
Monday, June 4, 2012

Essay - Comfort women by Tessa Moris Suzuki(Mar.8, 2007)

Essay - Comfort women: It's time for the truth (in the ordinary, everyday sense of the word)
小論 —— 従軍慰安婦:ほんとうのことを言う時 (普段使っている普通の意味で)

In August 2000, the German Foundation Act established a fund to compensate tens of thousands of survivors of Nazi slave labour. The 5.1 billion Euro fund was financed jointly by the German government and companies which had been involved in the use of wartime slave labour, and by 2005, over 70,000 claims for compensation had been recognized.

Some scholars of Japanese history object to the comparison between Japanese and German attitudes to war responsibility. And indeed, it is deeply misleading to make a simple dichotomy between a "good" Germany, which has faced up to its past, and a "bad" Japan, which has failed to do so. German attitudes to historical responsibility are complex and divided, and moreover in Germany a key issue is responsibility for the Holocaust, which has no obvious parallel in Japanese history.

In Japan, meanwhile, there are many determined and courageous scholars, journalists, lawyers and ordinary citizens who have fought for decades to persuade their own government to take responsibility for wartime wrongs. Their efforts deserve particular praise because they are carried on in difficult and often discouraging circumstances. Public intellectuals in Japan who raise issues of historical responsibility face a regular barrage of abusive messages, interspersed with threats of violence which the police rarely bother to treat as criminal offenses.

On the issue of forced labour, however, the contrast between Japan and Germany is illuminating. Japan too recruited very large numbers of forced labourers to work in its wartime mines and factories. In the Japanese case, a particularly dark aspect of this coercion was the forcible recruitment of women who were held in so-called "comfort stations" and subjected to rape and other forms of sexual abuse at the hands of the Japanese military.
しかしながら、強制労働の問題では、日本とドイツの違いははっきりと対照的だ。 日本も戦時中、鉱山と工場で働くために非常に多くの強制労働者を徴用した。しかし、日本の場合は、この強制的徴用の暗部として、いわゆる「慰安所」に収容され、日本軍の手による強姦やその他の性的虐待を受けた女性の強制的な徴用があった。

Just as there is no dispute that Germany recruited forced labour, so too the fact that the "comfort stations" existed is not in doubt. But whereas the German government has acknowledged, apologized and paid compensation for forced labour, prominent Japanese politicians have repeatedly shown reluctance to acknowledge the forcible nature of Japanese wartime recruitment, both of labourers and of "comfort women". It is this latter issue that became headline news in the first week of March 2007.
また、ちょうどドイツが強制的に労働者を徴用したかどうかについて論議を必要としないように、「慰安所」が存在したという事実に疑問の余地はない。 ドイツ政府は、強制労働を認め、謝罪し、賠償金の支払いを行ったが、しかしこれまで何人もの著名な日本の政治家たちは、戦時中に徴用された労働者と「従軍慰安婦」の双方とも、本質的に強制であったことを認めたがらない。2007年3月の最初の週にトップニュースを飾ったのはこの後者の問題である。

A few weeks earlier, the US House of Representatives had begun debate on House Resolution 121, calling on the Japanese government to apologize and provide accurate public education about the wartime abuse of the "comfort women". It was by no means the first time that Congress had debated such a resolution, but on this occasion the debate received a particularly large amount of international attention.

On March 1 Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzô responded to the Congress resolution by commenting that there was "no evidence" that the recruitment of "comfort women" had been "forcible in the narrow sense of the word". Speaking during a Diet committee debate a few days later, he reiterated this statement, clarifying the fact that, to be "forcible in the narrow sense of the word" the system would have had to involve "officials forcing their way into houses like kidnappers and taking people away". Abe, however, clearly has no problem with the proposition that the recruitment of "comfort women" was forcible "in the broad sense of the word", and feels no historical responsibility for this, since he has made it clear that he and his government will not apologise whatever the outcome of the US Congressional resolution. His Foreign Minister Aso Tarô has also attacked the US resolution, saying that it is "not based on the facts".
米国議会決議案に対し、3月1日、安倍晋三首相は「従軍慰安婦」の募集が「狭義の意味の(軍の)強制性は、それを裏付ける証言はなかった」とコメントした。 数日後の国会答弁で彼はこの発言を繰り返し、「狭義の意味での強制とは」、明らかな事実として、「官憲が家に押し入って、人さらいのごとく連れて行く」ことがなければならないと述べた。米国議会決議の結果がどのようなものであれ、彼および彼の政府は謝罪しないと明言したことからも、安倍には「従軍慰安婦」の徴用は「広義の意味で」強制的であったと主張することに、何の問題も、また一切の歴史的責任も感じていないことは明らかである。また、麻生太郎外務大臣は米国議会決議案を「客観的事実に基づいていない」と非難した。
Reading these remarks, I found myself imagining the international reaction to a German government which proposed that it had no historical responsibility for Nazi forced labour, on the grounds that this had not been "forcible in the narrow sense of the word". I also found myself in particular imagining how the world might react if one of the German ministers most actively engaged in this denial happened (for example) to be called Krupp, and to be a direct descendant of the industrial dynasty of that name.

