
Friday, June 1, 2012

South Korean President claims that Ten-nou should apologize as same as former German Prime Minister apprenticeship

1 :言葉は葉っぱφ ★:2008/11/12(水) 15:46:31 ID:???

韓国大統領 天皇はドイツ元首相を見習い謝罪すべき




「人民網日本語版」 2008年11月12日

2008年11月12日08:52 来源:《广州日报》






【李明博大統領】 李明博大統領「天皇明仁は韓国訪問時にひざまづいて謝るべき」



ドイツへの決定的瞬間は。彼が1970年に記念碑に明らかに自然にワルシャワのユダヤ人居住区暴動の犠牲者にひざまずいたときブラントの「Warschauer Kniefall」と呼ばれています。

裕仁の息子として、日本帝国軍がだれの名前で戦ったか、明仁天皇陛下はそのような姿勢を示す強力な立場にいます。 直接、彼は彼の父親の世代によって引き起こされた苦味を緩和する深い委任を示しました。 2001年に、彼は彼の家族の先祖のルーツのために韓国人と共にそこに親近感を感じたと言いました。

「ブラントとして皇帝が償いの同じ姿勢を取ると想像するのは難しいです、彼の公的人格の厳密に振り付けされた本質を考えて」と、中野晃一上智大学政治学者は言いました。 「しかしながら、彼は与党の政治家の多くよりかなり寛容に見えます。」「ひざまずくことはないでしょうが、彼は韓国人に届くようないくつかの提言はするかもしれません。」

(11月11日 Times Online)



【青瓦台】 青瓦台「李大統領は『謝罪すべき』とは言ってない」





(11月11日 朝鮮日報



^ ブラントはあくまでもホロコーストについて謝罪の意を示したのであって、戦争やポーランドへの侵略について謝罪したわけではなく、帰国後にはポーランドが戦後行った旧東部ドイツ領からのドイツ人追放を「戦後のドイツ人の旧東部ドイツ領からの追放という不正はいかなる理由があろうと正当化されることはありません(白水社「過去の克服 ヒトラー後のドイツ」より引用)」」と非難している。また跪いて献花するブラントの姿は共産党政権下のポーランド国内で公表されなかったため、ポーランドの一般人には殆ど知られていなかった(中公新書「〈戦争責任〉とは何か」より「一般には知られていないが、ひざまずきの写真はポーランド国内では公表されなかった」)。日本ではしばしば「ブラントの跪きがポーランドの対独世論を変えた」という趣旨で論じられる事があるが、そのような事実はない。
from wikipedia
From The Times
November 11, 2008
'Emperor Akihito should apologise for Japan', says Lee Myung-Bak

( Jo Yong-HakAFP/Getty Images)

Lee Myung-Bak, the South Korean President, says Japan should apologise for its part in the Second World War

Richard Lloyd Parry in Seoul
Emperor Akihito of Japan should follow the example of Germany in making a genuine gesture of contrition for his country’s wartime aggression in Asia, Lee Myung Bak, the South Korean President, has said.

In an interview with The Times and two Asian newspapers, Mr Lee made a comparison with the late German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, whose genuflection before a monument to murdered Polish Jews became a symbol of postwar German contrition for the horrors of the Holocaust and the Second World War.

No Japanese leader has made a similar gesture and Tokyo’s repeated verbal statements of regret and apology have failed to erase lingering resentment of Japan, more than 60 years after the country’s wartime surrender.

“Willy Brandt touched a firm emotional chord with the whole of the Polish people, Europeans and indeed the world,” Mr Lee said, speaking to The Times along with Chosun Ilbo and the Mainichi Shimbun newspapers in the presidential Blue House in Seoul.

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Black museum of Japan’s war crimes
“That was a turning point in the partnership between the countries of Europe. And the visit of the Emperor of Japan could be a similar occasion when relations between Korea and Japan can really look forward.”

Mr Lee’s remarks go to the heart of one of the conundrums left by the Second World War: how Germany, which embarked on full-scale genocide, has managed to regain its standing within Europe, while Japan, which took fewer innocent lives, remains emotionally estranged from much of the rest of Asia.

Tokyo has never taken on a leadership role in Asia commensurate with its status as the world’s second economic superpower and is closer politically to the United States and Western Europe than to its own near neighbours. It remains an outsider in its own continent.

