Korean prostitutes advertise as Japanese
High-rise hookers
AT $240 an hour, these Korean sex workers could have worked off their fines before dinner yesterday, after appearing in a Southport court for illegal prostitution.
Xu Jin, 25, Hwo Kim-Rye, 32, and Park Ann-Soon, 31, were paid more than $2000 a day as illegal sex workers by a Surfers Paradise syndicate before being busted by undercover police posing as potential clients last Friday.
The detectives, part of the Prostitution Enforcement Taskforce, arranged to meet the women for sex at apartments in the Artique and Q1 high-rise towers after responding to a classified advertisement in The Gold Coast Bulletin on February 9.
The ad identified the sex workers as a 'uni party girl, just 18, Japanese, natural 36D, perfect backside'.
It also promised 'unlimited fun with all fantasies, in/out calls' and had a mobile phone number attached. Yesterday, the women pleaded guilty and were fined $1400 each.
The court was told police had responded to the ad and a woman who called herself 'Jessie' answered offering the detectives sexual services for a cost of $120 for 30 minutes and told the police to meet at Q1.
When they asked for a second sex worker they were directed to Artique.
Later, at Artique, detectives were introduced to a woman who called herself 'Iko' who confirmed the price, and was then arrested.
While they were there, other men turned up expecting sexual favours and told police they had been calling a different phone number.
Xu arrived at Artique soon after to 'check on the welfare' of 'Iko'. She escorted police to another Surfers Paradise unit in Holborrow Close from where police believe the syndicate operated.
During a search they found six mobile phones, 'numerous' newspaper advertisements and note books containing dates, sex workers' names, times of bookings and the amount each sex worker was to be paid.
Bank deposit slips were also found with the total of international transactions exceeding $6000. In the Southport Magistrates Court yesterday the women pleaded guilty to prostitution and possessing tainted property.
The court was told Hwo had been working as a prostitute on the Gold Coast since October last year and had established the syndicate.
A fourth woman, Han Eun-Young, 29, was also supposed to appear in court yesterday but skipped bail and fled Australia on Sunday.
Police have identified her as the sex worker 'Iko' at Artique.
Xu told police she took the phone calls and had been working in the syndicate for up to three months in exchange for food and free internet.
Park denied being a sex worker, despite police finding 'a large amount' of advertising forms in her bedroom.
Solicitor Melvin Tay told the court the sex workers did not know what they were doing was wrong.
He asked magistrate Gary Finger for leniency and said the women 'pledged they would not do the same thing for a friend again'.
"For all of them it is a first offence," said Mr Tay.
Mr Finger said the women before the court appeared to be the main offenders.
He fined them $1400 each and gave them four months to pay.
"Queensland has laws. You must abide by those laws," said Mr Finger.
"This is your first and only chance, you understand."
Five of the 23 licensed brothels in Queensland are on the Gold Coast.
Under state legislation, a person must make an application to the Prostitution Licensing Authority and pay an annual fee of $18,000 to obtain a brothel licence.
The manager of the business must pay an additional fee which then entitles them to have a maximum of five sex workers.
Gold Coast The Bulletin
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A Country of Liars
A Country of LiarsJapantoday
Korea the Country of Liars
In every country there are crimes that uniquely reflect its society. National Intelligence Service director-designate Kim Seung-kyu, in a lecture he gave late in May when he was justice minister, said: "The three representative crimes of our country are perjury, libel and fraud." In simple comparison, not taking into account population ratio, South Korea saw 16 times as many perjury cases in 2003 than Japan, 39 times as many libel cases and 26 times as many instances of fraud. That is extraordinarily high given Japan's population is three times our own.
The common denominator of the three crimes is lying; in short, we live in a country of liars. The prosecution devotes 70 percent of its work to handling the three crimes, the former justice minister said. And because suspects lie so much, the indictment rate in fraud cases is 19.5 percent, in perjury 29 percent and in libel 43.1 percent. "Internationally, too, there is a perception that South Korea's representative crime is fraud," Kim said, adding that recent major scandals show how rampant lying is in this country.