The denial of responsibility for the fate of the "comfort women" is, of course, an extremely important issue for Japan's relations with its Asian neighbours and regional partners, including Australia. Australian former "comfort woman" Jan Ruff O'Herne is among those who gave moving first-hand testimony to the US Congress about her wartime experience of rape and abuse in a "comfort station". Abe's enthusiasm for close ties with Australia has been widely reported, and his Prime Ministership is seen by some as marking the start of a new phase of the Australia-Japan partnership. Yet Japanese government seems unable to grasp the extent of the damage which comments such as Abe's and Aso's cause to Japan's international image, not only in Korea and China but also in many other countries, particularly those (like Australia) where memories of the war remain an emotive issue. The fate of Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea has aroused intense feeling in Japan in recent years, and Abe himself has been among those publicly moved to tears by their plight. One wonders, then, why Abe and his fellow ministers find it so hard to imagine that the stories of people like Jan Ruff O'Herne might stir similar emotions in Australia and other parts of our region.
「従軍慰安婦」が被らなければならなかった悲運に対する責任の拒否は、もちろん、アジアの隣人やオーストラリアを含む地域のパートナーとの関係にとって非常に重要な問題である。オーストラリアの元「従軍慰安婦」ジャン・ラフ・オハーンは、戦時中の「慰安所」での強姦と虐待の経験に関して直接米国議会で感動的な実体験に基づく証言を行った人々の一人である。 オースオラリアとの緊密な関係を望む安倍の熱意は広く報道されてきており、彼の首相としてのありかたに、日本とオーストラリアの友好関係の新たな局面の始まりをみるものもいる。しかし、日本政府は安倍や麻生のコメントが、韓国や中国だけでなく特に戦争の記憶が生々しく残っている多くの国々(オーストラリアのような)において、日本の国際的イメージを損なわせたことを把握できないように思える。北朝鮮によって拉致された日本人の運命は近年の日本で激しい感情を引き起こし、安倍自身も感情を動かされ、公衆の面前で彼らの苦況に涙を流した。なのに、なぜ安倍や彼の政権にいる人々は、ジャン・ラフ・オハーンのような人々の体験が同じような感情をオーストラリアや近隣諸国に抱かすかもしれないと想像できないのか、人は不思議に思う。