Japanese leaders point to the development aid that they have put into Asia over decades; to their postwar record of pacifism, and to the unambiguous statement of “deep remorse and heartfelt apology” for Japan’s “colonisation and aggression”, endorsed annually by successive Japanese Cabinets since 1995.

From time to time these efforts have been undermined by the remarks of conservatives in Japan, who have attempted to justify Japan’s wartime conduct, although this remains a minority view among the population.

When the head of the Air Force, Toshio Tamogami, published an essay justifying Japan’s occupation of parts of Asia as a war of liberation, he was dismissed swiftly. And since the retirement of Junichiro Koizumi in 2006, no Japanese prime minister has paid a visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, the Shinto holy site where the war dead, including war criminals, are enshrined.

Japanese comics, animations and pop music are avidly consumed in Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei but there are still periodic bouts of sometimes violent antiJapanese feeling.

Privately, Japanese diplomats say that they are a convenient scapegoat that governments in China and South Korea can use to divert anger that might otherwise be directed against themselves. But Mr Lee’s remarks underline that no Japanese leader has gone beyond words in expressing Japanese atonement for the brutality of the wartime regime.

A decisive moment for Germany was what is referred to as Brandt’s “Warschauer Kniefall” when, apparently spontaneously, he fell to his knees at the monument to victims of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1970.

As the son of Hirohito, in whose name the Japanese Imperial Army fought, Emperor Akihito is in a powerful position to make such a gesture. Personally, he has shown a deep commitment to assuaging the bitterness caused by his father’s generation. In 2001 he said that he felt an affinity with Koreans because of his family’s ancestral roots there.

“It is difficult to imagine the emperor taking the same posture of atonement [as Brandt], given the strictly choreographed nature of his public persona,” said Koichi Nakano, a political scientist at Sophia University in Tokyo. “However, he appears rather more liberal than many of the ruling party politicians. He won’t be on his knees, but he might be able to say a few things that would reach out to the Koreans.”

Have your say
Contrition begins at the top. What good aid in face of attempts to rewite history or justify Japanese nationalism? Germany moves on but Japan will never truly turn the page with it's Asian neighbours unless it is willing to follow Germany's lead.

Gavin Thompson, Hong Kong, China

This is simply stupid. Two nuclear bombs says the Japanese should not need to apologise to anyone. Besides what is next, Italy apologising for Rome, Greeks apologising for Troy..... The British Apologising to everyone. Most of the people involved are dead and so as ghosts they should remain.

Ben, Osaka,

For Japan to "move on" this formal apology is overdue. Visit the German govt site and you can find ref to the Holocaust. Remember the treatment of the Allied prisoners of war let alone Asian civilans who were tortured, killled by the hundreds of thousands. Just google "Rape of Nanking" or "Unit 731"

R Tan, Melb, Australia

Do those commentating really believe Korea and China want to put this issue to bed? Its far to useful for them.

Having lived and worked in all 3, I feel Japan is nationalist compared to European nations but the irony is it is much less so than its East Asian neighbours

DW, Beijing, China

"What is the harm in making gesture in apology?...
I think many nations have many crimes to answer for."

So for what atrocity has England apologized? Is it well accepted if England has done so? What about the Northern Ireland conflict? Has it apologized for the Opium war? The list goes on.

HK, Frankfort, USA

Easy for you to say without thinking once again about the atrocities of the past and how history is dealt with in Asian cultures

Tom Wagner, Singapore,

What is the harm in making gesture in apology? Loss of face? Or is it that they believe they did no wrong?

I think many nations have many crimes to answer for. England, France, Spain, Russia and Germany all have shady pasts (as do many others).

A proper apology could heal many old wounds.

A Brown, Edinburgh, UK

Every graeat country such as UK, US, France, Italy had done terrible conduct before. Why only Japan has been criticised? It's abosolutely out of date....

Bum Suk, Seoul, Korea

The Japanese used people as slave labor, medical experiments, and even cut open living people to show med students what a person's insides look like. They were referred to as logs, and most people in America don't know or care.

Stacey, Manchester, Maryland,

Its 2008, we should all get along no matter what we did in the past.

Luigi DiFiore, Queens, New York, USA


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