
Thursday, August 30, 2012

David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are Rich and Some So Poor?  W.W.Norton.,1998

David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are Rich and Some So Poor?  W.W.Norton.,1998

最近出会ったいい男(第1号) [05/01/2008]




今は、毎日、毎日、どの「男」に手をつけていいのか、次にはどの本から読もうか、あれも読みたい、これは噛み切れんかも、そっちは素直でいいけど食い足りない、あいつは手に負えないけど意外と可愛い、こいつは気取ってはいるが卑しいから最後までつきあうことない捨ててしまえ、この子は退屈だけど他の人にはいいかもしれないからBook Offに譲ろう・・・などと、淫蕩(いんとう)を極める快楽を味わっております。



で、最近出会った「いい男」は、D・S・ランデス著・竹中平蔵訳の『「強国」論---富と覇権の世界史』(三笠書房、2000年)(David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are Rich and Some So Poor?  W.W.Norton.,1998)でした。今頃?そう、今頃なんです。



もう~~読み終わると、10センチぐらい身長が高くなったような気がします。目線が高くなるといいますか、見える景色が違ってくるといいますか。知的に刺激的な本というのは、そういうものですね。アイン・ランドのThe Fountainheadは、20センチぐらい身長が伸びたような気にさせてくれましたっけ。






(中略) だが、この基準からすれば、時代を通して最高の植民地支配者は日本で、韓国や台湾ほどうまくいった元植民地はなく、一九五〇年から一九七三年の国民一人当たりの年間成長率は先進工業国を上回った(日本自身を除く)。私見だが、この業績は家族構造や仕事観、目的意識といったこれらの社会の文化によるものだと思う。こういった価値観は日本の支配下でも存在し、その一部は支配への反発となったが、それが自分たちの利益となる場合の対応ぶりにもあらわれ、たとえ異国の支配者に働き場所を与えられても、それは同じだった。だが、元植民地に成功がもたらされたのは、日本政府が植民地に残した合理的経済のおかげでもあり、植民地で行われたのは「日本自身も行っていた近代化努力の最高傑作」であった。





で、この韓国人女性研究者は、公平な成熟した歴史学者として、日本の植民地政策の功罪を分析して、その論文をアメリカで出版しました。それが、M. J. Rhee博士のThe Doomed Empire: Japan in Colonial Korea (Ashgate, 1997)です。もちろん、この本は、日本支配のことを支持しているわけでは全くないです(当たり前だ)。また、ランデス教授のようなことを言っているわけではないです。しかし、鬼畜として日本を叩くというスタンスは、この本は全く採っていません。冷静な歴史研究です。この本を入手するのに苦労しました~~みなさんが、探しても簡単に手に入らないと思います。はい。






















まあ、私も「脱英米文化中心主義」を考え試みたこともありますが、公平に見て、英米文化のほうがまし(lesser evil)だと、思うのです、やはり。少なくとも理念レヴェルにおいては。ただし、この英米文化が達した思想水準と、個々の個人の英米人の水準とは、別の問題です。英米の思想がすぐれているからといって、個々の個人の英米人の知性や精神がすぐれているとは限りませんから。でも、読むかぎり、やっぱり英国やアメリカの本は面白いものが多いです。自前で考えるより、翻訳したほうがまし・・・という日本の知的後進性は、まだまだ続かざるをえないのではないでしょうか。