Coercion and the Comfort Women

Though there is much confusion and controversy over the history of the "comfort stations", certain facts are clear. Military brothels were created all over the occupied areas of Asia during the war for the use of Japanese soldiers: the first were set up as early as 1932, but most were created after the outbreak of full-scale fighting in China in 1937. Some of these were managed by civilians for profit, but frequented by members of the Japanese armed forces; others were established and run directly by the Japanese military. Former Prime Minister Nakasone recalls in his memoirs authorizing the building of a "comfort station" on the island of Borneo for the use of men in his Naval Corps.
「慰安所」の歴史にまつわり多くの混乱と論争があるが、いくつかの明白な事実がある。 戦時中、日本軍の軍人が使用するための売春所が、アジアの占領地域全体につくられた。 1932年には最初のものが設置され、その大部分は1937年に中国と全面的戦闘状態になった後につくられた。 なかには、民間人が利益を得るために営業したものもあったが、そこも頻繁に出入りしたのは日本軍軍人であった。その他は直接日本軍によって設立され運営された。 元内閣総理大臣の中曾根は海軍の彼の部隊が使うためにボルネオ島の「慰安所」建設の予算を許可したことを彼の回顧録でふれている。
The number of women recruited to work in these places is unknown - estimates vary from 20,000 to 400,000, though a careful study by historian Yoshimi Yoshiaki suggests a narrower range of between 50,000 and 200,000. (For a discussion of numbers, see Soh 2005) The methods of recruitment and the conditions which women faced also varied enormously. Some were Japanese women who had worked as prostitutes previously, and were "volunteers" in a sense, although often driven to "volunteer" through pressures of poverty, debt and desperation. A very large number were women from Korea and China. Many had been lured away from their homes with promises of work in factories or restaurants, only to find themselves incarcerated in "comfort stations" in foreign lands. Other women in Korea, Southeast Asia and elsewhere were rounded up at gunpoint. Some were raped by soldiers before being herded into "comfort stations".
これらの場所で働くために徴用された女性の数は定かではなく、予測は2万から40万と大きく異なるが、歴史家吉見義明が慎重な研究を行い、その範囲を5万から20万と狭めている。また、徴用の方法と女性が置かれた環境はそれぞれの状況により大きく異なる。 以前に売春婦として働いていた日本人女性や、ある意味で「自発的」——貧苦や借金、また絶望の抑圧から追い込まれたものも多くいた。 最も多くは韓国と中国からの女性だった。 多くは工場やレストランの仕事の約束につられ、家庭からおびきだされ、異郷の「慰安所」で監禁された。韓国、東南アジアやその他の地域には、銃口を突きつけられ集められた女性もいた。 「慰安所」に連れてこられる前に軍人によって強姦された女性もいた。

Many people were involved in the recruitment of "comfort women" - not only soldiers but also members of the Korean colonial police (working, of course, under Japanese command) and civilian brokers, who frequently used techniques of deception identical to those used by human traffickers today. Forced labour for mines and factories was recruited with the same mixture of outright violence, threats and false promises.
多くの人間が―――軍人だけでなく、韓国の植民地警察(もちろん、日本の指揮下にある)や民間人ブローカー(それらブローカーは今日人身売買業者によって使われるのと同じ詐欺の手口を使った)が「従軍慰安婦」の徴用にかかわった。 同じように鉱山や工場への強制労働の徴用に際しても、まぎれもない暴力行為や脅迫、また偽の約束など、様々な手口が使われた。

The evidence for this is the testimony of very large numbers of women who have come forward to tell their stories, despite the pain which they have endured and the stigma which they have had to overcome. Evidence also comes from the testimony of former members of the military who used the "comfort stations", and from those (like Nakasone) who were involved in establishing them. Though much documentation was destroyed (accidentally or deliberately) in the closing stages of the war, documents detailing the regulations and running of the "comfort stations", as well as surviving battlefield diaries, clearly reveal the involvement of the Japanese military in the creation and maintenance of the system. Further official documentation unearthed by Yoshimi Yoshiaki also confirms this fact.
このことを証拠づけるのは、耐えがたい痛みと乗りこえなければならなかったトラウマにもかかわらず、彼女らの体験を話すために進み出た非常に多くの女性の証言である。 また、「慰安所」を使用した元軍人と、そしてそれらを設立するのにかかわった中曽根のような人々の証言もある。多くの書類は戦争の末期に(誤ってか、または意図的にか)破棄されたのだが、残存する戦場日誌とともに、「慰安所」の規則や運営を詳述した文書は、日本軍が慰安所制度の設立と運営に関わっていたことを明らかにする。それだけでなく、吉見義明によって掘り起こされた公文書からも、この事実は確認される。

Between December 1991 and August 1993 the Japanese government conducted its own investigation of the comfort women issue. On the basis of its findings, Japanese Foreign Minister Kôno Yôhei issued a statement on 4 August 1993 in which he stated that
1991年12月から1993年8月にかけて、日本政府は従軍慰安婦問題の調査を行った。 調査結果に基づいて、1993年8月4日に 当時の官房長官河野洋平は談話を発表した。談話において河野は次のように述べている。

"The recruitment of the comfort women was conducted mainly by private recruiters who acted in response to the request of the military. The Government study has revealed that in many cases they were recruited against their own will, through coaxing, coercion, etc., and that, at times, administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitments. They lived in misery at comfort stations under a coercive atmosphere."

