"Sewang Brewery"
Cheongju city
Cheongju has been an important provincial town since ancient times.
During Hideyoshi's Invasions of Korea, Cheongju was the site of the Battle of Chongju, during which the Korean forces re-took the city from the Japanese forces in an important early victory.
英文 Wiki では、13世紀にモンゴル人が高麗に焼酎をもたらした、とある。
ちなみに、日本語 Wiki では、韓国忠清北道清州市には、日本時代に「高見酒造」「清州酒造」という酒造所が存在した。
現在では "Sewang Brewery" という酒造所があるが、こちらは濁り酒「マッコリ」を造っている。
歴史的建築物に指定されているこの建物は、1929 年に日本人が設計し、朝鮮人が建造した。
[Modern Architecture of Cheongju and Sewang Brewery]
by Robert Koehler on August 7, 2008
The Marmot’s Hole
1 名前:ちょーはにはにちゃんwφ ★[] 投稿日:2007/11/17(土) 14:14:34 ID:???
だが他人の物を『私物化』する事に卓越な能力を持った日本人達は、清酒を日本の国酒として作った。世界の人々は清酒(rice wine)とは、すなわち『日本酒』であると認識する。
斗山主類で清酒ブランドマネージャーに働いている李再演代理は “最近消費刺字たちが日本式サケを好んでいて名前とデザインもそんな式で作った. 日本清州よりチープな価格に高級品質をお目見えしようと出市したこと”と言った.
NAVER/ソウル経済(原文 韓国語)
[리빙 앤 조이] 한국産 청주 백화수복 점유율 80%
| 기사입력 2007-11-14 11:06
판매량 80% 이상이 제사주로 소비
‘백제의 인번(仁番)이라는 사람이 미주(米酒) 빚는 방법을 가르쳐주어 그를 주신(酒神)으로 모셨다.’
일본의 고대 역사서인 ‘고사기(古史記)’에 나오는 구절이다. 사케가 한반도에서 전래했다는 증거다.
하지만 남의 것을 ‘자기화’하는 데 탁월한 능력을 가진 일본인들은 청주(淸酒)를 일본의 국주(國酒)로 만들었다. 세계인들은 ‘청주(rice wine)란 곧 니혼쥬(日本酒)’라고 인식한다.
사실 맛도 일본산 사케가 국내산 청주보다 나은 게 사실이다. 술을 빚는데 쓰는 재료나 제조공정은 거의 비슷한데 말이다.
왜 이런 결과가 나온 걸까.
시장의 경쟁 상황이 다른 게 가장 중요한 이유다. 일본엔 사케 제조 회사만 약 2,000개 정도나 된다. 시장에서 살아 남기 위해서는 당연히 치열한 경쟁을 뚫어야 한다.
한국의 청주 시장은 이와 정반대다. 한국에서 청주는 실질적으로 무경쟁 제품이다. 국내에도 청주를 생산하는 업체는 두산주류, 국순당 등 두세 군데에 불과하다. 브랜드 종류도 백화수복, 차례주, 천수만복 등 대여섯 개 정도 밖에 되지 않는다. 이 중에서도 백화수복의 사장 점유율이 80% 이상을 차지한다. 백화수복 독주 체제인 셈이다.
게다가 국산 청주는 대부분 제사주로 쓰인다. 판매량의 80% 정도가 제사상에 올라가거나 요리할 때 맛을 돋구기 위한 용도로 쓰인다. 온전히 음용주로 팔리는 경우는 20%도 채 되지 않는다.
지난해 음용주로 판매된 비중은 전체 판매량 중 17.8%였다. 이마저도 과거에 비해 많이 높아진 수치다. 지난 2002년엔 그 비중이 9.8%로 10%도 채 되지 않았다. 이렇게 지난 4년간 음용주 판매 비율이 두 배로 뛴 것도 일본식 사케 열풍에 힘입은 바 크다.
이에 따라 국내 청주 업계에서도 음용 청주를 개발했다.
두산주류는 지난 5월 25일 ■‘다미사케(多味seke)’라는 음용 청주를 출시했다. 사케 열풍이 불기 시작한 지난 2004년부터 제품을 개발해 올해에야 시장에 선을 보인 것이다.