The prosecution is not free from responsibility, since there is a sense in which its ingrained attitude in dealing with suspects for libel, fraud and perjury has contributed to making the crimes the scourge they have become.
Lying is so common in our society because few recognize that it leads to crime. "What's wrong with telling a little lie?" they think. And here the big problem is that men of power, rather than ordinary citizens, indulge in lying on a massive scale, to the point where it is regarded as a necessary means of survival in some circles.
A recent example that hurt us all is the lies of Kim Dae-yeop, finally punished by a court for fabricating a charge against the opposition presidential candidate in the 2002 elections. That lie determined the fate of a government. When the opposition party demanded an apology, he laughed in their face by sending apples -- phonetically, both apples and apology are “sagwa.”
More staggering lies were told by the president's associates in the KORAIL “Oilgate” scandal. Deft alterations of wording by an influential lawmaker close to the chief executive and sudden failures of memory and brazen denials by others have all turned out to be false. Nonetheless, they managed to slip the clutches of the law, as if to show us that they can. We can well imagine why the ex-justice minister made his complaint.
Such behavior generally has its roots in the arrogance and egotism of those who feel that what they do is always right and anything that gets in the way is wrong. It also springs from a perception that the best strategy is to reject anything that does not fit in with your beliefs -- for example by thinking that you don’t have to abide by laws you have decided are "evil".
A country of Liars?
No hell. You are fabricatying the articl again? Try to get the point when you read the article. Do you think the point is Korea is liars' country? You'd better think about your country, and yourself.
Tea shop honors Korean folk hero Osama bin Laden
For those of you who cannot read Korean, the Korean shop on the corner of this picture with the orange sign reads, "bin Laden tabang." A tabang is a sleazy Korean tea shop that usually provides sexual services. This shop is just one more piece of evidence the bin Laden, the man who has pledged to destroy America, is a cult hero in Korea, especially with young people. Why do Koreans love bin Laden so? Many apologists will try to justify the worship on historical grounds. Don't be fooled. Plain, bald-faced bigotry is behind it. Koreans, jealous of perceived American power, were thrilled to see America humbled. What about sympathy for the children who lost mothers and fathers in the Twin Towers. Never ask that question to a Korean as they will get very angry at you and yell that why should they care a rat's booty what happens to an American.
You are overdoing the fabrication. There is no Korean who praise the ugly terror of Bin Laden.
Teabaek Ice Festival Korea
Osama Bin Laden
pro-Bin Laden children's song popular among Korean elementary school kids
With lyrics like, "Osama bin Laden, the man I
respect the most in the world / President Bush,
the man I despise the most...
"I'm going to terrorize the 63 Building by blowing
it up with an atomic bomb..."
The Bin Laden chant is supposedly sung to the tune
of either a children's song or a cartoon song.
"I think the media's portrayal of bin Laden as the
central figure in the U.S. terrorist attacks has
confused the young children into viewing bin Laden
as a hero," said a spokesman for the education office."
What's the mateer with you?
Am I a typical Korean? so what? What's the point? You mean I was lying? Make it clear, and stop your STUP personal attack.
Fraudster and his supporters.
Consumers Question eBay's Security
Although the customers of online auction giant eBay are frequently a target of phishers and fraudsters,
critics say the company turns a blind eye to the potential endangerment of its users.
In an interview with BBC's Radio Five Live, Gareth Griffiths, head of "trust and security" for eBay's operations in Britain,
said that it was the responsibility of eBay customers to install proper security software, and not to click on suspicious phishing e-mails that enable fraudsters to steal users' personal information.
eBay users have been hit with phishing e-mails multiple times in recent years, including an attack in August 2005
that actually directed readers to the genuine eBay log-in page, but then redirected them to a "fake" page in order to steal their information.