Kôno went on to offer his government's "sincere apology and remorse" for the "immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds" suffered by the "comfort women", and offered the following commitment:

"We shall face squarely the historical facts as described above instead of evading them, and take them to heart as lessons of history. We hereby reiterated our firm determination never to repeat the same mistake by forever engraving such issues in our memories through the study and teaching of history."

Following this statement, in 1995 the Murayama government gave its support (but not funding) to the creation of an Asian Women's Fund, which collected donations from ordinary Japanese citizens to provide some monetary compensation to surviving victims of the scheme. Many victims, however, refused to accept this, standing by their principle that it was the duty of the Japanese government itself to pay compensation. (This fund is expected to cease existence when its mandate expires on 31 March 2007.)
この談話に従い、1995年に、村山内閣はアジア女性基金の設立を支援(設立したのではなく)した。アジア女性基金は、何らかの金銭による賠償を生き残った犠牲者に提供するために、一般市民から寄付を集めることを計画した。 しかしながら、多くの犠牲者が、補償金を支払うのは日本政府の義務であるという原則に立ち、アジア女性基金からの補償を受け入れることを拒否した。(基金は、その事業の2007年3月31日の終了ともない、解散すると予想される。)

In 1996, a Special Rapporteur appointed by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights issued a detailed report on the "comfort women" issue. Its conclusions are unequivocal:
1996年に、国連人権委員会によって任命された特別報告者は「従軍慰安婦」問題に関する詳細報告を発表した。 結論は明確である:

"The Special Rapporteur is absolutely convinced that most of the women kept at the comfort stations were taken against their will, that the Japanese Imperial Army initiated, regulated and controlled the vast network of comfort stations, and that the Government of Japan is responsible for the comfort stations. In addition, the Government of Japan should be prepared to assume responsibility for what this implies under international law".

Further testimony from former "comfort women" and others (including former members of the Japanese military who had visited "comfort stations") was collected by the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal, a public forum organized in 2000-2001 by Asian women's groups. A leading organizer of the Tribunal was the award-winning Japanese journalist Matsui Yayori (who died in 2002), and the evidence presented was assessed by international jurists including Gabrielle Kirk Macdonald, former president of the Yugoslavia War Crimes Tribunal.

To summarise, then, not all "comfort women" were rounded up at gunpoint, but some were. Some were paid for "services", though many were not. Not all "comfort stations" were directly managed by the military. None of this, however, negates the fact that large numbers of women were violently forced, coerced or tricked into situations in which they suffered horrible sexual violence whose consequences affected their entire lives. I doubt if many of those who, "suffered immeasurable pain and incurable physical and psychological wounds" have spent a great deal of time worrying whether these wounds were the result of coercion in the "broad" or the "narrow" sense of the word.

And none of this makes the Japanese system any different from the Nazi forced labour system, which, in the words of one expert, was a complex amalgam of "shifting, contradictory policies and unpredictable turns, of volunteerism and wage offers as well as threats and beatings".

The Legacies of Violence

While the US Congress has been debating its resolution on the "Comfort Women" issue, a group of conservative Japanese parliamentarians - members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party - have been lobbying to have the government publicly disavow Kôno's apology. Their argument (closely echoed in Abe's comments) is that there is no need for such an apology since comfort women were "forcibly taken away against their will by commercial agents, but they were not forcibly taken away by the military or officials."

This denial goes hand-in-hand with an insistence that those demanding justice for the "comfort women" are just a bunch of biased and ill-informed "Japan-bashers". An article by journalist Komori Yoshihisa in the conservative Sankei newspaper, for example, reports that the US Congress resolution is "based on a complaint which presumes that all the comfort women were directly conscripted by the Japanese army, and that the statements by Kôno and Murayama were not clear apologies."
この否認は、「従軍慰安婦」に対し公正な対応を要求している人々は、偏見に満ちた無知な「日本叩きをする連中」にすぎないという主張とワンセットになっている。 例えば、保守的な産経新聞のジャーナリスト古森義久による記事は、米国議会決議案の「前提には慰安婦はすべて日本軍に直接に強制徴用され、河野談話も村山談話も明確な謝罪にはなっていないという決めつけがある」と述べている。