두산주류에서 청주 브랜드 매니저로 일하고 있는 이재연 대리는 “최근 소비자자들이 일본식 사케를 선호하고 있어 이름과 디자인도 그런 식으로 만들었다. 일본 청주보다 저렴한 가격에 고급품질을 선보이고자 출시한 것”이라고 말했다.
그러나 국내 주류업계는 여전히 청주를 중요 상품으로 인식하고 있지는 않다. 시장 파이 자체가 소주나 맥주에 비해 현격히 작기 때문이다.
국내 주류 시장에서 소주와 맥주를 제외한 저도주 시장 비율은 2.5%에 불과하다. 이 마저도 매실주, 약주, 복분자 등을 모두 합쳐놓은 것이라서 온전한 청주 판매 비율은 이보다도 훨씬 작다.
이 대리는 “최근 시장 분위기를 보면 조금 더 공격적으로 해야 할 것 같다. 하지만 청주의 특성 자체가 급속도로 확산되기 어려운 부분이 있다. 우선 다미사케를 뿌리 깊게 정착시킨 후에야 다른 제품 출시를 고민할 예정”이라며 새 종류의 음용 청주 출시에 대해 신중한 태도를 보였다.
김면중 기자 whynot@sed.co.kr
ⓒ 한국아이닷컴, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지
FNNニュース: 韓国で日本酒輸入業者... via kwout
ペ・ジュンホ(クッスン堂社長)が韓国経済で「私たちの酒と日本酒 」と題して次のように語った。
日本の古代歴史書である『古事記』に出る句節。酒が韓半島から伝来したという証拠である。だが他人の物を『私物化』する事に卓越な能力を持った日本人達は、清酒を日本の国酒として作った。世界の人々は清酒(rice wine)とは、すなわち『日本酒』であると認識する。
須須許理が 醸みし御酒に われ酔いにけり。事無酒咲酒に われ酔いにけり(新訂古事記―付 現代語訳138ページ)。
韓国人の目には、世界の人々が清酒(rice wine)を『日本酒』であると認識していることは、日本人が韓国人の物を私物化していると映るのである。起源捏造をほしいままにする韓国人は本当に盗人猛々しい。
白檮の上に 横臼を作り
横臼に 醸みし大御酒
うまらに 聞こしもち飲せ まろが父
とはっきり書かれているからです。あと応神天皇の父親の仲哀天皇のところにも息長帯日賣(いわゆる神功皇后)や武内宿禰が“醸んだ酒”について言及しています。『古事記』を信ずるならば須須許理よりもまえに日本に醸造酒があったことは確実です。それとも超時空太閤HIDEYOSHIのときとおなじように時の流れをまったく無視して須須許理が吉野の国主や神功皇后に醸造酒をおしえてやったニダ! とでも言いはるつもりでしょうか。
コピー天国・中国に韓国のセウカンのパクリも登場(1) [05/17]
The Marmot's Hole
Korea... in Blog Format
Modern Architecture of Cheongju and Sewang Brewery
Sewang Brewery (formerly Deoksan Brewery), built in 1930.
I started Day 2 of my vacation in Cheongju, the capital of Chungcheonbuk-do, to check out the city’s rich modern architectural heritage and finished in Jincheon, where I spent the afternoon at Sewang Brewery, which has been producing fine traditional rice wines in their historic brewery for three generations.
Cheongju: Intro
Cheongju, aside from being the home of the Hanhwa Eagles baseball team and the Korean Air Force Academy, is also the provincial capital of Chungcheongbuk-do and a fairly large city of over 600,000 souls. Unlike nearby Daejeon, which is essentially a product of colonial rule, Cheongju has been a regional center for centuries, sitting as it does amidst some of Korea’s finest farmland. The city grew significantly with the opening of the Chungbuk railway line in the 1920s; this development has left behind a pretty significant modern architectural heritage that includes public offices and schools.
Cheongju is a major transportation hub, so getting there shouldn’t present a problem. Most of the modern historic sites are in the old downtown area of Sangdang-gu.
Main Hall, Chungcheongbukdo Provincial Hall
Registered Cultural Property No. 55.
Built in 1937, the Provincial Hall in Munhwa-dong is an imposing brick-and-tile structure with a heavy front porch. Interestingly, it was constructed with a good deal of cooperation and financial support from provincial residents.
