Japan's just happen to stem from the WWII era (same with the USA, to be honest; we did a LOT of awful things in WWII and post-WWII!). it's important to accept these issues for the sake of learning from them. we learn, we change, and through this we are able to improve global relations.
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2600zero cotton • 9 hours ago
I appreciate and understand your opinions.
Of course, We have already regreted and apologized to many asian nations, may times. But, we can't apologize that we didn't do thing.
Can you apologize that you didn't do thing ?
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cotton 2600zero • 6 hours ago
That's true. I think it's a little silly, too, since the people that caused problems in the first place are mostly dead or at least no longer a part of politics...

but I think it's kind of unavoidable because when you become a government official you are not representing just yourself but the whole history of your government. It would definitely be preferable if both sides could look forward and stop letting things in the past from preventing the development of a mutually amicable relationship.

I think within Korea, the image of Japan is steadily increasing. Many young people study abroad in Japan, and though they do suffer hardships or are singled out for being Korean, I think they in general are able to see through the barrier put up by both sides. There's still some clear stigma, and there are people who still dislike Japan even if they go there, but I think that is changing.

In Japan, too, I think the situation is changing for the better -- but it's more gradual. I have one Japanese friend who learned through studying abroad that this is just silly. He used to dislike Koreans a lot, but when studying abroad in the USA he met a lot of Korean people who were also studying abroad, and through that companionship he realized there was nothing inherently wrong with them. But still, I hear a lot of Japanese people, mostly elderly but some young people as well, who really dislike Koreans just as a rule.

And situations like the repeated visiting of Yasukuni Shrine (which is not exactly the fault of the Prime Minister, since he's pretty much obligated to go) just make this growth more difficult.