Komori does not appear to have read the resolution with much attention. House Resolution 121 (whose main sponsor in Michael Honda, an American of Japanese ancestry who experienced incarceration in a US wartime internment camp) certainly refers to the "Imperial Army's Coercion of young women into sexual slavery", but nowhere does it suggest that all the recruitment was carried out by the armed forces. On the contrary, its wording carefully describes the Japanese government as having "officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude to its Imperial Armed Forces". (emphasis added) The resolution also goes on to commend "those Japanese officials and private citizens whose hard work and compassion resulted in the establishment in 1995 of Japan's private Asian Women's Fund", and to refer to the 1993 Kôno apology. However, it expresses alarm at moves to rescind the apology, and at the closing down of the Asian Women's Fund, and in that context calls on the Japanese government to renew its apology and disseminate information about the history of the "comfort women". In essence, then, the Resolution demands that the Japanese government fulfil Kôno's promises.
古森は決議案を注意深く読んだように思えない。 下院決議案121号は(マイケル・ホンダが提案者、戦時中に米国の戦時強制収容所における収容を経験した日系アメリカ人)、確かに「帝国軍隊への性的な奴隷制度への若い女性の強制」について言及しているが、どこにも、すべての募集が軍隊によって実行されたと示唆していない。反対に、日本の政府が「帝国軍の性的な隷属を唯一の目的として若い女性の獲得を公式に委託した」と慎重な言葉遣いで述べている。(強調は著者による) また、決議案は、「日本政府関係者と一般市民の尽力と同情が1995年に民間のアジア女性基金の設立をもたらした」ことを褒め、1993年の河野談話での謝罪を言及している。しかしながら、河野談話に示された謝罪撤回の動きと、アジア女性基金の解散に懸念を示し、その文脈で日本政府が「従軍慰安婦」の歴史に関して改めて謝罪し、情報を広めるように求めている。つまり、決議案の本質は、日本政府が河野の約束を果たすことを要求しているのである。

Given the Congressional resolution's careful use of words and its recognition of past Japanese apologies, it is hard to see how Foreign Minister Aso can dismiss it as "having no basis in fact". But then again, Aso may prefer that the facts were not examined too closely. As British journalist Christopher Reed has reported, Aso himself is a scion and former branch manager of the Aso mining conglomerate, which during wartime employed many thousands of Korean forced labourers, as well as using the labour of at least 300 Allied prisoners-of-war (101 British, 197 Australians and 3 Dutch) in its Yoshikuma coal mine.
What purpose do Abe's and Aso's denials serve? Certainly not the purpose of helping defeat the US Congress resolution. Their statements have in fact seriously embarrassed those US Congress members who are opposed to the resolution. [18] The main strategy of these US opponents of Resolution 121 was the argument that Japanese government had already apologized adequately for the sufferings of the "comfort women", and that there was no need to take the matter further. By their retreat from remorse, Abe and Aso have succeeded in neatly cutting the ground from beneath the feet of their closest US allies.
安倍と麻生が否認して、いったいどのような目的が達せられるというのだろう? 米国議会決議案否決を促進するという目的に適わないことは確かである。それどころか、彼らの発言は議会決議案に反対する米国議員を真剣に当惑させた。[強調:原文筆者]米国の決議案121号の反対者の主な戦略は、日本の政府が既に十分に「従軍慰安婦」の受難に陳謝しており、さらにその問題にふれる必要は全くないという主張することだった。安倍と麻生は、反省を回避することで、彼らに最も近いアメリカの見方の足元をすくうことに成功したのである。

The Politics of Denial

Confusingly, Abe does insist that, despite his doubts about the "forcible" nature of the system, he is not actually retracting the Kôno apology. But, rather than reassuring critics, this equivocation has simply served to highlight the reasons why Japanese politicians' apologies for the war have tended to be regarded with skepticism by Japan's neighbours. Because they have been individual apologies - and have never yet been backed up by significant packages of compensation to victims or significant programs of public education on historical responsibility - statements like Kôno's (however well-intentioned they may be) have proved to be all too easily modified, parsed, re-interpreted, hedged around with conditions or simply abandoned by the next group of people to come to power.