The lobby, done up in an quasi-Art Deco fashion like that of Kyungpook National University Medical Center in Daegu, has been well preserved. I really like the Art Deco ornaments on the central staircase.
Former Chungbuk Industrial Promotion Office
Registered Cultural Property No. 352.
Also part of the Provincial Hall complex, this funky little building is actually a year older than the Main Hall. Hmmm, 1930s, curved lines, porthole windows… Streamline Moderne, perhaps?
Uri Yeneungwon House
Registered Cultural Property No. 9.
The house is located just behind Jungang Elementary School, a short walk from the Provincial Hall.
Old Cheongju Public Normal School Building
Registered Cultural Property No. 350.
Located on the campus of Juseong Elementary School in Yeong-dong, the Old Cheongju Public Normal School Building was built in 1923 and is the oldest schoolhouse in Chungcheongbukdo. The school itself is even older, having been founded in 1907 as the first modern school in the province.
Now used as the Juseong Educational Museum, it’s architecturally quite interesting, with its unique gabled roof with ornamental windows on the facade.
Classroom, Daeseong Girls Middle School
Registered Cultural Property No. 351.
With its Japanese-style roof, twin-arched entrance and Tuscan-order column, you might think this old schoolhouse was built during the colonial era, but in fact, it’s from 1954, and represents an early post-Liberation Korean attempt at Western-style modern architecture.
Built originally for Cheongju National University, it is now used as a gymnasium by Daeseong Girls Middle School.
Old Main Hall, Cheongju Commercial High School
Registered Cultural Property No. 6.
Cheongju Commercial High School, recently renamed Daeseong High School, has long been one of the most important private higher educational facilities in the province. In the colonial era, it trained a lot of the builders who would develop Cheongju.
The old red-brick schoolhouse was built in 1936 and has changed little since.
The interior is appropriate musky, with displays set up with artifacts from the school’s history. Along the hall hang old photos documenting the school’s past, and are well worth seeing. Kept in cases near the entrance is a mountain of trophies the school has won throughout its illustrious past.
Other Sites in Cheongju
One of the sites I really, really wanted to see while in Cheongju was the Provincial Governor’s Residence (Registered Cultural Property 353), which was built in 1939. It’s a beautiful building that blends Western and Japanese designs, but unfortunately, it’s off-limits to the public. In fact, I’ve been able to find only one photo of it, taken by the Cultural Properties Administration. I did make the effort, however — I spend much of the morning bouncing around the Provincial Hall trying to arrange a visit, not to no avail. That said, the officials really did go out of their way to help, which impressed me, because they could have just as easily told me to bugger off.
Two other sites of interest that I didn’t get to see are Cheongju Anglican Church and Tapdong Yanggwan, which was built as a residence for American missionaries in the early 20th century.
About an hour north of Cheongju is the country of Jincheon-gun, a quiet farming community that’s famous for its high-quality rice. Where there’s good rice, there’s good rice wine, and my final destination for the day was Sewang Brewery. which for the last 70 years has been producing some of Korea’s best traditional firewater.
Jincheon is about two hours by bus from Seoul’s Dongseoul or Nambu bus terminals. From Cheongju, however, it’s only about 40 minutes away — bus #711 will take you to Jincheon Bus Terminal.
Jincheon Eumnaeri Anglican Church
Registered Cultural Property No. 8.
A short taxi ride from Jincheon Bus Terminal, on a hill overlooking the rice fields below, is Jincheon Eumnaeri Anglican Church. Built in 1923 by Father George Ernest Hewlett to replace an older structure, the church is similar to other old Anglican churches in its blending of Korean and Western architectural styles.
Jincheon Eumnaeri Anglican Church was the first Anglican church in the province, and placed a large role in the educational, medical and cultural development of Jincheon. Today, it is watched over by a nice young priest and his family, and has a congregation of about 200. Unfortunately, most of the church activities take place in a newly built complex in back, so the old church is quite underutilized.
Sewang Brewery
Registered Cultural Property No. 58.
I can’t say enough about Sewang Brewery, formerly Deoksan Brewery, located a short bus ride from downtown Jincheon-gun in Deoksan-myeon. If you visit just one place from this collection of vacation posts, make it this one.