ところで、5月の最後の日曜日にある学会のシンポジウムの準備が、全くできておりません。やる気になりません。あ~~だんだん頭が痛くなってきた~~時よ、とまれ。私は、まだ「砂糖壷の中のアリ」でいたい。 Review
Professor David S. Landes takes a historic approach to the analysis of the distribution of wealth in this landmark study of world economics. Landes argues that the key to today's disparity between the rich and poor nations of the world stems directly from the industrial revolution, in which some countries made the leap to industrialization and became fabulously rich, while other countries failed to adapt and remained poor. Why some countries were able to industrialize and others weren't has been the subject of much heated debate over the decades; climate, natural resources, and geography have all been put forward as explanations--and are all brushed aside by Landes in favor of his own controversial theory: that the ability to effect an industrial revolution is dependent on certain cultural traits, without which industrialization is impossible to sustain. Landes contrasts the characteristics of successfully industrialized nations--work, thrift, honesty, patience, and tenacity--with those of nonindustrial countries, arguing that until these values are internalized by all nations, the gulf between the rich and poor will continue to grow. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From Publishers Weekly
Landes (Revolution in Time), Harvard professor emeritus of history, undertakes an economic and cultural history of the world during the past five centuries. His well-written, sometimes witty analysis is the kind of work one wants to pause over and reflect upon at each chapter before moving ahead. Landes's principal argument is that the richest nations continue to prosper while poorer nations lag behind because of their relative ability or inability to exploit science, technology and economic opportunity. In every case?from ancient China to modern Japan?he maintains this is largely the result of national attitudes about a myriad of cultural factors. Landes traces the story of England's industrial revolution and America's system of mass production as indicators of the West's superiority over the rest of the world. Some of his historical illustrations are thought-provoking: for example, the importance of air conditioning to the development of the New South in the U.S. and the impact of a lifetime of eating with chopsticks on the manual dexterity of Asia's microprocessing workers. Most of all, Landes stresses the importance of cultural values, such as a predisposition for hard work, open-mindedness and a commitment to democracy, in determining a nation's course toward wealth and power.
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
134 of 152 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Interesting, even memorable, but probably misleading January 31, 2001
By Peter J. Adams
The object of this book is to survey and explain the fast or slow economic development of different parts of the world from about 1500 to the present. Landes mainly takes a regional perspective looking at Europe, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and so on with some refinement to the national scale (e.g. China vs. Japan, Britain vs. Spain).
Landes strongly advocates the point of view that cultural values (work ethic, thriftiness, attitudes toward change, technology, women) are primary determinants of economic success or failure. Although many, including myself, find this thesis lacking and controversial, there is still an abundance of interesting and useful information in this book.

On the plus side, Landes offers a wealth of fascinating anecdotes, introductory information on the history of technology that was new to me, a clear and definite argument, and above all gives the reader some sense of the importance of culture in the economic realm. Although I personally feel that Landes overstates the importance of culture, the points he makes do have some validity and are generally under appreciated. Moreover, the author is remarkably fair minded for someone advocating a controversial thesis.

Don't be fooled by the reviewers that make fun of the author for suggesting that eating with chopsticks has given Asians manual dexterity that is advantageous to their high-tech manufacturing sector. In fairness to the author, this statement is a single sentence in a 500 page book and he immediately admits that most of his colleagues smirk when they hear it.

On the minus side, the author verges on severe cultural stereotypes a few too many times. The Asians are all thrifty and hard working while the Latins have been brain washed by the Catholic church. Landes more or less ignores several non-cultural challenges that poor countries face: unfair pressure from wealthy countries to open their markets, scarcity of capital & technology, a brain drain that leaves the best and brightest in the developed world. Finally, a remarkable failure is that Landes doesn't examine the idea that cultural values may be largely determined by the material & economic conditions of a country.

The book's writing style is casual and conversational, but sometimes unclear and confusing. Many times I was not sure exactly what the author meant and wished he had written a complete sentence instead of a short and vague phrase.

The bottom line is that the book is a worthy read. While not fully convincing, I found myself having a new appreciation for the importance of cultural values in the economic realm.

5.0 out of 5 stars Essential Reading for Students of Economics and Public Policy December 28, 2005
By Allen B. Hundley
As Amazon readers may note this is a controversial book, generating more than 140 reviews since it was first published in 1998. The continuing interest is due at least in part to its promotion by some political conservatives as an answer to books like Guns, Gems, and Steel by Jared Diamond. Indeed the very relevance of this book to contemporary policy-making is the fuel that maintains the flames of a healthy debate between those on the Left and Right. Landes' arguments are forceful and convincing as far as they go and his book is essential reading for every student of world history and economics. Whether his model takes us ultimately in the direction we as a civilization really want to follow is a more subtle and profound question.

First, let's refute some false charges against Landes. He is not a racist, or an apologist for capitalist exploitation, or an ethno-centrist. He fully acknowledges the influence that geography and natural resources have on a nation's development potential and his critique of European colonialism is devastating. He completely rejects the theory of comparative advantage and long sections of the book are devoted to describing the exploitation of women and children in the early industrial periods of England and Japan.

Landes is equally critical of forces that restrict or deny freedom of thought, showing clearly how they held back nations that should have played a more dominant role in world economics. In the case of European development the single most important villain was the Catholic Church but authoritarian and totalitarian regimes of all stripes come in for condemnation.

In a nutshell Landes argues that cultural values like honesty, thrift, initiative, respect for property rights, and openness to new ideas are the key determinants of whether nations succeed or fail economically. We've heard this argument before and Landes explicitly acknowledges his debt to Max Weber, the nineteenth century sociologist who popularized the idea of the `Protestant ethic' as a historical force.