I don't know enough about it, so I can't say for sure; I just hope that the situation is able to improve mutually.
see more
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Kohyu Nishimura • 13 hours ago
Show me a clear evidence of sex-slavery.
Any propaganda will be defeated by the historical facts, as we all humankind had been watching the history.
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rebbebupkis Kohyu Nishimura • 12 hours ago
Again, read the Rape of Nanking. You're like a Holocaust denier (i.e., misinformed and in serious denial).
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T. Storm Kohyu Nishimura • 13 hours ago
Go read an Asian WWII history book.... It won't take you long to find the FACTS about it (Not your opinion).
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Phong Mach Kohyu Nishimura • 13 hours ago
You are an ignaramous.
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Guest Kohyu Nishimura • 12 hours ago
Do us all a favor and look up the definition of slavery. Slavery does not require a systematic nationwide "business." It is the act of subjugating another for labor without reward or freedom. It's not complicated. The commenter "rebbebupkis" is correct, you are like a Holocaust denier.
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Fresh Sprinkles • 14 hours ago
They lost the war, get over it. There is nothing more to do but get over it.
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Jailin Rose • 15 hours ago
Me love her long time :-(
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DM Jailin Rose • 15 hours ago
Not funny. Not necessary. These women were victims and your attempt at humour is completely lost on me. Why?
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Jailin Rose DM • 14 hours ago
She got started in 1940. If that's not a long time to love her, IDK what is. That's why I put a sadface up.
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DM Jailin Rose • 14 hours ago
Good thing you explained yourself. Many would think you were using an actual bigoted statement reflecting how media used to portray these women as if they were happy to be there. Wouldn't want you adding insult to injury.
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Jailin Rose DM • 5 hours ago
Nope, sadface
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FoodStampChristian • 15 hours ago
It looks like the Japanese Nazi invaded almost all Asian countries and the Pearl Harbor. Japan rocks!
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cebo • 12 hours ago
90 is like 378 in ho0ker years. What an amazingly long life.
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Jailin Rose • 15 hours ago
She love you long time
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Evolve123 Jailin Rose • 9 hours ago
Damn I didn't see that someone already said this before I said it... Sorry
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Pressure cooker • 16 hours ago
If she was pretty,I bet she got lots of tips.
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Aunt Rosy Pressure cooker • 16 hours ago
slave labor. no tips.
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unbeguiled • 6 hours ago
Two things seem pretty obvious .... she was a welfare cheat and most likely did not give up the worlds oldest profession ..... a real female role model????? .... "She worked as a garbage collector, but didn't make enough, so she had to rely on government subsidies. It's unclear how, but she was able to make three donations to a scholarship fund totaling more than $92,000"
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respectfully_disagree unbeguiled • 5 hours ago
You don't have a shred of evidence for that claim. Until you do, show some respect. This woman endured real hardship and pain at the hands of a cruel enemy. Cruelty that many of us will have the good fortune never to endure. Those two things don't seem obvious at all. unless you are privy to more information than the rest of us.
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reddfrog respectfully_disagree • 5 hours ago
unbeguiled thinks that being crude and disrespectful is cool. Too much Hollywood.
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Tinwoods reddfrog • 3 hours ago
It's absurd enough how often trolls blame "Hollywood" for all of the world's ills, but your claim here takes the cake,
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Liverpoolfc10 • 10 hours ago
It was a long time ago, the fighters were risking their lives... a little rape is fine given the circumstance. Get over it Korea..
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wrle Liverpoolfc10 • 9 hours ago
says the japanese.
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Sunandan K Liverpoolfc10 • 9 hours ago
Was your mommy or grand mum around back then?
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Liverpoolfc10 Sunandan K • 7 hours ago
My gran was, if she was fighting in the war and she needed to ride some bloke to distress i'm sure theyd understand
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Sunandan K Liverpoolfc10 • 7 hours ago
Am sure your Gran must have helped quite a few blokes release their stress. Good for you.
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Chopper1 Liverpoolfc10 • 8 hours ago
How's having sex with that corgis going over thre in Liverpool?
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rebbebupkis Liverpoolfc10 • 9 hours ago
Yes, Mr. Stalin.
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onaturalia • 16 hours ago
The US has pimps too. They pimp wherever there is a demand. I'm not sure what you can do about this. Paying off the victims isn't really a solution.
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Lucilletheguitar onaturalia • 16 hours ago
The government was the pimp in this case. They shouldn't have been forcing women of another country into being sex slaves.
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onaturalia Lucilletheguitar • 16 hours ago
Yes. It was a crime against humanity. I don't know why Korean's were involved. I guess the Korean's could not protect themselves.
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ss9221 onaturalia • 16 hours ago
just curious, what prompted you to "balance" out any analysis about Japan by saying what goes on here?
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onaturalia ss9221 • 16 hours ago
Because I see the same thing happening here. Young females being forced into prostitution because people can make money off them. This is all about money. It isn't about helping the war effort.
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ss9221 onaturalia • 16 hours ago
is our military doing that? have they set up joy divisions on a wide scale of 200k women?
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darrell01 • 10 hours ago
It was different times. Soldiers were stressed. They didn't have internet to entertain them.
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Aunt Rosy darrell01 • 9 hours ago
did you know Japaneses soldiers back then were some of the first Meth addicts/ Their military provided it to them so they needed less food / sleep and had more energy to fight.
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Haruko Minamoto • 3 hours ago
Nobody bother to question why there were no comfort women in other parts of Asia that Japanese occupied during WWII. If you want to know what "comfort women" are, watch the movie "Empire of the Sun."