Abe, of course, has his own history in relation to this issue. Early in 2001, the Japanese national broadcaster NHK made a documentary program about the recently-concluded Women's International War Crimes Tribunal. A few days before the program was due to go to air, NHK's Executive Director General of Broadcasting had a meeting with Abe, who was then Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary. They discussed the content of the documentary, and immediately after, the program's producers were instructed by NHK management to make last minute alterations which substantially weakened the critical tone of the program.
もちろん安倍には、この問題と関連する前歴がある。 2001年初め、NHKは前年末に閉廷した女性国際戦犯法廷に関するドキュメンタリーを制作した。 番組が放送される数日前に、安倍(当時は内閣副官房長官)はNHKのチーフ・プロデューサーと面会した。彼らはドキュメンタリーの中身について議論し、その直後に、NHK経営者側によって土壇場で批判のトーンを実質的に弱める変更が番組のプロデューサーに命令された。

Four years later, the issue became headline news when an NHK whistleblower came forward to say that Abe Shinzô had exerted direct pressure on the national broadcaster to have the content of the program changed (an intervention which would have violated Japan's public broadcasting regulations). Abe, who admitted discussing the program with NHK staff, denied that his meeting had constituted "political pressure". (Should that have been "political pressure in the narrow sense of the word"?) The story caused a political furore, in which most of the mass media focused on attacking the credibility of the whistleblower.
4年後、NHKの内部告発者が、安倍晋三が番組の内容を変えさせるために公共放送局であるNHKに直に圧力を加えた(日本の公共放送法に違反した介入)と発表し、問題はトップニュースになった。 NHKのスタッフと番組について議論したのを認めた安倍は、面会が「政治的圧力」であったことを否定した (「狭義の意味での政治的圧力」というべきだろうか?)。 この件は政治的論議を引き起こしたが、マスメディアの大部分は内部告発者の信憑性に攻撃を集中させた。

The only people to be disciplined for wrong-doing as a result of the affair were the NHK whistleblower and the journalist who reported the story, veteran Asahi journalist Honda Masakazu, who was subjected to a barrage of criticism, slur and innuendo by the conservative media, and removed from his senior reporting post by his superiors.

Meanwhile, Abe went on to become Prime Minister, boosted by his credentials as an enthusiastic nationalist both in relation to issues of history and memory, and in relation to the problem of Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korea. Since coming to power, however, Abe has disappointed his more hawkish backers. In November 2006, he made conciliatory gestures to China, setting up a joint Japan-China committee to study the problems of history which have long plagued the relations between the two countries. More seriously still, the outcome of the Six Party Talks in Beijing has left Japan's Abe administration relatively isolated in its hard-line stance toward North Korea, and raised the prospect that Japan may need to alter its approach to resolving the kidnap issue. Abe's apparently vacillating policies and failure to make significant policy impact on major Japanese economic and social problems have seen his personal popularity plummet. His comments on the "comfort women" issue must be seen in the context of a desire to re-establish his credentials with the Japanese right, particularly in the lead-up to crucial parliamentary elections, scheduled for July.
その間、安倍は、歴史と記憶関連の問題と北朝鮮による日本人拉致問題に関して熱心な国家主義者であるとの信任状をうけ総理大臣に任命された。 しかしながら、政権の座について以来安倍は、よりタカ派の後援者を失望させている。2006年11月に、彼は中国をなだめるようなそぶりをし、長い間両国間の関係を悩ませている歴史問題を研究するために日中共同委員会を設立した。より深刻なのは、北京の六カ国会議の結果、北朝鮮に対する強硬路線をとる日本の安倍政権が他から孤立し、日本は拉致問題の解決に路線変更をしなければならないかもしれないという予測が起こったことである。明らかに揺れる政策と重要な社会・経済問題へ目に見える政策的な影響を与えられなかった安倍の個人的な人気は急落した。「従軍慰安婦」問題への彼の発言は、日本の右派の信頼を回復したいという安倍の熱望という文脈において、とりわけ7月の重要な参議院選挙への下準備として理解されなければならない。

The story is depressingly familiar. Historical truth is being sacrificed to short-term political expediency. The victims this time are first and foremost the surviving "comfort women" themselves, who are once again being insulted and denied justice by the morally bankrupt hair-splitting rhetoric of politicians. But the other group of victims is the Japanese people themselves, whose relationship with neighbouring countries is being damaged by the short-sighted and inept behaviour of their political leaders. Reading the news over the past few days, I have been remembering Matsui Yayori, who to the day of her death fought so courageously for truth and justice, and thinking of historians like Yoshimi Yoshiaki and journalists like Honda Masakazu. Both the former "comfort women" and Japanese people like these surely deserve better.

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