
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Japan Stands by Declaration on ‘Comfort Women’ By NORIMITSU ONISHI
Japan Stands by Declaration on ‘Comfort Women’

Published: March 16, 2007
TOKYO, March 16 — The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe repeated today that there was no evidence that the Japanese military had forcibly recruited women into sex slavery during World War II.

In a written statement endorsed by the Cabinet, the government referred to a study from the early 1990’s and said that “among the materials it discovered, it did not come across any that directly show that the military or authorities so-called forcibly led away” the women, known euphemistically as comfort women.

The statement was in response to an opposition lawmaker, Kiyomi Tsujimoto, who had asked Mr. Abe to explain earlier remarks in which he denied that the military had coerced the women into working as prostitutes for Japanese soldiers throughout Asia.

The remarks caused a furor throughout Asia, as well as in the United States, where the House of Representatives is now considering a non-binding resolution that would call on Japan to acknowledge and apologize unequivocally for its wartime sex slavery.

The government stated that it would adhere to a 1993 declaration that acknowledged and apologized for Japan’s brutal mistreatment of the comfort women. But Mr. Abe — who has been under pressure from the right wing of his Liberal Democratic Party to reject the 1993 declaration’s admission of state responsibility — said last week that the women had been coerced by private brokers.

The 1993 declaration said: “The Government study has revealed that in many cases they were recruited against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, etc., and that, at times, administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitments.”

Mr. Abe, whose approval ratings have been plummeting since he took office last September, said that Japan would not apologize even if the House resolution passed.

In a meeting with reporters today, the American ambassador, Thomas Schieffer, said he hoped that the government “would not back away” from the 1993 statement.

Mr. Schieffer described as “credible witnesses” former comfort women who recently testified in Congress about being coerced into prostitution by the Japanese authorities.

“I take the word of the women that testified,” Mr. Schieffer said.

He added: “I think they were coerced to engage in prostitution. That means they were raped by the Japanese military at that point in time. I think that happened and I think it was a regrettable, terrible thing that it happened. I think the events speak for themselves.”

A group of conservative lawmakers in the Liberal Democratic Party has been leading efforts to soften the 1993 declaration, and is planning to conduct a new investigation into the issue of comfort women during the war. Mr. Abe, who was a founding member of that group in the 1990’s, has said that the government will cooperate in the new investigation by providing it with documents.

Kiyomi Tsujimoto,

20年ほど前に流行ったラディカルな雰囲気の中、 辻元代議士は、会場で展示販売されていたセックスグッズの中から、自分の推奨するバイブレーターを選び、楽屋でサインしたのである。


「あんた!!そこ(胸ポケットを指差し)に(売春した時に必要な)コン○ーム持ってるでしょう!!」 と発言。
(宮嶋茂樹氏の著書 「ああ、堂々の自衛隊」より)

|ああ、堂々の自衛隊 (双葉文庫) (文庫) 宮嶋 茂樹 (著) に記載されている。

おーい! 帰ろうよ! 軍隊でカンボジアの平和は生まれない


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