China is a major test case for Landes. Despite an impressive lead in technology, from gunpowder to printing, during the early years of European expansion, China failed to take advantage of that lead and came under European domination. The problem was not a lack of technical ability on the part of the Chinese but the fact that the nation was controlled by an imperial court that had no interest in using practical knowledge. The people at the top had everything they needed and saw no reason to allow local entrepreneurs to develop a free market economy. Such an economy might create local power centers which could challenge central authority so all such efforts were quashed before they could begin.

The centralized totalitarian rule of Chairman Mao in the twentieth century can be viewed as just a modern manifestation of this continuing characteristic of Chinese civilization. When, after Mao's death, the communists changed course and decided that capitalism was not so bad after all, the result has been the fastest growing economy in the world, fueled by foreign investors who had enough confidence that they would see a return on their investment. All of which seems to prove Landes' argument that initiative, openness to new economic (but not political) ideas, etc. bring wealth to a society just about every time.

At least for some in the society. The problem for emerging economic giants like China and India is that only one in five, chiefly city dwellers, enjoy the fruits of their society's newfound prosperity. As to how to solve this problem of equitable distribution or the problem of workers who lose their jobs to cheaper labor markets overseas Landes admits he has no answers.

Thus, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations is a splendid analysis of world economic development up until the beginning of the 21st century but it does not address the really profound problems now emerging. In particular it says nothing about the coming revolution on the horizon brought about by genetic engineering, robotics, and nanotechnology. Nor does it address the equally important issue of global economic fragility due to extreme interdependence and complexity. For these the key books are The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter, arguably the most important book of the 20th century; Collapse: How Societies Choose to Succeed or Fail by Jared Diamond; and, if one is up to a darker but nonetheless carefully reasoned analysis, The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler.

Society is far more fragile than most Americans realize. This reviewer, having lived and worked in places like Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, El Salvador and many others, knows from first hand experience that the civilization we take for granted is a frightfully thin veneer. Once shattered it cannot be easily restored. Nor should we be lulled into the false belief that it could never happen here. We have only to look at our government's grossly incompetent response to a catastrophe affecting just a handful of states (Hurricane Katrina) to realize the impossibility of an effective response to a catastrophe national in scope.

Which is why The Wealth and Power of Nations and the others cited above are so important. Heaven forbid that an economic or natural catastrophe should thrust upon us global political and economic disintegration but an honest analysis must admit the possibility. Should that happen we may hope that the wisdom and insights contained in books like these will guide those who survive toward a new, wiser, more responsible, and more gentle civilization.

3.0 out of 5 stars Superb historical overview, but it doesn't quite deliver... July 22, 2001
By Hilde Bygdevoll
"The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why some are so rich and some are so poor" is a reflective, interesting, and a well-written book. The author possesses an amazing knowledge, both historical and geographical. While he is an academic and therefore at times goes into unnecessary detail or support of his arguments, he serves us the occasional entertaining anecdote, which makes this book both readable and funny.
To explain why the economic development in the world (from about 1500 to the present) has happened at different paces and with different degrees of success is not an easy task to undertake. To do so successfully is even harder.

Landes strongly advocates the point of view that cultural values, such as technology, thriftiness, work ethic, and women, are the primary factors of economic success or failure. I truly enjoyed reading the authors observations on the various cultures and their economic successes and failures (a little minus here is Landes tendency to lean on the cultural stereotype just a few too many times). I now have a better understanding for the importance of cultural values in the economic area. Why the UK fell behind the rest of Europe, or why China by deliberately choosing to isolate the country, lost their economical/technological jump-start on Europe. I also have a greater awareness of the effects of religion; that there can be little doubt that the religious-based repression/bias towards women will continue to slow the economic development and success of the societies in which this still occur.

There is an abundance of interesting and useful information in this book, and I did learn a lot of new facts from this book. Nevertheless, I am not sure that I am left with a better understanding of the key factors that drive economic success. I can't help feeling that I worked my way through the five hundred pages waiting for the "little extra" - that never came. So even if Landis handles the facts and analysis very well, I still miss is the one, grand theory that explains it all.

Bottom line, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why some are so rich and some are so poor" is a superb historical overview, but it doesn't quite deliver what it promises - the one theory that wraps up everything, and offers some insights to the question that we all ask ourselves: "Why some are so rich and some are so poor".

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