The email looks quite authentic and contains numerous links to actual eBay pages.
It invites the recipient to respond by logging into the My Messages section of eBay.
The "Respond Now" link embedded in the email, however, goes to an address that ends in ".kr," the Internet suffix used for Korean sites.
Thus, one who responded to this email and attempted to log into his or her email account would, in fact,
be giving away their eBay log-in information to what is most likely an international fraud ring.
PayPal phishing
Recent e-mails and responses to them from customers at Citizens First Bank have prompted warnings to everyone who uses PayPal, eBay or similar Web sites to pay for purchases.
"Customers are getting unsolicited e-mails (supposedly) from PayPal," said Scott Sullivan, chief operating officer at Citizens First Bank.
"We get something (from customers) once a week."
These e-mails, which resemble authentic communications from PayPal and have a secure "https" signature in the address, take customers to a fictitious site operated by a Korean company.
They usually inform customers that it is very urgent that they provide personal information to the Web site. Stolen personal information, damage to credit and loss of funds are just some of the problems caused by frauds like this.
"You get an e-mail that looks like PayPal," Furlow said. "There's a link with a warning saying your account is disabled or your account has been compromised.
The Web site (the fake one) actually does a redirect to another Web site in Korea. The Korea site logs into PayPal with your proper credentials. They have gotten smarter and smarter."
Check this out.
from korean museum's site.
"This is a tool to torture korean people, brought from japan during colonial era."
You can see larger images here.
You can read the letters on the "tool" which are
夏至 Summer-solstice
冬至 winter solstice
立夏 first-day-of-summer
立春 first-day-of-spring
春分 vernal equinox
雨水 rain water
etc..but you know koreans can't read kanji.
Here is a picture of old sun clock.
類型:武具類 / 形具類
キーワード:朝鮮笞刑令 笞刑
「ええと……さっきの話ですけど、独立記念館に展示してある笞刑台は実は日時計だったってことなんですよね? そしたら、笞刑を執行する時って、どういう風にやってたんです?」
「え? いや、他に詳しそうな人がいないもんだから……」
項目 李氏朝鮮 江戸幕府 朝鮮総督府時代
対象者 不明
※姦通罪を犯した女性に適用 農民以下の成人男性 18歳以上60歳以下の朝鮮人男性
笞のサイズ 長さ3尺5寸(約106.06cm)
厚み2分7厘(約0.82cm) 長さ1尺9寸(約57.576cm)
※図絵等から棒状と推測される 長さ1尺8寸(約54.545cm)
回数 10~100 50(軽敲)または100(重敲) 5~
手加減 (不明) 老人・病人の場合、
手加減されることがある 健康状態によっては
叩く部位 (不明) 肩から臀部にかけての背中側
※背骨に対する叩きは禁止されている 臀部
公開 公開 非公開
別の囚人は刑を目の当たりにする 非公開
廃止 (併合時まで存続) (明治政府統治下の1872年に廃止) 1920年
呵責 叱り 叱責の上で釈放
押込 10日以上100日以内の自宅監禁措置
敲 軽敲 箒尻で背中を叩く(50回)
重敲 箒尻で背中を叩く(100回)
過怠末居 50日または100日の禁固?