This article's version is sensationalized propaganda.
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VNN Haruko Minamoto • 2 hours ago
above comment show the world how successful that Japanese government white wash the history and brainwash they people. This is dangerous sign to the world that the Japanese right wings are become majority. US must control tight your little brother to avoid them to be mad.
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maomao00118621 Haruko Minamoto • 25 minutes ago
there were comfort women all over asia under japanese occupation during ww2.Either you are brainwashed or trying to spread lies
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Alien Haruko Minamoto • an hour ago
Ah, 'Japanese' troll.
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VQuakr81 Haruko Minamoto • 2 hours ago
There were comfort women in other parts of Asia, dummy.
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Blade Haruko Minamoto • an hour ago
Can you be my comfort woman?
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Porscha Stuttgart • 4 hours ago
Who would have expected this from the Japanese? The most courteous, respect-filled and seemingly most peaceful people, to be around, on earth!
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Tinwoods Porscha Stuttgart • 3 hours ago
Are you not familiar with this little event of the 20-Century called World War 2?
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Pete Pumber • 2 hours ago
Did she die of STD?
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Mobileman Pete Pumber • an hour ago
yea one you gave her
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Blade Mobileman • an hour ago
i had an STD 3 times and got rid of it twice ....
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Pressure cooker • 16 hours ago
Did she ever say how many she handled ?
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Aunt Rosy Pressure cooker • 16 hours ago
why do you want to know?
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水果 • 2 hours ago
The shameless Japanese guy wants to eat bullets.
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socali • 6 hours ago
Nevermind Japan or Korea, when China starts invading other countries, they will implement the comfort woman program worse than the Japanese.
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DieEver socali • 4 hours ago
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reddfrog socali • 5 hours ago
I don't think the Chinese like Filipino women.
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maomao00118621 socali • 6 hours ago
fear monger
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Bill Clinton • 8 hours ago
Because they were Japanese men with their 1/2" peters wouldn't you have to be raped 12 times to equal once in the USA.
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reddfrog Bill Clinton • 5 hours ago
If it's a fat white guy, their big belly won't allow intercourse. The flab gets in the way.
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SemiahmooWR reddfrog • 3 hours ago
If it's a Chinese guy, they prefer prepubescent girls because they feel more powerful.
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Joereah Turner • 14 hours ago
God, please help us!
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countertrans • 15 hours ago
do you think giving comfort women to soldiers prevented rape? was that the thinking?
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MOM • 11 hours ago
This is just something that needed to be and it was humane to render comfort to the solders but should be under volunteer bases only . should not be raped ever .
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Grace MOM • 10 hours ago
Yes, the natural use of the woman. The term is in the bible. Look it up
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justme55 Grace • 8 hours ago
You better try reading more of the Bible. That is incorrect. Rape is not permitted.

Deuteronomy 22:25–27 (ESV)
25 “But if in the open country a man meets a young woman who is betrothed, and the man seizes her and lies with her, then only the man who lay with her shall die. 26 But you shall do nothing to the young woman; she has committed no offense punishable by death.
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TammyOfKS • 11 minutes ago
Had it been American soldiers, it would have been comfort children.
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FredUp • 5 hours ago
Japan’s abhorrent practice of enslaving women to provide sex for its troops in World War II has a little-known sequel: After its surrender, with approval from the U.S. occupation authorities, Japan set up a “comfort women” system for American GIs.
“Sadly, we police had to set up sexual comfort stations for the US occupation troops,” recounts the official history of the Ibaraki Prefectural Police Department. “The strategy was to create a breakwater to protect regular Japanese women and girls from being raped by GIs.” BBC
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HarpoMarx • 8 hours ago
Totally agree
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Kuri Matsumoto • 9 hours ago
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Redd Menace • 11 hours ago
If she was in a Seoul hospital, it seems she may have had time to tell her story if she wanted to.
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LeeMT • 14 hours ago
Can anyone tell me, what do Chinese call their fine dinner plates?
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Ajay LeeMT • 14 hours ago
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Peter LeeMT • 14 hours ago
The same thing they call their fine dinner forks.
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FoodStampChristian LeeMT • 14 hours ago
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jakkfrost • 15 hours ago
Genetically-modified purple tomatoes heading for shops real news

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countertrans • 15 hours ago
when will we learn that war is unnecessary and dangerous. Even now there are people who are planning to go for war with Iran, North korea, Syria etc. a countries defences should be limited to protecting their own land, aircraft carriers, long range bombers, long range missiles, wmd, are just things that are waiting to unleash catastrophic disasters to human.
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Joseph countertrans • 14 hours ago
If you want to believe that war is unnecessary, keep on believing that. . .and in a couple of generations your descendants will probably be speaking Arabic, or Chinese.