Sewang Brewery was founded in 1929 by brewer Lee Jang-beom, and has changed remarkably little since then. The beautiful wooden brewery building, designed by a Japanese architect and constructed by Korean builders, was completed in 1930. Built of fir and cedar transported all the way from Mt. Baekdusan, the factory has managed to make it through the decades virtually in its original condition. It helps, of course, that it still does what it was purpose-built to do — produce high-quality takju (a.k.a makkeolli) and yakju using old-fashioned techniques handed down over three generations. This is very, very special place where architecture, history, cultural tradition, and the fine rice and water of Jincheon-gun blend into one.
The founder’s grandson, Lee Gyu-haeng, runs the establishment with his wife and a small staff of employees. For a small family brewery operating out of a 78-year-old factory, they produce a surprisingly large amount of product and have drawn no small amount of praise from the press and traditional wine connoisseurs, not the least of whom was reportedly late president Park Chung-hee, who would send his security detail to the brewery to score booze every time the dictator visited to Jincheon (which, BTW, was often). Lee and his wife are a very charming couple who will talk your ear off about brewing and the history of the company. Interestingly, Lee was an architect before taking over the family business in 1998, which gives him a particular appreciation of his brewery’s architectural importance.
The truss work on the ceiling of the brewery. The windows were designed to provide the perfect ventilation for fermenting booze. BTW, as soon as you walk into the place, you’re overtaken with the smell of fermenting takju and yakju, so you know you’re in a brewery.
Rice wines fermenting in clay jars, just like your grandmother used to make.
When I say nothing has changed, I mean nothing has changed — this clay jar was made in 1935 in nearby Yongmongni Kiln.
Mr. Lee is always experimenting with recipes to develop new products in addition to his staple firewaters (OK, so I guess some things have changed). This here is red wine produced from black rice; it took a decade to develop, and is quite, quite good. It apparently impressed a visiting agro-science professor from UC Davis, too.
The name “Mont Grande” comes from “Deoksan,” BTW.
This is Cheonmahwalboju, and comes in clay jars modeled on the wind chimes of the great stone pagoda of Mireuksaji in Iksan. It’s made from rice and 19 medicinal herbs, including cheonma (Tian Ma in Chinese), or Gastrodia Root, a Jincheon-gun specialty product. I’ve been told that male drinkers will notice it puts lead in their pencils, so to speak.
Ah, this little baby isn’t on the market yet. In fact, it doesn’t even have a name. Ranging from 18 to 22% alcohol depending on the batch (Lee notes that the 22% number is significant, in that most brewers consider it impossible to brew over 20% using fermentation), what it will do is get you hammered fast, but you recover quick, too. Its creator said it also has amazing cleansing properties that help you lose weight — in fact, he lost 7kg during its development.
Then, of course, there’s always the takju and yakju for which the brewery is rightfully famous — there’s a full list of products on their homepage.
Coincidentally, Joel Browning did a feature on the brewery for my magazine last year. It has contact information (the phone number anyway is [043] 536-3567) and directions to the brewery, so check it out. The story also recounts some of the brewery’s fascinating history, including how it managed to survive the Korean War.
Anyway, do yourself a favor and visit the place. And please, buy their stuff! Give the commercially produced crap a rest and drink some good stuff for a change!
Sewang Brewery & Botapsa Temple
Taking advantage of the fine weather Saturday, I went down to Jincheon, a pleasant little rural community in lovely Chungcheongbuk-do, to visit the charming Buddhist temple of Botapsa, known to aficionados of Korean traditional architecture for its majestic three-story wooden pagoda, the only one of its kind in Korea.
While I was in town, though, I also swung by an old favorite place of mine, Sewang Brewery, one of only a handful of historic breweries still in operation in Korea.
Sewang Brewery (former Deoksan Brewery)
Sewang Brewery specializes is fermented beverages like makgeolli and yakju. Makgeolli, which seems to be all the rage nowadays, is a milky rice beer that has long provided hard-working Korean farmers with some welcome midday relief. Yakju (“Medicinal Wine”), on the other hand, is a more refined rice wine, and is usually clear. Sewang CEO and master brewer Lee Gyu-haeng is a pretty industrious guy who likes to experiment, so you’ll find here a variety of different makgeolli and yakju products.
If you can understand Korean, you can watch this video of Lee explaining the booze-making process in the fermentation room:
Sewang Brewery -Makgeolli Korean Rice Wine permentation
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