
Sunday, December 25, 2011

the life of former comfort woman,Mun Ok-Ju part1/4 文玉珠문옥주(ムン・オクジュ)さんの人生

元 慰安婦 文玉珠(ムン・オクジュ)さんの人生
the life of former comfort woman, Ms.Mun Ok-Ju 문옥주

Ms.Mun Ok-Ju 文玉珠문옥주 went to Burma as comfort women (prostitutes served).later She lived in hardship, then she had very actively sued Japanese government what lawsuit  to require returning for postal savings.
Looking back from her life in Japanese interviews and records of the Allied Forces.
on this time, let's introducing her life until became a comfort women.

彼女は、その後、苦難の人生を歩み 日本政府を相手取り、郵便貯金の返還訴訟を起こすなど精力的に活動しました。

Well, the book is a collection of testimonies of comfort women.

伊藤孝司編著 『証言従軍慰安婦・女子勤労挺身隊』 風媒社、1992年
author Koji Ito "the testimony for Comfort women and girls working volunteer corps" in 1992

Until her life to be a comfort women.

About her upbringing, described as follows. (The summary part in blue)

she was born in Daegu rented house on 3 April 1924.
her parents worked, but they had no fixed job.
her father died at the age of eight, she was in very poor living.
she went to the private school at night, dropped out for three years because of poverty.
at the age of 10, she went to help working and worked washing and cleaning. she had worked it for five years.
later  (at 15 years old ) she worked at the hosiery factory. in socks factory,she worked for two to three years.

hearing from her Korean acquaintance that if you work in the distant dining room,you would make lucrative money,then she decided to go.
arriving at the boat ride, there was Rangoon in Burma. there she heard becoming a "comfort women" ,surprised and through crying day and night.
After reading the private memories, we would get be very sad to the poor girl who had been fooled by bad Koreans, and to be a comfort woman. even the sad era gave the tragedy but it was very painful accident.

Now, in her memoirs, entitled ""I was the" comfort women " on the shield division in front Burma"", has been published since 1996, also let's take a look at the description.

she went to Busan hearing from her fellows in Manchuria era there is lucrative work in the Japanese dining room.
ride and arrived at the boat was Rangoon in Buruma, she had heard that becoming to be a "comfort women" in there, but she was not surprised so much since she had imagined.

There is a discrepancy between in her two testimonies.

for times of 60 years, her memory seems to have somewhat confused.
Well, next time, i will report about her life in the comfort station.



1924年四月三日 大邱の借家に生まれる。父と母は働いていたが、決まった仕事は無かった。
私立の夜間学校に通っていたが、貧しかったので 3年で中退した。
10歳の時に お手伝いに行き 洗濯や掃除の手伝いをした。お手伝いの仕事は 5年間した。
そのあと(15歳) 靴下工場で働いた。靴下工場では、2から3年働いた。
その後 失業し家で暮らした。
顔見知りの韓国人に 遠い食堂で働けば、お金が儲かると言われ、行くことにした。
船に乗り 到着したのは ビルマのラングーンだった。そこで「慰安婦」になると聞き びっくりして 昼も夜も泣き通しだった。

さて、彼女の手記は、「ビルマ戦線 楯師団の「慰安婦」だった私」という題名で、96年刊行されていますので、そちらの記述も見てみましょう。

she was born in Daegu in 23 April 1924. her father was in Yanban family, he had rushed into independence movement.
her father had died of illness at the age of seven, her family became to be very poor.
at the age of 12, she went to Kyushu (Japan) from flattery invited by the manager of restraint in Omuta. she worked as an underservant,for six months later she backed to Korea.
she became an apprentice Kisen, she was intercepted by Japanese,Koreans military police guard and Korean detective on the street, and she was taken away to police box, and taken to Manchuria on train in the autumn of 16-year-old.
she was forced to work in brothels managed by Korean, but after one year (at 17 years old) ,she fled.
she worked as a Kisaeng even after returning home.

 1924年4月23日 大邱に生まれる。両班の家系であった父は、独立運動に奔走していた。
12歳の頃 大牟田の料理屋主の甘言に誘われ九州へ行く。下働きをしていたが半年で朝鮮へ帰る。
満州時代の仲間に 日本の食堂で働くと儲かると聞き 釜山へ行った。
船に乗り 到着したのは ビルマのラングーンだった。そこで「慰安婦」となると聞いたが、薄々察していたので 驚かなかった。



위안부가 될 때까지의 인생

그녀의 자라난 내력에 대해서, 이하의 도록(것같이) 말하고 있습니다. (파랑글자부분 그 요약)

1924년4월 사흘 대구(大邱)의 집을 빌림에 태어난다. 아버지와 어머니는 일하고 있었지만, 결정된 일은 없었다.
아버지는 8세의 때에 돌아가시고, 매우 가난한 생활이었다.
사립의 야간 학교에 다니고 있었지만, 가난했으므로 3년으로 중퇴했다.
10세의 때에 도움에 가 세탁이나 청소의 도왔다. 도움의 일은 5년간 했다.
그 후 (15세)양말공장에서 일했다. 양말공장에서는, 2로부터 3년 일했다.
그 후 실업해 집에서 살았다.
아는 사이의 한국인에게 먼 식당에서 일하면, 돈이 벌린다라고 말해져, 가기로 했다.
배를 타 도착한 것은 버마의 랑군(Rangoon)이었다. 거기에서 「위안부」가 된다고 들어 깜짝 놀라서 낮도 밤도 울어 통과이었다.
이 수기를 읽으면, 나쁜 한국인에게 속고, 위안부로 되어버린 소녀가 불쌍해집니다. 시대가 낳은 비극이라고는 해도 슬픈 사건입니다.

그런데, 그녀의 수기는, 「버마 전선방패사단의 「위안부」이었던 나」라고 하는 제목으로, 96년 간행되고 있으므로, 그쪽의 기술도 보아 봅시다.

1924년4월23일 대구(大邱)에 태어난다. 양반의 가계이었던 아버지는, 독립 운동에 분주하고 있었다.
아버지는 7세의 때에 병사하고, 매우 가난해졌다.
12세의 때 오무타(大牟田)의 음식점주인의 감언에 유혹되어 규슈(九州)에 간다. 허드렛일을 하고 있었지만 반년으로 조선에 돌아간다.
그리고, 기생 견습이 되었지만, 16세의 가을 노상에서 일본인과 조선인의 헌병, 조선인 형사에게 불러 세울 수 있어 대기소에 연행되어 열차로 만주에 데리고 가졌다.
조선인의 경영하는 위안소에서 활용되었지만, 1년후 (17세) 도망했다.
귀향하고나서도 기생으로서 일했다.
만주시대의 동료에게 일본의 식당에서 일하면 벌린다고 들어 부산(釜山)에 갔다.
배를 타 도착한 것은 버마의 랑군(Rangoon)이었다. 거기에서 「위안부」가 된다고 들었지만, 어렴풋이 헤아리고 있었으므로 놀라지 않았다.
2개의 증언의 소비해 차이가 있습니다.

60년의 세월로, 다소 기억이 혼란하고 있는 것 같습니다.

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