追放 所払 現居住地からの追放
江戸払 【江戸】江戸+品川・板橋・千住・本所・深川・四谷の大木戸以内からの追放
洛中洛外払 【京都】洛中・洛外からの追放
大坂三郷払 【大坂】大坂の三郷(北組、南組、天満組)からの追放
奈良及居村払 【奈良】居村及び奈良町からの追放
長崎払 【長崎】長崎市中からの追放
江戸十里四方追放 【江戸】日本橋より四方5里外からの追放
山城国中追放 【京都】山城国内全域らの追放
摂河両国追放 【大坂】摂津・河内両国の全域
大和国中追放 【奈良】大和国内全域からの追放
長崎及郷中追放 【長崎】居村及び長崎市中からの追放
軽追放(武士) 江戸十里四方・京・大坂・日光・日光街道・東海道筋からの追放
軽追放(武士以外) 江戸十里四方・犯罪国・現居住国からの追放
中追放(武士) 下野・武蔵・甲斐・駿河・山城・摂津・和泉・肥前・東海道筋・日光道中・木曽路・犯罪国・現居住国からの追放
中追放(武士以外) 江戸十里四方・犯罪国・現居住国からの追放
重追放(武士) 関八州・甲斐・駿河・山城・摂津・和泉・大和・肥前・東海道筋・木曽路・犯罪国・現居住国からの追放
重追放(武士以外) 江戸十里四方・犯罪国・現居住国からの追放
遠島 伊豆七島(江戸)または壱岐・隠岐・天草・薩摩五島(西国)への追放
死刑 下手人 斬首刑
死罪 斬首刑+財産没収?
獄門 斬首刑+首晒し(3日間)+財産没収?
火罪 市中引き廻し+火刑+財産没収
磔 市中引き廻し+磔台で槍により刺殺+遺体放置(3日間)+財産没収
鋸挽 市中引き廻し+鋸で首を挽く(2日間)+磔+遺体放置(3日間)+財産没収
晒 本刑執行前に市中を引き廻し、遺体を死後3日間放置する
入墨 腕・顔などに入墨を入れる
闕所 動産・不動産を没収
非人手下 非人手下または非人籍への編入
逼塞 遠慮 30日間の自宅監禁(昼間の出入り禁止)
慎遠慮 50日間の自宅監禁(昼間の出入り禁止)
閉門 50日間または100日間の自宅監禁
蟄居 蟄居 自宅内の一室に監禁
隠居 隠居し、その扶持を子孫に渡す
永蟄居 自宅内の一室に終身監禁
改易 士族からの除籍+扶持没収
預 預 他家での無期禁固
永預 他家での終身禁固、ただし赦免無し
切腹 所定の作法に則り割腹
死罪 正刑の死罪を適用
科料 罰金、銭3貫~5貫/銭10貫/財産相応の区分あり
閉戸 商店の営業停止処分、20日間/30日間/100日間の区分あり
手鎖 手錠をかける、30日間/50日間/100日間の区別あり
晒 市中で3日間緊縛状態のまま晒し、その後本寺に身柄引渡し
追院 退院 官住職を解職の上で強制退院+同一寺への復帰禁止
構 一派構 現在所属する一派からの追放
一宗構 現在所属する宗旨からの追放
剃髪 頭髪を剃った上で親族に身柄を預ける
奴 本籍を除いた上で遊郭等で働かせる
「……………………はっ!? い、いや、ちょっと考え事をしてたものでして……」【アセアセ】
「それは無いですっ! 俺には流血趣味は無いです! 別の妄想をしてただけですから」
「ウフフ♪ 素直でいいわね」
笞刑 笞で囚人を叩く
杖刑 杖で囚人を叩く
徒刑 懲役刑
流刑 追放刑
死刑 絞首刑、斬首刑など
第一条 刑事ニ関スル事項ハ本令其ノ他ノ法令ニ特別ノ規定アル場合ヲ除クノ外左ノ法律ニ依ル
一 刑法
二 刑法施行法
三 爆発物取締規則
四 明治二十二年法律第三十四号
五 通貨及証券模造取締法
六 明治三十八年法律第六十六号
七 印紙犯罪処罰法
八 明治二十三年法律第百一号
九 海底電信線保護万国聯合条約罰則
十 刑事訴訟法
十一 普通治罪法陸軍治罪法海軍治罪法交渉ノ件処分法
十二 外国裁判所ノ嘱託ニ因ル共助法
「誰か上手くドラマ化してくれないかしら? 緊迫感のある燃え燃えなストーリーになりそうね」
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