If we hadn't thought war was necessary in the 1940's we'd be speaking German now and live in a world which was judenfrei.

If we hadn't thought war was necessary in the 1860's, African Americans would still be chattel property in much of the US.

We live in a world filled with bad people, who want to do bad things to us. We have to be prepared for war to defend ourselves and stand up to protect others.
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seavegas • 15 hours ago
I stubbed my toe.
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Reuven • 16 hours ago
China need to be careful. Japan has a long one for them too.
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FoodStampChristian Reuven • 16 hours ago −
America is bankrupt as well.
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なるほど(納得、参考になった、ヘー) ブログ気持玉 1 / トラックバック 0 / コメント 0
『慰安婦 個人列伝』

division(division) / 作成時間 : 2010-09-11 14:36


生年月日 1922年扶餅生まれ(明石書店出版物)

略歴 (黄錦周婆さんの証言だけ)

1934年=父が病気になり薬代の借金の為に、ハムフン市の崔さんの家の女中になる (明石書店:証言・強制連行された朝鮮人慰安婦達)

1935年=14歳の時、いわゆる少女供出命令で満州に連行され、皇軍兵士の玩具にされた。 (2001年7月17日 東京大学での講演)

1936年=酷い扱いを受け、崔さんの妻の本家に移動する。借金は増えたが、学校に通わせてもらう (明石書店:証言・強制連行された朝鮮人慰安婦達)

1938年=日本人の村の指導者の妻が、未婚の朝鮮人女性全員を集め、日本の工場に働きに行くように命じた。私は労働者として徴用されたと思った。 (国連 経済社会理事会 クワマスワミ報告)

1938年=ハンフン市の女学校在学中に国民徴用令で動員された。軍需工場に行くと思ったが、着いた所は満州の吉林市の慰安所だった。 (1995年 朝日新聞)

1939年=ある日突然男達が村にやってきて、村から娘を供出すると言いました。 (1997年8月 日韓社会科教育交流団での講演)

1940年=女学校を卒業する25日前に、婚約者の家の庭で強制連行された。 (TBS:ここが変だよ日本人)



1995年7月24日 朝日新聞夕刊 

証言・強制連行された慰安婦達 明石書店

TBSテレビ ここが変だよ日本人 





mokmok (mokmok) 2010-09-11 14:38

division (division) 2010-09-11 14:39
mokmok>普通の韓国人だと思いますが。^^ 韓国人は反論して下さい。

개⑩(·∀·) (kechoding) 2010-09-11 14:40
(´・ω・) ここで何やら言ってしまえば、 韓国内で殺害されることもできるから、 言えない。

division (division) 2010-09-11 14:41

meiji (mhs2020) 2010-09-11 14:43
韓国人たちは精神に問題がいる 老人分をあまり苦しめるのではないか^^...

division (division) 2010-09-11 14:43

division (division) 2010-09-11 14:46

division (division) 2010-09-11 14:57
反論がないようなので 韓国人は黄錦周婆さんは嘘吐きと認めると認定します。^^

HONDA_CVIC (lumiere_AT) 2010-09-11 15:22


【参考:集団移入朝鮮人労務者数】 (日韓国交正常化交渉資料)

『自由募集: 1939.9~1942.2 148549人』
『官あっせん: 1949.2~1944.8 約32万人』 
『国民徴用: 1949.9~1945.4月頃 約20万人』


『(´・ω・) ここで何やら言ってしまえば、 韓国内で殺害されることもできるから、 言えない。』と言う韓国の人の発言がありました。もちろん殺害ということは無いでしょうが、他のサイトなどに「親日的発言をした」と広まったりする事はあるようです。

『頑張れ 李栄薫教授』でも紹介しましたが、韓国では「親日的発言」というのは一般の人でも結構大変なことのようです。

2007-09-08 18:14:40 | 歴史










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